public async Task GotoArticleDetailPage(Post posts) { await NavigationHelpers.GotoPageAsync(nameof(PostDetailPage), new Dictionary <string, object> { { "postParam", QueryStringHelpers.GetQueryParam(posts) } }); }
public void Parse_Object_HasMatchingString() { var testId1 = Guid.NewGuid(); var testId2 = Guid.NewGuid(); var testId3 = Guid.NewGuid(); var time = DateTime.Now; var formattedTime = time.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"); TestModel test = new TestModel { Id = testId1, Ids = new List <Guid> { testId2, testId3 }, Nested = new List <NestedTest> { new NestedTest { Name = "testnest" } }, IsSomething = true, Time = time }; var expectedQueryString = $"?id={testId1}&ids={testId2}&ids={testId3}&name={test.Nested[0].Name}&isSomething=True&time={formattedTime}"; var actualQueryString = $"?{QueryStringHelpers.Parse(test)}"; Assert.Equal(expectedQueryString, actualQueryString); }
private async Task ViewCartCommandAsync() { if (Carts.Any()) { await NavigationHelpers.GotoPageAsync(nameof(CartPage), new Dictionary <string, object> { { "cartsParam", QueryStringHelpers.GetQueryParam(Carts) } }); } }
private async Task BindData(string postParam) { Post = QueryStringHelpers.GetData <Post>(postParam); if (Post._links != null && != null && { var user = QueryStringHelpers.GetData <UserInfo>(postParam); UserName =; UserAvatar = user.avatar_urls?.Avatar48; } }
private async Task Processing(string orderParam) { await Task.Delay(300); await SetBusyAsync(async() => { Order = QueryStringHelpers.GetData <OrderModel>(orderParam); if (Order != null) { ReceiverName = Order.Shipping.FirstName + " " + Order.Shipping.LastName; ShippingAddress = Order.Shipping.Address1 + " " + Order.Shipping.Address2 + " " + Order.Shipping.City + " " + Order.Shipping.Postcode; } }); }
private async Task Processing(string postListParam) { await Task.Delay(300); var postListParamRequest = QueryStringHelpers.GetData <PostListParamModel>(postListParam); PageTitle = postListParamRequest?.WpCategoryName; await SetBusyAsync(async() => await WebRequestExecuter.Execute(async() => await _appService.GetAllPostsByCategory(postListParamRequest.WpCategoryId), async articles => { if (articles != null) { Articles = new ObservableCollection <Post>(articles); } })); }
public Task <MobfoxReport> GetReportAsync(MobfoxApplication application = null, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null) { return(Task.Run(async() => { var @params = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); if (application != null) { @params.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(AppIdParameter, application.Id)); } if (startDate != null) { @params.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(StartDateParameter, startDate.Value.ToString(DateFormat))); } if (endDate != null) { @params.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(EndDateParameter, endDate.Value.ToString(DateFormat))); } var uri = QueryStringHelpers.Build(@params, BuildAuthPathFor(PublisherReportMethod)); // Mobfox dont recognize parameters if they start with '?'... uri = uri.Replace('?', '&'); try { var report = (await GetMobfoxAsync <MobfoxReportResponse>(uri)).ReportInternal.Statistics; report.StartTime = startDate.HasValue ? startDate.Value.Date : startDate; report.EndTime = endDate.HasValue ? endDate.Value.Date : endDate; return report; } catch (FormatException e) { throw new MobfoxNoReportException(string.Empty, e); } })); }
private async Task InitData(string cartParam) { ShippingAddress = "You don't have a shipping address"; bool hasShipppingAddress = false; int customerId = 0; CustomerInfo = await _wooCommerceService.GetCustomerInfo(GlobalSettings.User.Id); if (CustomerInfo != null && CustomerInfo.Shipping != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomerInfo.Shipping.Address1)) { ShippingAddress = CustomerInfo.Shipping.Address1; hasShipppingAddress = true; } Name = GlobalSettings.User.Name; var taxRatesListRequest = new TaxRatesListRequest(); await WebRequestExecuter.Execute(async() => await _wooCommerceService.GetTaxRates(taxRatesListRequest), myTaxRates => { if (myTaxRates.Count != 0) { TaxRates = new ObservableCollection <TaxRatesModel>(myTaxRates); DefaultTaxRate = TaxRates.FirstOrDefault(); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }); var carts = QueryStringHelpers.GetData <List <CartItemModel> >(cartParam); Carts = new ObservableCollection <CartItemModel>(carts); UpdateOrderSummaryUI(); var paymentMethods = await _wooCommerceService.GetPaymentMethods(); if (paymentMethods != null) { PaymentMethods = paymentMethods.Where(x => x.Enabled).OrderBy(x => x.Order).ToList(); SelectedMethod = PaymentMethods.FirstOrDefault(); UpdateSelectedPaymentMethod(); } bool isGranted = await AppHelpers.RequestPermission(Permission.Location); if (isGranted && !hasShipppingAddress) { var myPosition = await AppHelpers.GetCurrentPosition(); if (myPosition != null) { try { var placemarks = await Geocoding.GetPlacemarksAsync(myPosition.Latitude, myPosition.Longitude); var place = placemarks.FirstOrDefault(); ShippingAddress = $"{place.FeatureName} {place.Thoroughfare ?? place.SubThoroughfare}, {place.SubAdminArea}, {place.AdminArea}"; MapCameraInitPoint = $"{place.Location.Latitude}, {place.Location.Longitude}, 13, 30, 60"; var pin = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Label = place.CountryName, Address = place.FeatureName, Icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromBundle(GlobalSettings.AppConst.StorePinImage), Position = new Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps.Position(myPosition.Latitude, myPosition.Longitude) }; MessagingCenter.Send(pin, MessagingCenterKeys.OnDrawMapsPinSelectedStore); } catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fnsEx) { // Feature not supported on device } catch (Exception ex) { // Handle exception that may have occurred in geocoding } } } }
/// <summary> /// Return the correctly formed and escaped query string that is can directly be added /// to the Uri component, including the leading "?". /// </summary> /// <returns>Correct query string, with the leading "?"</returns> public override string ToString() { return(QueryStringHelpers.ConvertToUriString(this, prefixQuestionMark: true)); }
public LiaraQueryString(ILiaraContext context) { = QueryStringHelpers.ParseFromString(context.Request.Info.Uri.Query); }