Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a page of product with applied filtering. The filtering occurs on the server side.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Filter parameters</param>
        /// <returns>Page of products</returns>
        public AlzaAdminDTO <QueryResultWrapper> GetPage(QueryParametersWrapper parameters)
                //get all children of the specified category
                var childCategoriesId = _categoryRelationshipRepository.GetAllRelationships().Where(c => c.Id == parameters.CategoryId).Select(c => c.ChildId);

                //get all products
                IQueryable <ProductBase> query = _productRepository.GetAllProducts();

                //return only products which belong in these categories
                query = query.Where(p => childCategoriesId.Contains(p.CategoryId));

                decimal             minPrice   = decimal.MaxValue;
                decimal             maxPrice   = 0;
                QueryResultWrapper  result     = new QueryResultWrapper();
                HashSet <Language>  languages  = new HashSet <Language>();
                HashSet <Publisher> publishers = new HashSet <Publisher>();
                HashSet <Format>    formats    = new HashSet <Format>();
                HashSet <Author>    authors    = new HashSet <Author>();

                //specifying filter options correspondingly
                foreach (ProductBase product in query)
                    minPrice = product.Price < minPrice ? product.Price : minPrice;
                    maxPrice = product.Price > maxPrice ? product.Price : maxPrice;
                    foreach (Author author in product.Book.AuthorsBooks.Select(ab => ab.Author))

                result.MinPrice = minPrice;
                result.MaxPrice = maxPrice;

                result.Authors = authors.OrderBy(a => a.Surname).ToList();

                result.Languages  = languages.OrderBy(l => l.Name).ToList();
                result.Publishers = publishers.OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList();
                result.Formats    = formats.OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToList();

                if (parameters.MinPrice != null)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Price >= parameters.MinPrice);
                if (parameters.MaxPrice != null)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Price <= parameters.MaxPrice);
                if (parameters.Languages != null)
                    query = query.Where(p => parameters.Languages.Contains(p.LanguageId));
                if (parameters.Publishers != null)
                    query = query.Where(p => parameters.Publishers.Contains(p.PublisherId));
                if (parameters.Formats != null)
                    query = query.Where(p => parameters.Formats.Contains(p.FormatId));
                if (parameters.Authors != null)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Book.AuthorsBooks.Select(ab => ab.Author).Select(a => a.AuthorId).Intersect(parameters.Authors).Count() > 0);

                //Add average ratings
                List <int> pIds = query.Select(p => p.Id).ToList();
                IQueryable <ProductRating> ratings = _productRatingRepository.GetRatings().Where(pr => pIds.Contains(pr.ProductId));
                var products = query.Join(ratings, q => q.Id, r => r.ProductId, (p, r) => new { product = p, rating = r }).Select(x => new ProductBO(x.product, x.rating, null));

                Func <ProductBO, IComparable> sortingParameter;
                switch (parameters.SortingParameter)
                case Enums.SortingParameter.Price:
                    sortingParameter = p => p.Price;

                case Enums.SortingParameter.Rating:
                    sortingParameter = p => p.AverageRating;

                case Enums.SortingParameter.Date:
                    sortingParameter = p => p.DateAdded;

                case Enums.SortingParameter.Name:
                    sortingParameter = p => p.Name;

                    sortingParameter = p => p.AverageRating;
                switch (parameters.SortingType)
                case Enums.SortType.Asc:
                    products = products.OrderBy(sortingParameter).AsQueryable();

                case Enums.SortType.Desc:
                    products = products.OrderByDescending(sortingParameter).AsQueryable();


                //return a "page"
                result.ResultCount = products.Count();
                products           = products.Skip((parameters.PageNum - 1) * parameters.PageSize).Take(parameters.PageSize);
                result.Products    = products.ToList();
                return(AlzaAdminDTO <QueryResultWrapper> .Data(result));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(AlzaAdminDTO <QueryResultWrapper> .Error(e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace));
        /// <summary>
        /// Using provided QueryParametersWrapper filters products and gets all related infromation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Wrapper that contains all parameters for filtering and ordering</param>
        /// <returns>Filtered products and related information</returns>
        public QueryResultWrapper FilterProducts(QueryParametersWrapper parameters)
            Dictionary <int, Author>       authors       = new Dictionary <int, Author>();
            Dictionary <int, Book>         books         = new Dictionary <int, Book>();
            Dictionary <int, Language>     languages     = new Dictionary <int, Language>();
            Dictionary <int, Format>       formats       = new Dictionary <int, Format>();
            Dictionary <int, ProductState> productStates = new Dictionary <int, ProductState>();
            Dictionary <int, Category>     categories    = new Dictionary <int, Category>();
            Dictionary <int, Publisher>    publishers    = new Dictionary <int, Publisher>();
            // {O,null} is a country that is assigned to authors without set country, it is removed before conversion to List
            Dictionary <int, Country> countries = new Dictionary <int, Country> {
                { 0, null }
            decimal maxPrice = 0;
            decimal minPrice = decimal.MaxValue;
            //Preparing query that will select all products from selected category and its child categories ignoring all filters
            string queryStringAll = $"SELECT * FROM dbo.ProductFilter({parameters.CategoryId},NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) ORDER BY ProductId ASC";

