Esempio n. 1
 public static RFMonitoredFile ReadFromConfig(RFEnum fileKey, IRFUserConfig config, Func <string, string> nameTransform = null, bool throwIfFail = true)
         var m = new RFMonitoredFile
             FileKey          = fileKey,
             FileNameWildcard = config.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, fileKey, false, "FileNameWildcard"),
             FileNameRegex    = config.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, fileKey, false, "FileNameRegex"),
             GetSubDirectory  = config.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, fileKey, false, "GetSubDirectory") ?? config.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, fileKey, false, "SubDirectory"),
             PutSubDirectory  = config.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, fileKey, false, "PutSubDirectory"),
             NameTransform    = nameTransform,
             Recursive        = config.GetBool(CONFIG_SECTION, fileKey, false, false, "RecursiveSearch"),
             RemoveExpired    = config.GetBool(CONFIG_SECTION, fileKey, false, false, "RemoveExpired"),
             LatestOnly       = config.GetBool(CONFIG_SECTION, fileKey, false, false, "LatestOnly"),
             ContentPasswords = config.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, fileKey, false, "ContentPasswords"),
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.FileNameWildcard) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.FileNameRegex) && throwIfFail)
             throw new RFSystemException(typeof(RFMonitoredFile), "Invalid monitored file {0} configuration: missing file name.", fileKey.ToString());
     catch (Exception)
         if (throwIfFail)
        public override List <RFFileAvailableEvent> CheckSite(List <RFMonitoredFile> monitoredFiles)
            var availableFiles = new List <RFFileAvailableEvent>();

            using (var activity = new RFInputFilesActivity(mContext))
                foreach (var monitoredFile in monitoredFiles)
                    foreach (var file in activity.GetInputFilesList(new List <RFEnum> {
                        availableFiles.Add(new RFFileAvailableEvent
                            FileAttributes = new RFFileTrackedAttributes
                                FileName     = file.Attributes.FileName,
                                FileSize     = file.Attributes.FileSize,
                                FullPath     = file.UniqueKey,
                                ModifiedDate = file.UpdateTime.UtcDateTime
                            FileKey    = RFEnum.FromString(file.FileKey),
                            SourceSite = SiteKey
Esempio n. 3
 public static RFLocalMirrorSite ReadFromConfig(RFEnum siteKey, IRFUserConfig userConfig, string connectionString)
     return(new RFLocalMirrorSite(siteKey, userConfig, userConfig.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, true, "RootDirectory"), connectionString)
         SiteKey = siteKey,
         PreserveModifiedDate = userConfig.GetBool(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, false, true, "PreserveModifiedDate"),
         CacheDirectoryList = true
Esempio n. 4
 public static RFKeyVaultKey Create(RFKeyDomain domain, RFEnum _enum)
     return(domain.Associate(new RFKeyVaultKey
         Plane = RFPlane.User,
         Enum = _enum,
         StoreType = RFStoreType.Document,
         GraphInstance = null
     }) as RFKeyVaultKey);
Esempio n. 5
 public static RFCatalogKey Create(RFKeyDomain domain, RFEnum fileKey, string uniqueKey)
     return(domain.Associate(new RFFileKey
         FileKey = fileKey,
         UniqueKey = uniqueKey,
         StoreType = RFStoreType.Document,
         Plane = RFPlane.User
Esempio n. 6
 public static RFCatalogKey Create(RFKeyDomain domain, RFEnum reportCode, RFGraphInstance instance)
     return(domain.Associate(new RFRawReportKey
         Plane = RFPlane.User,
         ReportCode = reportCode,
         StoreType = RFStoreType.Document,
         GraphInstance = instance
Esempio n. 7
 public static RFDataSetKey Create(RFKeyDomain domain, RFEnum dataSetCode, RFGraphInstance instance, params string[] path)
     return(domain.Associate(new RFDataSetKey
         Plane = RFPlane.User,
         DataSetCode = dataSetCode,
         StoreType = RFStoreType.Document,
         Path = path != null ? String.Join("/", path) : null,
         GraphInstance = instance
     }) as RFDataSetKey);
 protected RFAttributionActivity(IRFProcessingContext context,
                                 Func <RFDate, RFGraphInstance> getInstanceFunc,
                                 Func <RFEnum, RFCatalogKey> keyCreatorFunc,
                                 RFEnum latestEnum,
                                 RFEnum templateEnum,
                                 string userName) : base(context, userName)
     mGetInstanceFunc = getInstanceFunc;
     mKeyCreatorFunc  = keyCreatorFunc;
     mLatestEnum      = latestEnum;
     mTemplateEnum    = templateEnum;
Esempio n. 9
 public static RFFTPFileSite ReadFromConfig(RFEnum siteKey, IRFUserConfig userConfig)
     return(new RFFTPFileSite(siteKey, userConfig)
         SiteKey = siteKey,
         SiteType = (RFFTPSiteType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RFFTPSiteType), userConfig.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, true, "SiteType"), true),
         Hostname = userConfig.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, true, "Hostname"),
         Port = userConfig.GetInt(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, false, null, "Port"),
         Username = userConfig.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, true, "Username"),
         Password = userConfig.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, false, "Password"),
         ConnectionKeyPath = userConfig.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, false, "ConnectionKeyPath"),
         ConnectionKeyPassword = userConfig.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, false, "ConnectionKeyPassword"),
         RootDirectory = userConfig.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, false, "RootDirectory")
Esempio n. 10
        protected RFFileSite(RFEnum siteKey, string configSection, IRFUserConfig userConfig)
            SiteKey = siteKey;
            Enabled = true;
            MaxAge  = null;

