public Slot(Player player, float width, float height) { this.player = player; _width = width; _height = height; nameCell = new Cell(); AddChild(handleBox = new HandleBox(this)); AddChild(nameBox = new NameBox(this)); AddChild(scoreBox = new ScoreBox(this)); AddChild(minusBox = new MathBox(this, MathType.Minus)); AddChild(plusBox = new MathBox(this, MathType.Plus)); minusBox.SignalTick += HandleMinusTick; plusBox.SignalTick += HandlePlusTick; scoreBox.SignalRelease += HandleScoreTap; nameBox.SignalRelease += HandleNameTap; ListenForUpdate(HandleUpdate); DoLayout(); _resetTweenable = new RXTweenable(0.0f, HandleResetTweenableChange); buildInTweenable = new RXTweenable(0.0f, HandleBuildInChange); HandleBuildInChange(); }
public ScoreBox(Slot slot) { this.slot = slot; mathMode = new RXTweenable(0.0f,HandleMathModeChange); base.Init(slot.player); contentContainer.AddChild(_scoreLabel = new FLabel("Raleway","")); _scoreLabel.color =; _baseLabel = new FLabel("Raleway","123"); _baseLabel.color =; _deltaLabel = new FLabel("Raleway","22"); _deltaLabel.color =; _signIcon = new FSprite("Icons/Plus"); _signIcon.color =; _equalsIcon = new FSprite("Icons/Equals"); _equalsIcon.color =; _skullSprite = new FSprite("Icons/Skull"); _skullSprite.color =; slot.player.SignalScoreChange += HandleScoreChange; ListenForUpdate(HandleUpdate); HandleMathModeChange(); HandleScoreChange(); }
public ScoreBox(Slot slot) { this.slot = slot; mathMode = new RXTweenable(0.0f, HandleMathModeChange); base.Init(slot.player); contentContainer.AddChild(_scoreLabel = new FLabel("Raleway", "")); _scoreLabel.color =; _baseLabel = new FLabel("Raleway", "123"); _baseLabel.color =; _deltaLabel = new FLabel("Raleway", "22"); _deltaLabel.color =; _signIcon = new FSprite("Icons/Plus"); _signIcon.color =; _equalsIcon = new FSprite("Icons/Equals"); _equalsIcon.color =; _skullSprite = new FSprite("Icons/Skull"); _skullSprite.color =; slot.player.SignalScoreChange += HandleScoreChange; ListenForUpdate(HandleUpdate); HandleMathModeChange(); HandleScoreChange(); }
public static RXTweenable DelayAction(float delay, Action action) { RXTweenable rt = new RXTweenable(0.0f); rt.To(1.0f, delay, new TweenConfig().onComplete((t) => { action(); })); return(rt); }
public Box() { _alphaTweenable = new RXTweenable(1.0f); _alphaTweenable.SignalChange += () => { this.alpha = _alphaTweenable.amount; }; _colorTweenable = new RXTweenable(1.0f); _colorDelayTweenable = new RXTweenable(0.0f); }
private void HandlePlayerColorChange() { Color newColor = _player.color.color; RXTweenable delayTweenable = new RXTweenable(0.0f); delayTweenable.To(1.0f, colorTweenDelay + 0.001f, new TweenConfig().onComplete( () => { Color oldColor = boxSprite.color; //note: intentionally not using += _colorTweenable.SignalChange = () => { boxSprite.color = oldColor + (newColor - oldColor) * _colorTweenable.amount; }; _colorTweenable.amount = 0.0f; _colorTweenable.To(1.0f, 0.3f); } )); }
public VolumeBox() { base.Init(Player.NullPlayer); contentContainer.AddChild(mainSprite = new FSprite("Icons/Volume_Main")); contentSprites.Add(mainSprite); mainSprite.color =; contentContainer.AddChild(barASprite = new FSliceSprite("Icons/Volume_Bar", 6, 20, 8, 0, 8, 0)); contentSprites.Add(barASprite); barASprite.color =; contentContainer.AddChild(barBSprite = new FSliceSprite("Icons/Volume_Bar", 6, 20, 8, 0, 8, 0)); contentSprites.Add(barBSprite); barBSprite.color =; FSoundManager.Init(); _isMuted = FSoundManager.isMuted; //1.0f = muted (X), 0.0f = unmuted (||) muteTweenable = new RXTweenable(_isMuted ? 1.0f : 0.0f); muteTweenable.SignalChange += HandleMuteChange; HandleMuteChange(); }
