Esempio n. 1
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)

            receiver            = e.Parameter as RCReceiver;
            receiver.LostEvent += Receiver_LostEvent;
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)

            receiver            = e.Parameter as RCReceiver;
            receiver.LostEvent += Receiver_LostEvent;

            _timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
            _timer.Tick    += _timer_Tick;
            Gamepad.GamepadAdded   += Gamepad_GamepadAdded;
            Gamepad.GamepadRemoved += Gamepad_GamepadRemoved;
Esempio n. 3
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        RCReceiver myTarget = (RCReceiver)target;

        Component[] allComponents;
        string[]    _choices;
        string[]    _propertyChoice;
        string[]    _serverChoice;
        string      addressName;    // OSC Address

        addressName = "";
        // --------------------------------------------------------- [ COMPONENTS ]
        // get components from gameobject
        allComponents = myTarget.GetComponents <Component>();
        _choices      = new string[allComponents.Length];

        int i = 0;

        foreach (Component component in allComponents)         // create a list of components
            _choices[i] = (string)component.GetType().Name;

        // Display popup
        int oldComponentIndex = myTarget._componentIndex;

        myTarget._componentIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Component to control", myTarget._componentIndex, _choices);

        // reset components
        if (oldComponentIndex != myTarget._componentIndex)
            myTarget.address       = "";
            myTarget._controlIndex = 0;
            myTarget._generalIndex = 0;

        //Component childrenComponents;
        myTarget.objectComponent = myTarget.GetComponent(allComponents[myTarget._componentIndex].GetType());
        Type typeComponent = myTarget.objectComponent.GetType();

        const BindingFlags flags = /*BindingFlags.NonPublic | */ BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public |
                                   BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

        // let the user choose what to control
        int oldControlIndex = myTarget._controlIndex;

        String[] exposeOptions = { "Properties", "Methods", "Fields" };
        myTarget._controlIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Control", myTarget._controlIndex, exposeOptions);
        // reset control
        if (oldControlIndex != myTarget._controlIndex)
            myTarget.address       = "";
            myTarget._generalIndex = 0;

        if (myTarget._controlIndex == 0)        // properties
            // To retrieve the properties
            PropertyInfo[] properties = typeComponent.GetProperties(flags);
            if (properties.Length > 0)            // check if we have properties
                _propertyChoice = new string[properties.Length];
                i = 0;
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties)
                    // TODO: Select the CanWrite property to constraint the selection
                    _propertyChoice[i] = (string)propertyInfo.Name;

                // Pop up for choosing the control properties
                int old_index = myTarget._generalIndex;
                myTarget._generalIndex  = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Property to control", myTarget._generalIndex, _propertyChoice);
                myTarget.propertyObject = properties[myTarget._generalIndex];

                if (old_index != myTarget._generalIndex)
                    myTarget.address = "";
                myTarget.relativeAt = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Relative to source", myTarget.relativeAt);

                // UPDATE the address field
                addressName = "/" + + "_" + myTarget.propertyObject.Name;
        else if (myTarget._controlIndex == 1)          // METHODS
            // --------------------------------------------------------- [ METHODS ]
            // To retrieve the blendshapes
            MethodInfo[] methods = typeComponent.GetMethods(flags);
            _propertyChoice = new string[methods.Length];
            i = 0;
            foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methods)
                _propertyChoice[i] = (string)methodInfo.Name;
            myTarget._generalIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Method to control", myTarget._generalIndex, _propertyChoice);
            if (methods.Length > myTarget._generalIndex)
                myTarget.methodObject = methods [myTarget._generalIndex];
                addressName           = "/" +;
                myTarget._extra       = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Blendshape Index", myTarget._extra);
        else if (myTarget._controlIndex == 2)
            // --------------------------------------------------------- [ FIELDS ]
            // Check for variables only if there are no main properties
            FieldInfo[] fields = typeComponent.GetFields(flags);

            int sizeField = fields.Length;

            _propertyChoice = new string[sizeField];
            i = 0;
            foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fields)
                _propertyChoice[i] = (string)fieldInfo.Name;

            myTarget._generalIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Variable to control", myTarget._generalIndex, _propertyChoice);

            if (fields.Length > myTarget._generalIndex)
                myTarget.fieldObject = fields[myTarget._generalIndex];

            addressName = "/" +;

