/// <summary>
        /// This is where your processing happens
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager"></param>
        private void controller_ExecuteStart(QueueMessageManager manager)
            // get active queue item
            var item = manager.Item;

            // Typically perform tasks based on some Action/request
            if (item.Action == "PRINTIMAGE")
                // recommend you offload processing
            else if (item.Action == "RESIZETHUMBNAIL")

            // just for kicks
            Interlocked.Increment(ref RequestCount);

            // every other request should throw exception, trigger ExecuteFailed
            if (RequestCount % 2 == 0)
                // Execption:
                object obj = null;

            // Complete request
            manager.CompleteRequest(messageText: "Completed request " + DateTime.Now,
                                    autoSave: true);
        // global instances that keep controller and windows service alive

        public void Start(QueueMessageManager manager = null)
            if (manager == null)
                manager = new QueueMessageManagerSql();

            LogManager.Current.LogInfo("Start called");

            var config = QueueMessageManagerConfiguration.Current;

            Controller = new QueueController()
                ConnectionString = config.ConnectionString,
                QueueName        = config.QueueName,
                WaitInterval     = config.WaitInterval,
                ThreadCount      = config.ControllerThreads

            LogManager.Current.LogInfo("Controller created.");

            // asynchronously start the SignalR hub
            SignalR = WebApplication.Start <SignalRStartup>("http://*:8080/");

            // *** Spin up n Number of threads to process requests

            LogManager.Current.LogInfo(String.Format("QueueManager Controller Started with {0} threads.",

            // Set static instances so that these 'services' stick around
            GlobalService.Controller = Controller;
            GlobalService.Service    = this;
        protected override void OnExecuteFailed(QueueMessageManager manager, Exception ex)
            var qm = manager.Item;

            base.OnExecuteFailed(manager, ex);
        private void controller_ExecuteComplete(QueueMessageManager manager)
            // grab the active queue item
            var item = manager.Item;

            // Log or otherwise complete request
            Console.WriteLine(item.Id + " - " + item.QueueName + " - Item Completed");
        protected void OnError(QueueMessageManager manager, string message = null)
            if (message == null)
                message = manager.ErrorMessage;

            // clear out the message
            // don't do this
            manager.CancelRequest(messageText: "Failed: " + message, autoSave: true);

            // send email
            //AppUtils.SendAdminEmail("MPWFQMM Failure", errorMessage);
        protected override void ExecuteSteps(QueueMessageManager manager)
            // show a started message
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();


            // store on a thread
            LocalDataStoreSlot threadData = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(STR_STARTTIME_KEY);

            Thread.SetData(threadData, watch);


Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement OnExecuteStart to run queued actions/operations.
        /// Call manager.CompleteRequest() or manager.CancelRequest() to
        /// complete queue items.
        /// Below is a commented simple example
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager"></param>
        //protected override void OnExecuteStart(QueueMessageManager manager)
        //    base.OnExecuteStart(manager);
        //    string action = manager.Item.Action;
        //    try
        //    {
        //        switch (action)
        //        {
        //            case "HelloWorld":
        //            {
        //                Thread.Sleep(2000);
        //                manager.CompleteRequest(messageText: queueItem.Message + " - NEW completed at " + DateTime.Now,
        //                    autoSave: true);
        //                break;
        //            }
        //            default:
        //            {
        //                manager.CancelRequest(messageText: "Failed: No matching action", autoSave: true);
        //                break;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        manager.CancelRequest(messageText: "Failed: " + ex.Message, autoSave: true);
        //    }

        protected override void OnExecuteComplete(QueueMessageManager manager)

            // Get Starting timestamp from TextInput
            int      elapsed = 0;
            DateTime time    = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(manager.Item.TextInput, out time))
                elapsed = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(time.ToUniversalTime()).TotalMilliseconds;

            // also send down a waiting message count
            int waitingMessages = GetWaitingMessageCount(manager);

            WriteMessage(manager.Item, elapsed, waitingMessages);
Esempio n. 8
        protected override void OnExecuteFailed(QueueMessageManager manager, Exception ex)
            base.OnExecuteFailed(manager, ex);

            //timestamp from text input
            int      elapsed = 0;
            DateTime time    = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(manager.Item.TextInput, out time))
                elapsed = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(time.ToUniversalTime()).TotalMilliseconds;

            var qm = manager.Item;
            int waitingMessages = GetWaitingMessageCount(manager);

            WriteMessage(qm, elapsed, waitingMessages);
        protected override void OnExecuteStart(QueueMessageManager manager)

            var queueItem = manager.Item;

                string action = queueItem.Action;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action))
                    //Initialize Anything
                    action = action.Trim();

                switch (action)
                    // TODO: Remove for production
                    Thread.Sleep((int)(DateTime.Now.Ticks % 500));

                    // use this instead to ensure that messages get updated properly and consistently
                    // that is: All flags are set, date is always UTC date, etc.
                    //if (!manager.CancelRequest(messageText: "Unknown Action", autoSave: true))
                    if (!manager.CompleteRequest(messageText: "Processing complete.", autoSave: true))
                        // this is pointless - if this save fails
                        // it's likely the save you are doing in
                        // onError will also fail
                    //manager.CompleteCancelRequest(messageText: "Invalid message action provided.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnError(manager, ex.GetBaseException().Message);
        protected override void OnExecuteComplete(QueueMessageManager manager)

