Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Locates the entities that are in the sight-range of the owner entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The entities that are in the sight-range of the owner entity.</returns>
        public RCSet <Entity> LocateEntities()
            /// Collect the entities in sight-range.
            RCSet <Entity> retList         = new RCSet <Entity>();
            RCSet <Entity> entitiesToCheck = this.owner.Read().Scenario.GetElementsOnMap <Entity>(this.owner.Read().MotionControl.PositionVector.Read(), this.GetSightRangeOfOwner(), MapObjectLayerEnum.GroundObjects, MapObjectLayerEnum.AirObjects);

            RCSet <RCIntVector> visibleQuadCoords = this.VisibleQuadCoords;

            foreach (Entity entity in entitiesToCheck)
                bool breakFlag = false;
                for (int row = entity.MapObject.QuadraticPosition.Top; !breakFlag && row < entity.MapObject.QuadraticPosition.Bottom; row++)
                    for (int col = entity.MapObject.QuadraticPosition.Left; !breakFlag && col < entity.MapObject.QuadraticPosition.Right; col++)
                        if (visibleQuadCoords.Contains(new RCIntVector(col, row)))
                            breakFlag = true;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <see cref="EntityPlacementConstraint.CheckImpl"/>
        protected override RCSet <RCIntVector> CheckImpl(Scenario scenario, RCIntVector position, RCSet <Entity> entitiesToIgnore)
            RCIntRectangle      objArea = new RCIntRectangle(position, scenario.Map.CellToQuadSize(this.EntityType.Area.Read().Size));
            RCSet <RCIntVector> retList = new RCSet <RCIntVector>();

            for (int absY = objArea.Top; absY < objArea.Bottom; absY++)
                for (int absX = objArea.Left; absX < objArea.Right; absX++)
                    RCIntVector absQuadCoords = new RCIntVector(absX, absY);
                    if (absQuadCoords.X >= 0 && absQuadCoords.X < scenario.Map.Size.X &&
                        absQuadCoords.Y >= 0 && absQuadCoords.Y < scenario.Map.Size.Y)
                        /// Collect all the entities that are on the ground, are too close and not to be ignored.
                        RCIntRectangle checkedQuadRect  = new RCIntRectangle(absQuadCoords - this.minimumDistance, this.checkedQuadRectSize);
                        RCNumRectangle checkedArea      = (RCNumRectangle)scenario.Map.QuadToCellRect(checkedQuadRect) - new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2;
                        RCSet <T>      entitiesTooClose = scenario.GetElementsOnMap <T>(checkedArea, MapObjectLayerEnum.GroundObjects);
                        if (entitiesTooClose.Any(entityTooClose => !entitiesToIgnore.Contains(entityTooClose)))
                            retList.Add(absQuadCoords - position);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <see cref="BuildingPlacementSuggestionProvider.GetSuggestionsImpl"/>
        protected override RCSet <Tuple <RCIntRectangle, RCIntVector> > GetSuggestionsImpl(Scenario scenario, RCIntRectangle area)
            RCSet <Tuple <RCIntRectangle, RCIntVector> > retList = new RCSet <Tuple <RCIntRectangle, RCIntVector> >();
            RCSet <Addon> processedAddons = new RCSet <Addon>();

            for (int x = area.Left; x < area.Right; x++)
                for (int y = area.Top; y < area.Bottom; y++)
                    RCIntVector quadCoords = new RCIntVector(x, y);
                    Addon       addon      = scenario.GetFixedEntity <Addon>(quadCoords);
                    if (addon == null || processedAddons.Contains(addon) ||
                        addon.CurrentMainBuilding != null || !this.BuildingType.HasAddonType(addon.AddonType.Name))

                                    (-1) * this.BuildingType.GetRelativeAddonPosition(scenario.Map, addon.AddonType)));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the given components from the given assembly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assembly">The assembly of the components.</param>
        /// <param name="components">The components to create.</param>
        private static void CreateComponentsFromAssembly(string assembly, RCSet <string> components)
            TraceManager.WriteAllTrace(string.Format("Creating components of assembly '{0}'.", assembly), ComponentManager.COMPONENT_MGR_INFO);

            Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(assembly);

            if (asm != null)
                Type[] types = asm.GetTypes();
                foreach (Type type in types)
                    ComponentAttribute compAttr = GetComponentAttribute(type);
                    if (compAttr == null)
                    if (createdComponents.ContainsKey(compAttr.Name))

                    if (components.Contains(compAttr.Name))
                        CreateComponentInstance(compAttr.Name, type);
                throw new ComponentModelException(string.Format("Unable to load assembly '{0}'!", assembly));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the subdivision that is calculated for the given agent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agent">The given agent.</param>
        /// <returns>The subdivision that is calculated for the given agent.</returns>
        public SectorSubdivision GetSubdivisionForAgent(Agent agent)
            /// Collect the overlap enabled agents.
            RCSet <Agent> overlapEnabledAgents       = new RCSet <Agent>();
            RCSet <Agent> currentlyOverlappingAgents = this.grid[agent.Area.X, agent.Area.Y].GetAgents(agent.MovingSize);

            foreach (Agent staticAgent in this.staticAgents[agent.MovingSize])
                if (currentlyOverlappingAgents.Contains(staticAgent) ||
                    staticAgent.Client.IsOverlapEnabled(agent.Client) ||

            /// Try to find an already existing sector subdivision for the agent.
            SectorSubdivision subdivisionForAgent =
                this.subdivisions.FirstOrDefault(subdivision => subdivision.MovingSize == agent.MovingSize &&

            if (subdivisionForAgent == null)
                /// Create a new one if not found.
                subdivisionForAgent = new SectorSubdivision(this, agent.MovingSize, overlapEnabledAgents);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the given desired position for the given agent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agent">The agent to be validated.</param>
        /// <param name="desiredPosition">The desired position of the agent.</param>
        /// <param name="collidingAgents">The output list of colliding agents if the validation failed; otherwise an empty set.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the desired position is OK for the given agent; otherwise false.</returns>
        private bool ValidatePositionForAgent(Agent agent, Cell desiredPosition, out RCSet <Agent> collidingAgents)
            collidingAgents = new RCSet <Agent>();
            if (desiredPosition == null)

            if (agent.MovingSize != -1)
                /// This is a moving agent.
                if (desiredPosition.WallCellDistance < agent.MovingSize)
                Cell          currentPosition          = this[agent.Area.X, agent.Area.Y];
                RCSet <Agent> currentlyCollidingAgents = currentPosition != desiredPosition?currentPosition.GetAgents(agent.MovingSize) : new RCSet <Agent>();

                foreach (Agent overlappingAgent in desiredPosition.GetAgents(agent.MovingSize))
                    if (agent != overlappingAgent &&
                        !currentlyCollidingAgents.Contains(overlappingAgent) &&
                        !agent.Client.IsOverlapEnabled(overlappingAgent.Client) &&
                /// This is a static agent.
                if (this[agent.Area.X, agent.Area.Y] != desiredPosition)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Static agents are not supported to move!");
                for (int row = desiredPosition.Coords.Y; row < desiredPosition.Coords.Y + agent.Area.Height; row++)
                    for (int column = desiredPosition.Coords.X; column < desiredPosition.Coords.X + agent.Area.Width; column++)
                        Cell cell = this[column, row];
                        if (cell == null || cell.WallCellDistance == 0)
                        foreach (Agent overlappingAgent in cell.GetAgents(1))
                            if (agent != overlappingAgent && !agent.Client.IsOverlapEnabled(overlappingAgent.Client) && !overlappingAgent.Client.IsOverlapEnabled(agent.Client))

            return(collidingAgents.Count == 0);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the package that contains the description of the isometric tiles of the given map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">Reference to the map.</param>
        /// <returns>The data package that contains the description of the isometric tiles of the given map.</returns>
        private RCPackage CreateIsoTileListPackage(IMapAccess map)
            RCPackage isotileList = RCPackage.CreateCustomDataPackage(MapFileFormat.ISOTILE_LIST);

