public void CleanControls(RadAjaxPanel contenedor) { for (int i = 0; i <= contenedor.Controls.Count - 1; i++) { if (contenedor.Controls[i].GetType().Name == "TextBox") { ((TextBox)contenedor.Controls[i]).Text = string.Empty; } if (contenedor.Controls[i].GetType().Name == "RadTextBox") { ((RadTextBox)contenedor.Controls[i]).Text = string.Empty; } if (contenedor.Controls[i].GetType().Name == "RadMaskedTextBox") { ((RadMaskedTextBox)contenedor.Controls[i]).Text = string.Empty; } if (contenedor.Controls[i].GetType().Name == "RadComboBox") { ((RadComboBox)contenedor.Controls[i]).SelectedValue = null; ((RadComboBox)contenedor.Controls[i]).DataSourceID = null; ((RadComboBox)contenedor.Controls[i]).DataSource = null; ((RadComboBox)contenedor.Controls[i]).DataBind(); //((RadComboBox)contenedor.Controls[i]).DataBind(); } } }
public static void SetEnable(RadGrid grid, bool Enabled, RadAjaxPanel AjaxPanel) { if (AjaxPanel.FindControl(grid.ID + "ShouldDisable") == null) { AjaxPanel.Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = string.Format("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{0}\" id=\"{0}\" value=\"{1}\" />", grid.ID + "ShouldDisable", (!Enabled).ToString()), ID = grid.ID + "ShouldDisable" }); } else { (AjaxPanel.FindControl(grid.ID + "ShouldDisable") as Literal).Text = string.Format("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{0}\" id=\"{0}\" value=\"{1}\" />", grid.ID + "ShouldDisable", (!Enabled).ToString()); } }
private void LoadAjaxPanel() { var loadingPanel = new RadAjaxLoadingPanel { ID = _control.ID + "_Prog", Skin = "Default" }; Controls.Add(loadingPanel); var ajaxPanel = new RadAjaxPanel { ID = _control.ID + "_UP", LoadingPanelID = loadingPanel.ID, RestoreOriginalRenderDelegate = false }; InjectMessageControl(ajaxPanel); ajaxPanel.Controls.Add(_control); Controls.Add(ajaxPanel); }
public void Setup_AddHandlers( WebControl Wc , RadAjaxPanel RadAjaxPanel_Target , ClsBindDefinition BindDefinition , bool IsMultipleSelect = false , string Window_Title = "" , double Window_Height = 450 , double Window_Width = 500) { Control_Selection_DataSource So = new Control_Selection_DataSource(); So.Source_ControlID = Wc.ID; So.RadAjaxPanel_TargetID = RadAjaxPanel_Target.ClientID; So.BindDefinition = BindDefinition; So.IsMultipleSelect = IsMultipleSelect; So.Window_Title = Window_Title == "" ? "Selection" : Window_Title; So.Window_Height = Window_Height < 450 ? 450 : Window_Height; So.Window_Width = Window_Width; this.mProperties.List_DataSource.Add(So); Wc.Attributes.Add(@"onclick", @"ShowSelection('" + Wc.ID + "','" + RadAjaxPanel_Target.ClientID + "', '" + So.Window_Title + "', " + So.Window_Height + ", " + So.Window_Width + "); return false;"); }
private void LoadAjaxPanel() { // Reference dnn.js to add attachEvent/detachEvent functions in IE11 to fix Telerik (see DNN-6167) JavaScript.RegisterClientReference(Page, ClientAPI.ClientNamespaceReferences.dnn); var loadingPanel = new RadAjaxLoadingPanel { ID = _control.ID + "_Prog", Skin = "Default" }; Controls.Add(loadingPanel); var ajaxPanel = new RadAjaxPanel { ID = _control.ID + "_UP", LoadingPanelID = loadingPanel.ID, RestoreOriginalRenderDelegate = false }; InjectMessageControl(ajaxPanel); ajaxPanel.Controls.Add(_control); Controls.Add(ajaxPanel); }
protected void Notify(RadAjaxPanel panel, string message, string type) { panel.ResponseScripts.Add(string.Format("notify(null, '{0}', '{1}');", message, type)); }
