Esempio n. 1
        public void Connect(String url, RTP_TRANSPORT rtp_transport)

            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to " + url);
            this.url = url;

            // Use URI to extract username and password
            // and to make a new URL without the username and password
            try {
                Uri uri = new Uri(this.url);
                hostname = uri.Host;
                port     = uri.Port;

                if (uri.UserInfo.Length > 0)
                    username = uri.UserInfo.Split(new char[] { ':' })[0];
                    password = uri.UserInfo.Split(new char[] { ':' })[1];
                    this.url = uri.GetComponents((UriComponents.AbsoluteUri & ~UriComponents.UserInfo),
            } catch {
                username = null;
                password = null;

            // Connect to a RTSP Server. The RTSP session is a TCP connection
            rtsp_socket_status = RTSP_STATUS.Connecting;
                rtsp_socket = new Rtsp.RtspTcpTransport(hostname, port);
                rtsp_socket_status = RTSP_STATUS.ConnectFailed;
                Console.WriteLine("Error - did not connect");

            if (rtsp_socket.Connected == false)
                rtsp_socket_status = RTSP_STATUS.ConnectFailed;
                Console.WriteLine("Error - did not connect");

            rtsp_socket_status = RTSP_STATUS.Connected;

            // Connect a RTSP Listener to the RTSP Socket (or other Stream) to send RTSP messages and listen for RTSP replies
            rtsp_client = new Rtsp.RtspListener(rtsp_socket);

            rtsp_client.AutoReconnect = false;

            rtsp_client.MessageReceived += Rtsp_MessageReceived;
            rtsp_client.DataReceived    += Rtp_DataReceived;

            rtsp_client.Start(); // start listening for messages from the server (messages fire the MessageReceived event)

            // Check the RTP Transport
            // If the RTP transport is TCP then we interleave the RTP packets in the RTSP stream
            // If the RTP transport is UDP, we initialise two UDP sockets (one for video, one for RTCP status messages)
            // If the RTP transport is MULTICAST, we have to wait for the SETUP message to get the Multicast Address from the RTSP server
            this.rtp_transport = rtp_transport;
            if (rtp_transport == RTP_TRANSPORT.UDP)
                video_udp_pair = new Rtsp.UDPSocket(50000, 50020); // give a range of 10 pairs (20 addresses) to try incase some address are in use
                video_udp_pair.DataReceived += Rtp_DataReceived;
                video_udp_pair.Start();                            // start listening for data on the UDP ports
                audio_udp_pair = new Rtsp.UDPSocket(50000, 50020); // give a range of 10 pairs (20 addresses) to try incase some address are in use
                audio_udp_pair.DataReceived += Rtp_DataReceived;
                audio_udp_pair.Start();                            // start listening for data on the UDP ports
            if (rtp_transport == RTP_TRANSPORT.TCP)
                // Nothing to do. Data will arrive in the RTSP Listener
            if (rtp_transport == RTP_TRANSPORT.MULTICAST)
                // Nothing to do. Will open Multicast UDP sockets after the SETUP command

            // Send OPTIONS
            // In the Received Message handler we will send DESCRIBE, SETUP and PLAY
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequest options_message = new Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestOptions();
            options_message.RtspUri = new Uri(this.url);
Esempio n. 2
        public volatile RtspStatus CurrentStatus; // Connecting, Connected etc

        // Constructor
        public RTSPClient(String url, RTP_TRANSPORT rtp_transport)

            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to " + url);
            this.url = url;

            // Use URI to extract host, port, username and password
            Uri uri = new Uri(this.url);

            if (uri.UserInfo.Length > 0)
                try {
                    username = uri.UserInfo.Split(new char[] { ':' })[0];
                    password = uri.UserInfo.Split(new char[] { ':' })[1];
                    this.url = uri.GetComponents((UriComponents.AbsoluteUri & ~UriComponents.UserInfo),
                    uri = new Uri(this.url);
                } catch {
                    username = null;
                    password = null;

            Rtsp_Client_StatusChanged(this, new RtspStatusEventArgs(RtspStatus.Connecting));

            // Connect to a RTSP Server. The RTSP session is a TCP connection
                rtsp_socket = new Rtsp.RtspTcpTransport(uri.Host, uri.Port);
                Console.WriteLine("Error - did not connect");
                Rtsp_Client_StatusChanged(this, new RtspStatusEventArgs(RtspStatus.ConnectFailed));

            if (rtsp_socket.Connected == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Error - did not connect");
                Rtsp_Client_StatusChanged(this, new RtspStatusEventArgs(RtspStatus.ConnectFailed));