            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryStringAll, conn);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    int  previousProductId = 0;
                    Book book = null;
                    //Adding all entities that filtered pruducts might consist of into their dictionaries
                    while (reader.Read())
                        int id = (int)reader["ProductId"];
                        if (book != null && previousProductId != id)
                            books.Add(book.BookId, book);
                            book = null;
                        previousProductId = id;
                        int categoryId = (int)reader["CategoryId"];
                        if (!categories.ContainsKey(categoryId))
                            categories.Add(categoryId, new Category()
                                Id   = categoryId,
                                Name = (string)reader["CategoryName"]
                        int countryId = reader["AuthorCountryId"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)reader["AuthorCountryId"] : 0;
                        if (!countries.ContainsKey(countryId))
                            countries.Add(countryId, new Country()
                                Name = (string)reader["AuthorCountryName"], Id = (int)countryId, CountryCode = (string)reader["AuthorCountryCode"]
                        int formatId = (int)reader["FormatId"];
                        if (!formats.ContainsKey(formatId))
                            formats.Add(formatId, new Format()
                                Id   = formatId,
                                Name = (string)reader["FormatName"]
                        int stateId = (int)reader["ProductStateId"];
                        if (!productStates.ContainsKey(stateId))
                            productStates.Add(stateId, new ProductState()
                                Id = stateId, Name = (string)reader["ProductStateName"]
                        int authorId = (int)reader["AuthorId"];
                        if (!authors.ContainsKey(authorId))
                            authors.Add(authorId, new Author()
                                AuthorId  = authorId,
                                CountryId = countryId,
                                Country   = countries[countryId],
                                Name      = (string)reader["AuthorName"],
                                Surname   = (string)reader["AuthorSurname"]
                        int bookId = (int)reader["BookId"];
                        if (book == null && !books.ContainsKey(bookId))
                            book = new Book()
                                BookId = bookId, Name = (string)reader["BookName"], Annotation = (string)reader["BookAnnotation"], AuthorsBooks = new List <AuthorBook>()
                        if (!books.ContainsKey(bookId))
                            book.AuthorsBooks.Add(new AuthorBook()
                                Book = book, BookId = bookId, AuthorId = authorId, Author = authors[authorId]
                        int languageId = (int)reader["LanguageId"];
                        if (!languages.ContainsKey(languageId))
                            languages.Add(languageId, new Language()
                                Id = languageId, Name = (string)reader["LanguageName"]
                        int publisherId = (int)reader["PublisherId"];
                        if (!publishers.ContainsKey(publisherId))
                            publishers.Add(publisherId, new Publisher()
                                Id = publisherId, Name = (string)reader["PublisherName"]
                        decimal price = (decimal)reader["Price"];
                        minPrice = minPrice < price ? minPrice : price;
                        maxPrice = maxPrice > price ? maxPrice : price;
                    if (book != null)
                    {   //Adding last book into the dictionary
                        books.Add(book.BookId, book);
            List <ProductBO> resultProducts = new List <ProductBO>();

            string orderParameter;

            //Choosing ordering type
            switch (parameters.SortingParameter)
            case Business.Enums.SortingParameter.Date:
                orderParameter = "DateAdded";

            case Business.Enums.SortingParameter.Price:
                orderParameter = "Price";

            case Business.Enums.SortingParameter.Rating:
                orderParameter = "AverageRating";

            case Business.Enums.SortingParameter.Name:
                orderParameter = "ProductName";

                orderParameter = "AverageRating";
            string orderType;

            switch (parameters.SortingType)
            case Business.Enums.SortType.Asc:
                orderType = "ASC";

            case Business.Enums.SortType.Desc:
                orderType = "DESC";

                orderType = "DESC";
            //Preparing query for filter
            string queryString = $"SELECT * FROM [dbo].[ProductFilterLite] (@category, @languages,  @formats, @publishers , @authors  , @minPrice, @maxPrice) ORDER BY {orderParameter} {orderType};";

            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@category", parameters.CategoryId);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@languages", parameters.Languages != null ? (object)string.Join(",", parameters.Languages) : DBNull.Value);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@formats", parameters.Formats != null ? (object)string.Join(",", parameters.Formats) : DBNull.Value);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@publishers", parameters.Publishers != null ? (object)string.Join(",", parameters.Publishers) : DBNull.Value);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@authors", parameters.Authors != null ? (object)string.Join(",", parameters.Authors) : DBNull.Value);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@minPrice", parameters.MinPrice != null ? (object)parameters.MinPrice : DBNull.Value);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxPrice", parameters.MaxPrice != null ? (object)parameters.MaxPrice : DBNull.Value);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    ProductBO currentProduct = null;
                    //read all products
                    while (reader.Read())
                        //Has to be reviewed if column names change by chance
                        int id = (int)reader["ProductId"];

