Esempio n. 1
 public void Add(RTrack rtr)
     TempStream.Position = 32 * Count;
     Sum.X    += rtr.Position.X;
     Sum.Y    += rtr.Position.Y;
     Average.X = Sum.X / Count;
     Average.Y = Sum.Y / Count;
Esempio n. 2
            public RTrack Get(int i)
                if (i < 0 || i >= Count)
                    throw new Exception("Wrong index " + i + " (Count = " + Count + ")");
                TempStream.Position = 32 * i;
                RTrack rtr = new RTrack();

                rtr.Slope.X    = TempRead.ReadDouble();
                rtr.Slope.Y    = TempRead.ReadDouble();
                rtr.Position.X = TempRead.ReadDouble();
                rtr.Position.Y = TempRead.ReadDouble();
Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 13 && args.Length != 4 && args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: FlattenTLG.exe <cell map> <TLG to be flattened> <output TLG> <min matches>");
                Console.WriteLine("   or");
                Console.WriteLine("usage: FlattenTLG.exe <cell map> <min matches>");
                Console.WriteLine("           (opens a console to query the transformation map generator)");
                Console.WriteLine("   or");
                Console.WriteLine("usage: FlattenTLG.exe <reference TLG (supposed flat)> <TLG to be flattened> <output TLG> <cell size> <slope tol> <pos tol> <pos sweep> <z projection> <selection string> <min matches> <z adjust> <z step> <parallel (true|false)>");
                Console.WriteLine("Selection function variables:");
                foreach (SelFunc sf in KnownFunctions)
                    Console.WriteLine(sf.Name + " -> " + sf.Desc);
            bool   usereadymap = (args.Length < 13);
            bool   useconsole = (args.Length == 2);
            string reftlg = args[0];
            string worktlg = useconsole ? "" : args[1];
            string outtlg = useconsole ? "" : args[2];
            uint   MinMatches = 0;
            int    xcells = 0;
            int    ycells = 0;
            double cellsize = 0.0;
            int    ix, iy;
            int    i, j, k;

            SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2   Center  = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2();
            SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle WorkRect;
            SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone worklz = null;
            if (useconsole == false)
                worklz   = SySal.DataStreams.OPERALinkedZone.FromFile(worktlg);
                WorkRect = worklz.Extents;
                WorkRect = new SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle();
            SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle RefRect = new SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle();
            RTrackCell[,] WorkCells;
            if (usereadymap)
                MinMatches = Convert.ToUInt32(args[useconsole ? 1 : 3]);
                System.IO.StreamReader cr = new System.IO.StreamReader(args[0]);
                while (cr.EndOfStream == false)
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = rx_CellMap.Match(cr.ReadLine());
                    if (m.Success)
                        RefRect.MinX = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[1].Value);
                        RefRect.MaxX = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[2].Value);
                        RefRect.MinY = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[3].Value);
                        RefRect.MaxY = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[4].Value);
                        cellsize     = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[5].Value);
                        xcells       = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[6].Value);
                        ycells       = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[7].Value);
                Center.X  = 0.5 * (RefRect.MinX + RefRect.MaxX);
                Center.Y  = 0.5 * (RefRect.MinY + RefRect.MaxY);
                WorkCells = new RTrackCell[xcells, ycells];
                for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++)
                    for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++)
                        SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle rect = new SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle();
                        rect.MinX                = RefRect.MinX + ix * cellsize;
                        rect.MaxX                = rect.MinX + cellsize;
                        rect.MinY                = RefRect.MinY + iy * cellsize;
                        rect.MaxY                = rect.MinY + cellsize;
                        WorkCells[ix, iy]        = new RTrackCell(rect, Center);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].Result = NumericalTools.ComputationResult.InvalidInput;
                while (cr.EndOfStream == false)
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = rx_Cell.Match(cr.ReadLine());
                    if (m.Success)
                        ix = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value);
                        iy = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].Result           = NumericalTools.ComputationResult.OK;
