Esempio n. 1
    public const int MAXTRIES = 10;     /* max number of tries to put down a monster */

    // Add a treasure room
    public static void treas_room()
        int   nm;
        THING tp;
        room  rp;
        int   spots, num_monst;
        var   mp = new Coord();

        rp    = rooms[rnd_room()];
        spots = (rp.Size.y - 2) * (rp.Size.x - 2) - MINTREAS;
        if (spots > (MAXTREAS - MINTREAS))
            spots = (MAXTREAS - MINTREAS);
        num_monst = nm = R14.rnd(spots) + MINTREAS;

        while (nm-- != 0)
            find_floor(rp, out mp, 2 * MAXTRIES, false);
            tp         = R14.GetNewRandomThing();
            tp.ItemPos = mp;
            R14.attach(ref Dungeon.ItemList, tp);
            Dungeon.SetCharAt(mp.y, mp.x, (char)tp.ItemType);

        //fill up room with monsters from the next level down
        if ((nm = R14.rnd(spots) + MINTREAS) < num_monst + 2)
            nm = num_monst + 2;
        spots = (rp.Size.y - 2) * (rp.Size.x - 2);
        if (nm > spots)
            nm = spots;


        while (nm-- != 0)
            spots = 0;

            if (find_floor(rp, out mp, MAXTRIES, true))
                tp = new THING();
                R14.new_monster(tp, R14.randmonster(false), mp);
                tp.t_flags |= Mob.ISMEAN;       /* no sloughers in THIS room */

Esempio n. 2
    // populate map with items
    public static void put_things()
        int   i;
        THING obj;

        /* Once you have found the amulet, the only way to get new stuff is go down into the dungeon */
        if (Agent.amulet && Agent.LevelOfMap < Agent.dyn___max_level)
        /* check for treasure rooms, and if so, put it in */
        if (R14.rnd(TREAS_ROOM) == 0)

        // make items
        for (i = 0; i < MAXOBJ; i++)
            int roll = R14.rnd(100);
            //Console.WriteLine("rolled " + roll);
            if (roll < 36)
                obj = R14.GetNewRandomThing();
                R14.attach(ref Dungeon.ItemList, obj);
                find_floor(null, out obj.ItemPos, 0, false);
                SetCharAt(obj.ItemPos.y, obj.ItemPos.x, (char)obj.ItemType);

        // place amulet... if far in enough & hasn't found
        if (Agent.LevelOfMap >= AMULETLEVEL && !Agent.amulet)
            obj = new THING();
            R14.attach(ref ItemList, obj);
            obj.PlusToHit        = 0;
            obj.PlusToDmg        = 0;
            obj.swing___o_damage = "0x0";
            obj.o_hurldmg        = "0x0";
            obj.Ac       = 11;
            obj.ItemType = Char.AMULET;

             * Put it somewhere
            find_floor(null, out obj.ItemPos, 0, false);
            Dungeon.SetCharAt(obj.ItemPos.y, obj.ItemPos.x, Char.AMULET);