public static Patient FindPatient(Control owner, QueryRetrieveScu find, DicomScp scp, string pid) { PatientRootQueryPatient query = new PatientRootQueryPatient(); Patient patient = null; ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(); query.PatientQuery.PatientId = pid; Thread thread = new Thread(() => { try { find.Find <PatientRootQueryPatient, Patient>(scp, query, (p, ds) => patient = p); } catch (Exception e) { ApplicationUtils.ShowException(owner, e); } }); progress.ActionThread = thread; progress.Title = "Searching For Patient"; progress.ProgressInfo = "Looking for patient to merge with."; progress.ShowDialog(owner); return(patient); }
public T[] DoFind(DicomDataSet query) { using (QueryRetrieveScu find = CreateQueryRetrieveClient()) { __CurrentFind = find; RegisterEvents(find); try { DicomScp scp = new DicomScp( ); scp.AETitle = ScpInfo.AETitle; scp.Port = ScpInfo.Port; scp.PeerAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ScpInfo.Address); Matches = new List <T>(); find.EnableDebugLog = false; find.Find(scp, query); return(Matches.ToArray( )); } catch (Exception exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, exception.Message); throw; } finally { __CurrentFind = null; UnregisterEvents(find); } } }
private void ChangePatient() { // // If the patient ID has changed then we need to see if a patient with that id already exists // if (_Patient.Id != textBoxId.Text) { PatientRootQueryPatient query = new PatientRootQueryPatient(); List <Patient> patients = new List <Patient>(); query.PatientQuery.PatientId = textBoxId.Text; try { _find.Find <PatientRootQueryPatient, Patient>(_scp, query, (patient, ds) => patients.Add(patient)); if (patients.Count > 0) { TaskDialogResult result = TaskDialogResult.Yes; result = TaskDialogHelper.ShowMessageBox(this, "Patient Id Already Exits", "Would you like to merge with existing patient?", "The patient id already exisits.", "Existing Patient: " + patients[0].Name.Full, TaskDialogStandardButtons.Yes | TaskDialogStandardButtons.No, TaskDialogStandardIcon.Error, TaskDialogStandardIcon.Warning); if (result == TaskDialogResult.Yes) { radioButtonMerge.Checked = true; textBoxLastname.Text = patients[0].Name.Family; textBoxFirstname.Text = patients[0].Name.Given; comboBoxSex.SelectedIndex = comboBoxSex.FindStringExact(patients[0].Sex); if (patients[0].BirthDate.HasValue) { dateTimePickerBirth.Value = patients[0].BirthDate.Value; dateTimePickerBirth.Checked = true; } else { dateTimePickerBirth.Checked = false; } MergePatient(); return; } else { textBoxId.Text = _Patient.Id; return; } } } catch (Exception e) { ApplicationUtils.ShowException(this, e); return; } } bool isError = VerifyPatientSettings(); if (isError) { return; } ReasonDialog dlgReason = new ReasonDialog("Input Reason For Changing Patient"); if (dlgReason.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { ChangePatient change = new ChangePatient(); DicomCommandStatusType status = DicomCommandStatusType.Success; change.OriginalPatientId = _Patient.Id.Replace(@"\", @"\\").Replace("'", @"''"); change.Operator = Environment.UserName != string.Empty ? Environment.UserName : Environment.MachineName; change.PatientId = textBoxId.Text.Replace(@"\", @"\\").Replace("'", @"''"); change.Reason = dlgReason.Reason; change.Description = "Change Patient"; change.Name.Given = textBoxFirstname.Text.Replace(@"\", @"\\").Replace("'", @"''"); change.Name.Family = textBoxLastname.Text.Replace(@"\", @"\\").Replace("'", @"''"); change.Sex = comboBoxSex.Text; if (dateTimePickerBirth.Checked) { change.Birthdate = dateTimePickerBirth.Value; } else { change.Birthdate = null; } #if (LEADTOOLS_V19_OR_LATER) if (textBoxOtherPid.Text.Length > 0) { change.OtherPatientIdsSequence = new List <Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes.PatientUpdater.OtherPatientID>(); string textBoxStringOtherPid = textBoxOtherPid.Text.Replace("'", @"''"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxStringOtherPid)) { char[] delimiterChars = { '\\' }; string[] otherPatientIds = textBoxStringOtherPid.Split(delimiterChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string otherPatientId in otherPatientIds) { Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes.PatientUpdater.OtherPatientID opid = new Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes.PatientUpdater.OtherPatientID(); opid.PatientId = otherPatientId; opid.TypeOfPatientId = "TEXT"; change.OtherPatientIdsSequence.Add(opid); } } } #endif status = _naction.SendNActionRequest <ChangePatient>(_scp, change, NActionScu.ChangePatient, NActionScu.PatientUpdateInstance); if (status == DicomCommandStatusType.Success) { _Patient.Id = textBoxId.Text; _Patient.Name.Given = textBoxFirstname.Text; _Patient.Name.Family = textBoxLastname.Text; _Patient.Sex = comboBoxSex.Text; if (dateTimePickerBirth.Checked) { _Patient.BirthDate = dateTimePickerBirth.Value; } else { _Patient.BirthDate = null; } Action = ActionType.Change; TaskDialogHelper.ShowMessageBox(this, "Patient Changed", "The patient has been successfully changed.", string.Empty, string.Empty, TaskDialogStandardButtons.Close, TaskDialogStandardIcon.Information, null); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; if (change.OriginalPatientId != _Patient.Id) { if (Program.OtherPID.ContainsKey(change.OriginalPatientId)) { Program.OtherPID.Remove(change.OriginalPatientId); } } Program.OtherPID[_Patient.Id] = textBoxOtherPid.Text; } else { string message = "The patient was not changed.\r\nError - " + _naction.GetErrorMessage(); if (status == DicomCommandStatusType.MissingAttribute) { message = "The patient was not changed.\r\nPatient not found on server."; } TaskDialogHelper.ShowMessageBox(this, "Change Patient Error", "The patient was not changed.", message, string.Empty, TaskDialogStandardButtons.Close, TaskDialogStandardIcon.Information, null); } } }
public PatientData[] DoFindPatient(PatientsQueryOptions query) { using (QueryRetrieveScu find = CreateQueryRetrieveClient()) { __CurrentFind = find; RegisterEvents(find); try { DicomScp scp = new DicomScp( ); scp.AETitle = ScpInfo.AETitle; scp.Port = ScpInfo.Port; scp.PeerAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ScpInfo.Address); Patients = new List <PatientData>(); find.EnableDebugLog = false; PatientRootQueryPatient patientRootQuery = new PatientRootQueryPatient( ); if (query != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.BirthDate)) { #if LEADTOOLS_V19_OR_LATER DateRange dr = new DateRange(); DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(query.BirthDate); dr.StartDate = dt; dr.EndDate = dt; patientRootQuery.PatientQuery.PatientBirthDate = dr;//DateTime.Parse ( query.BirthDate ) ; #else patientRootQuery.PatientQuery.PatientBirthDate = DateTime.Parse(query.BirthDate); #endif } patientRootQuery.PatientQuery.PatientId = query.PatientID; patientRootQuery.PatientQuery.PatientName = query.PatientName; patientRootQuery.PatientQuery.PatientSex = query.Sex; patientRootQuery.PatientQuery.PatientComments = query.Comments; // patientRootQuery.PatientQuery.EthnicGroup = query.EthnicGroup; } find.Find <PatientRootQueryPatient, PatientQuery> (scp, patientRootQuery, PatientMatchDelegate); return(Patients.ToArray( )); } catch (Exception exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, exception.Message); throw; } finally { __CurrentFind = null; UnregisterEvents(find); } } }