public void Reorder(bool shouldWaitUntilMathModeFinishes, bool shouldScrollToTop, bool isFlipping) { if (_slots.Count == 0) { return; //no need sorting things that don't exist :) } if (shouldWaitUntilMathModeFinishes) { for (int s = 0; s < _slots.Count; s++) { if (_slots[s].scoreBox.mathMode.amount > 0) { return; //don't sort if one of them is in math mode } } } _isFlipping = isFlipping; List <Slot> originalSlots = new List <Slot>(_slots); //create a copy Slot oldWinningSlot = _slots[0]; float totalHeight = _slots.Count * (Config.SLOT_HEIGHT + Config.PADDING_M) - Config.PADDING_M; _minScrollY = Mathf.Min(0, -(totalHeight - _height) / 2 - Config.PADDING_M); _maxScrollY = Mathf.Max(0, (totalHeight - _height) / 2 + Config.PADDING_M); _canScroll = (totalHeight > _height); _slots.Sort(SlotSorter); for (int s = 0; s < _slots.Count; s++) { Slot slot = _slots[s]; slotContainer.AddChildAtIndex(slot, 0); //add at the bottom float newY = totalHeight * 0.5f - Config.SLOT_HEIGHT * 0.5f - (Config.SLOT_HEIGHT + Config.PADDING_M) * s; if (slot.index == -1) //it's new! { slot.y = newY; float delay; if (_isInitializing) { delay = 0.2f + (float)s * 0.1f; } else { delay = _slots.Count == 1 ? 0 : 0.3f; //only delay if there are other players } //note how we make the tween longer AND delay it by the delay. weird effect :) Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot.buildInTweenable);, 0.5f + delay, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount", 1.0f).setDelay(delay)); } else if (slot.index < s) //moving down { Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot.buildInTweenable);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount", 1.0f)); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("y", newY).setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoInOut)); float delta = s - slot.index; float scaleAmount = 0.04f + delta * 0.0075f; //slot shrink more the farther it travels downward RXTweenable tw = new RXTweenable(0.0f); tw.SignalChange += () => { slot.scale = 1.0f - scaleAmount * RXEase.UpDown(tw.amount, RXEase.SineIn); };, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount", 1.0f).setEaseType(EaseType.Linear)); } else if (slot.index > s) //moving up { Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot.buildInTweenable);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount", 1.0f)); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("y", newY).setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoInOut)); //slot grows more the farther it travels upward float delta = slot.index - s; float scaleAmount = 0.04f + delta * 0.0075f; RXTweenable tw = new RXTweenable(0.0f); tw.SignalChange += () => { slot.scale = 1.0f + scaleAmount * RXEase.UpDown(tw.amount, RXEase.SineIn); };, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount", 1.0f).setEaseType(EaseType.Linear)); } else { if (slot.y != newY) { Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot.buildInTweenable);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount", 1.0f)); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("y", newY).setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoInOut)); } } slot.index = s; } bool isThereANewWinner = (oldWinningSlot != _slots[0]); if (isThereANewWinner || shouldScrollToTop) { ScrollToTop(1.0f); } else if (!_canScroll) { ScrollToTop(0.5f); //make sure it's always centered } if (isThereANewWinner) { //TODO: play winner sound _slots[0].player.color.PlayNormalSound(); } if (!RXUtils.AreListsEqual(_slots, originalSlots)) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("UI/Sort"); } SKDataManager.MarkDirty(); _isFlipping = false; }
private void HandlePlayerColorChange() { Color newColor = _player.color.color; RXTweenable delayTweenable = new RXTweenable(0.0f); delayTweenable.To(1.0f,colorTweenDelay+0.001f,new TweenConfig().onComplete( ()=> { Color oldColor = boxSprite.color; //note: intentionally not using += _colorTweenable.SignalChange = () => { boxSprite.color = oldColor + (newColor - oldColor) * _colorTweenable.amount; }; _colorTweenable.amount = 0.0f; _colorTweenable.To(1.0f,0.3f); } )); }
public VolumeBox() { base.Init(Player.NullPlayer); contentContainer.AddChild(mainSprite = new FSprite("Icons/Volume_Main")); contentSprites.Add(mainSprite); mainSprite.color =; contentContainer.AddChild(barASprite = new FSliceSprite("Icons/Volume_Bar",6,20,8,0,8,0)); contentSprites.Add(barASprite); barASprite.color =; contentContainer.AddChild(barBSprite = new FSliceSprite("Icons/Volume_Bar",6,20,8,0,8,0)); contentSprites.Add(barBSprite); barBSprite.color =; FSoundManager.Init(); _isMuted = FSoundManager.isMuted; //1.0f = muted (X), 0.0f = unmuted (||) muteTweenable = new RXTweenable(_isMuted ? 1.0f : 0.0f); muteTweenable.SignalChange += HandleMuteChange; HandleMuteChange(); }