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches          = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.X        = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[4].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.Y        = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[5].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXX    = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[6].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXY    = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[7].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYX    = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[8].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYY    = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[9].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TX     = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[10].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TY     = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[11].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TZ     = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[12].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.X = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[13].Value);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.Y = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[14].Value);
                if (useconsole)
                    GridInterpolation G1 = new GridInterpolation(WorkCells, cellsize, RefRect, (int)MinMatches);
                    Console.WriteLine("Type a pair of coordinates ( X Y ) to get the transformation map.\r\nEOF (CTRL+Z to exit).");
                    double x, y;
                    string line;
                    while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != null)
                        System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = rx_XY.Match(line);
                        x = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[1].Value);
                        y = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[2].Value);
                        SySal.BasicTypes.Vector dslope = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector();
                        SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo dpos = new SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo();
                        bool result = G1.Evaluate(x, y, ref dslope, ref dpos);
                        Console.WriteLine(x + " " + y + " -> " + (result ? "OK" : "FAILED") + " " + dpos.RX + " " + dpos.RY + " " + dpos.MXX + " " + dpos.MXY + " " + dpos.MYX + " " + dpos.MYY + " " + dpos.TX + " " + dpos.TY + " " + dpos.TZ + " " + dslope.X + " " + dslope.Y);
                cellsize = Convert.ToDouble(args[3]);
                double slopetol  = Convert.ToDouble(args[4]);
                double postol    = Convert.ToDouble(args[5]);
                double possweep  = Convert.ToDouble(args[6]);
                double DZ        = Convert.ToDouble(args[7]);
                string selstring = args[8];
                MinMatches = Convert.ToUInt32(args[9]);
                double ZAdj       = Convert.ToDouble(args[10]);
                double ZStep      = Convert.ToDouble(args[11]);
                bool   IsParallel = Convert.ToBoolean(args[12]);
                NumericalTools.CStyleParsedFunction S = new NumericalTools.CStyleParsedFunction(selstring);
                dSel[] pMap = new dSel[S.ParameterList.Length];
                for (j = 0; j < S.ParameterList.Length; j++)
                    string sp = S.ParameterList[j];
                    for (i = 0; i < KnownFunctions.Length && String.Compare(sp, KnownFunctions[i].Name, true) != 0; i++)
                    if (i == KnownFunctions.Length)
                        throw new Exception("Unknown parameter \"" + sp + "\".");
                    pMap[j] = KnownFunctions[i].Evaluate;
                SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone reflz = SySal.DataStreams.OPERALinkedZone.FromFile(reftlg);
                RefRect = reflz.Extents;
                if (WorkRect.MinX > RefRect.MinX)
                    RefRect.MinX = WorkRect.MinX;
                if (WorkRect.MaxX < RefRect.MaxX)
                    RefRect.MaxX = WorkRect.MaxX;
                if (WorkRect.MinY > RefRect.MinY)
                    RefRect.MinY = WorkRect.MinY;
                if (WorkRect.MaxY < RefRect.MaxY)
                    RefRect.MaxY = WorkRect.MaxY;
                Center.X = 0.5 * (RefRect.MinX + RefRect.MaxX);
                Center.Y = 0.5 * (RefRect.MinY + RefRect.MaxY);
                xcells   = (int)Math.Ceiling((RefRect.MaxX - RefRect.MinX) / cellsize);
                ycells   = (int)Math.Ceiling((RefRect.MaxY - RefRect.MinY) / cellsize);
                Console.WriteLine("X/Y Cells: " + xcells + "/" + ycells);
                if (xcells <= 0 || ycells <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Null working area.");
                RTrackCell[,] RefCells = new RTrackCell[xcells, ycells];
                WorkCells = new RTrackCell[xcells, ycells];
                for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++)
                    for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++)
