Esempio n. 1
        static void PrintComment(QFont font, string comment, QFontAlignment alignment, ref float yOffset, QFontRenderOptions opts)
            yOffset += 20;
            var pos = new Vector3(30f, Height - yOffset, 0f);
            var dp  = new QFontDrawingPimitive(font, opts ?? new QFontRenderOptions());

            dp.Print(comment, pos, new SizeF(Width - 60, -1), alignment);
            yOffset += dp.Measure(comment, new SizeF(Width - 60, -1), alignment).Height;
Esempio n. 2
        static void PrintWithBounds(QFont font, string text, RectangleF bounds, QFontAlignment alignment, ref float yOffset)
            float maxWidth = bounds.Width;

            float height = font.Measure(text, new SizeF(maxWidth, -1), alignment).Height;

            var dp = new QFontDrawingPimitive(font);

            dp.Print(text, new Vector3(bounds.X, Height - yOffset, 0), new SizeF(maxWidth, float.MaxValue), alignment);

            yOffset += height;
Esempio n. 3
        static void PrintCommentWithLine(QFont font, string comment, QFontAlignment alignment, float xOffset, ref float yOffset, QFontRenderOptions opts)
            yOffset += 20;
            var dp = new QFontDrawingPimitive(font, opts);

            //if (doSpacing)
            //    dp.Options.CharacterSpacing = 0.05f;
            dp.Print(comment, new Vector3(xOffset, Height - yOffset, 0f), new SizeF(Width - 60, -1), alignment);
            var bounds = font.Measure(comment, new SizeF(Width - 60, float.MaxValue), alignment);

            //GL.Color4(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); GL.Vertex2(0f, 0f);
            //GL.Color4(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); GL.Vertex2(0f, bounds.Height + 20f);

            yOffset += bounds.Height;
Esempio n. 4
        static void OnRenderFrame()
            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            drawing.ProjectionMatrix = _projectionMatrix;


            float yOffset = 0;


            //GL.Color3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0); GL.Vertex2(0, 0);
            //GL.Color3(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); GL.Vertex2(0, Height);
            //GL.Color3(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); GL.Vertex2(Width, Height);
            //GL.Color3(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); GL.Vertex2(Width, 0);

            if (currentDemoPage != _previousPage)
                _previousPage = currentDemoPage;
                // we have to rebuild the stuff

                switch (currentDemoPage)
                case 0:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading1, "ModernQuickFont",
                                             new Vector3((float)Width / 2, Height, 0),
                                             QFontAlignment.Centre, heading1Options).Height;

                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Introduction #0",
                                             new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options)

                    yOffset += drawing.Print(mainText, modernQuickFontIntro, new Vector3(30, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                             new SizeF(Width - 60f, -1), QFontAlignment.Justify).Height;

                    PrintCode(modernIntroCode, ref yOffset);

                case 1:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading1, "QuickFont",
                                             new Vector3((float)Width / 2, Height, 0),
                                             QFontAlignment.Centre, heading1Options).Height;

                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Introduction",
                                             new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options)

                    yOffset += 20f;
                    drawing.Print(mainText, introduction, new Vector3(30, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                  new SizeF(Width - 60f, -1), QFontAlignment.Justify);


                case 2:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Easy as ABC!",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(usingQuickFontIsSuperEasy, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(loadingAFont1, ref yOffset);

                    PrintComment(andPrintWithIt, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(printWithFont1, ref yOffset);

                    PrintComment(itIsAlsoEasyToMeasure, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(measureText1, ref yOffset);

                    PrintComment(oneOfTheFirstGotchas, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(loadingAFont2, ref yOffset);


                case 3:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Alignment", new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintCommentWithLine(whenPrintingText, QFontAlignment.Left, 20f, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(printWithFont2, ref yOffset);

                    PrintCommentWithLine(righAlignedText, QFontAlignment.Right, 20f, ref yOffset);
                    yOffset += 10f;

