Esempio n. 1
         * R rile
         * dpois.c

        public static double DPoisson(double x, double lambda, bool giveLog)
            if (double.IsNaN(x) || double.IsNaN(lambda))
                return(x + lambda);

            if (lambda < 0)
                return(double.NaN); // ML_ERR_return_NAN;
            if ((Math.Abs((x) - Math.Floor(x)) > 1e-7 * RVaria.fmax2(1.0, Math.Abs(x))))
                //MATHLIB_WARNING("non-integer x = %f", x);
                return(giveLog ? double.NegativeInfinity : 0.0);

            if (x < 0 || !x.IsFinite())
                return(giveLog ? double.NegativeInfinity : 0.0);

            x = Math.Round(x);
            return(dpois_raw(x, lambda, giveLog));
Esempio n. 2
        /* R file: integrate.c
        private static void rdqelg(ref int n, double[] epstab, out double result, out double abserr, double[] res3la, ref int nres)
            /* Local variables */
            int    i__, indx, ib, ib2, ie, k1, k2, k3, num, newelm, limexp;
            double delta1, delta2, delta3, e0, e1, e1abs, e2, e3, epmach, epsinf;
            double oflow, ss, res;
            double errA, err1, err2, err3, tol1, tol2, tol3;

            #region prologue

            /*  ***begin prologue  dqelg
             ***refer to  dqagie,dqagoe,dqagpe,dqagse
             ***revision date  830518   (yymmdd)
             ***keywords  epsilon algorithm, convergence acceleration,
             *          extrapolation
             ***author  piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
             *          de doncker,elise,appl. math & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
             ***purpose  the routine determines the limit of a given sequence of
             *          approximations, by means of the epsilon algorithm of
             *          p.wynn. an estimate of the absolute error is also given.
             *          the condensed epsilon table is computed. only those
             *          elements needed for the computation of the next diagonal
             *          are preserved.
             *          epsilon algorithm
             *          standard fortran subroutine
             *          double precision version
             *          parameters
             *          n      - int
             *          epstab(n) contains the new element in the
             *          first column of the epsilon table.
             *          epstab - double precision
             *          vector of dimension 52 containing the elements
             *          of the two lower diagonals of the triangular
             *          epsilon table. the elements are numbered
             *          starting at the right-hand corner of the
             *          triangle.
             *          result - double precision
             *          resulting approximation to the integral
             *          abserr - double precision
             *          estimate of the absolute error computed from
             *          result and the 3 previous results
             *          res3la - double precision
             *          vector of dimension 3 containing the last 3
             *          results
             *          nres   - int
             *          number of calls to the routine
             *          (should be zero at first call)
             ***end prologue  dqelg
             *          list of major variables
             *          -----------------------
             *          e0     - the 4 elements on which the computation of a new
             *          e1       element in the epsilon table is based
             *          e2
             *          e3                 e0
             *          e3    e1    new
             *          e2
             *          newelm - number of elements to be computed in the new diagonal
             *          errA   - errA = abs(e1-e0)+abs(e2-e1)+abs(new-e2)
             *          result - the element in the new diagonal with least value of errA
             *          machine dependent constants
             *          ---------------------------
             *          epmach is the largest relative spacing.
             *          oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
             *          limexp is the maximum number of elements the epsilon
             *          table can contain. if this number is reached, the upper
             *          diagonal of the epsilon table is deleted. */
            // -res3la;
            /* Function Body */
            epmach = RVaria.DBL_EPSILON;
            oflow  = RVaria.DBL_MAX;
            abserr = oflow;
            result = epstab[n - 1]; // modifié
            if (n < 3)
                goto L100;
            limexp            = 50;
            epstab[n + 2 - 1] = epstab[n - 1]; // modifiés
            newelm            = (n - 1) / 2;
            epstab[n - 1]     = oflow;         // modifié
            num = n;
            k1  = n;
            for (i__ = 1; i__ <= newelm; ++i__)
                k2     = k1 - 1;
                k3     = k1 - 2;
                res    = epstab[k1 + 2 - 1]; // modifié
                e0     = epstab[k3 - 1];     // modifié
                e1     = epstab[k2 - 1];     // modifié
                e2     = res;
                e1abs  = Math.Abs(e1);
                delta2 = e2 - e1;
                err2   = Math.Abs(delta2);
                tol2   = RVaria.fmax2(Math.Abs(e2), e1abs) * epmach;
                delta3 = e1 - e0;
                err3   = Math.Abs(delta3);
                tol3   = RVaria.fmax2(e1abs, Math.Abs(e0)) * epmach;
                if (err2 <= tol2 && err3 <= tol3)
                    /*           if e0, e1 and e2 are equal to within machine
                     * accuracy, convergence is assumed. */
                    result = res;         /*		result = e2 */
                    abserr = err2 + err3; /*	abserr = fabs(e1-e0)+fabs(e2-e1) */