                        SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle rect = new SySal.BasicTypes.Rectangle();
                        rect.MinX         = RefRect.MinX + ix * cellsize;
                        rect.MaxX         = rect.MinX + cellsize;
                        rect.MinY         = RefRect.MinY + iy * cellsize;
                        rect.MaxY         = rect.MinY + cellsize;
                        RefCells[ix, iy]  = new RTrackCell(rect, Center);
                        WorkCells[ix, iy] = new RTrackCell(rect, Center);
                SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone lz;
                RTrackCell[,] rtc;
                for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        lz  = reflz;
                        rtc = RefCells;
                        lz  = worklz;
                        rtc = WorkCells;
                    for (j = 0; j < lz.Length; j++)
                        SySal.Scanning.MIPBaseTrack tk = lz[j] as SySal.Scanning.MIPBaseTrack;
                        for (k = 0; k < pMap.Length; k++)
                            S[k] = pMap[k](tk);
                        if (S.Evaluate() != 0.0)
                            ix = (int)((tk.Info.Intercept.X - RefRect.MinX) / cellsize);
                            iy = (int)((tk.Info.Intercept.Y - RefRect.MinY) / cellsize);
                            if (ix >= 0 && ix < xcells && iy >= 0 && iy < ycells)
                                RTrack rtr = new RTrack();
                                rtr.Slope.X    = tk.Info.Slope.X;
                                rtr.Slope.Y    = tk.Info.Slope.Y;
                                rtr.Position.X = tk.Info.Intercept.X;
                                rtr.Position.Y = tk.Info.Intercept.Y;
                                rtc[ix, iy].Add(rtr);
                for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++)
                    for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Ref " + RefCells[ix, iy].Average.X + " " + RefCells[ix, iy].Average.Y + " " + RefCells[ix, iy].Count);
                        Console.WriteLine("Work " + WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.X + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.Y + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].Count);
                SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.QuickMapper   QM  = new SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.QuickMapper();
                SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.Configuration qmc = QM.Config as SySal.Processing.QuickMapping.Configuration;
                qmc.FullStatistics       = false;
                qmc.UseAbsoluteReference = true;
                qmc.PosTol   = postol;
                qmc.SlopeTol = slopetol;
                for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++)
                    for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++)
                        SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[] rinfo = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[RefCells[ix, iy].Count];
                        SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[] winfo = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[WorkCells[ix, iy].Count];
                        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo[] inf = (i == 0) ? rinfo : winfo;
                            RTrackCell[,] cells = (i == 0) ? RefCells : WorkCells;
                            double dz = (i == 0) ? 0.0 : DZ;
                            for (j = 0; j < inf.Length; j++)
                                RTrack r = cells[ix, iy].Get(j);
                                inf[j]             = new SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo();
                                inf[j].Slope.X     = r.Slope.X;
                                inf[j].Slope.Y     = r.Slope.Y;
                                inf[j].Intercept.X = r.Position.X;
                                inf[j].Intercept.Y = r.Position.Y;
                                inf[j].Intercept.Z = dz;
                        SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair[] pairs = new SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair[0];
                        double bestdz = 0.0;
                        if (rinfo.Length >= 2 && winfo.Length >= 2)
                            double dz1;
                            if (IsParallel)
                                System.Collections.ArrayList thrarr = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                                for (dz1 = -ZAdj; dz1 <= ZAdj; dz1 += ZStep)
                                    MapThread mthr = new MapThread();
                                    mthr.m_rinfo    = rinfo;
                                    mthr.m_winfo    = winfo;
                                    mthr.m_DZ       = DZ + dz1;
                                    mthr.m_PosSweep = possweep;
                                    mthr.m_PosTol   = postol;
                                    mthr.m_SlopeTol = slopetol;
                                    mthr.m_Thread   = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(mthr.Execute));
                                foreach (MapThread mt in thrarr)