            Rtsp_Client_StatusChanged(this, new RtspStatusEventArgs(RtspStatus.Connected));

            String now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss");

            if (write_log_files == true)
                String filename = "rtsp_capture_" + now + ".264";
                fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
            if (fs2 == null)
                String filename2 = "rtsp_capture_" + now + ".raw";
                fs2 = new StreamWriter(filename2);

            // Connect a RTSP Listener to the RTSP Socket (or other Stream) to send RTSP messages and listen for RTSP replies
            rtsp_client = new Rtsp.RtspListener(rtsp_socket);

            rtsp_client.MessageReceived += Rtsp_MessageReceived;
            rtsp_client.DataReceived    += Rtp_DataReceived;
            rtsp_client.StatusChanged   += Rtsp_Client_StatusChanged;

            rtsp_client.Start(); // start listening for messages from the server (messages fire the MessageReceived event)

            // Check the RTP Transport
            // If the RTP transport is TCP then we interleave the RTP packets in the RTSP stream
            // If the RTP transport is UDP, we initialise two UDP sockets (one for video, one for RTCP status messages)
            // If the RTP transport is MULTICAST, we have to wait for the SETUP message to get the Multicast Address from the RTSP server
            this.rtp_transport = rtp_transport;
            if (rtp_transport == RTP_TRANSPORT.UDP)
                udp_pair = new UDPSocket(50000, 50020); // give a range of 10 pairs (20 addresses) to try incase some address are in use
                udp_pair.DataReceived += Rtp_DataReceived;
                udp_pair.Start();                       // start listening for data on the UDP ports
            if (rtp_transport == RTP_TRANSPORT.TCP)
                // Nothing to do. Data will arrive in the RTSP Listener
            if (rtp_transport == RTP_TRANSPORT.MULTICAST)
                // Nothing to do. Will open Multicast UDP sockets after the SETUP command

            // Send OPTIONS
            // In the Received Message handler we will send DESCRIBE, SETUP and PLAY
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequest options_message = new Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestOptions();
            options_message.RtspUri = new Uri(this.url);
Esempio n. 3
        byte[] video_sps = null; // SPS from SDP prop-parameter-set

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructor
        public RTSPClient(String url, RTP_TRANSPORT rtp_transport)

            if (fs == null)
                String filename = "rtsp_capture_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".264";
                fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);

                String filename2 = "rtsp_capture_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".raw";
                fs2 = new StreamWriter(filename2);

            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to " + url);
            this.url = url;

            // Use URI to extract hostname and port
            Uri uri = new Uri(url);

            // Connect to a RTSP Server. The RTSP session is a TCP connection
                rtsp_socket = new Rtsp.RtspTcpTransport(uri.Host, uri.Port);
                Console.WriteLine("Error - did not connect");

            if (rtsp_socket.Connected == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Error - did not connect");

            // Connect a RTSP Listener to the RTSP Socket (or other Stream) to send RTSP messages and listen for RTSP replies
            rtsp_client = new Rtsp.RtspListener(rtsp_socket);

            rtsp_client.MessageReceived += Rtsp_MessageReceived;
            rtsp_client.DataReceived += Rtp_DataReceived;

            rtsp_client.Start(); // start listening for messages from the server (messages fire the MessageReceived event)

            // Check the RTP Transport
            // If the RTP transport is TCP then we interleave the RTP packets in the RTSP stream
            // If the RTP transport is UDP, we initialise two UDP sockets (one for video, one for RTCP status messages)
            // If the RTP transport is MULTICAST, we have to wait for the SETUP message to get the Multicast Address from the RTSP server
            this.rtp_transport = rtp_transport;
            if (rtp_transport == RTP_TRANSPORT.UDP)
                udp_pair = new UDPSocket(50000, 50020); // give a range of 10 pairs (20 addresses) to try incase some address are in use
                udp_pair.DataReceived += Rtp_DataReceived;
                udp_pair.Start(); // start listening for data on the UDP ports
            if (rtp_transport == RTP_TRANSPORT.TCP)
                // Nothing to do. Data will arrive in the RTSP Listener
            if (rtp_transport == RTP_TRANSPORT.MULTICAST)
                // Nothing to do. Will open Multicast UDP sockets after the SETUP command

            // Send OPTIONS
            // In the Received Message handler we will send DESCRIBE, SETUP and PLAY
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequest options_message = new Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestOptions();
            options_message.RtspUri = new Uri(url);