public void NotifyOK(RadAjaxPanel panel, string message) { Notify(panel, message, "success"); }
public void NotifyError(RadAjaxPanel panel, string message) { Notify(panel, message, "error"); }
/// <summary> /// OnPreRender handler. /// </summary> protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); _lblFolder.Text = Utilities.GetLocalizedString("Folder"); _lblFile.Text = Utilities.GetLocalizedString("File"); _lblFolder.CssClass = LabelCssClass; _lblFile.CssClass = LabelCssClass; string fileName = null; string folderPath = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePath)) { fileName = FilePath.Substring(FilePath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); { folderPath = String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) ? FilePath : FilePath.Replace(fileName, String.Empty); } } else { fileName = FilePath; folderPath = String.Empty; } if (_cboFolders.Items.FindItemByValue(folderPath) != null) { _cboFolders.SelectedIndex = -1; { _cboFolders.Items.FindItemByValue(folderPath).Selected = true; } } LoadFiles(); _pnlFolder.Visible = (_cboFolders.Items.Count > 1 && ShowFolders); if (_cboFiles.Items.FindItemByText(fileName) != null) { _cboFiles.Items.FindItemByText(fileName).Selected = true; } if (_cboFiles.SelectedItem == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(_cboFiles.SelectedItem.Value)) { FileId = -1; } else { FileId = Int32.Parse(_cboFiles.SelectedItem.Value); } _hfFileId.Value = FileId.ToString(); switch (Mode) { case FileControlMode.Normal: { _pnlFile.Visible = true; _pnlUpload.Visible = false; _pnlRightDiv.Visible = true; { ShowImage(); // show file selector preview } if ((FolderPermissionController.HasFolderPermission(PortalId, _cboFolders.SelectedItem.Value, "ADD")) && ShowUpload) { ShowButton(_cmdUpload, "Upload"); } break; } case FileControlMode.UploadFile: { ShowButton(_cmdSave, "Save"); ShowButton(_cmdCancel, "Cancel"); { _pnlFile.Visible = false; _pnlRightDiv.Visible = false; _pnlUpload.Visible = true; } RadAjaxPanel panel = (Parent as RadAjaxPanel); { panel.ClientEvents.OnRequestStart = @"utils.postback"; } break; } } }
public void Setup( ClsSysCurrentUser CurrentUser , List<ClsBindGridColumn> BindDefinition , DataTable Dt_Source , RadAjaxPanel RadAjaxPanel_Target , string ModuleName = "" , bool IsPersistent = true) { this.mProperties = new Control_Filter_Properties(); this.mProperties.BindDefinition = BindDefinition; this.mProperties.Dt_Filter = new DataTable(); this.mProperties.RadAjaxPanel_Target_ClientID = RadAjaxPanel_Target.ClientID; this.mProperties.ModuleName = ModuleName != "" ? CnsState_Filter + ModuleName : CnsState_Filter + this.Page.Request.Url.AbsolutePath; this.mProperties.IsPersistent = IsPersistent; this.ViewState[CnsProperties] = this.mProperties; //[-] this.mProperties.Dt_Filter.Columns.Add("Desc", typeof(string)); this.mProperties.Dt_Filter.Columns.Add("Field", typeof(string)); this.mProperties.Dt_Filter.Columns.Add("DataType", typeof(string)); foreach (ClsBindGridColumn Gc in this.mProperties.BindDefinition) { if (Gc.mIsFilter && (Gc.mFieldName != "")) { try { Do_Methods.AddDataRow( ref this.mProperties.Dt_Filter , new string[] { "Field", "Desc", "DataType" } , new object[] { Gc.mFieldName, Gc.mFieldDesc, Dt_Source.Columns[Gc.mFieldName].DataType.ToString() }); } catch { } } } Methods_Web.BindCombo(ref this.Cbo_Filter, this.mProperties.Dt_Filter, "Field", "Desc"); //[-] if (this.mProperties.IsPersistent) { this.mState = (Control_Filter_State)this.Session[this.mProperties.ModuleName]; if (this.mState == null) { this.mState = new Control_Filter_State(); this.Session[this.mProperties.ModuleName] = this.mState; } } else { this.mState = new Control_Filter_State(); this.ViewState[CnsState_Filter] = this.mState; } //[-] this.UpdateFilterLabel(); }