                    goto L100;            /* ***jump out of do-loop */

                e3             = epstab[k1 - 1]; // modifié
                epstab[k1 - 1] = e1;             // modifié
                delta1         = e1 - e3;
                err1           = Math.Abs(delta1);
                tol1           = RVaria.fmax2(e1abs, Math.Abs(e3)) * epmach;

                /*           if two elements are very close to each other, omit
                 * a part of the table by adjusting the value of n */

                if (err1 > tol1 && err2 > tol2 && err3 > tol3)
                    ss     = 1.0 / delta1 + 1.0 / delta2 - 1.0 / delta3;
                    epsinf = Math.Abs(ss * e1);

                     * test to detect irregular behaviour in the table, and
                     * eventually omit a part of the table adjusting the value of n.

                    if (epsinf > 1e-4)
                        goto L30;

                n = i__ + i__ - 1;
                goto L50;
                /* ***jump out of do-loop */

L30:            /* compute a new element and eventually adjust the value of result. */

                res            = e1 + 1.0 / ss;
                epstab[k1 - 1] = res; // modifié
                k1            += -2;
                errA           = err2 + Math.Abs(res - e2) + err3;
                if (errA <= abserr)
                    abserr = errA;
                    result = res;

            /*           shift the table. */

            if (n == limexp)
                n = (limexp / 2 << 1) - 1;

            if (num / 2 << 1 == num)
                ib = 2;
                ib = 1;
            ie = newelm + 1;
            for (i__ = 1; i__ <= ie; ++i__)
                ib2            = ib + 2;
                epstab[ib - 1] = epstab[ib2 - 1];// modifiés
                ib             = ib2;
            if (num != n)
                indx = num - n + 1;
                for (i__ = 1; i__ <= n; ++i__)
                    epstab[i__ - 1] = epstab[indx - 1]; // modifiés
            if (nres >= 4)
                /* L90: */
                abserr = Math.Abs(result - res3la[3 - 1]) +
                         Math.Abs(result - res3la[2 - 1]) +
                         Math.Abs(result - res3la[1 - 1]); //modifiés  3x
                res3la[1 - 1] = res3la[2 - 1];
                res3la[2 - 1] = res3la[3 - 1];
                res3la[3 - 1] = result;//modifiés 3x
                res3la[nres - 1] = result;
                abserr           = oflow;

L100:       /* compute error estimate */
            abserr = RVaria.fmax2(abserr, epmach * 5.0 * Math.Abs(result));
Esempio n. 3
        /* R file: integrate.c
        private static void rdqagse(Parameters parameters, Workspace ws, Results results)
            /* Local variables */
            bool noext, extrap;
            bool goto140 = false;
            int  k, ksgn, nres;
            int  ierro;
            int  ktmin, nrmax;
            int  iroff1, iroff2, iroff3;
            int  id;
            int  numrl2;
            int  jupbnd;
            int  maxerr;
            int  last;
            int  ier;
            int  neval;
            int  rdqk21_count = 0;

            double[] res3la = new double[4];
            double[] rlist2 = new double[53];
                result = 0.0,
                abserr = 0.0,

                correc = 0.0,
                erlarg = 0.0,
                ertest = 0.0,
                small  = 0.0;