            /// Create the terrain type index table.
            List <string> terrainTypeList = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <ITerrainType, int> terrainTypeIndexTable = new Dictionary <ITerrainType, int>();
            int terrainTypeIndex = 0;

            foreach (ITerrainType terrainType in map.Tileset.TerrainTypes)
                terrainTypeIndexTable.Add(terrainType, terrainTypeIndex);
            isotileList.WriteStringArray(0, terrainTypeList.ToArray());

            /// Create the packages of the isometric tiles.
            RCSet <IIsoTile> processedIsoTiles = new RCSet <IIsoTile>();
            List <RCPackage> isotilePackages   = new List <RCPackage>();
            int isotileInfoLength = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < map.Size.Y; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < map.Size.X; column++)
                    IIsoTile currIsoTile = map.GetQuadTile(new RCIntVector(column, row)).PrimaryIsoTile;
                    if (!processedIsoTiles.Contains(currIsoTile))
                        RCPackage isotilePackage = RCPackage.CreateCustomDataPackage(MapFileFormat.ISOTILE);
                        isotilePackage.WriteShort(0, (short)column);
                        isotilePackage.WriteShort(1, (short)row);
                        isotilePackage.WriteByte(2, (byte)terrainTypeIndexTable[currIsoTile.Type.TerrainA]);
                        isotilePackage.WriteByte(3, currIsoTile.Type.TerrainB != null ?
                                                 (byte)terrainTypeIndexTable[currIsoTile.Type.TerrainB] :
                        isotilePackage.WriteByte(4, (byte)currIsoTile.Type.Combination);
                        isotilePackage.WriteByte(5, (byte)currIsoTile.VariantIdx);

                        isotileInfoLength += isotilePackage.PackageLength;

            /// Write the isometric tile packages into the final package
            byte[] isotileInfoBytes = new byte[isotileInfoLength];
            int    offset           = 0;

            foreach (RCPackage isotilePackage in isotilePackages)
                offset += isotilePackage.WritePackageToBuffer(isotileInfoBytes, offset);

            isotileList.WriteByteArray(1, isotileInfoBytes);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <see cref="IFogOfWarBC.ExecuteUpdateIteration"/>
        public void ExecuteUpdateIteration()
            if (this.ActiveScenario == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No active scenario!");
            if (this.runningFowsCount == 0)

            int remainingEntitiesInCurrIteration          = MAX_ENTITIES_PER_ITERATION;
            RCSet <FogOfWar> fowsProcessedInCurrIteration = new RCSet <FogOfWar>();

            while (remainingEntitiesInCurrIteration > 0)
                /// Search the first running FOW starting from the current index.
                while (this.runningFows[this.fowIndex] == null)
                    this.fowIndex = (this.fowIndex + 1) % this.runningFows.Length;

                /// First running FOW found. Finish the iteration if that FOW has already been processed in this iteration.
                FogOfWar fowToProcess = this.runningFows[this.fowIndex];
                if (fowsProcessedInCurrIteration.Contains(fowToProcess))

                /// Start or continue updating the FOW based on whether this is the first iteration or not.
                remainingEntitiesInCurrIteration -= this.currentIterationIndex == 0
                                                  ? fowToProcess.RestartUpdate(remainingEntitiesInCurrIteration)
                                                  : fowToProcess.ContinueUpdate(remainingEntitiesInCurrIteration);

                /// Add the updated FOW to the set of already processed FOWs and move to the next FOW-index.
                this.fowIndex = (this.fowIndex + 1) % this.runningFows.Length;

            /// Move to the next iteration.