                        if (currentProduct != null)
                        //Getting columns from DB
                        int      bookId      = (int)reader["BookId"];
                        string   productName = (string)reader["ProductName"];
                        string   text        = reader["Text"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["Text"] : null;
                        int      categoryId  = (int)reader["CategoryId"];
                        int      publisherId = (int)reader["PublisherId"];
                        int      languageId  = (int)reader["LanguageId"];
                        int      stateId     = (int)reader["ProductStateId"];
                        int      formatId    = (int)reader["FormatId"];
                        string   ean         = reader["EAN"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["EAN"] : null;
                        string   isbn        = reader["ISBN"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["ISBN"] : null;
                        string   picAddress  = reader["PicAddress"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["PicAddress"] : null;
                        decimal  price       = (decimal)reader["Price"];
                        int?     year        = reader["Year"] != DBNull.Value ? (int?)reader["Year"] : null;
                        int?     pageCount   = reader["PageCount"] != DBNull.Value ? (int?)reader["PageCount"] : null;
                        decimal? avgRating   = reader["AverageRating"] != DBNull.Value ? (decimal?)reader["AverageRating"] : null;
                        DateTime dateAdded   = (DateTime)reader["DateAdded"];
                        //creating the product using entities in dictionaries and provided ids
                        currentProduct = new ProductBO()
                            Id            = id,
                            Name          = productName,
                            BookId        = bookId,
                            Book          = books[bookId],
                            Category      = categories[categoryId],
                            CategoryId    = categoryId,
                            DateAdded     = dateAdded,
                            EAN           = ean,
                            ISBN          = isbn,
                            Format        = formats[formatId],
                            FormatId      = formatId,
                            Language      = languages[languageId],
                            LanguageId    = languageId,
                            PageCount     = pageCount,
                            PicAddress    = picAddress,
                            Price         = price,
                            Publisher     = publishers[publisherId],
                            PublisherId   = publisherId,
                            Text          = text,
                            Year          = year,
                            State         = productStates[stateId],
                            StateId       = stateId,
                            AverageRating = avgRating

                    if (currentProduct != null)
            //removing dummy country with id 0
            var result = new QueryResultWrapper
                Authors     = new List <Author>(authors.Values),
                Publishers  = new List <Publisher>(publishers.Values),
                Languages   = new List <Language>(languages.Values),
                Formats     = new List <Format>(formats.Values),
                ResultCount = resultProducts.Count,
                MaxPrice    = maxPrice,
                MinPrice    = minPrice,
                Products    = resultProducts.AsQueryable()
                              .Skip((parameters.PageNum - 1) * parameters.PageSize)

        public IActionResult Products(int?id, int?pageNum, ProductsViewModel model)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //Default category is the first one (all items)
                    if (id == null)
                        id = 1;
                    int catId = id.Value;

                    model.currentCategory = _catalogueService.GetCategory(catId).data;

                    //Unknown category id
                    if (model.currentCategory == null)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home"));

                    //First page is default
                    if (model.PageNum == null)
                        model.PageNum = pageNum == null ? 1 : pageNum;

                    //creating the wrapper from filtering data
                    QueryParametersWrapper parameters = new QueryParametersWrapper
                        PageNum          = model.PageNum.Value,
                        CategoryId       = catId,
                        MaxPrice         = model.MaxPriceFilter,
                        MinPrice         = model.MinPriceFilter,
                        PageSize         = model.PageSize,
                        SortingParameter = model.SortingParameter,

                    //custom filtering
                    if (model.SortingType == null)
                        switch (model.SortingParameter)
                        case SortingParameter.Date:
                        case SortingParameter.Rating:
                            parameters.SortingType = SortType.Desc;

                        case SortingParameter.Name:
                        case SortingParameter.Price:
                            parameters.SortingType = SortType.Asc;

                            parameters.SortingType = SortType.Asc;
                        parameters.SortingType = model.SortingType.Value;

                    //making sure null is not passed into the service method
                    parameters.Formats = model.FormatsFilter == null ? null : new List <int>()
                    parameters.Languages = model.LanguagesFilter == null ? null : new List <int>()
                    parameters.Authors = model.AuthorsFilter == null ? null : new List <int>()
                    parameters.Publishers = model.PublishersFilter == null ? null : new List <int>()

                    var dto = _businessService.GetPageADO(parameters);
                    if (!dto.isOK)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home"));

                    QueryResultWrapper result =;

                    //Fill the ViewModel with new data

                    model.MinPrice       = result.MinPrice;
                    model.MaxPrice       = result.MaxPrice;
                    model.Authors        = result.Authors;
                    model.Formats        = result.Formats;
                    model.Languages      = result.Languages;
                    model.Products       = result.Products;
                    model.Publishers     = result.Publishers;
                    model.ResultCount    = result.ResultCount;
                    model.MaxPriceFilter = model.MaxPriceFilter ?? model.MaxPrice;
                    model.MinPriceFilter = model.MinPriceFilter ?? model.MinPrice;
                    return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home"));
            catch (Exception e)