            //Let's go
            epmach = RVaria.DBL_EPSILON;
            ier    = 0;
            neval  = 0;
            last   = 0;


            ws.alist[1] = parameters.a;
            ws.blist[1] = parameters.b;
            ws.rlist[1] = 0.0;
            ws.elist[1] = 0.0;

            //TODO déplacer(?) dans compute
            if ((parameters.epsabs <= 0.0) && (parameters.epsrel < RVaria.fmax2(epmach * 50.0, 5e-29)))
                ier = 6;
            /*           first approximation to the integral */
            /*           ----------------------------------- */

            uflow = RVaria.DBL_MIN;
            oflow = RVaria.DBL_MAX;
            ierro = 0;

            rdqk21(parameters.f, parameters.a, parameters.b, out result, out abserr, out defabs, out resabs, ref rdqk21_count);

            /*           test on accuracy. */

            dres        = Math.Abs(result);
            errbnd      = RVaria.fmax2(parameters.epsabs, parameters.epsrel * dres);
            last        = 1;
            ws.rlist[1] = result;
            ws.elist[1] = abserr;
            ws.iord[1]  = 1;
            if ((abserr <= (epmach * 100.0 * defabs)) && (abserr > errbnd))
                ier = 2;
            if (ws.limit == 1)
                ier = 1;
            if ((ier != 0) || (abserr <= errbnd && abserr != resabs) ||
                (abserr == 0.0))
                goto140 = true;
                goto L139;

            /*           initialization */
            /*           -------------- */

            rlist2[0] = result;
            errmax    = abserr;
            maxerr    = 1;
            area      = result;
            errsum    = abserr;
            abserr    = oflow;
            nrmax     = 1;
            nres      = 0;
            numrl2    = 2;
            ktmin     = 0;
            extrap    = false;
            noext     = false;
            iroff1    = 0;
            iroff2    = 0;
            iroff3    = 0;
            ksgn      = -1;
            if (dres >= (1.0 - epmach * 50.0) * defabs)
                ksgn = 1;


            for (last = 2; last <= parameters.limit; ++(last))
                /*           bisect the subinterval with the nrmax-th largest error estimate. */

                a1     = ws.alist[maxerr];
                b1     = (ws.alist[maxerr] + ws.blist[maxerr]) * .5;
                a2     = b1;
                b2     = ws.blist[maxerr];
                erlast = errmax;
                rdqk21(parameters.f, a1, b1, out area1, out error1, out resabs, out defab1, ref rdqk21_count);
                rdqk21(parameters.f, a2, b2, out area2, out error2, out resabs, out defab2, ref rdqk21_count);

                /*           improve previous approximations to integral
                 *       and error and test for accuracy. */

                area12 = area1 + area2;
                erro12 = error1 + error2;
                errsum = errsum + erro12 - errmax;
                area   = area + area12 - ws.rlist[maxerr];
                if (!(defab1 == error1 || defab2 == error2))
                    if (Math.Abs(ws.rlist[maxerr] - area12) <= Math.Abs(area12) * 1e-5 &&
                        erro12 >= errmax * .99)
                        if (extrap)
                        else /* if(! extrap) */
                    if (last > 10 && erro12 > errmax)
                ws.rlist[maxerr] = area1;
                ws.rlist[last]   = area2;
                errbnd           = RVaria.fmax2(parameters.epsabs, parameters.epsrel * Math.Abs(area));

                /*           test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag. */

                if (iroff1 + iroff2 >= 10 || iroff3 >= 20)
                    ier = 2;
                if (iroff2 >= 5)
                    ierro = 3;

                /* set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals equals limit. */
                if (last == ws.limit)
                    ier = 1;

                /*           set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
                 *       at a point of the integration range. */

                if (RVaria.fmax2(Math.Abs(a1), Math.Abs(b2)) <=
                    (epmach * 100.0 + 1.0) * (Math.Abs(a2) + uflow * 1e3))
                    ier = 4;

