protected void btn_import_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strcon = null; string strfilename1 = fu_masters.FileName; strfilename2 = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay) + "_" + strfilename1; strfilename2 = strfilename2.Replace("/", "").Replace(":", "."); if (fu_masters.HasFile) { if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/IMPORT_EXCEL/")) == false) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/IMPORT_EXCEL/")); } fu_masters.PostedFile.SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/IMPORT_EXCEL/"), strfilename2)); string filename1 = Server.MapPath("~/IMPORT_EXCEL/") + ("") + (Convert.ToString(strfilename2)); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filename1); if (fileInfo.Exists) { string path = MapPath(strfilename1); // string name = Path.GetFileName( path ); string ext = Path.GetExtension(path); string type = string.Empty; // set known types based on file extension if (ext != null) { switch (ext.ToLower()) { case ".xls": type = "excel"; break; case ".xlsx": type = "excel"; break; default: type = string.Empty; break; } } if (type == string.Empty) { if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/IMPORT_EXCEL/")) == true) { string path1 = Server.MapPath("~/IMPORT_EXCEL/") + ("") + (Convert.ToString(strfilename2)); System.IO.File.Delete(path1); } BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Please select the Excel File (Eg: Excel.xlsx). "); return; } } } else { BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Please Select the File to be uploaded"); return; } string strpath = Server.MapPath("~/IMPORT_EXCEL/"); strpath = strpath + strfilename2; // Getting data from excell file to dataset. strcon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source='" + strpath + "';" + "Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;"; OleDbConnection objConn = null; objConn = new OleDbConnection(strcon); objConn.Open(); DataTable dt_chk2 = objConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null); string sheetname; if (dt_chk2 == null) { objConn.Close(); Delete_Excel_File(); BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Please select the Correct Excel Template Sheet."); return; } else { sheetname = Convert.ToString(dt_chk2.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"]); } OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetname + "]", strcon); da.Fill(ds); objConn.Close(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataTable dtfail = new DataTable(); string errormsg = string.Empty; string projecttype = null; Int32 rowno = 0; string columnno = null; Boolean filestatus = true; dtfail.Columns.Add("S.NO", typeof(Int32)); dtfail.Columns.Add("ROWNO", typeof(Int32)); dtfail.Columns.Add("COLUMNS NAMES", typeof(string)); if (!(ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].ToString().Trim() == "Name*")) { Delete_Excel_File(); BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Please select the Correct Excel Template Sheet."); return; } if (!(ds.Tables[0].Columns[1].ToString().Trim() == "Description")) { Delete_Excel_File(); BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Please select the Correct Excel Template Sheet."); return; } if (!(ds.Tables[0].Columns[2].ToString().Trim() == "Error Message")) { Delete_Excel_File(); BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Please select the Correct Excel Template Sheet."); return; } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Delete_Excel_File(); BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Successfully processed Excel file. No Records are Imported."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Name*"].ToString().Trim() != "") { _obj_Smhr_Masters = new SMHR_MASTERS(); _obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_TYPE = control.ToUpper(); _obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_CODE = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Name*"].ToString().Trim(); _obj_Smhr_Masters.ORGANISATION_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ORG_ID"].ToString()); _obj_Smhr_Masters.OPERATION = operation.Check; if (Convert.ToString(BLL.get_MasterRecords(_obj_Smhr_Masters).Rows[0]["Count"]) != "0") { errormsg = lblheader.Text + " with this Name Already Exists"; filestatus = false; rowno = i + 2; columnno = "Name*"; } } else { filestatus = false; rowno = i + 2; columnno = "Name*"; } //if (!