Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>Test finalizing a segment after some batch of edits were missed.</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Test finalizing a segment after some batch of edits were missed.
		/// This should fail, since we validate the log before finalization.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
		public virtual void TestFinalizeWhenEditsAreMissed()
			journal.NewEpoch(FakeNsinfo, 1);
			journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(1), 1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
			journal.Journal(MakeRI(2), 1, 1, 3, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(1, 3));
			// Try to finalize up to txn 6, even though we only wrote up to txn 3.
				journal.FinalizeLogSegment(MakeRI(3), 1, 6);
				NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("did not fail to finalize");
			catch (JournalOutOfSyncException e)
				GenericTestUtils.AssertExceptionContains("but only written up to txid 3", e);
			// Check that, even if we re-construct the journal by scanning the
			// disk, we don't allow finalizing incorrectly.
			journal = new Journal(conf, TestLogDir, Jid, HdfsServerConstants.StartupOption.Regular
				, mockErrorReporter);
				journal.FinalizeLogSegment(MakeRI(4), 1, 6);
				NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("did not fail to finalize");
			catch (JournalOutOfSyncException e)
				GenericTestUtils.AssertExceptionContains("disk only contains up to txid 3", e);
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Test that, if the writer crashes at the very beginning of a segment,
		/// before any transactions are written, that the next newEpoch() call
		/// returns the prior segment txid as its most recent segment.
		/// </summary>
		/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
		public virtual void TestNewEpochAtBeginningOfSegment()
			journal.NewEpoch(FakeNsinfo, 1);
			journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(1), 1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
			journal.Journal(MakeRI(2), 1, 1, 2, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(1, 2));
			journal.FinalizeLogSegment(MakeRI(3), 1, 2);
			journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(4), 3, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
			QJournalProtocolProtos.NewEpochResponseProto resp = journal.NewEpoch(FakeNsinfo, 
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, resp.GetLastSegmentTxId());
Esempio n. 3
		/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
		public virtual void TestMaintainCommittedTxId()
			journal.NewEpoch(FakeNsinfo, 1);
			journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(1), 1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
			// Send txids 1-3, with a request indicating only 0 committed
			journal.Journal(new RequestInfo(Jid, 1, 2, 0), 1, 1, 3, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData
				(1, 3));
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, journal.GetCommittedTxnIdForTests());
			// Send 4-6, with request indicating that through 3 is committed.
			journal.Journal(new RequestInfo(Jid, 1, 3, 3), 1, 4, 3, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData
				(4, 6));
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(3, journal.GetCommittedTxnIdForTests());
Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Assume that a client is writing to a journal, but loses its connection
		/// in the middle of a segment.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Assume that a client is writing to a journal, but loses its connection
		/// in the middle of a segment. Thus, any future journal() calls in that
		/// segment may fail, because some txns were missed while the connection was
		/// down.
		/// Eventually, the connection comes back, and the NN tries to start a new
		/// segment at a higher txid. This should abort the old one and succeed.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
		public virtual void TestAbortOldSegmentIfFinalizeIsMissed()
			journal.NewEpoch(FakeNsinfo, 1);
			// Start a segment at txid 1, and write a batch of 3 txns.
			journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(1), 1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
			journal.Journal(MakeRI(2), 1, 1, 3, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(1, 3));
			// Try to start new segment at txid 6, this should abort old segment and
			// then succeed, allowing us to write txid 6-9.
			journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(3), 6, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
			journal.Journal(MakeRI(4), 6, 6, 3, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(6, 3));
			// The old segment should *not* be finalized.
Esempio n. 5
		/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
		public virtual void TestRestartJournal()
			journal.NewEpoch(FakeNsinfo, 1);
			journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(1), 1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
			journal.Journal(MakeRI(2), 1, 1, 2, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(1, 2));
			// Don't finalize.
			string storageString = journal.GetStorage().ToColonSeparatedString();
			System.Console.Error.WriteLine("storage string: " + storageString);
			// close to unlock the storage dir
			// Now re-instantiate, make sure history is still there
			journal = new Journal(conf, TestLogDir, Jid, HdfsServerConstants.StartupOption.Regular
				, mockErrorReporter);
			// The storage info should be read, even if no writer has taken over.
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(storageString, journal.GetStorage().ToColonSeparatedString
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, journal.GetLastPromisedEpoch());
			QJournalProtocolProtos.NewEpochResponseProtoOrBuilder newEpoch = journal.NewEpoch
				(FakeNsinfo, 2);
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, newEpoch.GetLastSegmentTxId());
Esempio n. 6
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestHttpServer()
            string urlRoot = jn.GetHttpServerURI();
            // Check default servlets.
            string pageContents = DFSTestUtil.UrlGet(new Uri(urlRoot + "/jmx"));

