private void btnRestoreInspectionPlan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WaitForm2 wf = new WaitForm2();


            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS              rwAssBus    = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();
            INSPECTION_PLAN_BUS            inPlanBus   = new INSPECTION_PLAN_BUS();
            DM_ITEMS_BUS dmItemsBus     = new DM_ITEMS_BUS();
            List <int>   listIDCoverage = insCovBus.getlistIDbyEquipmentIDandComponentID(rwAssBus.getEquipmentID(IDAss), rwAssBus.getComponentID(IDAss));

            foreach (int i in listIDCoverage)
                List <int> listIDDetal = insCovDeBus.getIDbyCoverageID(i);
                foreach (int j in listIDDetal)
                    INSPECTION_COVERAGE_DETAIL insCovDe = insCovDeBus.getDataSourcebyID(j);
                    dtgvInsHis.Rows.Add(inPlanBus.getPlanName(insCovBus.getPlanIDbyID(i)), insCovDe.InspectionDate.ToShortDateString(), dmItemsBus.getDMDescriptionbyDMItemID(insCovDe.DMItemID), insCovDe.InspectionSummary, "...", insCovDe.EffectivenessCode, insCovDe.IsCarriedOut, insCovDe.CarriedOutDate.ToShortDateString(), "Delete");
            int n = dtgvInsHis.RowCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                dtgvInsHis.Rows[i].ReadOnly          = true;
                dtgvInsHis.Rows[i].Cells[6].ReadOnly = false;
                dtgvInsHis.Rows[i].Cells[5].ReadOnly = false;
                dtgvInsHis.Rows[i].Cells[8].ReadOnly = false;
                dtgvInsHis.Rows[i].Cells[3].ReadOnly = false;
Esempio n. 2
        private void initData_CA(int ID)
            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS    busAssess     = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();
            COMPONENT_MASTER_BUS busCompMaster = new COMPONENT_MASTER_BUS();

            int[] temp       = busAssess.getEquipmentID_ComponentID(ID);
            int   compTypeID = busCompMaster.getComponentTypeID(temp[1]);

            Console.WriteLine("comTypeID=" + compTypeID + " " + temp[1]);

            if (compTypeID == 12)
                tabCATankBottom.PageVisible = true;
                tabCAShell.PageVisible      = false;
                tabCA.PageVisible           = false;
                tabCATankShell.PageVisible  = false;
                TabArea.PageVisible         = false;
            else if (compTypeID == 8)
                tabCA.PageVisible           = false;
                tabCATankBottom.PageVisible = false;
                tabCAShell.PageVisible      = false;
                tabCATankShell.PageVisible  = true;
                TabArea.PageVisible         = false;
            else if (compTypeID == 13)
                tabCA.PageVisible           = false;
                tabCATankBottom.PageVisible = false;
                TabArea.PageVisible         = false;
                tabCAShell.PageVisible      = true;
                tabCATankShell.PageVisible  = true;
                #region  table RW_FULL_COF_TANK
                RW_FULL_COF_TANK_BUS COFBus = new RW_FULL_COF_TANK_BUS();
                RW_FULL_COF_TANK     obj    = COFBus.getData(ID);
                txtProdCost.Text = obj.ProdCost.ToString();

                txtEquipOutageMultiplier.Text = obj.EquipOutageMultiplier.ToString();
                txtEquip.Text   = obj.equipcost.ToString();
                txtDensity.Text = obj.popdens.ToString();
                txtInjury.Text  = obj.injcost.ToString();
                tabCATankBottom.PageVisible = false;
                tabCAShell.PageVisible      = false;
                tabCA.PageVisible           = true;
                tabCATankShell.PageVisible  = false;
Esempio n. 3
        private void btnAddRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RW_CORROSION_RATE_TANK     obj           = new RW_CORROSION_RATE_TANK();
            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS          busAssessment = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();
            List <RW_ASSESSMENT>       listAss       = busAssessment.getDataSource();