        // check if there is new addresses
        if (addressName == myTarget.address || myTarget.address == null)
            myTarget.address = EditorGUILayout.TextField("OSC Address", addressName);
            // get the manually wroten address
            if (myTarget.address.Length > 0)
                addressName = myTarget.address;
            myTarget.address = EditorGUILayout.TextField("OSC Address", addressName);

        // TODO: Please optimize this
        // create a dialog for a list of known addresses
        int addresses = EditorPrefs.GetInt("Addresses");

        if (addresses > 0)
            string[] addrOSC = new string[addresses + 1];
            addrOSC[0] = myTarget.address.Replace("/", "\\");
            for (int a = 0; a < addresses; a++)
                /* Future implementation of TUIO
                 * string tempAddress = EditorPrefs.GetString ("address" + a.ToString ());
                 * if (tempAddress == "/tuio/2Dcur")

                addrOSC[a + 1] = (EditorPrefs.GetString("address" + a.ToString()));
            int indexAddress = myTarget._addressIndex;
            myTarget._addressIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Last addresses", myTarget._addressIndex, addrOSC);
            if (indexAddress != myTarget._addressIndex)                 // change the address
                myTarget.address       = addrOSC[myTarget._addressIndex].Replace("\\", "/");
                myTarget._addressIndex = 0;

        // Check for avaiable ports

        OSC[] instancesOSC;
        instancesOSC  = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(OSC)) as OSC[];
        _serverChoice = new string[instancesOSC.Length];

        // Search for avaiable ports!
        if (instancesOSC.Length > 0 && instancesOSC.Length > myTarget._portIndex)
            i = 0;
            foreach (OSC item in instancesOSC)
                _serverChoice[i] = item.getPortIN().ToString();

            myTarget._portIndex   = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Input Port", myTarget._portIndex, _serverChoice);
            myTarget.RCPortInPort = instancesOSC [myTarget._portIndex];
            Debug.Log("No active ports! Please drag OSC script into scene and setup ports");
        // TODO: this procedure should be optimized in the future

        if (myTarget._controlIndex == 0)
                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            myTarget.enableMapping = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Enable Mapping", myTarget.enableMapping);
            if (myTarget.enableMapping)
                bool initList     = false;
                bool resetMapping = false;
                myTarget.learnOut = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Learn", myTarget.learnOut);
                resetMapping      = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Reset", resetMapping);
                if (resetMapping)
                    resetMapping = false;
                    myTarget.minRange = resetList(myTarget.propertyObject, myTarget.objectComponent, 0);
                    myTarget.maxRange = resetList(myTarget.propertyObject, myTarget.objectComponent, 1);
                    myTarget.learnOut = false;
                Type type;
                type = myTarget.propertyObject.GetValue(myTarget.objectComponent, null).GetType();
                if (myTarget.minRange != null && myTarget.maxRange != null)
                    if (myTarget.minRange.Count > 0 && myTarget.maxRange.Count > 0)
                        for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++)
                            string       label    = "";
                            List <float> tempList = new List <float> ();
                            if (a == 0)
                                tempList = myTarget.minRange;
                                label    = "Min";
                            if (a == 1)
                                tempList = myTarget.maxRange;
                                label    = "Max";

                            if (type == typeof(float) || type == typeof(int))
                                float minValue = tempList [0];
                                minValue     = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(label, minValue);
                                tempList [0] = minValue;
                            else if (type == typeof(Vector2))
                                Vector2 minVec = convertVector2(tempList);
                                minVec   = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(label, minVec);
                                tempList = convertList(minVec);
                            else if (type == typeof(Vector3))
                                Vector3 minVec = convertVector3(tempList);
                                minVec   = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(label, minVec);
                                tempList = convertList(minVec);
                            else if (type == typeof(Vector4))
                                Vector4 minVec = convertVector4(tempList);
                                minVec            = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field(label, minVec);
                                myTarget.minRange = convertList(minVec);
                            if (a == 0)
                                myTarget.minRange = tempList;
                            if (a == 1)
                                myTarget.maxRange = tempList;
                        initList = true;
                    initList = true;

                if (myTarget.learnOut)
                    if (myTarget.minRange != null && myTarget.maxRange != null)
                        if (myTarget.minRange.Count > 0 && myTarget.maxRange.Count > 0)
                            List <float> listObjectTemp;
                            listObjectTemp = propConvertList(myTarget.propertyObject, myTarget.objectComponent);

