Esempio n. 1
        public static void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Running Teleportation example.");
            //Create a register with 2 Qubits
            QuantumRegister register = new QuantumRegister(2);

            //Create a blank circuit with the regiter initialised
            QuantumCircuit circuit = new QuantumCircuit(register);

            //Initialize the tranported counter
            int transported = 0;

            //Let try to teleport 25 quantum information
            for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                var send = GetRandom();

                //Initial the first Qubit with the particle to be teleported
                circuit.INIT(0, send);

                //Hadamard gate to apply superposition to the first quantum bit which means the first qubit will have both 0 and 1

                //Controlled not gate to entangle the two qubit
                circuit.CNOT(0, 1);

                //Measure the first will collapse the quantum state and bring it to reality which will be either one or zero

                //Store the first state
                var res1 = register[0].QState;

                //Now measue the second particle and store the value
                var res2 = register[1].QState;

                Console.WriteLine("Send: {0}, Received: {1}", res1, res2);

                //If you compare the result the two result will be same which states that the information is teleported.
                if (res1 == res2)


            Console.WriteLine("Teleported count: " + transported);

            Console.WriteLine("Running Teleportation example.---- done\n");