            /// If all the running FOWs have been updated in this iteration, finish the update if necessary.
            if (fowsProcessedInCurrIteration.Count == this.runningFowsCount &&
                this.currentIterationIndex == MIN_ITERATIONS_PER_UPDATE)
                this.currentIterationIndex = 0;

            /// Invalidate the cache if necessary.
            if (fowsProcessedInCurrIteration.Count > 0)
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method for stop a set of animations and then start another set of animations of the given entity in one step.
 /// Animations in the intersection of the given sets won't be touched.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="animationsToStop">The set of animations to stop.</param>
 /// <param name="animationsToStart">The set of animations to start.</param>
 /// <param name="headingVectors">The heading vectors in priority order.</param>
 protected void StopStartAnimations(Entity entity, RCSet <string> animationsToStop, RCSet <string> animationsToStart, params IValueRead <RCNumVector>[] headingVectors)
     foreach (string animationToStop in animationsToStop)
         if (!animationsToStart.Contains(animationToStop))
     foreach (string animationToStart in animationsToStart)
         entity.MapObject.StartAnimation(animationToStart, headingVectors);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <see cref="ISelectionIndicatorView.GetVisibleSelIndicators"/>
        public List <SelIndicatorRenderInfo> GetVisibleSelIndicators()
            RCSet <int> currentSelection = this.selectionManager.CurrentSelection;

            if (currentSelection.Count == 0)
                return(new List <SelIndicatorRenderInfo>());

            /// Display the selection indicators of the currently visible entities inside the currently visible window of quadratic tiles.
            List <SelIndicatorRenderInfo> retList = new List <SelIndicatorRenderInfo>();

            foreach (MapObject mapObject in this.fogOfWarBC.GetAllMapObjectsToUpdate())
                Entity entity = mapObject.Owner as Entity;
                if (entity != null && currentSelection.Contains(entity.ID.Read()))
                    SelIndicatorTypeEnum indicatorType
                        = entity.Owner != null
                        ? (entity.Owner.PlayerIndex == (int)this.selectionManager.LocalPlayer ? SelIndicatorTypeEnum.Friendly : SelIndicatorTypeEnum.Enemy)
                        : SelIndicatorTypeEnum.Neutral;
                    RCNumber hpNorm = entity.Biometrics.HP != -1
                        ? entity.Biometrics.HP / entity.ElementType.MaxHP.Read()
                        : -1;

                    RCNumber energyNorm = -1;
                    if (entity.Owner != null && entity.Owner.PlayerIndex == (int)this.selectionManager.LocalPlayer)
                        energyNorm = entity.Biometrics.Energy != -1
                                   ? entity.Biometrics.Energy / entity.ElementType.MaxEnergy.Read()
                                   : -1;

                    retList.Add(new SelIndicatorRenderInfo()
                        ObjectID         = entity.ID.Read(),
                        SelIndicatorType = indicatorType,
                        IndicatorRect    = this.MapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.MapToWindowRect(entity.Area),
                        HpNormalized     = hpNorm,
                        EnergyNormalized = energyNorm,
                        ShieldNormalized = -1, // TODO: must be based on real data after Protoss will have been implemented!
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the mouse button events on the appropriate sensor.
        /// </summary>
        private void RaiseMouseButtonEvents(RCSet <UIMouseButton> buttons,
                                            RCIntVector newPointerPos,
                                            UIMouseSensor targetSensor)
            foreach (UIMouseButton btn in this.pressedButtons)
                if (!buttons.Contains(btn))
                    targetSensor.OnButtonUp(newPointerPos, btn);

            foreach (UIMouseButton btn in buttons)
                if (!this.pressedButtons.Contains(btn))
                    targetSensor.OnButtonDown(newPointerPos, btn);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Unloads the sprite group.
        /// </summary>
        public void Unload()
            if (!this.isLoaded)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The sprite-group is not loaded!");

            /// Destroy the sprites of this sprite group (be aware of duplicated sprites).
            RCSet <UISprite> destroyedSprites = new RCSet <UISprite>();

            foreach (UISprite sprite in this.spriteList)
                if (sprite != null && !destroyedSprites.Contains(sprite))
            this.isLoaded = false;
        /// <see cref="BuildingPlacementSuggestionProvider.GetSuggestionsImpl"/>
        protected override RCSet <Tuple <RCIntRectangle, RCIntVector> > GetSuggestionsImpl(Scenario scenario, RCIntRectangle area)
            RCSet <Tuple <RCIntRectangle, RCIntVector> > retList = new RCSet <Tuple <RCIntRectangle, RCIntVector> >();
            RCSet <VespeneGeyser> processedVespeneGeysers        = new RCSet <VespeneGeyser>();