                            if (myTarget.minRange.Count == listObjectTemp.Count && myTarget.maxRange.Count == listObjectTemp.Count)
                                for (int x = 0; x < listObjectTemp.Count; x++)
                                    if (listObjectTemp [x] < myTarget.minRange [x])
                                        myTarget.minRange [x] = listObjectTemp [x];
                                    if (listObjectTemp [x] > myTarget.maxRange [x])
                                        myTarget.maxRange [x] = listObjectTemp [x];
                        initList = true;
                if (initList)
                    myTarget.minRange = resetList(myTarget.propertyObject, myTarget.objectComponent, 0);
                    myTarget.maxRange = resetList(myTarget.propertyObject, myTarget.objectComponent, 1);
        else if (myTarget._controlIndex == 1)
                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (myTarget.methodObject != null)
                if (myTarget.methodObject.Name == "SetBlendShapeWeight")
                    myTarget.enableMapping = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Enable Mapping", myTarget.enableMapping);

            if (myTarget.enableMapping)
                bool initList     = false;
                bool resetMapping = false;
                myTarget.learnOut = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Learn", myTarget.learnOut);
                resetMapping      = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Reset", resetMapping);
                if (resetMapping)
                    resetMapping = false;
                    myTarget.learnOut = false;

                if (myTarget.methodObject != null)
                    if (myTarget.methodObject.Name == "SetBlendShapeWeight")
                        GameObject          objectTemp = myTarget.gameObject;
                        SkinnedMeshRenderer meshTemp   = objectTemp.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
                        Mesh m = meshTemp.sharedMesh;
                        if (myTarget.minRange != null && myTarget.maxRange != null)
                            // if there is not enought values in the list, lets create new
                            if (myTarget.minRange != null && myTarget.maxRange != null)
                                if (myTarget.minRange.Count < m.blendShapeCount || myTarget.maxRange.Count < m.blendShapeCount)
                                    initList = true;
                                    float minValue = myTarget.minRange [myTarget._extra];
                                    minValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("min", minValue);
                                    myTarget.minRange[myTarget._extra] = minValue;

                                    float maxValue = myTarget.maxRange [myTarget._extra];
                                    maxValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("max", maxValue);
                                    myTarget.maxRange[myTarget._extra] = maxValue;

                                    if (myTarget.learnOut)
                                        if (meshTemp.GetBlendShapeWeight(myTarget._extra) < myTarget.minRange[myTarget._extra])
                                            myTarget.minRange[myTarget._extra] = meshTemp.GetBlendShapeWeight(myTarget._extra);
                                        if (meshTemp.GetBlendShapeWeight(myTarget._extra) > myTarget.maxRange[myTarget._extra])
                                            myTarget.maxRange[myTarget._extra] = meshTemp.GetBlendShapeWeight(myTarget._extra);
                                initList = true;
                            initList = true;
                        if (initList)
                            if (myTarget.minRange == null || myTarget.maxRange == null)
                                myTarget.minRange = new List <float>();
                                myTarget.maxRange = new List <float>();

                            for (i = myTarget.minRange.Count; i < m.blendShapeCount; i++)
Esempio n. 4
 private void Receiver_lost(object finder, RCReceiver receiver)
Esempio n. 5
 private void Receiver_discovered(object finder, RCReceiver receiver)
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        RCReceiver myTarget = (RCReceiver)target;

        Component[] allComponents;
        string[]    _choices;
        string[]    _propertyChoice;
        string[]    _serverChoice;
        string      addressName;    // OSC Address

        addressName = "";
        // --------------------------------------------------------- [ COMPONENTS ]
        // get components from gameobject
        allComponents = myTarget.GetComponents <Component>();
        _choices      = new string[allComponents.Length];

        int i = 0;

        foreach (Component component in allComponents)         // create a list of components
            _choices[i] = (string)component.GetType().Name;

