/// <summary>
        /// Draws the bounds that represent the currently-visible area of the network.
        /// </summary>
        private void drawBounds()
            GRLimits vl = __networkJComponent.getVisibleDataLimits();

            if (vl == null)
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.setColor(__drawingArea, GRColor.green);
            double lx = vl.getLeftX();
            double by = vl.getBottomY();
            double rx = vl.getRightX();
            double ty = vl.getTopY();

            GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, lx, by, rx, by);
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, lx, ty, rx, ty);
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, lx, by, lx, ty);
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, rx, by, rx, ty);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the outline of the legend.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void drawLegend()
            GRLimits l = __networkJComponent.getLegendDataLimits();

            if (l == null)
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.setColor(__drawingArea, GRColor.white);
            double lx = l.getLeftX();
            double by = l.getBottomY();
            double rx = l.getRightX();
            double ty = l.getTopY();

            GRDrawingAreaUtil.fillRectangle(__drawingArea, lx, by, l.getWidth(), l.getHeight());
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.setColor(__drawingArea, GRColor.black);
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, lx, by, rx, by);
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, lx, ty, rx, ty);
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, lx, by, lx, ty);
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, rx, by, rx, ty);
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the screen. </summary>
        /// <param name="g"> the Graphics context to use for painting. </param>
        public virtual void paint(Graphics g)
            // sets the graphics in the base class appropriately (double-buffered
            // if doing double-buffered drawing, single-buffered if not)

            // Set up drawing limits based on current window size...

            // first time through, do the following ...
            if (!__initialized)
                // one time ONLY, do the following.
                __height      = getBounds().height;
                __width       = getBounds().width;
                __initialized = true;
                setupDoubleBuffer(0, 0, getBounds().width, getBounds().height);

                __forceRefresh = true;

            // only do the following if explicitly instructed to ...
            if (__forceRefresh)

                GRDrawingAreaUtil.setColor(__drawingArea, GRColor.black);



                if (__drawMargin)
                    GRLimits margins = __networkJComponent.getMarginLimits();
                    int      lx      = (int)margins.getLeftX();
                    int      rx      = (int)margins.getRightX();
                    int      by      = (int)margins.getBottomY();
                    int      ty      = (int)margins.getTopY();

                    __drawingArea.setFloatLineDash(__bigDashes, 0);
                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.setColor(__drawingArea, GRColor.cyan);
                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, lx, by, rx, by);
                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, lx, ty, rx, ty);
                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, lx, by, lx, ty);
                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, rx, by, rx, ty);
                    __drawingArea.setFloatLineDash(null, 0);

                if (__drawInchGrid)
                    __drawingArea.setFloatLineDash(__smallDashes, 0);
                    double maxX       = __networkJComponent.getTotalWidth();
                    double maxY       = __networkJComponent.getTotalHeight();
                    double leftX      = __networkJComponent.getDataLeftX();
                    double bottomY    = __networkJComponent.getDataBottomY();
                    double printScale = __networkJComponent.getPrintScale();

                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.setColor(__drawingArea, GRColor.red);
                    int j        = 0;
                    int minY     = (int)(__networkJComponent.convertAbsY(0) + bottomY);
                    int tempMaxY = (int)(__networkJComponent.convertAbsY(maxY) + bottomY);
                    for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i += ((72 / printScale) / 2))
                        j = (int)(__networkJComponent.convertAbsX(i) + leftX);
                        GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, j, minY, j, tempMaxY);
                        GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawText(__drawingArea, "" + ((double)i / (72 / printScale)), j, minY, 0, GRText.CENTER_X | GRText.BOTTOM);

                    int minX     = (int)(__networkJComponent.convertAbsX(0) + leftX);
                    int tempMaxX = (int)(__networkJComponent.convertAbsX(maxX) + leftX);
                    for (int i = 0; i < maxY; i += ((72 / printScale) / 2))
                        j = (int)(__networkJComponent.convertAbsY(i) + bottomY);
                        GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, minX, j, tempMaxX, j);
                        GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawText(__drawingArea, "" + ((double)i / (72 / printScale)), minX, j, 0, GRText.CENTER_Y | GRText.LEFT);
                    __drawingArea.setFloatLineDash(null, 0);