            for (int x = area.Left; x < area.Right; x++)
                for (int y = area.Top; y < area.Bottom; y++)
                    RCIntVector   quadCoords    = new RCIntVector(x, y);
                    VespeneGeyser vespeneGeyser = scenario.GetFixedEntity <VespeneGeyser>(quadCoords);
                    if (vespeneGeyser == null || processedVespeneGeysers.Contains(vespeneGeyser))

                    retList.Add(Tuple.Create(vespeneGeyser.MapObject.QuadraticPosition, new RCIntVector(0, 0)));
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the given upgrade type if it is OK to attach to this upgrade type as previous level.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="potentialPreviousLevel">The upgrade type to check.</param>
        private void CheckPotentialPreviousLevel(UpgradeType potentialPreviousLevel)
            if (potentialPreviousLevel.nextLevel != null)
                throw new SimulatorException(string.Format("UpgradeType '{0}' already has a next level!", potentialPreviousLevel.Name));

            RCSet <UpgradeType> levelPath = new RCSet <UpgradeType> {
                this, potentialPreviousLevel
            UpgradeType currPathNode = potentialPreviousLevel;

            while (currPathNode.previousLevel != null)
                if (levelPath.Contains(currPathNode.previousLevel))
                    throw new SimulatorException(string.Format("Cycle found from UpgradeType '{0}' to '{1}'!", potentialPreviousLevel.Name, this.Name));
                currPathNode = currPathNode.previousLevel;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a ColorPalette object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="palette">See ColorPalette.palette for more informations.</param>
        /// <param name="paletteMask">See ColorPalette.paletteMask for more informations.</param>
        /// <param name="specialColors">See ColorPalette.specialColors for more informations.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Only the first parameter is mandatory. You can give null references for the others.
        /// </remarks>
        public ColorPalette(Color[] palette,
                            Color[] paletteMask,
                            Color[] specialColors)
            this.palette       = null;
            this.paletteMask   = null;
            this.specialColors = null;

            /// Checking arguments.
            if (null == palette || 0 == palette.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("You must define at least 1 color in the palette.", "palette");
            if (null != paletteMask && palette.Length != paletteMask.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("The arrays palette and paletteMask must have the same length.");

            /// Saving the color palette.
            RCSet <Color> paletteSet = new RCSet <Color>();

            foreach (Color c in palette)
                if (!paletteSet.Contains(c))
                    throw new ArgumentException("All colors in the array palette must be unique.", "palette");
            this.palette = palette;

            /// Saving the paletteMask.
            this.paletteMask = new Dictionary <Color, int>();
            if (null != paletteMask)
                int idx = 0;
                foreach (Color c in paletteMask)
                    if (!this.paletteMask.ContainsKey(c))
                        this.paletteMask.Add(c, idx);
                        throw new ArgumentException("All colors in the array paletteMask must be unique.", "paletteMask");
                /// If no palette mask defined, we simply create the inverse of this.palette
                for (int idx = 0; idx < this.palette.Length; ++idx)
                    this.paletteMask.Add(this.palette[idx], idx);

            /// Saving the special colors.
            if (null != specialColors)
                RCSet <Color> specColorSet = new RCSet <Color>();
                foreach (Color c in specialColors)
                    if (!specColorSet.Contains(c))
                        if (!paletteSet.Contains(c) && !this.paletteMask.ContainsKey(c))
                            throw new ArgumentException("A color defined in the array specialColors has already been defined in the array palette or paletteMask.", "specialColors");
                        throw new ArgumentException("All colors in the array specialColors must be unique.", "specialColors");
                this.specialColors = specialColors;
Esempio n. 16
        /// <see cref="IObjectPlacementView.GetObjectPlacementBox"/>
        public ObjectPlacementBox GetObjectPlacementBox(RCIntVector position)
            /// Calculate the top-left quadratic coordinates based on the retrieved object rectangles relative to the quadratic tile at the incoming position.
            RCSet <Tuple <RCIntRectangle, SpriteRenderInfo[]> > objRectsRelativeToQuadTileAtPos = this.GetObjectRelativeQuadRectangles();