public static bool DoLogin(string User, string Password, Page Page, ref string Error, object AjaxPanel, bool ShouldRedirect) { User = User.ToUpper(); Password = Password.ToUpper(); try { if (GMembershipProvider.Default.ValidateUser(User, Password)) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(User, false); // Cria uma identificação (temporária) FormsIdentity id = new FormsIdentity(new FormsAuthenticationTicket(User, false, 20)); // Anexa a identidade ao HttpContext atual para,temporariamente, o user ficar setado como autenticado HttpContext.Current.User = new GenericPrincipal(id, new string[] { }); string RefreshControlsID = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["RefreshControlID"]; string Url = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["url"]; bool CloseWindow = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["CloseWindow"] == "true"; RadAjaxPanel Ajax = null; if (AjaxPanel != null && AjaxPanel is RadAjaxPanel) { Ajax = (RadAjaxPanel)AjaxPanel; } if ((RefreshControlsID == "" || RefreshControlsID == null) && Page.Request["RefreshControlsIDHidden"] != null) { RefreshControlsID = Page.Request["RefreshControlsIDHidden"]; } if ((Url == "" || Url == null) && Page.Request["PageToRedirectHidden"] != null) { Url = Page.Request["PageToRedirectHidden"]; } if (RefreshControlsID != "" && RefreshControlsID != null) { if (AjaxPanel == null) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "Refresh", "<script>getParentPage().RefreshNavigationControl('" + RefreshControlsID + "','" + Url + "');</script>"); } else { Ajax.ResponseScripts.Add("getParentPage().RefreshNavigationControl('" + RefreshControlsID + "','" + Url + "');"); } } else if (ShouldRedirect) { if (Url != "" && Url != null) { Url = Base64.Decode(Url); if (AjaxPanel == null) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "PageToRedirect", "<script>document.location.href = '" + Url + "';</script>"); } else { Ajax.ResponseScripts.Add("document.location.href = '" + Url + "';"); } } } if (AjaxPanel != null) { Ajax.ResponseScripts.Add("try{OnLoginSucceded();}catch(ex){}"); Ajax.ResponseScripts.Add("document.forms[0].RefreshControlsIDHidden.value = \"\";"); Ajax.ResponseScripts.Add("document.forms[0].PageToRedirectHidden.value = \"\";"); if (CloseWindow) { Ajax.ResponseScripts.Add("try{getParentPage().GetRadWindowManager().GetActiveWindow().Close();}catch(ex){}"); } } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "Succeded", "<script>OnLoginSucceded();</script>"); if (CloseWindow) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "CloseWindow", "<script>try{getParentPage().GetRadWindowManager().GetActiveWindow().Close();}catch(ex){}</script>"); } } return(true); } else { if (User != User.Trim() || Password != Password.Trim()) { return(Utility.DoLogin(User.Trim(), Password.Trim(), Page, ref Error, AjaxPanel, ShouldRedirect)); } Error = "Usuário ou senha inválido(s)!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Error = "Erro interno ao efetuar login! <a href = \"javascript:return false;\" onclick = \"alert('" + ex.Message.ToString().Replace("'", "").Replace("\"", "") + "',0, 'Erro ao realizar login');\" > Ver mais </a>"; } return(false); }