                    PrintCommentWithLine(centredTextAsYou, QFontAlignment.Centre, Width * 0.5f, ref yOffset);


                case 4:
                    // in this stage force redraw and recreation of VBO every time: just divert last page
                    _previousPage = -1;
                    yOffset      += drawing.Print(heading2, "Bounds and Justify",
                                                  new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                                  QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    yOffset += 20;
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(controlsText, "Press [Up], [Down] or [Enter]!",
                                             new Vector3(Width * 0.5f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Centre, controlsTextOpts).Height;

                    float boundShrink = (int)(350 * (1 - Math.Cos(boundsAnimationCnt * Math.PI * 2)));

                    yOffset += 15;
                    PrintWithBounds(mainText, ofCourseItsNot,
                                    new RectangleF(30f + boundShrink * 0.5f, yOffset, Width - 60 - boundShrink,
                                                   350f), cycleAlignment, ref yOffset);

                    string printWithBounds = "myFont.Print(text, position, maxSize, QFontAlignment." +
                                             cycleAlignment + ");";
                    yOffset += 15f;
                    PrintCode(printWithBounds, ref yOffset);


                case 5:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Your own Texture Fonts",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(anotherCoolFeature, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(textureFontCode1, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(thisWillHaveCreated, ref yOffset);


                case 6:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Your own Texture Fonts",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(ifYouDoIntend, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(textureFontCode2, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(actuallyTexturing, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(textureFontCode3, ref yOffset);


                case 7:
                    // in this stage force redraw and recreation of VBO every time: just divert last page
                    _previousPage = -1;

                    // store this primitive to remember
                    QFontDrawingPimitive dp = new QFontDrawingPimitive(heading2);
                    dp.Options.DropShadowActive = true;
                    dp.Options.DropShadowOffset = new Vector2(0.1f + 0.2f * (float)Math.Sin(cnt),
                                                              0.1f + 0.2f * (float)Math.Cos(cnt));

                    yOffset += dp.Print("Drop Shadows",
                                        new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),

                    PrintComment(asIhaveleant, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(dropShadowCode1, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(thisWorksFine, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(dropShadowCode2, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(onceAFont, ref yOffset);

                    //mainText.Options.DropShadowActive = false;

                case 8:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Monospaced Fonts",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    QFontRenderOptions monoSpaceCondensed = monoSpacedOptions.CreateClone();
                    monoSpaceCondensed.CharacterSpacing = 0.05f;
                    PrintComment(monoSpaced, hereIsSomeMono, QFontAlignment.Left, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    PrintCode(monoCode1, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(monoSpaced, theDefaultMono, QFontAlignment.Left, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);

                    PrintCommentWithLine(monoSpaced, mono, QFontAlignment.Left, 20f, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    yOffset += 2f;
                    PrintCommentWithLine(monoSpaced, mono, QFontAlignment.Right, 20f, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    yOffset += 2f;
                    PrintCommentWithLine(monoSpaced, mono, QFontAlignment.Centre, Width * 0.5f, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    yOffset += 2f;

                                 "As usual, you can adjust character spacing with myPrimitive.Options.CharacterSpacing.",
                                 QFontAlignment.Left, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);


                case 9:
                    // in this stage force redraw and recreation of VBO every time: just divert last page
                    _previousPage = -1;
                    yOffset      += drawing.Print(heading2, "Preprocessed Text",
                                                  new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                    yOffset += 20f;

                    _stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    yOffset   += drawing.Print(mainText, _processedText,
                                               new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0)).Height;
                    long preprocessed = _stopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks;

                    _stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    yOffset   += drawing.Print(mainText, nonPreProcessed,
                                               new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                               new SizeF(Width - 40f, -1), QFontAlignment.Justify)
                    long notpreprocessed = _stopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks;

                    if (frameCount > 60)
                        _benchResult = string.Format(("{0}       {1}\nPreprocessed was {2} ticks faster"),
                                                     notpreprocessed, notpreprocessed - preprocessed);
                        frameCount = 0;

                    drawing.Print(_benchmarkResults, _benchResult,
                                  new Vector3(Width * 0.5f, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                  QFontAlignment.Centre, Color.White);

                case 10:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "In Conclusion",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(thereAreActually, ref yOffset);



            // Create controlsDrawing every time.. would be also good to vary ProjectionMatrix with * Matrix4.CreateTranslation() !
            // this would save buffer work for OpenGL
            controlsDrawing.ProjectionMatrix = _projectionMatrix;

            if (currentDemoPage != lastPage)
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(Width - 10 - 16 * (float)(1 + Math.Sin(cnt * 4)),
                                          controlsText.Measure("P").Height + 10f, 0f);
                controlsDrawing.Print(controlsText, "Press [Right] ->", pos, QFontAlignment.Right, controlsTextOpts);

            if (currentDemoPage != 0)
                var pos = new Vector3(10 + 16 * (float)(1 + Math.Sin(cnt * 4)), controlsText.Measure("P").Height + 10f, 0f);
                controlsDrawing.Print(controlsText, "<- Press [Left]", pos, QFontAlignment.Left, controlsTextOpts);