            if (objRectsRelativeToQuadTileAtPos.Count == 0)
                return(new ObjectPlacementBox
                    Sprites = new List <SpriteRenderInfo>(),
                    IllegalParts = new List <RCIntRectangle>(),
                    LegalParts = new List <RCIntRectangle>()
            RCIntVector navCellCoords     = this.MapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.WindowToMapCoords(position).Round();
            IQuadTile   quadTileAtPos     = this.Map.GetCell(navCellCoords).ParentQuadTile;
            RCIntVector topLeftQuadCoords = quadTileAtPos.MapCoords;

            foreach (Tuple <RCIntRectangle, SpriteRenderInfo[]> relativeRect in objRectsRelativeToQuadTileAtPos)
                RCIntVector rectTopLeftQuadCoords = topLeftQuadCoords + relativeRect.Item1.Location;
                if (rectTopLeftQuadCoords.X < topLeftQuadCoords.X && rectTopLeftQuadCoords.Y < topLeftQuadCoords.Y ||
                    rectTopLeftQuadCoords.X < topLeftQuadCoords.X && rectTopLeftQuadCoords.Y == topLeftQuadCoords.Y ||
                    rectTopLeftQuadCoords.X == topLeftQuadCoords.X && rectTopLeftQuadCoords.Y < topLeftQuadCoords.Y)
                    topLeftQuadCoords = rectTopLeftQuadCoords;

            /// Calculate the object rectangles relative to the calculated top-left quadratic coordinates.
            RCSet <Tuple <RCIntRectangle, SpriteRenderInfo[]> > objRectsRelativeToTopLeftQuadTile = new RCSet <Tuple <RCIntRectangle, SpriteRenderInfo[]> >();

            foreach (Tuple <RCIntRectangle, SpriteRenderInfo[]> relativeRect in objRectsRelativeToQuadTileAtPos)
                                                          new RCIntRectangle(
                                                              relativeRect.Item1.Location + quadTileAtPos.MapCoords - topLeftQuadCoords,

            /// Get the sprites to be displayed, translate their DisplayCoordinates accordingly from the top-left quadratic tile,
            /// and collect the violating quadratic coordinates.
            ObjectPlacementBox placementBox = new ObjectPlacementBox
                Sprites      = new List <SpriteRenderInfo>(),
                IllegalParts = new List <RCIntRectangle>(),
                LegalParts   = new List <RCIntRectangle>()
            RCSet <RCIntVector> violatingQuadCoords = this.CheckObjectConstraints(topLeftQuadCoords);

            foreach (Tuple <RCIntRectangle, SpriteRenderInfo[]> relativeRect in objRectsRelativeToTopLeftQuadTile)
                RCIntVector topLeftDisplayCoords =
                    this.MapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.QuadToWindowRect(new RCIntRectangle(topLeftQuadCoords + relativeRect.Item1.Location, new RCIntVector(1, 1))).Location;
                for (int i = 0; i < relativeRect.Item2.Length; i++)
                    relativeRect.Item2[i].DisplayCoords += topLeftDisplayCoords;
                for (int x = relativeRect.Item1.Left; x < relativeRect.Item1.Right; x++)
                    for (int y = relativeRect.Item1.Top; y < relativeRect.Item1.Bottom; y++)
                        RCIntVector    relativeQuadCoords = new RCIntVector(x, y);
                        RCIntVector    absQuadCoords      = topLeftQuadCoords + relativeQuadCoords;
                        RCIntRectangle partRect           =
                            this.MapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.QuadToWindowRect(new RCIntRectangle(absQuadCoords, new RCIntVector(1, 1)));
                        if (violatingQuadCoords.Contains(relativeQuadCoords))

Esempio n. 17
        /// <see cref="PetriNet.AttachThread"/>
        public void AttachThread(RCSet <PNTransition> extTransitions, Dictionary <PNTransition, PetriNet.PNCallback> callbacks)
            if (this.threadAttached.WaitOne(0))
                    /// Check the parameters.
                    CheckThreadAttachParameters(extTransitions, callbacks);

                    /// First we only allowed to fire external transitions.
                    PetriNet.PNTransitionType stage = PetriNet.PNTransitionType.EXTERNAL;

                    /// Start the thread control loop.
                    while (true)
                        /// Wait for a fireable transition.