                GRDrawingAreaUtil.setColor(__drawingArea, GRColor.black);
                GRLimits drawingLimits = __networkJComponent.getTotalDataLimits();
                GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, drawingLimits.getLeftX(), drawingLimits.getBottomY(), drawingLimits.getRightX(), drawingLimits.getBottomY());
                GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, drawingLimits.getLeftX(), drawingLimits.getTopY(), drawingLimits.getRightX(), drawingLimits.getTopY());
                GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, drawingLimits.getLeftX(), drawingLimits.getTopY(), drawingLimits.getLeftX(), drawingLimits.getBottomY());
                GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, drawingLimits.getRightX(), drawingLimits.getTopY(), drawingLimits.getRightX(), drawingLimits.getBottomY());


            // displays the graphics
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the network between all the nodes.
        /// </summary>
        private void drawNetworkLines()
            bool dash = false;

            float[] dashes = new float[] { 5f, 4f };
            float   offset = 0;

            double[]      x          = new double[2];
            double[]      y          = new double[2];
            HydrologyNode ds         = null;
            HydrologyNode dsRealNode = null;
            HydrologyNode holdNode   = null;
            HydrologyNode holdNode2  = null;
            HydrologyNode node       = null;
            HydrologyNode nodeTop    = __network.getMostUpstreamNode();

            GRDrawingAreaUtil.setLineWidth(__drawingArea, 1);

            for (node = nodeTop; node != null; node = StateMod_NodeNetwork.getDownstreamNode(node, StateMod_NodeNetwork.POSITION_COMPUTATIONAL))
                // move ahead and skip and blank or unknown nodes (which won't
                // be drawn, anyways -- check buildNodeArray()), so that
                // connections are only between visible nodes
                if (holdNode == node)
                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.setLineWidth(__drawingArea, 1);
                holdNode2 = node;
                while (node.getType() == HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                    node = StateMod_NodeNetwork.getDownstreamNode(node, StateMod_NodeNetwork.POSITION_COMPUTATIONAL);
                    if (node == null || node == holdNode2)
                        GRDrawingAreaUtil.setLineWidth(__drawingArea, 1);

                ds = node.getDownstreamNode();
                if (ds == null || node.getType() == HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_END)
                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.setLineWidth(__drawingArea, 1);

                dsRealNode = StateMod_NodeNetwork.findNextRealOrXConfluenceDownstreamNode(node);

                // if the confluence of the reach (as opposed to a trib coming
                // in) then this is the last real node in disappearing stream.
                // Use the end node for the downstream node.
                dash = false;
                if (dsRealNode == StateMod_NodeNetwork.getDownstreamNode(node, StateMod_NodeNetwork.POSITION_REACH))
                    dash = true;

                // move ahead and skip and blank or unknown nodes (which won't
                // be drawn, anyways -- check buildNodeArray()), so that
                // connections are only between visible nodes
                holdNode2 = ds;
                while (ds.getType() == HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                    ds = ds.getDownstreamNode();
                    if (ds == null || ds == holdNode2)
                        GRDrawingAreaUtil.setLineWidth(__drawingArea, 1);

                x[0] = node.getX();
                y[0] = node.getY();
                x[1] = ds.getX();
                y[1] = ds.getY();

                GRDrawingAreaUtil.setColor(__drawingArea, GRColor.black);
                GRDrawingAreaUtil.setLineWidth(__drawingArea, 1);

                if (dash)
                    __drawingArea.setFloatLineDash(dashes, offset);
                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, x, y);
                    __drawingArea.setFloatLineDash(null, (float)0);
                    GRDrawingAreaUtil.drawLine(__drawingArea, x, y);
                holdNode = node;
            GRDrawingAreaUtil.setLineWidth(__drawingArea, 1);