Esempio n. 1
        public QuoteInvoiceCollection GetQuoteByCustomerId(String username_ad, String password_ad, int id)
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthHeader(username_ad, password_ad);

            var billingService             = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IBillingEngineService>(ah);
            var financeService             = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IFinanceService>(ah);
            var agreementManagementService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IAgreementManagementService>(ah);

            #region Step 1
            //First, get Pending quotes to check their QuoteDates.
            //Instantiate a class for the request.
            BaseQueryRequest req = new BaseQueryRequest();
            req.FilterCriteria = new CriteriaCollection();
            //Define the selection criteria.
            //Replace 73948 with the CustomerId of the customer you want.
            req.FilterCriteria.Add("CustomerId", id);
            //Get the customer's QuoteInvoices.
            QuoteInvoiceCollection qts = billingService.FindQuoteInvoices(req);
            if (qts != null && qts.Items.Count > 0)
                //foreach (var q in qts)
                //    Console.WriteLine("Customer ID {0}: QuoteDate = {1} QuoteInvoice ID = {2}",
                //    q.CustomerId, q.QuoteDate, q.Id);
                //    Console.WriteLine("Quote amount = {0} Quote type = {1}",
                //    q.TotalAmount, q.QuoteType);
                //    //If the QuoteDate < Today, then regenerate the quote.
                //    if (q.QuoteDate < System.DateTime.Today)
                //    {
                //        QuoteInvoiceRequest request = new QuoteInvoiceRequest();
                //        request.QuoteId = q.Id;
                //        //If Save = True, ICC saves the QuoteInvoice.
                //        //To get the quote info but not commit it to the database,
                //        //set the flag to False. This is useful when
                //        //you only want to know what the customer would pay next
                //        //period, but you don't want to create the quote.
                //        request.Save = true;
                //        //Regenerate the quote to save Today's quote info.
                //        QuoteInvoiceResponse response = billingService.RegenerateQuoteInvoice(request);
                //        Console.WriteLine("New quote generated. ID = {0}; Amount = {1}",
                //        response.NewQuoteInvoice.Id, response.NewQuoteInvoice.TotalAmount);
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine("Customer's quotes are up-to-date.");
                //    }
            #endregion step 1
Esempio n. 2
        public List <QuoteInvoiceCollection> GetPendingQuote(String username_ad, String password_ad)
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthHeader(username_ad, password_ad);

            var billService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxy <IBillingEngineService>(ah);
            var finService  = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetFinanceService(ah);

            QuoteInvoiceCollection quotes = null;
            decimal   total_amount        = 0;
            ArrayList falist           = new ArrayList();
            long      new_max_quote_id = 1;
            int       total_record     = 0;
            List <QuoteInvoiceCollection> the_items = new List <QuoteInvoiceCollection>();

            for (int i = 1; i < 10000; i++)
                quotes = billService.FindQuoteInvoices(new BaseQueryRequest()
                    FilterCriteria = Op.Eq("QuoteStatusId", "1") & Op.Gt("Id", 1),
                    PageCriteria   = new PageCriteria()
                        Page     = i,
                        PageSize = 300
                    SortCriteria = new SortCriteriaCollection()
                        new SortCriteria()
                            SortDirection = SortDirections.Ascending,
                            Key           = "Id"
                    DeepLoad = true
                //Console.WriteLine("Loop " + i + " Times!");
                if (quotes.TotalCount == 0)
                    //Console.WriteLine("End Loop ...... ");
                // set the new max quote id for next run

                int count = quotes.TotalCount - 1;
                new_max_quote_id = quotes.Items[count].Id.Value;

                foreach (var quote in quotes.Items)
                    // Avoid duplicate records
                    if (falist.Contains(quote.FinancialAccountId))

                    total_amount = 0;
                    total_amount = quote.TotalAmount.Value;

                    var fa = finService.GetFinancialAccount(quote.FinancialAccountId.Value);

                    // search all pending quote for same financial account and count total
                    // Why :  Customer may have multiple pending quote if he request more products or upgrade in different time, so you need count all of them.
                    foreach (var quotet in quotes.Items)
                        if (quotet.FinancialAccountId == quote.FinancialAccountId && quote.Id != quotet.Id)
                            total_amount = total_amount + quotet.TotalAmount.Value;
                            //Console.WriteLine("quotet.TotalAmount.Value " + quotet.TotalAmount.Value);

                    // Add the account debit like payment fee, downgrade fee...etc. so you need to add account balance
                    total_amount = total_amount + fa.Balance.Value;

                    //Console.WriteLine("Customer Id : " + quote.CustomerId.Value + " FA ID : " + fa.Id.Value + " , unpaid quote amount : " + total_amount);

                    //if (quote.LineItems.TotalCount > 0)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("From " + quote.LineItems.Items[0].StartDate + " To " + quote.LineItems.Items[0].EndDate);
                the_items.Add(new QuoteInvoiceCollection(quotes));
                quotes = null;

            //Console.WriteLine("Total " + total_record + " pending quotes");

            //return new_max_quote_id;
