public ActionResult ActivateQuote(string Id) { int nObsoleteId = Convert.ToInt32(Id); tblQuoteLog result = new tblQuoteLog(); SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities objdb = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities(); var quote = (from b in objdb.tblObsolete_Quotes where b.Id == nObsoleteId select b).ToList(); var uid_quotelog = objdb.tblQuoteLogs.OrderByDescending(u => u.UID).FirstOrDefault(); var uid_obsquotelog = objdb.tblObsolete_Quotes.OrderByDescending(u => u.UID).FirstOrDefault(); string bidate = "1/1/1753"; if (quote[0].BidDate != null) { bidate = Convert.ToString(quote[0].BidDate); } result.BidDate = Convert.ToDateTime(bidate); result.BiddingAs = quote[0].BiddingAs; result.BidTo = quote[0].BidTo; result.ProjectName = quote[0].ProjectName; result.Division = quote[0].Division; result.LastAddendumRecvd = quote[0].LastAddendumRecvd; result.Estimator = quote[0].Estimator; result.QuoteNumber = quote[0].QuoteNumber; result.UID = quote[0].UID; result.EngineersEstimate = quote[0].EngineersEstimate; result.Notes = quote[0].Notes; result.JobWalkDate = quote[0].Job_Walk_Date; result.QADeadLineDateTime = quote[0].QADeadLineDateTime; result.QuoteStatus = quote[0].QuoteStatus; result.dtpLastDateFollowup = quote[0].dtpLastDateFollowup; result.LastFollowupBy = quote[0].LastFollowupBy; result.FollowupNote = quote[0].FollowupNote; result.EmailAddress = quote[0].EmailAddress; QuoteLogRepository _repo = new QuoteLogRepository(); _repo.AddActivateQuoteLog(result, "T"); var act = new ActivityRepository(); act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Archived Quote", "Activate Quote ", "Archived Quote " + quote[0].UID.ToString() + " activated by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + "."); foreach (var detail in quote) { objdb.tblObsolete_Quotes.Remove(detail); } objdb.SaveChanges(); act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Delete Archived Quote", "Activate Quote ", "Archived Quote " + quote[0].UID.ToString() + " deleted after moving to current by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + "."); JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string result1 = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(result); return(Json(result1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult ArchieveRecord(string Id) { // ObsoleteBidLogViewModel result = new ObsoleteBidLogViewModel(); int nId = Convert.ToInt32(Id); QuoteLogRepository _repo = new QuoteLogRepository(); tblObsolete_Quote result = new tblObsolete_Quote(); SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities objdb = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities(); var quote = (from b in objdb.tblQuoteLogs where b.Id == nId select b).ToList(); string UID = quote[0].UID.ToString(); string bidate = "1/1/1753"; if (quote[0].BidDate != null) { bidate = Convert.ToString(quote[0].BidDate); } result.BidDate = Convert.ToDateTime(bidate); result.BiddingAs = quote[0].BiddingAs; result.BidTo = quote[0].BidTo; result.ProjectName = quote[0].ProjectName; result.Estimator = quote[0].Estimator; result.QuoteNumber = quote[0].QuoteNumber; result.Notes = quote[0].Notes; result.EngineersEstimate = quote[0].EngineersEstimate; result.Division = quote[0].Division; result.UID = quote[0].UID; result.RedSheet = quote[0].RedSheet; result.ScopeLetter = quote[0].ScopeLetter; result.Job_Walk_Date = quote[0].JobWalkDate; result.QADeadLineDateTime = quote[0].QADeadLineDateTime; result.Mandatory_Job_Walk = (quote[0].MandetoryJobWalk == null ? false : true); result.LastAddendumRecvd = quote[0].LastAddendumRecvd; result.QuoteStatus = quote[0].QuoteStatus; result.dtpLastDateFollowup = quote[0].dtpLastDateFollowup; result.LastFollowupBy = quote[0].LastFollowupBy; result.FollowupNote = quote[0].FollowupNote; result.EmailAddress = quote[0].EmailAddress; _repo.AddArchiveQuoteLog(result, "F"); var act = new ActivityRepository(); act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Archive Quote", "ArchieveRecord", "Quote " + quote[0].UID + " archived