Esempio n. 1
        public AllCatCFFE1Request(UIApplication uiApp, String text)
            MainUI             uiForm      = BARevitTools.Application.thisApp.newMainUi;
            RVTDocument        doc         = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
            DataTable          dt          = new DataTable();
            DataGridView       dgv         = uiForm.multiCatCFFEExcelDGV;
            RVTDocument        famDoc      = RVTOperations.OpenRevitFile(uiApp, Application.thisApp.newMainUi.multiCatSelectedFamilyFile);
            FamilyManager      famMan      = famDoc.FamilyManager;
            FamilyParameterSet famParamSet = famMan.Parameters;

            //The following columns are being added to the DataTable for use in the Excel template creation
            DataColumn paramSelectColumn          = dt.Columns.Add("Parameter Select", typeof(Boolean));
            DataColumn parameterNameColumn        = dt.Columns.Add("Parameter Name", typeof(String));
            DataColumn parameterGroupColumn       = dt.Columns.Add("Parameter Group", typeof(String));
            DataColumn parameterTypeColumn        = dt.Columns.Add("Parameter Type", typeof(String));
            DataColumn parameterStorageTypeColumn = dt.Columns.Add("Parameter Storage Type", typeof(String));

            //For each family parameter, get data associated with it for the DataTable
            foreach (FamilyParameter famParam in famParamSet)
                string paramName        = famParam.Definition.Name;
                string paramGroup       = RVTOperations.GetNameFromBuiltInParameterGroup(famParam.Definition.ParameterGroup);
                string paramType        = famParam.Definition.ParameterType.ToString();
                string paramStorageType = famParam.StorageType.ToString();
                //Verify the parameter being evaluated is not one where the value is an element because that will not be useful without knowing the element ID ahead of time. Also, ensure the parameter is not locked by a formula, and ensure the ParameterType is valid
                if (paramStorageType.ToString() != "ElementId" && famParam.IsDeterminedByFormula == false && famParam.Definition.ParameterType != ParameterType.Invalid)
                    //Pending the pass of the checks, fill out the DataTable with the parameter name, group, type, and data type
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["Parameter Select"]       = false;
                    row["Parameter Name"]         = paramName;
                    row["Parameter Group"]        = paramGroup;
                    row["Parameter Type"]         = paramType;
                    row["Parameter Storage Type"] = paramStorageType;

            //Bind the DataTable to the DataGridView
            BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();

            bs.DataSource  = dt;
            dgv.DataSource = bs;

            //Format the DataGridView and set the names for its columns so the row values can be retrieved by column name
            dgv.RowHeadersVisible = false;
            dgv.SelectionMode     = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Select"].Width            = 45;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Select"].HeaderText       = "Select";
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Select"].Name             = "Parameter Select";
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Name"].Width              = 125;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Name"].ReadOnly           = true;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Name"].HeaderText         = "Name";
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Name"].Name               = "Parameter Name";
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Group"].Width             = 75;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Group"].ReadOnly          = true;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Group"].HeaderText        = "Group";
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Group"].Name              = "Parameter Group";
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Type"].Width              = 100;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Type"].ReadOnly           = true;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Type"].HeaderText         = "Param Type";
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Type"].Name               = "Parameter Type";
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Storage Type"].Width      = 100;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Storage Type"].ReadOnly   = true;
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Storage Type"].HeaderText = "Data Format";
            dgv.Columns["Parameter Storage Type"].Name       = "Parameter Storage Type";

            //Sort by the Parameter Name column
            dgv.Sort(dgv.Columns["Parameter Name"], ListSortDirection.Ascending);
            foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in dgv.Columns)
                column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;
            //Close the family