                                    if (mt.m_Pairs.Length > pairs.Length)
                                        bestdz = mt.m_DZ - DZ;
                                        pairs  = mt.m_Pairs;
                                for (dz1 = -ZAdj; dz1 <= ZAdj; dz1 += ZStep)
                                    SySal.Scanning.PostProcessing.PatternMatching.TrackPair[] qairs = QM.Match(rinfo, winfo, DZ + dz1, possweep, possweep);
                                    if (qairs.Length > pairs.Length)
                                        bestdz = dz1;
                                        pairs  = qairs;
                        double[] alignpars = new double[7];
                        SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2 slopedelta = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2();
                        SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2 slopetolv  = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector2();
                        double[] dslx = new double[pairs.Length];
                        double[] dsly = new double[pairs.Length];
                        for (j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                            dslx[j] = pairs[j].First.Info.Slope.X - pairs[j].Second.Info.Slope.X;
                        PeakFit(dslx, slopetol, out slopedelta.X, out slopetolv.X);
                        for (j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                            dsly[j] = pairs[j].First.Info.Slope.Y - pairs[j].Second.Info.Slope.Y;
                        PeakFit(dsly, slopetol, out slopedelta.Y, out slopetolv.Y);
                        int gooddslopes = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                            if ((slopedelta.X - slopetolv.X) < dslx[j] && dslx[j] < (slopedelta.X + slopetolv.X) && (slopedelta.Y - slopetolv.Y) < dsly[j] && dsly[j] < (slopedelta.Y + slopetolv.Y))
                        if (gooddslopes > 0)
                            double[] DX = new double[gooddslopes];
                            double[] DY = new double[gooddslopes];
                            double[] X  = new double[gooddslopes];
                            double[] Y  = new double[gooddslopes];
                            double[] SX = new double[gooddslopes];
                            double[] SY = new double[gooddslopes];
                            for (j = i = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                                if ((slopedelta.X - slopetolv.X) < dslx[j] && dslx[j] < (slopedelta.X + slopetolv.X) && (slopedelta.Y - slopetolv.Y) < dsly[j] && dsly[j] < (slopedelta.Y + slopetolv.Y))
                                    X[i]  = pairs[j].Second.Info.Intercept.X - WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.RX;
                                    Y[i]  = pairs[j].Second.Info.Intercept.Y - WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.RY;
                                    SX[i] = pairs[j].Second.Info.Slope.X;
                                    SY[i] = pairs[j].Second.Info.Slope.Y;
                                    DX[i] = pairs[j].First.Info.Intercept.X - pairs[j].Second.Info.Intercept.X;
                                    DY[i] = pairs[j].First.Info.Intercept.Y - pairs[j].Second.Info.Intercept.Y;
                                    //System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"c:\flattentlg.txt", "\r\n" + ix + " " + iy + " " + i + " " + j + " " + pairs.Length + " " + gooddslopes + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.RX + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.RY + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + SX[i] + " " + SY[i] + "  " + DX[i] + " " + DY[i] + " " + bestdz);
                            WorkCells[ix, iy].Result = IteratedAffineFocusing(DX, DY, X, Y, SX, SY, postol, ref alignpars);
                            WorkCells[ix, iy].Result = NumericalTools.ComputationResult.InvalidInput;
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches        = pairs.Length;
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TZ   = alignpars[6] + bestdz;
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TX   = alignpars[4];
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TY   = alignpars[5];
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXX  = 1.0 + alignpars[0];
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXY  = 0.0 + alignpars[1];
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYX  = 0.0 + alignpars[2];
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYY  = 1.0 + alignpars[3];
                        WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo = slopedelta;
                        Console.WriteLine("Fit " + WorkCells[ix, iy].Result + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXX + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXY + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYX + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYY + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TX + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TY + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TZ + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.X + " " + WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.Y);