            LocalDataStoreSlot threadData = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(STR_STARTTIME_KEY);

            var watch = Thread.GetData(threadData);

            int elapsed = 0;

            if (watch != null)
                elapsed = (int)((Stopwatch)watch).ElapsedMilliseconds;
            watch = null;
            Thread.SetData(threadData, watch);

            int waitingMessages = manager.GetWaitingQueueMessageCount(QueueName);

            WriteMessage(manager.Item, elapsed, waitingMessages);
Esempio n. 11
        protected void OnError(QueueMessageManager manager, string message = null, Exception ex = null)
            if (message == null)
                message = manager.ErrorMessage;

            manager.CancelRequest(messageText: "Queue Error: " + message);

            string details = null;

            if (ex != null)
                details = ex.Source + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace;

            //LogManager.Current.LogError(message, details);
            // send email
            //AppUtils.SendAdminEmail("MPWFQMM Failure", errorMessage);
Esempio n. 12
        protected override void OnExecuteStart(QueueMessageManager manager)
            // write a 'request starting' message to QueueMonitor
            manager.Item.TextInput = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("u");

            // always call base to allow any explicit events to also process

            var queueItem = manager.Item;

                // Action can be used as a routing mechanism
                // to determine which operation to perfom
                string action = queueItem.Action;

                switch (action)
                case "HELLOWORLD":
                    // call whatever long running operations you need to run

                    // always either complete or cancel the request
                    manager.CompleteRequest(messageText: queueItem.Message +
                                            " - HELLOWORLD completed at " + DateTime.Now,
                                            autoSave: true);

                case "NEWXMLORDER":
                    // call whatever long running operations you need to run

                    // always either complete or cancel the request
                    manager.CompleteRequest(messageText: queueItem.Message +
                                            " - NEWXMLORDER completed at " + DateTime.Now,
                                            autoSave: true);

                case "GOBIG":
                    // call whatever long running operations you need to run

                    // always either complete or cancel the request
                    manager.CompleteRequest(messageText: queueItem.Message +
                                            " - GO BIG OR GO HOME completed at " + DateTime.Now,
                                            autoSave: true);

                    // All requests that get picked up by the queue get their started properties set,
                    // so we MUST mark them complete, even if we did not have any local action code here,
                    // because we cannot leave them in the half-way complete state.
                    manager.CancelRequest(messageText: "Processing failed - action not supported: " + action,
                                          autoSave: true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var ex2 = ex.GetBaseException();

                // route to OnError (base) which logs error
                // and cancels the request
                OnError(manager, ex2.Message, ex2);
        protected override void OnExecuteStart(QueueMessageManager manager)
            // write a 'request starting' message to QueueMonitor
            manager.Item.TextInput = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("u");

            // always call base to allow any explicit events to also process

            var queueItem = manager.Item;

                // Action can be used as a routing mechanism 
                // to determine which operation to perfom
                string action = queueItem.Action;

                switch (action)
                    case "HELLOWORLD":
                        // call whatever long running operations you need to run

                        // always either complete or cancel the request
                        manager.CompleteRequest(messageText: queueItem.Message +
                                                             " - HELLOWORLD completed at " + DateTime.Now,
                            autoSave: true);
                    case "NEWXMLORDER":
                        // call whatever long running operations you need to run

                        // always either complete or cancel the request
                        manager.CompleteRequest(messageText: queueItem.Message +
                                                             " - NEWXMLORDER completed at " + DateTime.Now,
                            autoSave: true);
                    case "GOBIG":
                        // call whatever long running operations you need to run

                        // always either complete or cancel the request
                        manager.CompleteRequest(messageText: queueItem.Message +
                                                             " - GO BIG OR GO HOME completed at " + DateTime.Now,
                            autoSave: true);

                        // All requests that get picked up by the queue get their started properties set,
                        // so we MUST mark them complete, even if we did not have any local action code here,
                        // because we cannot leave them in the half-way complete state.
                        manager.CancelRequest(messageText: "Processing failed - action not supported: " + action,
                            autoSave: true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var ex2 = ex.GetBaseException();

                // route to OnError (base) which logs error
                // and cancels the request
                OnError(manager, ex2.Message, ex2);                
 void Controller_ExecuteStart(QueueMessageManager Message)
     this.WriteEntry("Started: " + Message.Item.Started + "->" + Message.Item.Id);
 void Controller_ExecuteComplete(QueueMessageManager Message)
     this.WriteEntry("Complete: " + Message.Item.Completed + "->" + Message.Item.Id + " - " + Message.Item.Message);
 void Controller_ExecuteFailed(QueueMessageManager Message, Exception ex)
     this.WriteEntry("Failed: " + Message.Item.Completed + "->" + Message.Item.Id + " - " + ex.Message);
 private void controller_ExecuteFailed(QueueMessageManager manager, Exception ex)
     Console.WriteLine("Failed (on purpose): " + manager.Item.QueueName + " - " + manager.Item.Id + " - " + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 18
 int GetWaitingMessageCount(QueueMessageManager manager, int delay = 10)