        // Display popup
        int oldComponentIndex = myTarget._componentIndex;

        myTarget._componentIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Component to control", myTarget._componentIndex, _choices);

        // reset components
        if (oldComponentIndex != myTarget._componentIndex)
            myTarget.address       = "";
            myTarget._controlIndex = 0;
            myTarget._generalIndex = 0;

        //Component childrenComponents;
        myTarget.objectComponent = myTarget.GetComponent(allComponents[myTarget._componentIndex].GetType());
        Type typeComponent = myTarget.objectComponent.GetType();

        const BindingFlags flags = /*BindingFlags.NonPublic | */ BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public |
                                   BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

        // let the user choose what to control
        int oldControlIndex = myTarget._controlIndex;

        String[] exposeOptions = { "Properties", "Methods", "Fields" };
        myTarget._controlIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Control", myTarget._controlIndex, exposeOptions);
        // reset control
        if (oldControlIndex != myTarget._controlIndex)
            myTarget.address       = "";
            myTarget._generalIndex = 0;

        if (myTarget._controlIndex == 0)        // properties
            // To retrieve the properties
            PropertyInfo[] properties = typeComponent.GetProperties(flags);
            if (properties.Length > 0)            // check if we have properties
                _propertyChoice = new string[properties.Length];
                i = 0;
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties)
                    // TODO: Select the CanWrite property to constraint the selection
                    _propertyChoice[i] = (string)propertyInfo.Name;

                // Pop up for choosing the control properties
                int old_index = myTarget._generalIndex;
                myTarget._generalIndex  = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Property to control", myTarget._generalIndex, _propertyChoice);
                myTarget.propertyObject = properties[myTarget._generalIndex];

                if (old_index != myTarget._generalIndex)
                    myTarget.address = "";
                myTarget.relativeAt = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Relative to source", myTarget.relativeAt);

                // UPDATE the address field
                addressName = "/" + + "_" + myTarget.propertyObject.Name;
        else if (myTarget._controlIndex == 1)          // METHODS
            // --------------------------------------------------------- [ METHODS ]
            // To retrieve the blendshapes
            MethodInfo[] methods = typeComponent.GetMethods(flags);
            _propertyChoice = new string[methods.Length];
            i = 0;
            foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methods)
                _propertyChoice[i] = (string)methodInfo.Name;
            myTarget._generalIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Method to control", myTarget._generalIndex, _propertyChoice);
            myTarget.methodObject  = methods[myTarget._generalIndex];
            addressName            = "/" +;
            myTarget._extra        = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Extra Int", myTarget._extra);
        else if (myTarget._controlIndex == 2)
            // --------------------------------------------------------- [ FIELDS ]
            // Check for variables only if there are no main properties
            FieldInfo[] fields = typeComponent.GetFields(flags);

            _propertyChoice = new string[fields.Length];
            i = 0;
            foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fields)
                _propertyChoice[i] = (string)fieldInfo.Name;
            myTarget._generalIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Variable to control", myTarget._generalIndex, _propertyChoice);
            addressName            = "/" +;

        // check if there is new addresses
        if (addressName == myTarget.address || myTarget.address == null)
            myTarget.address = EditorGUILayout.TextField("OSC Address", addressName);
            // get the manually wroten address
            if (myTarget.address.Length > 0)
                addressName = myTarget.address;
            myTarget.address = EditorGUILayout.TextField("OSC Address", addressName);

        // Pop up for choosing the input port
        // TODO: Should check if the port is active or not (the script), maybe in the future an editor way to create the ports
        RCPortIn[] instancesRCPortIn;
        instancesRCPortIn = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(RCPortIn)) as RCPortIn[];
        _serverChoice     = new string[instancesRCPortIn.Length];

        if (instancesRCPortIn.Length > 0)
            i = 0;
            foreach (RCPortIn item in instancesRCPortIn)
                _serverChoice[i] = item.port.ToString();

        myTarget._portIndex   = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Input Port", myTarget._portIndex, _serverChoice);
        myTarget.RCPortInPort = instancesRCPortIn [myTarget._portIndex];