            if (userConfig != null)
                MaxAge           = userConfig.GetDecimal(configSection, siteKey, false, null, "MaxAge");
                Enabled          = userConfig.GetBool(configSection, siteKey, false, true, "Enabled");
                PGPSuffixes      = userConfig.GetString(configSection, siteKey, false, "PGPSuffixes");
                PGPKeyPath       = userConfig.GetString(configSection, siteKey, false, "PGPKeyPath");
                PGPKeyPassword   = userConfig.GetString(configSection, siteKey, false, "PGPKeyPassword");
                WriteCooldown    = userConfig.GetInt(configSection, siteKey, false, null, "WriteCooldown");
                ScanArchives     = userConfig.GetBool(configSection, siteKey, false, false, "ScanArchives");
                ArchivePath      = userConfig.GetString(configSection, siteKey, false, "ArchivePath");
                UseTemporaryName = userConfig.GetBool(configSection, siteKey, false, false, "UseTemporaryName");
Esempio n. 11
 public RFFTPFileSite(RFEnum siteKey, IRFUserConfig userConfig) : base(siteKey, CONFIG_SECTION, userConfig)
Esempio n. 12
 public static string GetRootDirectory(RFEnum siteKey, IRFUserConfig userConfig)
     return(userConfig.GetString(CONFIG_SECTION, siteKey, true, "RootDirectory"));
Esempio n. 13
 public RFLocalMirrorSite(RFEnum siteKey, IRFUserConfig userConfig, string rootDirectory, string connectionString) : base(siteKey, userConfig, rootDirectory)
     SiteKey           = siteKey;
     RootDirectory     = rootDirectory;
     _connectionString = connectionString;
 protected RFCatalogKey AttributionKey(RFDate valueDate, RFEnum key)
Esempio n. 15
 public RFLocalFileSite(RFEnum siteKey, IRFUserConfig userConfig, string rootDirectory) : base(siteKey, CONFIG_SECTION, userConfig)
     SiteKey       = siteKey;
     RootDirectory = rootDirectory;
Esempio n. 16
        public ActionResult SubmitFile(
            string fileKey,
            HttpPostedFileBase fileData,
            string returnUrl = null,
            string instance  = null)
                if (fileData == null && Request.Files != null && Request.Files.Count > 0)
                    fileData = Request.Files[0];
                var uniqueKey = String.Format("{0}_web", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"));
                if (fileData == null || fileData.FileName == null || fileData.InputStream == null)
                    throw new RFSystemException(this, "No file submitted.");

                var fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileData.FileName);

                var newFileEntry = RFDocument.Create(
                    new RFFile
                    Attributes = new RFFileTrackedAttributes
                        FileName     = fileName,
                        FullPath     = fileData.FileName,
                        FileSize     = fileData.ContentLength,
                        ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now
                    Data      = RFStreamHelpers.ReadBytes(fileData.InputStream),
                    FileKey   = RFEnum.FromString(fileKey),
                    ValueDate = valueDate,
                    UniqueKey = uniqueKey

                // the file will have graph instance attached
                if (instance.NotBlank() && valueDate.HasValue)
                    newFileEntry.Key.GraphInstance = new RFGraphInstance
                        Name      = instance,
                        ValueDate = valueDate.Value

                using (var rfService = new RFServiceClient())
                    RFProcessingTrackerHandle trackerKey = null;
                    trackerKey = rfService.RFService.SubmitAndProcess(new List <RFCatalogEntryDTO> {
                        new RFCatalogEntryDTO(newFileEntry)
                    }, new RFUserLogEntry
                        Action       = "Upload File",
                        Description  = String.Format("Uploaded file {0} for processing", fileName),
                        IsUserAction = true,
                        IsWarning    = false,
                        Processor    = null,
                        ValueDate    = valueDate.HasValue ? valueDate.Value : RFDate.NullDate,
                        Username     = Username
                    //lock (sSync)
                        AddModelToCache(uniqueKey, new ProcessingModel
                            Tracker       = trackerKey,
                            ProcessingKey = uniqueKey,
                            FileKey       = fileKey,
                            FileName      = fileName,
                            FileSize      = fileData.ContentLength,
                            ReturnUrl     = returnUrl
                    return(RedirectToAction("ProcessingStatus", new { processKey = uniqueKey }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Exception(this, "SubmitFile", ex);
                return(Error("InputFiles", "System", null, "Error submitting file: {0}", ex.Message));
Esempio n. 17
 public RFSecureActivity(IRFProcessingContext context, string userName, RFKeyDomain keyDomain, RFEnum vaultEnum) : base(context, userName.ToLower().Trim())
     _vaultKey = RFKeyVaultKey.Create(keyDomain, vaultEnum);
Esempio n. 18
 public RFMirrorActivity(IRFProcessingContext context, string userName) : base(context, userName)
     _dc         = new RFFrameworkDataContext(RFSettings.GetAppSetting("RFFramework.DataContext"));
     _mirrorRoot = RFLocalMirrorSite.GetRootDirectory(RFEnum.FromString("Mirror"), context.UserConfig);