            //int ID = listAss.Max(RW_ASSESSMENT => RW_ASSESSMENT.ID);
            obj.ID = Proposal_ID;
Esempio n. 4
        public RW_ASSESSMENT getData(int ID)
            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS assBus = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();

            int[]         temp = assBus.getEquipmentID_ComponentID(ID);
            RW_ASSESSMENT ass  = new RW_ASSESSMENT();

            ass.AssessmentDate     = dateAssessmentDate.DateTime;
            ass.RiskAnalysisPeriod = txtRiskAnalysisPeriod.Text != "" ? int.Parse(txtRiskAnalysisPeriod.Text) : 0;
            ass.IsEquipmentLinked  = chkRiskLinksEquipmentRisk.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            ass.RecordType         = cbReportTemplate.Text;
            ass.ProposalName       = txtAssessmentName.Text;
            ass.AdoptedDate        = DateTime.Now;
            ass.RecommendedDate    = DateTime.Now;
            ass.EquipmentID        = temp[0];
            ass.ComponentID        = temp[1];
Esempio n. 5
        public RW_STREAM getData(int ID)
            RW_STREAM         stream = new RW_STREAM();
            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS assBus = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();

            stream.ID                = ID;
            stream.AmineSolution     = cbAmineSolutionComposition.Text;
            stream.AqueousOperation  = chkAqueousPhaseDuringOperation.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.AqueousShutdown   = chkAqueousPhaseShutdown.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.ToxicConstituent  = chkToxicConstituents.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.Caustic           = chkEnvironmentContainsCaustic.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.Chloride          = txtChlorideIon.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtChlorideIon.Text) : 0;
            stream.CO3Concentration  = txtCO3ConcentrationWater.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtCO3ConcentrationWater.Text) : 0;
            stream.Cyanide           = chkPresenceCyanides.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.ExposedToGasAmine = chkExposedAcidGas.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.ExposedToSulphur  = chkExposedSulphurBearing.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.ExposureToAmine   = cbExposureAmine.Text;
            stream.H2S        = chkEnviromentContainsH2S.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.H2SInWater = txtH2SContentInWater.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtH2SContentInWater.Text) : 0;
            stream.Hydrogen   = chkProcessContainsHydrogen.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.Hydrofluoric           = chkPresenceHydrofluoricAcid.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.MaterialExposedToClInt = chkChlorine.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            stream.NaOHConcentration = txtNaOHConcentration.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtNaOHConcentration.Text) : 0;
            stream.ReleaseFluidPercentToxic = txtReleaseFluidPercent.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtReleaseFluidPercent.Text) : 0;
            stream.WaterpH = txtpHWater.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtpHWater.Text) : 0;
        private void btnAddInspectionPlan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS         rwAssBus    = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();
            int n = rwInsHisBus.getDataComp(rwAssBus.getComponentID(IDAss)).Count;

            if (n > 0)
                dtgvInsHis.Rows.Add("-", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), "Corrosion Under Insulation", "", "", "E", 0, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                if (dtgvInsHis.RowCount > 0)
                    dtgvInsHis.Rows.Add("-", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), "Corrosion Under Insulation", "", "", "E", 0, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                    MessageBox.Show("This proposal does not have mitigation plan, please add mitigation planning.", "Inspection / Mitigation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
Esempio n. 7
        public void showDatatoControl(int ID)
            EQUIPMENT_TYPE_BUS     eqTypeBus          = new EQUIPMENT_TYPE_BUS();
            EQUIPMENT_MASTER_BUS   equipmentMasterBus = new EQUIPMENT_MASTER_BUS();
            DESIGN_CODE_BUS        designCodeBus      = new DESIGN_CODE_BUS();
            SITES_BUS              siteBus            = new SITES_BUS();
            FACILITY_BUS           facilityBus        = new FACILITY_BUS();
            MANUFACTURER_BUS       manuBus            = new MANUFACTURER_BUS();
            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS      rwAssBus           = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();
            COMPONENT_MASTER_BUS   comMaBus           = new COMPONENT_MASTER_BUS();
            COMPONENT_TYPE__BUS    comTypeBus         = new COMPONENT_TYPE__BUS();
            API_COMPONENT_TYPE_BUS apiComponentBus    = new API_COMPONENT_TYPE_BUS();

            int[]            equipmentID_componentID = rwAssBus.getEquipmentID_ComponentID(ID);
            EQUIPMENT_MASTER eqMa  = equipmentMasterBus.getData(equipmentID_componentID[0]);
            COMPONENT_MASTER comMa = comMaBus.getData(equipmentID_componentID[1]);
            RW_ASSESSMENT    ass   = rwAssBus.getData(ID);

            txtAssessmentName.Text      = ass.ProposalName;
            dateAssessmentDate.DateTime = ass.AssessmentDate;
            txtRiskAnalysisPeriod.Text  = ass.RiskAnalysisPeriod.ToString();