                        lock (this.lockObject)
                            while (this.fireableTransitions.Count > 0)
                                if (stage == PetriNet.PNTransitionType.EXTERNAL)
                                    /// Find the first fireable external transition
                                    PNTransition firstExtTr = null;
                                    foreach (PNTransition fireableTr in this.fireableTransitions)
                                        if (this.transitions[fireableTr] == PetriNet.PNTransitionType.CALLBACK)
                                            throw new PetriNetException("Invalid type of fireable transition detected!");

                                        if (firstExtTr == null && this.transitions[fireableTr] == PetriNet.PNTransitionType.EXTERNAL &&
                                            firstExtTr = fireableTr;

                                    /// Fire the transition.
                                    if (firstExtTr != null)
                                        stage = PetriNet.PNTransitionType.INTERNAL;
                                        /// No fireable external transitions have been found.
                                else if (stage == PetriNet.PNTransitionType.INTERNAL)
                                    /// Find the first fireable internal transition or a callback transition
                                    PNTransition trToFire = null;
                                    foreach (PNTransition fireableTr in this.fireableTransitions)
                                        if (this.transitions[fireableTr] == PetriNet.PNTransitionType.INTERNAL)
                                            if (trToFire == null)
                                                trToFire = fireableTr;
                                        else if (this.transitions[fireableTr] == PetriNet.PNTransitionType.CALLBACK)
                                            if (this.fireableTransitions.Count == 1)
                                                /// End of thread attach: fire the transition, invoke the callback and return.

                                                /// Detach the thread and exit from the function.
                                                throw new PetriNetException("Invalid state during a thread attach!");
                                            throw new PetriNetException("Invalid type of fireable transition detected!");

                                    if (trToFire != null)
                                        /// No fireable internal transitions have been found.
                    /// Error occured --> Detach the thread and re-throw the exception.
                throw new PetriNetException("You cannot attach more than one threads to the same transition group at the same time!");
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the channel events and incoming answers arrived from the guests.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessGuestChannels(IDssGuestChannel[] channelsToGuests)
            RCSet <int> newGuests = new RCSet <int>();

            /// First collect the new guests
            for (int i = 0; i < this.previousChannelStates.Length; i++)
                if (this.previousChannelStates[i] != channelsToGuests[i].ChannelState)
                    /// The state of a channel has changed
                    this.previousChannelStates[i] = channelsToGuests[i].ChannelState;
                    if (channelsToGuests[i].ChannelState == DssChannelState.CHANNEL_OPENED)
                        this.uiCallMarshal.SetGuestControlStatus(i, GuestControlStatus.HostSideOpened);
                    else if (channelsToGuests[i].ChannelState == DssChannelState.CHANNEL_CLOSED)
                        this.uiCallMarshal.SetGuestControlStatus(i, GuestControlStatus.HostSideClosed);
                    else if (channelsToGuests[i].ChannelState == DssChannelState.GUEST_CONNECTED)
                        this.uiCallMarshal.SetGuestControlStatus(i, GuestControlStatus.HostSideEngaged);
                        this.simulator.GetPlayer(i + 1).Activate();

            /// Then process the answers of any other guests.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.previousChannelStates.Length; i++)
                if (!newGuests.Contains(i) && channelsToGuests[i].ChannelState == DssChannelState.GUEST_CONNECTED)
                    /// If a guest is connected to this channel, process it's answer.
                    RCPackage[] answerFromGuest = channelsToGuests[i].AnswerFromGuest;
                    for (int j = 0; j < answerFromGuest.Length; j++)
                        if (answerFromGuest[j].PackageFormat.ID == TestClientMessages.COLOR_CHANGE_REQUEST)
                            /// Color change request arrived from the guest.
                            PlayerColor newColor = (PlayerColor)answerFromGuest[j].ReadByte(0);
                            this.simulator.GetPlayer(i + 1).Color = newColor;