                int goodcells = 0;
                for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++)
                    for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++)
                        if (WorkCells[ix, iy].Result == NumericalTools.ComputationResult.OK && WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches >= MinMatches)
                Console.WriteLine("Good cells: " + goodcells);

                Console.WriteLine("CELLMAP " + RefRect.MinX + " " + RefRect.MaxX + " " + RefRect.MinY + " " + RefRect.MaxY + " " + cellsize + " " + xcells + " " + ycells);
                for (ix = 0; ix < xcells; ix++)
                    for (iy = 0; iy < ycells; iy++)
                        if (WorkCells[ix, iy].Result == NumericalTools.ComputationResult.OK && WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches >= MinMatches)
                            Console.WriteLine(ix + "\t" + iy + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].Matches + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.X + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].Average.Y + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXX + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MXY + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYX + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.MYY + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TX + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TY + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].AlignInfo.TZ + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.X + "\t" + WorkCells[ix, iy].SlopeAlignInfo.Y);
            SySal.DataStreams.OPERALinkedZone.Writer outlzw = new SySal.DataStreams.OPERALinkedZone.Writer(outtlg, worklz.Id, worklz.Extents, worklz.Center, worklz.Transform);
            outlzw.SetZInfo(worklz.Top.TopZ, worklz.Top.BottomZ, worklz.Bottom.TopZ, worklz.Bottom.BottomZ);
            for (i = 0; i < ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)worklz.Top).ViewCount; i++)
                outlzw.AddView(((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)worklz.Top).View(i), true);
            for (i = 0; i < ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)worklz.Bottom).ViewCount; i++)
                outlzw.AddView(((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.Side)worklz.Bottom).View(i), false);
            SySal.BasicTypes.Vector proj       = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector();
            Console.WriteLine("Writing flattened TLG...");
            GridInterpolation G = new GridInterpolation(WorkCells, cellsize, RefRect, (int)MinMatches);

            System.DateTime start = System.DateTime.Now;
            for (i = 0; i < worklz.Length; i++)
                if (i % 1000 == 0)
                    System.DateTime nw = System.DateTime.Now;
                    if ((nw - start).TotalMilliseconds >= 10000)
                        Console.WriteLine((i * 100 / worklz.Length) + "%");
                        start = nw;
                SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo           baseinfo      = worklz[i].Info;
                SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo transforminfo = new SySal.DAQSystem.Scanning.IntercalibrationInfo();
                transforminfo.RX = Center.X;
                transforminfo.RY = Center.Y;
                SySal.BasicTypes.Vector tds = new SySal.BasicTypes.Vector();

                G.Evaluate(baseinfo.Intercept.X, baseinfo.Intercept.Y, ref tds, ref transforminfo);

                proj.X             = -baseinfo.Slope.X * transforminfo.TZ;
                proj.Y             = -baseinfo.Slope.Y * transforminfo.TZ;
                proj.Z             = 0.0;
                baseinfo.Intercept = transforminfo.Transform(baseinfo.Intercept) + proj;
                baseinfo.Slope     = transforminfo.Deform(baseinfo.Slope) + tds;
                SySal.Scanning.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack toptk      = worklz[i].Top;
                SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo    topinfo    = toptk.Info;
                SySal.Scanning.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack bottomtk   = worklz[i].Bottom;
                SySal.Tracking.MIPEmulsionTrackInfo    bottominfo = bottomtk.Info;
                topinfo.Intercept    = transforminfo.Transform(topinfo.Intercept) + proj;
                topinfo.Slope        = transforminfo.Deform(topinfo.Slope) + tds;
                bottominfo.Intercept = transforminfo.Transform(bottominfo.Intercept) + proj;
                bottominfo.Slope     = transforminfo.Deform(bottominfo.Slope) + tds;
                outlzw.AddMIPEmulsionTrack(topinfo, i, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)toptk).View.Id, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)toptk).OriginalRawData, true);
                outlzw.AddMIPEmulsionTrack(bottominfo, i, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)bottomtk).View.Id, ((SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.MIPIndexedEmulsionTrack)bottomtk).OriginalRawData, false);
                outlzw.AddMIPBasetrack(baseinfo, i, i, i);
            Console.WriteLine("Written \"" + outtlg + "\".");