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Bad contents: " + pageContents, pageContents.Contains
            // Create some edits on server side
            byte[]           EditsData = QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(1, 3);
            IPCLoggerChannel ch        = new IPCLoggerChannel(conf, FakeNsinfo, journalId, jn.GetBoundIpcAddress

            ch.StartLogSegment(1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion).Get();
            ch.SendEdits(1L, 1, 3, EditsData).Get();
            ch.FinalizeLogSegment(1, 3).Get();
            // Attempt to retrieve via HTTP, ensure we get the data back
            // including the header we expected
            byte[] retrievedViaHttp = DFSTestUtil.UrlGetBytes(new Uri(urlRoot + "/getJournal?segmentTxId=1&jid="
                                                                      + journalId));
            byte[] expected = Bytes.Concat(Ints.ToByteArray(HdfsConstants.NamenodeLayoutVersion
                                                            ), (new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }), EditsData);
            // layout flags section
            Assert.AssertArrayEquals(expected, retrievedViaHttp);
            // Attempt to fetch a non-existent file, check that we get an
            // error status code
            Uri badUrl = new Uri(urlRoot + "/getJournal?segmentTxId=12345&jid=" + journalId);
            HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)badUrl.OpenConnection();

                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(404, connection.GetResponseCode());
Esempio n. 7
		/// <summary>
		/// Test behavior of startLogSegment() when a segment with the
		/// same transaction ID already exists.
		/// </summary>
		/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
		public virtual void TestStartLogSegmentWhenAlreadyExists()
			journal.NewEpoch(FakeNsinfo, 1);
			// Start a segment at txid 1, and write just 1 transaction. This
			// would normally be the START_LOG_SEGMENT transaction.
			journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(1), 1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
			journal.Journal(MakeRI(2), 1, 1, 1, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(1, 1));
			// Try to start new segment at txid 1, this should succeed, because
			// we are allowed to re-start a segment if we only ever had the
			// START_LOG_SEGMENT transaction logged.
			journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(3), 1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
			journal.Journal(MakeRI(4), 1, 1, 1, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(1, 1));
			// This time through, write more transactions afterwards, simulating
			// real user transactions.
			journal.Journal(MakeRI(5), 1, 2, 3, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(2, 3));
				journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(6), 1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
				NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Did not fail to start log segment which would overwrite "
					 + "an existing one");
			catch (InvalidOperationException ise)
				GenericTestUtils.AssertExceptionContains("seems to contain valid transactions", ise
			journal.FinalizeLogSegment(MakeRI(7), 1, 4);
			// Ensure that we cannot overwrite a finalized segment
				journal.StartLogSegment(MakeRI(8), 1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion);
				NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Did not fail to start log segment which would overwrite "
					 + "an existing one");
			catch (InvalidOperationException ise)
				GenericTestUtils.AssertExceptionContains("have a finalized segment", ise);
Esempio n. 8
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
 public virtual void TestReturnsSegmentInfoAtEpochTransition()
     ch.StartLogSegment(1, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion).Get();
     ch.SendEdits(1L, 1, 2, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(1, 2)).Get();
     // Switch to a new epoch without closing earlier segment
     QJournalProtocolProtos.NewEpochResponseProto response = ch.NewEpoch(2).Get();
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, response.GetLastSegmentTxId());
     ch.FinalizeLogSegment(1, 2).Get();
     // Switch to a new epoch after just closing the earlier segment.
     response = ch.NewEpoch(3).Get();
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, response.GetLastSegmentTxId());
     // Start a segment but don't write anything, check newEpoch segment info
     ch.StartLogSegment(3, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion).Get();
     response = ch.NewEpoch(4).Get();
     // Because the new segment is empty, it is equivalent to not having
     // started writing it. Hence, we should return the prior segment txid.
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, response.GetLastSegmentTxId());
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Test that the JournalNode performs correctly as a Paxos
 /// <em>Acceptor</em> process.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
 public virtual void TestAcceptRecoveryBehavior()
     // We need to run newEpoch() first, or else we have no way to distinguish
     // different proposals for the same decision.
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Did not throw IllegalState when trying to run paxos without an epoch"
     catch (ExecutionException ise)
         GenericTestUtils.AssertExceptionContains("bad epoch", ise);
     // prepare() with no previously accepted value and no logs present
     QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto prep = ch.PrepareRecovery(1L)
     System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Prep: " + prep);
     // Make a log segment, and prepare again -- this time should see the
     // segment existing.
     ch.StartLogSegment(1L, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CurrentLayoutVersion).Get();
     ch.SendEdits(1L, 1L, 1, QJMTestUtil.CreateTxnData(1, 1)).Get();
     prep = ch.PrepareRecovery(1L).Get();
     System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Prep: " + prep);
     // accept() should save the accepted value in persistent storage
     ch.AcceptRecovery(prep.GetSegmentState(), new Uri("file:///dev/null")).Get();
     // So another prepare() call from a new epoch would return this value
     prep = ch.PrepareRecovery(1L).Get();
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1L, prep.GetAcceptedInEpoch());
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1L, prep.GetSegmentState().GetEndTxId());
     // A prepare() or accept() call from an earlier epoch should now be rejected
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("prepare from earlier epoch not rejected");
     catch (ExecutionException ioe)
         GenericTestUtils.AssertExceptionContains("epoch 1 is less than the last promised epoch 2"
                                                  , ioe);
         ch.AcceptRecovery(prep.GetSegmentState(), new Uri("file:///dev/null")).Get();
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("accept from earlier epoch not rejected");
     catch (ExecutionException ioe)
         GenericTestUtils.AssertExceptionContains("epoch 1 is less than the last promised epoch 2"
                                                  , ioe);