public PlayerEditor() { deleteModeTweenable = new RXTweenable(0.0f); deleteModeTweenable.SignalChange += HandleDeleteModeChange; AddChild(keyboardAndSwatchContainer = new FContainer()); }
public void Reorder(bool shouldWaitUntilMathModeFinishes, bool shouldScrollToTop, bool isFlipping) { if(_slots.Count == 0) return; //no need sorting things that don't exist :) if(shouldWaitUntilMathModeFinishes) { for(int s = 0; s<_slots.Count; s++) { if(_slots[s].scoreBox.mathMode.amount > 0) return; //don't sort if one of them is in math mode } } _isFlipping = isFlipping; List<Slot> originalSlots = new List<Slot>(_slots); //create a copy Slot oldWinningSlot = _slots[0]; float totalHeight = _slots.Count * (Config.SLOT_HEIGHT+Config.PADDING_M) - Config.PADDING_M; _minScrollY = Mathf.Min(0,-(totalHeight - _height)/2 - Config.PADDING_M); _maxScrollY = Mathf.Max(0,(totalHeight - _height)/2 + Config.PADDING_M); _canScroll = (totalHeight > _height); _slots.Sort(SlotSorter); for(int s = 0; s<_slots.Count; s++) { Slot slot = _slots[s]; slotContainer.AddChildAtIndex(slot,0); //add at the bottom float newY = totalHeight*0.5f - Config.SLOT_HEIGHT*0.5f - (Config.SLOT_HEIGHT+Config.PADDING_M)*s; if(slot.index == -1) //it's new! { slot.y = newY; float delay; if(_isInitializing) { delay = 0.2f + (float)s * 0.1f; } else { delay = _slots.Count == 1 ? 0 : 0.3f; //only delay if there are other players } //note how we make the tween longer AND delay it by the delay. weird effect :) Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot.buildInTweenable);, 0.5f + delay, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount",1.0f).setDelay(delay)); } else if(slot.index < s) //moving down { Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot.buildInTweenable);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount",1.0f)); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("y",newY).setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoInOut)); float delta = s - slot.index ; float scaleAmount = 0.04f + delta * 0.0075f; //slot shrink more the farther it travels downward RXTweenable tw = new RXTweenable(0.0f); tw.SignalChange += () => { slot.scale = 1.0f - scaleAmount * RXEase.UpDown(tw.amount,RXEase.SineIn); };, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount",1.0f).setEaseType(EaseType.Linear)); } else if(slot.index > s) //moving up { Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot.buildInTweenable);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount",1.0f)); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("y",newY).setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoInOut)); //slot grows more the farther it travels upward float delta = slot.index - s; float scaleAmount = 0.04f + delta * 0.0075f; RXTweenable tw = new RXTweenable(0.0f); tw.SignalChange += () => { slot.scale = 1.0f + scaleAmount * RXEase.UpDown(tw.amount,RXEase.SineIn); };, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount",1.0f).setEaseType(EaseType.Linear)); } else { if(slot.y != newY) { Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot.buildInTweenable);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("amount",1.0f)); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(slot);, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("y",newY).setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoInOut)); } } slot.index = s; } bool isThereANewWinner = (oldWinningSlot != _slots[0]); if(isThereANewWinner || shouldScrollToTop) { ScrollToTop(1.0f); } else if (!_canScroll) { ScrollToTop(0.5f); //make sure it's always centered } if(isThereANewWinner) { //TODO: play winner sound _slots[0].player.color.PlayNormalSound(); } if(!RXUtils.AreListsEqual(_slots,originalSlots)) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("UI/Sort"); } SKDataManager.MarkDirty(); _isFlipping = false; }