Esempio n. 1
        public void PerformanceTest(int messageSize, bool confirmedSending)
            var messageBytes = new byte[messageSize];

            new Random().NextBytes(messageBytes);

            using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
                IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(null, confirmedSending);
                Stopwatch         sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = messageBytes, Type = typeof(byte[]).Name
                }, 0);
                int sendCounter;
                for (sendCounter = 0; sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 4000; sendCounter++)
                    messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                        Bytes = messageBytes, Type = typeof(byte[]).Name
                    }, 0);
                int receiveCounter = 0;

                var ev = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) => receiveCounter++, typeof(byte[]).Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Send: {0} per second. {1:0.00} Mbit/s", sendCounter / 4, 1.0 * sendCounter * messageSize / 4 / 1024 / 1024 * 8);
                Console.WriteLine("Receive: {0} per second. {1:0.00}  Mbit/s", receiveCounter / 2, 1.0 * receiveCounter * messageSize / 2 / 1024 / 1024 * 8);
Esempio n. 2
        public void NackTest()
            using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
                var delivered = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(null);
                messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = typeof(byte[]).Name
                }, 0);
                messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("message:" + message.Type);
                }, typeof(byte[]).Name);
                Assert.That(delivered.WaitOne(300), Is.True, "Message was not delivered");

            using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
                var delivered = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(null);
                messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) => delivered.Set(), typeof(byte[]).Name);
                Assert.That(delivered.WaitOne(1000), Is.True, "Message was not returned to queue");
Esempio n. 3
        public void UnknownMessageTypeHandlerWaitingDoesNotPreventTransportDisposeTest()
            var    received         = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            Thread connectionThread = null;

            using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
                IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(null);
                messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) =>
                    connectionThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
                }, "type1");
                messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = "type1"
                }, 0);
                Assert.That(received.WaitOne(100), Is.True, "Message was not delivered");
                messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = "type2"
                }, 0);
            Assert.That(connectionThread.ThreadState, Is.EqualTo(ThreadState.Stopped), "Processing thread is still active in spite of transport dispose");
Esempio n. 4
        public void SessionIsTreatedAsBrokenAfterSendFailureWithAlreadyClosedExceptionTest()
            using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
                var onFailureCalled = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(() =>

                messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = "messageType"
                }, 0);
                FieldInfo field      = typeof(RabbitMqSession).GetField("m_Connection", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                var       connection = field.GetValue(messagingSession) as IConnection;
                connection.Abort(1, "All your base are belong to us");
                AlreadyClosedException ex = null;
                    messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                        Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = "messageType"
                    }, 0);
                catch (AlreadyClosedException e)
                    ex = e;

                Assert.That(ex, Is.Not.Null, "Exception was not thrown on send fail");
                Assert.That(ex, Is.InstanceOf <AlreadyClosedException>(), "Wrong exception type was thrown on send fail");
                Assert.That(transport.SessionsCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "session was not removed after send failed AlreadyClosedException ");
                Assert.That(onFailureCalled.WaitOne(500), Is.True, "Subsciptionwas not notefied on failure");
Esempio n. 5
        public void SendFailureTest()
            using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
                var delivered = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(() => Console.WriteLine("onFailure called"));

                /*FieldInfo field = typeof(RabbitMqSession).GetField("m_Connection", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                 * var connection = field.GetValue(messagingSession) as IConnection;
                 * connection.Abort(1, "All your base are belong to us");*/
                while (true)
                        messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                            Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = typeof(byte[]).Name
                        }, 0);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "!!!!!!!!!");
Esempio n. 6
        public void MessageOfUnknownTypeShouldPauseProcessingTillCorrespondingHandlerIsRegisteredTest()
            using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
                IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(null);
                var type1Received = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                var type2Received = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) =>
                }, "type1");

                messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = "type1"
                }, 0);
                Assert.That(type1Received.WaitOne(500), Is.True, "Message of subscribed type was not delivered");
                messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = "type2"
                }, 0);
                //Give time for type2 message to be  pushed back by mq
                messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = "type1"
                }, 0);
                Assert.That(type1Received.WaitOne(500), Is.False, "Message of not subscribed type has not paused processing");
                Assert.That(type2Received.WaitOne(500), Is.False, "Message of not subscribed type has not paused processing");
                messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) => { type2Received.Set();
                                                                                   acknowledge(true); }, "type2");
                Assert.That(type1Received.WaitOne(500), Is.True, "Processing was not resumed after handler for unknown message type was registered");
                Assert.That(type2Received.WaitOne(500), Is.True, "Processing was not resumed after handler for unknown message type was registered");
Esempio n. 7
 public void AttemptToSubscribeSameDestinationAndMessageTypeTwiceFailureTest()
     using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
         IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(null);
         messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) => { }, "type1");
         Assert.That(() => messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) => { }, "type1"), Throws.TypeOf <InvalidOperationException>());
Esempio n. 8
 public void UnsubscribeTest(string messageType)
     using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
         var ev = new AutoResetEvent(false);
         IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(null);
         messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
             Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = messageType
         }, 0);
         IDisposable subscription = messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) => ev.Set(), messageType);
         Assert.That(ev.WaitOne(500), Is.True, "Message was not delivered");
         Assert.That(ev.WaitOne(500), Is.False, "Message was delivered for canceled subscription");
Esempio n. 9
 public void HandlerWaitStopsAndMessageOfUnknownTypeReturnsToQueueOnUnsubscribeTest()
     using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
         IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(null);
         var         received     = new AutoResetEvent(false);
         IDisposable subscription = messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) =>
         }, "type2");
         messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
             Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = "type1"
         }, 0);
         Assert.That(received.WaitOne(500), Is.False, "Message of not subscribed type has not paused processing");
         messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) => received.Set(), "type1");
         Assert.That(received.WaitOne(500), Is.True, "Message was not returned to queue");
Esempio n. 10
 public void ConnectionFailureTest()
     using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
         var onFailureCalled = new AutoResetEvent(false);
         IMessagingSession messagingSession = transport.CreateSession(() =>
         messagingSession.Send(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
             Bytes = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 }, Type = "messageType"
         }, 0);
         messagingSession.Subscribe(TEST_QUEUE, (message, acknowledge) => { }, "messageType");
         FieldInfo field      = typeof(RabbitMqSession).GetField("m_Connection", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
         var       connection = field.GetValue(messagingSession) as IConnection;
         connection.Abort(1, "All your base are belong to us");
         Assert.That(onFailureCalled.WaitOne(500), Is.True, "Subsciptionwas not notefied on failure");
Esempio n. 11
        public void RpcTest()
            using (var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(_logFactory, HOST, "guest", "guest"))
                var    request        = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 };
                var    response       = new byte[] { 0x2, 0x1, 0x0 };
                byte[] actualResponse = null;
                var    received       = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                var session = transport.CreateSession(null);
                session.RegisterHandler(TEST_QUEUE, message => new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = response, Type = typeof(byte[]).Name
                }, null);
                session.SendRequest(TEST_EXCHANGE, new BinaryMessage {
                    Bytes = request, Type = typeof(byte[]).Name
                }, message =>
                    actualResponse = message.Bytes;
                Assert.That(received.WaitOne(500), Is.True, "Response was not received");
                Assert.That(actualResponse, Is.EqualTo(response), "Received response does not match sent one");