            txtEquipmentNumber.Text    = eqMa.EquipmentNumber;
            txtEquipmentType.Text      = eqTypeBus.getEquipmentTypeName(eqMa.EquipmentTypeID);
            txtSites.Text              = siteBus.getSiteName(eqMa.SiteID);
            txtDesignCode.Text         = designCodeBus.getDesignCodeName(eqMa.DesignCodeID);
            txtFacility.Text           = facilityBus.getFacilityName(eqMa.FacilityID);
            txtManufacturer.Text       = manuBus.getManuName(eqMa.ManufacturerID);
            dateComissionDate.DateTime = eqMa.CommissionDate;
            txtEquipmentName.Text      = eqMa.EquipmentName;
            txtProcessDesciption.Text  = eqMa.ProcessDescription;

            txtComponentNumber.Text           = comMa.ComponentNumber;
            txtComponentType.Text             = comTypeBus.getComponentTypeName(comMa.ComponentTypeID);
            txtAPIComponentType.Text          = apiComponentBus.getAPIComponentTypeName(comMa.APIComponentTypeID);
            txtComponentName.Text             = comMa.ComponentName;
            chkRiskLinksEquipmentRisk.Checked = comMa.IsEquipmentLinked == 1 ? true : false;
            //foreach(RW_ASSESSMENT a in listAssessment)
            //    if(a.ID == ID)
            //    {
            //        txtAssessmentName.Text = a.ProposalName;
            //        ProposalName = a.ProposalName;
            //        dateAssessmentDate.DateTime = a.AssessmentDate;
            //        txtRiskAnalysisPeriod.Text = a.RiskAnalysisPeriod.ToString();
            //        foreach (EQUIPMENT_MASTER e in listEquipmentMaster)
            //        {
            //            if (e.EquipmentID == a.EquipmentID)
            //            {
            //                txtEquipmentNumber.Text = e.EquipmentNumber;
            //                dateComissionDate.DateTime = e.CommissionDate;
            //                txtEquipmentName.Text = e.EquipmentName;
            //                foreach (EQUIPMENT_TYPE t in listEquipmentType)
            //                {
            //                    if (t.EquipmentTypeID == e.EquipmentTypeID)
            //                        txtEquipmentType.Text = t.EquipmentTypeName;
            //                }
            //                foreach (DESIGN_CODE d in listDesignCode)
            //                {
            //                    if (d.DesignCodeID == e.DesignCodeID)
            //                        txtDesignCode.Text = d.DesignCode;
            //                }
            //                foreach (FACILITY f in listFacility)
            //                {
            //                    if (e.FacilityID == f.FacilityID)
            //                        txtFacility.Text = f.FacilityName;
            //                }
            //                foreach (SITES s in listSite)
            //                {
            //                    if (s.SiteID == e.SiteID)
            //                        txtSites.Text = s.SiteName;
            //                }
            //                foreach (MANUFACTURER m in listManu)
            //                {
            //                    if (m.ManufacturerID == e.ManufacturerID)
            //                        txtManufacturer.Text = m.ManufacturerName;
            //                }
            //            }
            //            break;
            //        }
            //        foreach (COMPONENT_MASTER c in listComMa)
            //        {
            //            if (c.ComponentID == a.ComponentID)
            //            {
            //                txtComponentNumber.Text = c.ComponentNumber;
            //                foreach (COMPONENT_TYPE t in listComponentType)
            //                {
            //                    if (c.ComponentTypeID == t.ComponentTypeID)
            //                    {
            //                        txtComponentType.Text = t.ComponentTypeName;
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                txtComponentName.Text = c.ComponentName;
            //                foreach (API_COMPONENT_TYPE a1 in listAPICom)
            //                {
            //                    if (a1.APIComponentTypeID == c.APIComponentTypeID)
            //                    {
            //                        txtAPIComponentType.Text = a1.APIComponentTypeName;
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            //            break;
            //        }