by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + "."); foreach (var detail in quote) { objdb.tblQuoteLogs.Remove(detail); } objdb.SaveChanges(); act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Delete Quote", "ArchieveRecord ", " Quote " + UID + " deleted after archiving by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + "."); JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string result1 = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(result); return(Json(result1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult GetQuotelogData(string orderby) { QuoteLogRepository _repository = new QuoteLogRepository(); var quote = _repository.GetQuoteLogsData(orderby); var jsonData = new { data = quote }; return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult GetArchivedQuotelogData() { QuoteLogRepository _repository = new QuoteLogRepository(); var archivequote = _repository.GetArchiveQuoteLogsData(); var jsonData = new { data = archivequote }; return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult PreviewReport() { QuoteLogRepository _repository = new QuoteLogRepository(); DataTable dt = _repository.GetQuoteLogReportDetails(); ReportViewer reportViewer = new ReportViewer(); reportViewer.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local; reportViewer.SizeToReportContent = true; reportViewer.BorderWidth = 0; reportViewer.Width = 650; reportViewer.Height = 300; reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = Request.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath) + @"Reports\QuoteLog.rdlc"; reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", dt)); //reportViewer.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { rp1, rp2, empName }); ViewBag.ReportViewer = reportViewer; ViewBag.ReportViewerFlag = true; return(View("Print")); }
public ActionResult EditQuote(string id) { SRLogRepository objdata = new SRLogRepository(); QuoteLogRepository _repos = new QuoteLogRepository(); int QuoteId = Convert.ToInt32(id); QuoteLogViewModel objcre = _repos.GetQuoteRecords(QuoteId); objcre.CustomerList = objdata.GetCustomer(); objcre.GroupUsersList = objdata.GetGroupUser(); bool bExistEstimator = false; foreach (var i in objcre.GroupUsersList) { if (i.UserName == objcre.Estimator) { bExistEstimator = true; } } if (bExistEstimator == false) { tblGroupUser g = new tblGroupUser(); g.UserName = objcre.Estimator; g.Userid = objcre.Estimator; g.Group_Name = ""; objcre.GroupUsersList.Add(g); } objcre.emailids = _repos.GetEmailInfo(); ViewBag.UpdateDisable = false; if (Convert.ToString(Session["SR_Log_ReadOnly"]) == "True" && Convert.ToString(Session["Bid_Log_ReadOnly"]) == "True") { ViewBag.UpdateDisable = true; } objcre.Id = QuoteId; ViewBag.UId = objcre.UID; ViewBag.QuoteId = objcre.Id; return(View("Create", objcre)); }
public ActionResult Create() { QuoteLogRepository _mainrepo = new QuoteLogRepository(); QuoteLogViewModel objcre = new QuoteLogViewModel(); // QuoteLogRepository objdata = new QuoteLogRepository(); SRLogRepository objdata = new SRLogRepository(); objcre.CustomerList = objdata.GetCustomer(); objcre.GroupUsersList = objdata.GetGroupUser(); objcre.emailids = _mainrepo.GetEmailInfo(); ViewBag.UpdateDisable = false; objcre.Id = 0; if (Convert.ToString(Session["SR_Log_ReadOnly"]) == "True" && Convert.ToString(Session["Bid_Log_ReadOnly"]) == "True") { ViewBag.UpdateDisable = true; } return(View(objcre)); }
public ActionResult Create(QuoteLogViewModel model, FormCollection form) { QuoteLogRepository _repo = new QuoteLogRepository(); SRLogRepository objdata = new SRLogRepository(); ModelState.Remove("Id"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities objdb1 = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities(); string hdnCustomer = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["hdnCustomer"]) == false) { hdnCustomer = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustomer"]).ToUpper(); } else { hdnCustomer = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustomer"]); } string