                /*           append the newly-created intervals to the list. */

                if (error2 > error1)
                    ws.alist[maxerr] = a2;
                    ws.alist[last]   = a1;
                    ws.blist[last]   = b1;
                    ws.rlist[maxerr] = area2;
                    ws.rlist[last]   = area1;
                    ws.elist[maxerr] = error2;
                    ws.elist[last]   = error1;
                    ws.alist[last]   = a2;
                    ws.blist[maxerr] = b1;
                    ws.blist[last]   = b2;
                    ws.elist[maxerr] = error1;
                    ws.elist[last]   = error2;

                /*           call subroutine dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
                 *       in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
                 *       with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next). */


                rdqpsrt(ws.limit, last, ref maxerr, out errmax, ws.elist, ws.iord, ref nrmax);
                if (errsum <= errbnd)
                    goto L115;/* ***jump out of do-loop */
                if (ier != 0)
                if (last == 2)
                { /* L80: */
                    small     = Math.Abs(parameters.b - parameters.a) * .375;
                    erlarg    = errsum;
                    ertest    = errbnd;
                    rlist2[1] = area; continue;

                if (noext)
                erlarg -= erlast;
                if (Math.Abs(b1 - a1) > small)
                    erlarg += erro12;
                if (!extrap)
                    /*          test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
                     *      smallest interval. */

                    if (Math.Abs(ws.blist[maxerr] - ws.alist[maxerr]) > small)
                    extrap = true;
                    nrmax  = 2;

                if (ierro != 3 && erlarg > ertest)
                    /*           the smallest interval has the largest error.
                     *       before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over the
                     *       larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation. */

                    id     = nrmax;
                    jupbnd = last;
                    if (last > parameters.limit / 2 + 2)
                        jupbnd = parameters.limit + 3 - last;
                    for (k = id; k <= jupbnd; ++k)
                        maxerr = ws.iord[nrmax];
                        errmax = ws.elist[maxerr];
                        if (Math.Abs(ws.blist[maxerr] - ws.alist[maxerr]) > small)
                            goto L90;
                        /* L50: */
                /*           perform extrapolation.  L60: */

                rlist2[numrl2 - 1] = area;

                rdqelg(ref numrl2, rlist2, out reseps, out abseps, res3la, ref nres);

                if (ktmin > 5 && abserr < errsum * .001)
                    ier = 5;
                if (abseps < abserr)
                    ktmin  = 0;
                    abserr = abseps;
                    result = reseps;
                    correc = erlarg;
                    ertest = RVaria.fmax2(parameters.epsabs, parameters.epsrel * Math.Abs(reseps));
                    if (abserr <= ertest)

                /*           prepare bisection of the smallest interval.  L70: */

                if (numrl2 == 1)
                    noext = true;
                if (ier == 5)
                maxerr = ws.iord[1];
                errmax = ws.elist[maxerr];
                nrmax  = 1;
                extrap = false;
                small *= 0.5;
                erlarg = errsum;

            /* L100:	set final result and error estimate. */
            /*		------------------------------------ */

            if (abserr == oflow)
                goto L115;
            if (ier + ierro == 0)
                goto L110;
            if (ierro == 3)
                abserr += correc;
            if (ier == 0)
                ier = 3;
            if (result == 0.0 || area == 0.0)
                if (abserr > errsum)
                    goto L115;
                if (area == 0.0)
                    goto L130;
            { /* L105:*/
                if (abserr / Math.Abs(result) > errsum / Math.Abs(area))
                    goto L115;

L110:       /*		test on divergence. */
            if (ksgn == -1 && RVaria.fmax2(Math.Abs(result), Math.Abs(area)) <= defabs * .01)
                goto L130;
            if (.01 > result / area || result / area > 100.0 || errsum > Math.Abs(area))
                ier = 5;
            goto L130;