            //foreach (RW_ASSESSMENT a in listAssessment)
            //    if (a.ID == assID)
            //    {
            //        txtAssessmentName.Text = a.ProposalName;
            //    }
            //đổ dữ liệu lên control cho Equipment
Esempio n. 8
        public List <RiskSummary> getData()
            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS  assBus          = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();
            List <int>         allIDAssessment = assBus.getAllID();
            List <RiskSummary> dataRisk        = new List <RiskSummary>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allIDAssessment.Count; i++)
                RiskSummary     risk    = new RiskSummary();
                RW_FULL_POF_BUS busPoF  = new RW_FULL_POF_BUS();
                RW_FULL_POF     fullPoF = busPoF.getData(allIDAssessment[i]);
                //RW_CA_LEVEL_1_BUS busCA = new RW_CA_LEVEL_1_BUS();
                //RW_CA_LEVEL_1 CA = busCA.getData(allIDAssessment[i]);
                //get EquipmentID ----> get EquipmentTypeName and APIComponentType
                int equipmentID = assBus.getEquipmentID(allIDAssessment[i]);
                EQUIPMENT_MASTER_BUS eqMaBus        = new EQUIPMENT_MASTER_BUS();
                EQUIPMENT_TYPE_BUS   eqTypeBus      = new EQUIPMENT_TYPE_BUS();
                String equipmentTypename            = eqTypeBus.getEquipmentTypeName(eqMaBus.getEquipmentTypeID(equipmentID));
                COMPONENT_MASTER_BUS   comMasterBus = new COMPONENT_MASTER_BUS();
                API_COMPONENT_TYPE_BUS apiBus       = new API_COMPONENT_TYPE_BUS();
                int    apiID = comMasterBus.getAPIComponentTypeID(equipmentID);
                String API_ComponentType_Name      = apiBus.getAPIComponentTypeName(apiID);
                RW_INPUT_CA_LEVEL_1_BUS busInputCA = new RW_INPUT_CA_LEVEL_1_BUS();
                RW_INPUT_CA_LEVEL_1     inputCA    = busInputCA.getData(allIDAssessment[i]);

                SITES_BUS         busSite       = new SITES_BUS();
                FACILITY_BUS      busFacility   = new FACILITY_BUS();
                RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS busAssessment = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();

                risk.SitesName       = busSite.getSiteName(eqMaBus.getSiteID(equipmentID));
                risk.FacilityName    = busFacility.getFacilityName(eqMaBus.getFacilityID(equipmentID));
                risk.AssessmentName  = busAssessment.getAssessmentName(allIDAssessment[i]);
                risk.EquipmentName   = eqMaBus.getEquipmentName(equipmentID);
                risk.EquipmentNumber = eqMaBus.getEquipmentNumber(equipmentID);    //Equipment Name or Equipment Number can dc gan lai
                risk.EquipmentDesc   = eqMaBus.getEquipmentDesc(equipmentID);      //Equipment Description gan lai
                risk.EquipmentType   = equipmentTypename;                          //Equipment type
                risk.ComponentName   = comMasterBus.getComponentName(equipmentID); //component name
                risk.RepresentFluid  = inputCA.API_FLUID;                          //Represent fluid
                risk.FluidPhase      = inputCA.SYSTEM;                             //fluid phase
                risk.currentRisk     = 0;                                          //current risk
                //risk.cofcatFlammable = CA.CA_inj_flame; //cofcat. Flammable
                //risk.cofcatPeople = CA.FC_inj;//cofcat people
                //risk.cofcatAsset = CA.FC_prod;//cofcat assessment
                //risk.cofcatEnv = CA.FC_envi;//cofcat envroment
                //risk.cofcatReputation = 0; //cof reputation
                //risk.cofcatCombined = CA.FC_total; //combined
                //risk.componentMaterialGrade; //component material glade
                risk.initThinningPoF   = fullPoF.ThinningAP1;                                             //Thinning POF
                risk.initEnvCracking   = fullPoF.SCCAP1;                                                  //Cracking env
                risk.initOtherPoF      = fullPoF.HTHA_AP1 + fullPoF.BrittleAP1;                           //OtherPOF
                risk.initPoF           = risk.initThinningPoF + risk.initEnvCracking + risk.initOtherPoF; //Init POF
                risk.extThinningPoF    = fullPoF.ExternalAP1;                                             //Ext Thinning POF
                risk.extEnvCrackingPoF = 0;                                                               //ExtEnv Cracking
                risk.extOtherPoF       = 0;                                                               //Ext Other POF
                risk.extPoF            = risk.extThinningPoF + risk.extEnvCrackingPoF + risk.extOtherPoF; //Ext POF
                risk.PoF = risk.initPoF + risk.extPoF;                                                    //POF
                //risk.CurrentRiskCalculation = fullPoF.PoFAP1 * CA.FC_total; //Current risk
                //risk.futureRisk = fullPoF.PoFAP2 * CA.FC_total;
        public RW_COMPONENT getData(int ID, string diameter, string thickness, string corrosionRate) // save vao base
            RW_COMPONENT      comp     = new RW_COMPONENT();
            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS assBus   = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();
            BUS_UNITS         convUnit = new BUS_UNITS();

