Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to align the minimap vertically.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minimapControlPixelSize">The size of the minimap control in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="mapCellSize">The size of the map in cells.</param>
        /// <param name="minimapPosition">The position of the minimap on the minimap control in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="transformation">The transformation between the map (A) and minimap (B) coordinate-systems.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the alignment was successfully; otherwise false.</returns>
        private static bool TryAlignMinimapVertically(
            RCIntVector minimapControlPixelSize,
            RCIntVector mapCellSize,
            out RCIntRectangle minimapPosition,
            out RCCoordTransformation transformation)
            RCNumber vertAlignedMinimapWidth = (RCNumber)(minimapControlPixelSize.Y * mapCellSize.X) / (RCNumber)mapCellSize.Y;

            if (vertAlignedMinimapWidth > minimapControlPixelSize.X)
                /// Cannot align vertically.
                minimapPosition = RCIntRectangle.Undefined;
                transformation  = null;

            /// Align vertically
            int minimapPixelWidth = vertAlignedMinimapWidth > (int)vertAlignedMinimapWidth
                                  ? (int)vertAlignedMinimapWidth + 1
                                  : (int)vertAlignedMinimapWidth;

            minimapPosition = new RCIntRectangle((minimapControlPixelSize.X - minimapPixelWidth) / 2, 0, minimapPixelWidth, minimapControlPixelSize.Y);

            /// Create the coordinate transformation
            RCNumVector pixelSizeOnMap = new RCNumVector((RCNumber)mapCellSize.Y / (RCNumber)minimapControlPixelSize.Y,
                                                         (RCNumber)mapCellSize.Y / (RCNumber)minimapControlPixelSize.Y);
            RCNumVector nullVectorOfMinimap  = (pixelSizeOnMap / 2) - (new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2);
            RCNumVector baseVectorOfMinimapX = new RCNumVector(pixelSizeOnMap.X, 0);
            RCNumVector baseVectorOfMinimapY = new RCNumVector(0, pixelSizeOnMap.Y);

            transformation = new RCCoordTransformation(nullVectorOfMinimap, baseVectorOfMinimapX, baseVectorOfMinimapY);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to align the minimap horizontally.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minimapControlPixelSize">The size of the minimap control in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="mapCellSize">The size of the map in cells.</param>
        /// <param name="minimapPosition">The position of the minimap on the minimap control in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="transformation">The transformation between the map (A) and minimap (B) coordinate-systems.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the alignment was successfully; otherwise false.</returns>
        private static bool TryAlignMinimapHorizontally(
            RCIntVector minimapControlPixelSize,
            RCIntVector mapCellSize,
            out RCIntRectangle minimapPosition,
            out RCCoordTransformation transformation)
            RCNumber horzAlignedMinimapHeight = (RCNumber)(minimapControlPixelSize.X * mapCellSize.Y) / (RCNumber)mapCellSize.X;

            if (horzAlignedMinimapHeight > minimapControlPixelSize.Y)
                /// Cannot align horizontally.
                minimapPosition = RCIntRectangle.Undefined;
                transformation  = null;

            /// Align horizontally
            int minimapPixelHeight = horzAlignedMinimapHeight > (int)horzAlignedMinimapHeight
                                   ? (int)horzAlignedMinimapHeight + 1
                                   : (int)horzAlignedMinimapHeight;

            minimapPosition = new RCIntRectangle(0, (minimapControlPixelSize.Y - minimapPixelHeight) / 2, minimapControlPixelSize.X, minimapPixelHeight);

            /// Create the coordinate transformation
            RCNumVector pixelSizeOnMap = new RCNumVector((RCNumber)mapCellSize.X / (RCNumber)minimapControlPixelSize.X,
                                                         (RCNumber)mapCellSize.X / (RCNumber)minimapControlPixelSize.X);
            RCNumVector nullVectorOfMinimap  = (pixelSizeOnMap / 2) - (new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2);
            RCNumVector baseVectorOfMinimapX = new RCNumVector(pixelSizeOnMap.X, 0);
            RCNumVector baseVectorOfMinimapY = new RCNumVector(0, pixelSizeOnMap.Y);

            transformation = new RCCoordTransformation(nullVectorOfMinimap, baseVectorOfMinimapX, baseVectorOfMinimapY);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a MinimapPixel instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetScenario">Reference to the target scenario.</param>
        /// <param name="pixelCoords">The coordinates of this pixel on the minimap image.</param>
        /// <param name="mapToMinimapTransformation">Coordinate transformation between the map (A) and minimap (B) coordinate-systems.</param>
        public MinimapPixel(Scenario targetScenario, RCIntVector pixelCoords, RCCoordTransformation mapToMinimapTransformation)
            this.isDisposed  = false;
            this.pixelCoords = pixelCoords;

            /// Calculate the area on the map covered by this pixel.
            RCNumVector minimapPixelTopLeft     = pixelCoords - (new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2);
            RCNumVector minimapPixelBottomRight = pixelCoords + (new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2);
            RCNumVector mapRectTopLeft          = mapToMinimapTransformation.TransformBA(minimapPixelTopLeft);
            RCNumVector mapRectBottomRight      = mapToMinimapTransformation.TransformBA(minimapPixelBottomRight);

            this.coveredArea = new RCNumRectangle(mapRectTopLeft, mapRectBottomRight - mapRectTopLeft);
            this.coveredArea.Intersect(new RCNumRectangle(new RCNumVector(0, 0), targetScenario.Map.CellSize) - (new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2));

            /// Find the quadratic tiles whose centers are inside the covered area.
            RCIntVector    cellRectTopLeft     = this.coveredArea.Location.Round();
            RCIntVector    cellRectBottomRight = (this.coveredArea.Location + this.coveredArea.Size).Round();
            RCIntRectangle cellRect            = new RCIntRectangle(cellRectTopLeft, cellRectBottomRight - cellRectTopLeft + new RCIntVector(1, 1));
            RCIntRectangle quadRect            = targetScenario.Map.CellToQuadRect(cellRect);

            RCIntVector coveredQuadTilesTopLeft     = RCIntVector.Undefined;
            RCIntVector coveredQuadTilesBottomRight = RCIntVector.Undefined;

            for (int quadCoordX = quadRect.Left; quadCoordX < quadRect.Right; quadCoordX++)
                for (int quadCoordY = quadRect.Top; quadCoordY < quadRect.Bottom; quadCoordY++)
                    RCNumRectangle quadTileRect = (RCNumRectangle)targetScenario.Map.QuadToCellRect(new RCIntRectangle(quadCoordX, quadCoordY, 1, 1))
                                                  - (new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2);
                    RCNumVector quadTileRectCenter = (quadTileRect.Location + quadTileRect.Location + quadTileRect.Size) / 2;
                    if (this.coveredArea.Contains(quadTileRectCenter))
                        RCIntVector quadCoords = new RCIntVector(quadCoordX, quadCoordY);
                        if (coveredQuadTilesTopLeft == RCIntVector.Undefined)
                            coveredQuadTilesTopLeft = quadCoords;
                        if (coveredQuadTilesBottomRight == RCIntVector.Undefined ||
                            quadCoords.Y > coveredQuadTilesBottomRight.Y ||
                            quadCoords.X > coveredQuadTilesBottomRight.X)
                            coveredQuadTilesBottomRight = quadCoords;
            this.coveredQuadTiles = new RCIntRectangle(coveredQuadTilesTopLeft, coveredQuadTilesBottomRight - coveredQuadTilesTopLeft + new RCIntVector(1, 1));