Esempio n. 1
 public override void SaveState()
     if (_target != null)
         _state = QuatPos.FromTransform(_target.transform,;
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Apply(float blend, EB.Director.Serialization.KeyFrame from, EB.Director.Serialization.KeyFrame to)
            //EB.Debug.Log("CHECKING: " + + " FOR PAUSED");

            if (_parent.IsPaused || DirectorInformation.Paused)

            //Debug.Log("INSIDE THE DIRECTOR");

            if (_playerCar == null)
                // ignore cameras
                Transform playerLocator = GameObject.Find("LOCATOR_PLAYER").transform;
                int       childCount    = playerLocator.childCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
                    Transform child = playerLocator.GetChild(i);
                    if (child.GetComponent <Camera>() == null)
                        _playerCar = child.gameObject;

            //EB.Debug.Log("PLAYER CAR EXISTS");

            // Set parent to local to world in correct location --- THIS ONLY HAPPENS ONCE
            if ( == "Director Camera" && frame == 0)
                // Only happen if it's the first frame and we're sure this director is supposed to be local to world
                if ( == SpaceType.LocalToWorld)
                    if (!DirectorInformation.LocalToWorldDirectors.Contains(_parent))

                    // Find the player car and locator
                    GameObject localToWorldLocator = GameObject.Find("localToWorldLocator");

                    // If the locator doesn't exist, create it
                    if (localToWorldLocator == null)
                        localToWorldLocator = new GameObject("localToWorldLocator");

                    // Set the position & rotation of the locator to that of the player car
                    localToWorldLocator.transform.position    = _playerCar.transform.position;
                    localToWorldLocator.transform.eulerAngles = _playerCar.transform.eulerAngles;

                    // If the camera isn't already a child of the locator, make it so
                    if (_target.transform.parent != localToWorldLocator.transform)
                        localToWorldLocator.transform.position    = _target.transform.parent.position;
                        localToWorldLocator.transform.eulerAngles = _target.transform.parent.eulerAngles;

                        _target.transform.parent = localToWorldLocator.transform;

                    // Zero out the camera under it's new parent, the locator
                    _target.transform.localPosition    =;
                    _target.transform.localEulerAngles =;

                    // Act in local space relative to the locator parent
           = SpaceType.Local;

                    //EB.Debug.Log("SET L2W CAMERA: " +;

                // If this director is *not* supposed to be local to world, make sure the camera is a child of the car!
                else if (_target.transform.parent != null)
                    if ( == "localToWorldLocator")
                        //EB.Debug.Log("RESET PLAYERCAR CAMERA: " +;

                        _target.transform.parent = _playerCar.transform;

                        DirectorInformation.LastPosition = _target.transform.localPosition;
                        DirectorInformation.LastRotation = _target.transform.localRotation;


            //Debug.Log("MOVING FORWARD");

            if (DirectorInformation.LerpToNextCamera && Application.isPlaying)
                _parent.PlayTime = 0f;
                timeToLerp       = DirectorInformation.LerpTime;

                if (timer < timeToLerp)
                    //EB.Debug.Log("LERPING CAMERA: " + + " --- TIMER: " + timer + " --- Parent: " +;

                    timer += Time.deltaTime * ((Time.timeScale != 0) ? 1.0f / Time.timeScale : 0.0f);
                    DirectorInformation.LerpProgress = timer;

                    float easeInOutValue = EZAnimation.sinusInOut(timer, 0.0f, 1.0f, timeToLerp);

                    var v = new QuatPos();
                    v.pos  = Vector3.Lerp(DirectorInformation.LastPosition, from.QuatPosValue.pos, easeInOutValue);
                    v.quat = Quaternion.Lerp(DirectorInformation.LastRotation, from.QuatPosValue.quat, easeInOutValue);


                    DirectorInformation.LastPosition = v.pos;
                    DirectorInformation.LastRotation = v.quat;

                    _currentQuatPos.pos  = _playerCar.transform.TransformPoint(v.pos);
                    _currentQuatPos.quat = v.quat;

                    if (timer > timeToLerp)
                        //EB.Debug.Log("LERPED CAMERA: " +;

                        _target.transform.localPosition      = from.QuatPosValue.pos;
                        _target.transform.localRotation      = from.QuatPosValue.quat;
                        DirectorInformation.LerpTime         = 1.0f;
                        DirectorInformation.LerpToNextCamera = false;
                        timer = 0f;


            //Debug.Log("NOT LERPING");

            // Apply transform tween to target
            if (_target != null && !DirectorInformation.LerpToNextCamera)
                //EB.Debug.Log("BLENDING CAMERA: " + + " --- BLEND: " + blend + " --- Parent: " +;

                var v1 = from.QuatPosValue;
                var v2 = to.QuatPosValue;
                var v  = QuatPos.Lerp(v1, v2, blend);


                if (_playerCar != null)
                    _currentQuatPos.pos  = _playerCar.transform.TransformPoint(v.pos);
                    _currentQuatPos.quat = v.quat;

                    DirectorInformation.LastPosition = v.pos;
                    DirectorInformation.LastRotation = v.quat;