                            /// Notify the other connected guests.
                            for (int k = 0; k < channelsToGuests.Length; k++)
                                if (!newGuests.Contains(k) && i != k && channelsToGuests[k].ChannelState == DssChannelState.GUEST_CONNECTED)
                                    RCPackage colorChgNotif =
                                    colorChgNotif.WriteInt(0, i + 1);
                                    colorChgNotif.WriteByte(1, (byte)newColor);

                            /// Notify the UI
                            this.uiCallMarshal.SelectNewGuestColor(i, newColor);
                            break;  /// Ignore the remaining messages

            /// Send a reset message to the new guests
            foreach (int newGuestIdx in newGuests)
                byte[] colors  = new byte[this.simulator.MaxNumOfPlayers];
                int[]  xCoords = new int[this.simulator.MaxNumOfPlayers];
                int[]  yCoords = new int[this.simulator.MaxNumOfPlayers];
                for (int j = 0; j < colors.Length; j++)
                    colors[j]  = (byte)this.simulator.GetPlayer(j).Color;
                    xCoords[j] = this.simulator.GetPlayer(j).Position.X;
                    yCoords[j] = this.simulator.GetPlayer(j).Position.Y;
                RCPackage reset = RCPackage.CreateNetworkControlPackage(TestClientMessages.RESET);
                reset.WriteByteArray(0, colors);
                reset.WriteIntArray(1, xCoords);
                reset.WriteIntArray(2, yCoords);
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches any placeholders in the given format string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">The format string to search in.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of the found placeholders.</returns>
        private static List <PlaceHolder> SearchPlaceHolders(string format)
            RCSet <int> escapedOpeningBraces = SearchForwardInFormatString(format, "{{");
            RCSet <int> escapedClosingBraces = SearchBackwardInFormatString(format, "}}");

            List <PlaceHolder> retList = new List <PlaceHolder>();
            int startSearchFrom        = 0;

            while (startSearchFrom < format.Length)
                int idxOfOpeningBrace = format.IndexOf('{', startSearchFrom);
                if (idxOfOpeningBrace == -1)
                }                                       /// No more placeholders

                if (escapedOpeningBraces.Contains(idxOfOpeningBrace))
                    /// Part of an escaped opening brace
                    startSearchFrom = idxOfOpeningBrace + 2;
                if (escapedOpeningBraces.Contains(idxOfOpeningBrace - 1))
                    /// Part of an escaped opening brace
                    startSearchFrom = idxOfOpeningBrace + 1;

                /// Opening brace of placeholder found, search for closing brace
                startSearchFrom = idxOfOpeningBrace + 1;
                if (startSearchFrom == format.Length)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Format string parsing error!", "format");

                int idxOfClosingBrace = format.IndexOf('}', startSearchFrom);
                if (idxOfClosingBrace == -1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Format string parsing error!", "format");
                if (escapedClosingBraces.Contains(idxOfClosingBrace) ||
                    escapedClosingBraces.Contains(idxOfClosingBrace - 1))
                    /// Part of an escaped closing brace
                    throw new ArgumentException("Format string parsing error!", "format");

                /// Try to parse the placeholder string
                string placeholderNumStr = format.Substring(idxOfOpeningBrace + 1, idxOfClosingBrace - idxOfOpeningBrace - 1);
                int    placeholderNum;
                if (placeholderNumStr == string.Empty || !int.TryParse(placeholderNumStr, out placeholderNum))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Format string parsing error!", "format");

                /// Create the new placeholder
                PlaceHolder newPlaceholder = new PlaceHolder()
                    StartIndex = idxOfOpeningBrace,
                    Length     = idxOfClosingBrace - idxOfOpeningBrace + 1,
                    Number     = placeholderNum

                startSearchFrom = idxOfClosingBrace + 1;