L115:       /*		compute global integral sum. */
            result = 0.0;
            for (k = 1; k <= last; ++k)
                result += ws.rlist[k];
            abserr = errsum;
            if ((ier > 2) || goto140)
                neval = last * 42 - 21;
            results.AbsErr = abserr;
            results.IEr    = ier;
            results.Last   = last;
            results.NEval  = neval;
            results.Value  = result;

            // ---------------------------*/
Esempio n. 4
        /* R file: integrate.c
        private static void rdqk21(Func <double[], double[]> f, double a, double b, out double result, out double abserr, out double resabs, out double resasc, ref int rdqk21_count)
            //static void  rdqk21(integr_fn f, void *ex, double *a, double *b, double *result,
            // double *abserr, double *resabs, double *resasc)
            fv1 = new double[10],
            fv2 = new double[10],
            vec = new double[21];
            double absc, resg, resk, fsum, fval1, fval2;
            double hlgth, centr, reskh, uflow;
            double fc, epmach, dhlgth;
            int    j, jtw, jtwm1;

            epmach = RVaria.DBL_EPSILON;
            uflow  = RVaria.DBL_MIN;

            centr  = (a + b) * 0.5;
            hlgth  = (b - a) * 0.5;
            dhlgth = Math.Abs(hlgth);

            /*           compute the 21-point kronrod approximation to
             * the integral, and estimate the absolute error. */

            resg   = 0.0;
            vec[0] = centr;
            for (j = 1; j <= 5; ++j)
                jtw  = j << 1;
                absc = hlgth * xgk[jtw - 1];
                vec[(j << 1) - 1] = centr - absc;
                vec[j * 2] = centr + absc;

            for (j = 1; j <= 5; ++j)
                jtwm1              = (j << 1) - 1;
                absc               = hlgth * xgk[jtwm1 - 1];
                vec[(j << 1) + 9]  = centr - absc;
                vec[(j << 1) + 10] = centr + absc;

            double[] vec_y = f(vec);//, 21);

            fc     = vec_y[0];
            resk   = wgk[10] * fc;
            resabs = Math.Abs(resk);

            for (j = 1; j <= 5; ++j)
                jtw          = j << 1;
                absc         = hlgth * xgk[jtw - 1];
                fval1        = vec_y[(j << 1) - 1];
                fval2        = vec_y[j * 2];
                fv1[jtw - 1] = fval1;
                fv2[jtw - 1] = fval2;
                fsum         = fval1 + fval2;
                resg        += wg[j - 1] * fsum;
                resk        += wgk[jtw - 1] * fsum;
                resabs      += wgk[jtw - 1] * (Math.Abs(fval1) + Math.Abs(fval2));

            for (j = 1; j <= 5; ++j)
                jtwm1          = (j << 1) - 1;
                absc           = hlgth * xgk[jtwm1 - 1];
                fval1          = vec_y[(j << 1) + 9];
                fval2          = vec_y[(j << 1) + 10];
                fv1[jtwm1 - 1] = fval1;
                fv2[jtwm1 - 1] = fval2;
                fsum           = fval1 + fval2;
                resk          += wgk[jtwm1 - 1] * fsum;
                resabs        += wgk[jtwm1 - 1] * (Math.Abs(fval1) + Math.Abs(fval2));
                // L15:

            reskh  = resk * .5;
            resasc = wgk[10] * Math.Abs(fc - reskh);
            for (j = 1; j <= 10; ++j)
                resasc += wgk[j - 1] * (Math.Abs(fv1[j - 1] - reskh) +
                                        Math.Abs(fv2[j - 1] - reskh));
                /* L20: */
            //vec[0] = 0;

            result  = resk * hlgth;
            resabs *= dhlgth;
            resasc *= dhlgth;
            abserr  = Math.Abs((resk - resg) * hlgth);
            if ((resasc != 0.0) && (abserr != 0.0))
                abserr = resasc * RVaria.fmin2(1.0, Math.Pow(abserr * 200.0 / resasc, 1.5));

            if (resabs > uflow / (epmach * 50.0))
                abserr = RVaria.fmax2(epmach * 50.0 * resabs, abserr);

            // throw new System.NotImplementedException();