            comp.ID = ID;
            // mai
            if (diameter == "mm")
                comp.NominalDiameter = txtNominalDiameter.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtNominalDiameter.Text) : 0;
            else if (diameter == "in")
                comp.NominalDiameter = txtNominalDiameter.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtNominalDiameter.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0;                      // in sang mm
                comp.NominalDiameter = txtNominalDiameter.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtNominalDiameter.Text) * 1000 : 0; // m sang mm
            if (thickness == "mm")
                comp.NominalThickness = txtNominalThickness.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtNominalThickness.Text) : 0;
                comp.CurrentThickness = txtCurrentThickness.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtCurrentThickness.Text) : 0;
                comp.MinReqThickness  = txtMinRequiredThickness.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtMinRequiredThickness.Text) : 0;
            else if (thickness == "in")
                comp.NominalThickness = txtNominalThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtNominalThickness.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0;         // in sang mm
                comp.CurrentThickness = txtCurrentThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtCurrentThickness.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0;         // in sang mm
                comp.MinReqThickness  = txtMinRequiredThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtMinRequiredThickness.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0; // in sang mm
                comp.NominalThickness = txtNominalThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtNominalThickness.Text) * 1000) : 0;         // m sang mm
                comp.CurrentThickness = txtCurrentThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtCurrentThickness.Text) * 1000) : 0;         // m sang mm
                comp.MinReqThickness  = txtMinRequiredThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtMinRequiredThickness.Text) * 1000) : 0; // m sang mm

            if (corrosionRate == "mm/yr")
                comp.CurrentCorrosionRate = txtCurrentCorrosionRate.Text != "" ? (float)double.Parse(txtCurrentCorrosionRate.Text) : 0;
                comp.CurrentCorrosionRate = txtCurrentCorrosionRate.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtCurrentCorrosionRate.Text) * : 0;  // mil/yr sang mm/yr
            // end mai
            comp.BranchDiameter           = cbBranchDiameter.Text;
            comp.BranchJointType          = cbJointTypeBranch.Text;
            comp.BrinnelHardness          = cbMaxBrillnessHardness.Text;
            comp.CracksPresent            = chkPresenceCracks.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.ComplexityProtrusion     = cbComplexityProtrusion.Text;
            comp.ChemicalInjection        = chkPresenceInjectionMixPoint.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.HighlyInjectionInsp      = chkHighlyEffectiveMixPoint.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.CorrectiveAction         = cbCorrectiveAction.Text;
            comp.CyclicLoadingWitin15_25m = cbCyclicLoading.Text;
            comp.DamageFoundInspection    = chkDamageFoundDuringInspection.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.DeltaFATT          = txtDeltaFATT.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtDeltaFATT.Text) : 0;
            comp.NumberPipeFittings = cbNumberFittingPipe.Text;
            comp.PipeCondition      = cbPipeCondition.Text;
            comp.PreviousFailures   = cbPreviousFailures.Text;
            comp.ShakingAmount      = cbAmountShakingPipe.Text;
            comp.ShakingDetected    = chkVisibleAudible.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.ShakingTime        = cbAccumalatedTimeShakingPipe.Text;
            comp.TrampElements      = chkTrampElements.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            //comp.ShellHeight cua shell
            //comp.ReleasePreventionBarrier =  cua tank
            //comp.ConcreteFoundation = cua tank bottom
            //comp.SeverityOfVibration cua tank
        public RW_COMPONENT getData(int ID, string diameter, string thickness, string corrosionRate, string volumeUnit, string stressUnit) // save vao base
            RW_COMPONENT      comp     = new RW_COMPONENT();
            RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS assBus   = new RW_ASSESSMENT_BUS();
            BUS_UNITS         convUnit = new BUS_UNITS();