(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Description"].ToString().Trim() != "")) //{ // filestatus = false; // rowno = i + 2; // columnno = columnno + "," + "Description"; //} if (filestatus == false) { DataRow newrow = dtfail.NewRow(); newrow["S.NO"] = dtfail.Rows.Count + 1; newrow["ROWNO"] = rowno; newrow["COLUMNS NAMES"] = columnno; dtfail.Rows.Add(newrow); ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Error Message"] = errormsg; } } if (dtfail.Rows.Count > 0) { Session["dt_fail"] = dtfail; Session["ds_data"] = ds; Delete_Excel_File(); //LinkButton lnk_Import_process = (LinkButton)RadPanelBar1.FindItemByValue("AddAttachment").FindControl("lnk_Import_process"); Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow newwindow = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow(); // RWM_POSTREPLY.Windows.Remove(newwindow); newwindow.ID = "RadWindow_import"; newwindow.NavigateUrl = "~/Payroll/frm_AttendanceImportProcess.aspx"; newwindow.Title = "Import Process"; newwindow.Width = 1150; newwindow.Height = 580; newwindow.VisibleOnPageLoad = true; if (RWM_MASTERS.Windows.Count > 1) { RWM_MASTERS.Windows.RemoveAt(1); } RWM_MASTERS.Windows.Add(newwindow); RWM_MASTERS.Visible = true; return; } else { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { _obj_Smhr_Masters = new SMHR_MASTERS(); _obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_TYPE = control.ToUpper(); _obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_CODE = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Name*"].ToString().Trim(); _obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_DESC = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Description"].ToString().Trim(); _obj_Smhr_Masters.ORGANISATION_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ORG_ID"].ToString()); _obj_Smhr_Masters.ISDELETED = false; _obj_Smhr_Masters.CREATEDBY = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_ID"]); // ### Need to Get the Session _obj_Smhr_Masters.CREATEDDATE = DateTime.Now; _obj_Smhr_Masters.LASTMDFBY = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_ID"]); // ### Need to Get the Session _obj_Smhr_Masters.LASTMDFDATE = DateTime.Now; _obj_Smhr_Masters.OPERATION = operation.Insert; if (BLL.set_Master(_obj_Smhr_Masters)) { BLL.ShowMessage(this, " Successfully processed Excel file."); } } rm_MR_Page.SelectedIndex = 0; LoadGrid(); RG_Master.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { SMHR.BLL.Error_Log(Session["USER_ID"].ToString(), ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message.Replace("'", "''"), "frm_Master", ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now); Response.Redirect("~/Frm_ErrorPage.aspx"); } }
protected void btn_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { _obj_Smhr_Masters = new SMHR_MASTERS(); _obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_TYPE = control.ToUpper(); _obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_CODE = rtxt_MasterCode.Text.Replace("'", "''"); _obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_DESC = rtxt_MasterDesc.Text.Replace("'", "''"); _obj_Smhr_Masters.ORGANISATION_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ORG_ID"].ToString()); _obj_Smhr_Masters.ISDELETED = false; _obj_Smhr_Masters.CREATEDBY = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_ID"]); // ### Need to Get the Session _obj_Smhr_Masters.CREATEDDATE = DateTime.Now; _obj_Smhr_Masters.LASTMDFBY = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_ID"]); // ### Need to Get the Session _obj_Smhr_Masters.LASTMDFDATE = DateTime.Now; switch (((Button)sender).ID.ToUpper()) { case "BTN_SAVE": _obj_Smhr_Masters.OPERATION = operation.Check; if (Convert.ToString(BLL.get_MasterRecords(_obj_Smhr_Masters).Rows[0]["Count"]) != "0") { BLL.ShowMessage(this, "This " + changetoTitle_Case(_obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_TYPE) + " Already Exists"); ClearFields(); rm_MR_Page.SelectedIndex = 1; btn_Save.Visible = true; return; } _obj_Smhr_Masters.OPERATION = operation.Insert; if (BLL.set_Master(_obj_Smhr_Masters)) { BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Information Saved Successfully"); rm_MR_Page.SelectedIndex = 0; LoadGrid(); RG_Master.DataBind(); } else { BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Information Not Saved"); } break; case "BTN_EDIT": _obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_ID = Convert.ToInt32(lbl_Master_ID.Text); _obj_Smhr_Masters.OPERATION = operation.Check; if (Convert.ToString(BLL.get_MasterRecords(_obj_Smhr_Masters).Rows[0]["Count"]) != "1") { BLL.ShowMessage(this, "This " + changetoTitle_Case(_obj_Smhr_Masters.MASTER_TYPE) + " Already Exists"); return; } _obj_Smhr_Masters.OPERATION = operation.Update; if (BLL.set_Master(_obj_Smhr_Masters)) { BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Information Updated Successfully"); rm_MR_Page.SelectedIndex = 0; LoadGrid(); RG_Master.DataBind(); } else { BLL.ShowMessage(this, "Information Not Updated"); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { SMHR.BLL.Error_Log(Session["USER_ID"].ToString(), ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message.Replace("'", "''"), "frm_Master", ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now); Response.Redirect("~/Frm_ErrorPage.aspx"); } //rm_MR_Page.SelectedIndex = 0; //LoadGrid(); //RG_Master.DataBind(); }