hdnCustUpdate = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustUpdate"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnCustUpdate)) { //Add or Update Customer tblCustomer cu = (from cust in objdb1.tblCustomers where cust.CustomerName == hdnCustomer select cust).FirstOrDefault(); CommonFunctions c = new CommonFunctions(); if (cu == null) { tblCustomer custad = new tblCustomer(); custad.CustomerName = hdnCustomer; custad.DateAdded = c.GetCurrentDate(); custad.IsInActive = false; custad.Notes = null; objdb1.tblCustomers.Add(custad); objdb1.SaveChanges(); } } model.BidTo = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["hdnCustomer"]) == false) { model.BidTo = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustomer"]).ToUpper(); } else { model.BidTo = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustomer"]); } string strBidAs = ""; if (model.BiddingAsIandC == true) { strBidAs = "0#"; } if (model.BiddingAsElectircal == true) { strBidAs = strBidAs + "1#"; } if (model.BiddingAsPrime == true) { strBidAs = strBidAs + "2#"; } if (model.BiddingAsUnKnown == true) { strBidAs = strBidAs + "3#"; } if (model.BiddingAsNotBidding == true) { strBidAs = strBidAs + "4#"; } if (model.BiddingAsNotQualified == true) { strBidAs = strBidAs + "5#"; } if (model.BiddingAsMechanical == true) { strBidAs = strBidAs + "6#"; } model.BiddingAs = strBidAs; if (model.DivisionConcord == true) { model.Division = "Concord"; } else if (model.DivisionHanford == true) { model.Division = "Hanford"; } else if (model.DivisionSacramento == true) { model.Division = "Sacramento"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ProjectName) == false) { model.ProjectName = model.ProjectName.ToUpper(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.QuoteStatus) == false) { model.QuoteStatus = model.QuoteStatus.ToUpper(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.LastFollowupBy) == false) { model.LastFollowupBy = model.LastFollowupBy.ToUpper(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FollowupNote) == false) { model.FollowupNote = model.FollowupNote.ToUpper(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.EngineersEstimate) == false) { model.EngineersEstimate = model.EngineersEstimate.ToUpper(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Notes) == false) { model.Notes = model.Notes.ToUpper(); } _repo.UpdateQuoteLog(model); ViewBag.UId = model.UID; ViewBag.ID = model.Id; string dtpLastDateFollowup = ""; if (model.dtpLastDateFollowup == null) { dtpLastDateFollowup = ""; } else { dtpLastDateFollowup = Convert.ToDateTime(model.dtpLastDateFollowup).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); } string bidDate = ""; if (model.BidDate == null) { bidDate = ""; } else { bidDate = Convert.ToDateTime(model.BidDate).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); } SendQuoteModifyMailSMTP(dtpLastDateFollowup, model.Email, model.BidTo, model.ProjectName, bidDate, model.QuoteStatus, model.LastFollowupBy, model.FollowupNote); var act = new ActivityRepository(); act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Update Quote", "Create", "Quote " + model.UID + " updated by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + "."); ViewBag.Message = "Record Updated Successfully And Quote Modified Status Mail Sent Succesfully"; } //BidLogViewModel objcre = new BidLogViewModel(); objdata = new SRLogRepository(); model.CustomerList = objdata.GetCustomer(); model.GroupUsersList = objdata.GetGroupUser(); bool bExistEstimator = false; foreach (var i in model.GroupUsersList) { if (i.UserName == model.Estimator) { bExistEstimator = true; } } if (bExistEstimator == false) { tblGroupUser g = new tblGroupUser(); g.UserName = model.Estimator; g.Userid = model.Estimator; g.Group_Name = ""; model.GroupUsersList.Add(g); } ViewBag.UpdateDisable = false; if (Convert.ToString(Session["SR_Log_ReadOnly"]) == "True" && Convert.ToString(Session["Bid_Log_ReadOnly"]) == "True") { ViewBag.UpdateDisable = true; } model.emailids = _repo.GetEmailInfo(); return(View("Create", model)); }