            comp.ID = ID;
            // Generic Properties
            if (diameter == "MM")
                comp.NominalDiameter = txtNominalDiameter.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtNominalDiameter.Text) : 0;
            else if (diameter == "INCH")
                comp.NominalDiameter = txtNominalDiameter.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtNominalDiameter.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0; // in sang mm
            if (thickness == "MM")
                comp.CurrentThickness         = txtCurrentThickness.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtCurrentThickness.Text) : 0;
                comp.NominalThickness         = txtNominalThickness.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtNominalThickness.Text) : 0;
                comp.MinReqThickness          = txtMinRequiredThickness.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtMinRequiredThickness.Text) : 0;
                comp.BrittleFractureThickness = txtBrittleFractureThickness.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtBrittleFractureThickness.Text) : 0;
                comp.StructuralThickness      = txtStructuralThickness.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtStructuralThickness.Text) : 0;
            else if (thickness == "INCH")
                comp.CurrentThickness         = txtCurrentThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtCurrentThickness.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0;
                comp.NominalThickness         = txtNominalThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtNominalThickness.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0;         // in sang mm
                comp.MinReqThickness          = txtMinRequiredThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtMinRequiredThickness.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0; // in sang mm
                comp.BrittleFractureThickness = txtBrittleFractureThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtBrittleFractureThickness.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0;
                comp.StructuralThickness      = txtStructuralThickness.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtStructuralThickness.Text) * convUnit.inch) : 0;

            if (corrosionRate == "MMYR")
                comp.CurrentCorrosionRate = txtCurrentCorrosionRate.Text != "" ? (float)double.Parse(txtCurrentCorrosionRate.Text) : 0;
                comp.CurrentCorrosionRate = txtCurrentCorrosionRate.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtCurrentCorrosionRate.Text) * : 0;  // mil/yr sang mm/yr
            if (volumeUnit == "M3")
                comp.ComponentVolume = txtComponentVolume.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtComponentVolume.Text) : 0;
                comp.ComponentVolume = txtComponentVolume.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtComponentVolume.Text) * convUnit.ft3) : 0;
            if (stressUnit == "KSI")
                comp.AllowableStress = txtAllowableStress.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtAllowableStress.Text) * convUnit.ksi) : 0;
            else if (stressUnit == "PSI")
                comp.AllowableStress = txtAllowableStress.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtAllowableStress.Text) * convUnit.psi) : 0;
            else if (stressUnit == "MPA")
                comp.AllowableStress = txtAllowableStress.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtAllowableStress.Text) : 0;
            else if (stressUnit == "BAR")
                comp.AllowableStress = txtAllowableStress.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtAllowableStress.Text) * :0;
            else if (stressUnit == "NM2")
                comp.AllowableStress = txtAllowableStress.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtAllowableStress.Text) * convUnit.NpM2) :0;
                comp.AllowableStress = txtAllowableStress.Text != "" ? (float)(double.Parse(txtAllowableStress.Text) * convUnit.NpCM2) : 0;
            comp.WeldJointEfficiency               = txtWeldJointEfficiency.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtWeldJointEfficiency.Text) : 0;
            comp.ConfidenceCorrosionRate           = cbConfidenceCorrosionRate.Text;
            comp.CracksPresent                     = chkPresenceCracks.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.MinimumStructuralThicknessGoverns = chkMinimumStructuralThicknessGoverns.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            //Governing Brittle Fracture Damage Factor
            comp.DeltaFATT                     = txtDeltaFATT.Text != "" ? float.Parse(txtDeltaFATT.Text) : 0;
            comp.FabricatedSteel               = chkFabricatedSteel.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.EquipmentSatisfied            = chkEquipmentSatisfied.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.NominalOperatingConditions    = chkNominalOperating.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.CETGreaterOrEqual             = chkCETGreaterOrEqual.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.CyclicServiceFatigueVibration = chkCyclicServiceFatigueVibration.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.EquipmentCircuitShock         = chkEquipmentCircuitShock.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            //High Temperatur Hydrogen Attack Damage Factor
            comp.HTHADamageObserved = chkHTHADamageObserved.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            //Governing Stress Corrosion Cracking Damage Factor
            comp.BrinnelHardness = cbMaxBrillnessHardness.Text;
            //Governing External Damage Factor
            comp.ComplexityProtrusion = cbComplexityProtrusion.Text;
            //Fatigue Damage Factor
            comp.BranchDiameter           = cbBranchDiameter.Text;
            comp.BranchJointType          = cbJointTypeBranch.Text;
            comp.CorrectiveAction         = cbCorrectiveAction.Text;
            comp.CyclicLoadingWitin15_25m = cbCyclicLoading.Text;
            comp.NumberPipeFittings       = cbNumberFittingPipe.Text;
            comp.PipeCondition            = cbPipeCondition.Text;
            comp.PreviousFailures         = cbPreviousFailures.Text;
            comp.ShakingAmount            = cbAmountShakingPipe.Text;
            comp.ShakingDetected          = chkVisibleAudible.Checked ? 1 : 0;
            comp.ShakingTime = cbAccumalatedTimeShakingPipe.Text;