         * Fit a circle to three given points on the circumference. The method draws lines (chords)
         * between two pairs of the points, constructs their perpendicular bisectors, and finds the
         * intersection point of those two lines. This is the centre of the circle as radii passing
         * through the centre are perpendicular bisectors of chords in a circle. The radius is the
         * distance between the centre and any one of the initial three points.
        private QDCircle threePointCircleFit(List <QDPoint> pts)
            QDLine         l1     = new QDLine(pts[0], pts[1]);
            QDLine         l2     = new QDLine(pts[1], pts[2]);
            QDInfiniteLine i1     = new QDInfiniteLine(l1.getMidpoint(), l1.getPerpAngleD());
            QDInfiniteLine i2     = new QDInfiniteLine(l2.getMidpoint(), l2.getPerpAngleD());
            QDPoint        centre = i1.intersect(i2);
            float          radius = QDUtils.QDUtils.getPtToPtDist(centre, pts[0]);

            return(new QDCircle(centre, radius));
Esempio n. 2
 // Copy constructor
 public QDInputPointSet(QDInputPointSet other)
     this.pts                 = other.pts;
     this.anglesD             = other.anglesD;
     this.meanSmoothedAnglesD = other.meanSmoothedAnglesD;
     this.start               = other.start;
     //this.finish = other.finish;
     this.angle_max = other.angle_max;
     this.angle_min = other.angle_min;
     this.angle_sum = other.angle_sum;
Esempio n. 3
        public void getIntrinsicConstraints(QDInputPointSet ptSet)
            if (ptSet.shapeType == QDShapeTypes.LINE)
                QDLine line  = (QDLine)ptSet.initialFit;
                float  angle = line.angleD;
                // Check for vertical line and adjust by midpoint pivot
                if ((90.0f - line_snap_thresh < angle && angle < 90.0f + line_snap_thresh) ||
                    (-90.0f - line_snap_thresh < angle && angle < -90.0f + line_snap_thresh) && !line.vertical)
                    QDPoint newStart, newFinish;

                    if (line.start.y > line.getMidpoint().y)
                        newStart  = new QDPoint(line.midPoint.x, line.midPoint.y + (0.5f * line.length));
                        newFinish = new QDPoint(line.midPoint.x, line.midPoint.y - (0.5f * line.length));
                        newStart  = new QDPoint(line.midPoint.x, line.midPoint.y - (0.5f * line.length));
                        newFinish = new QDPoint(line.midPoint.x, line.midPoint.y + (0.5f * line.length));
                    ptSet.fittedShape = new QDLine(newStart, newFinish);
                // Check for horizontal line and adjust by midpoint pivot
                else if ((-line_snap_thresh < angle && angle < line_snap_thresh) ||
                         (180.0f - line_snap_thresh < angle || angle < -180.0f + line_snap_thresh))
                    float   length    = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(line.start.x - line.finish.x, 2.0f) + Math.Pow(line.start.y - line.finish.y, 2.0f));
                    QDPoint midPt     = new QDPoint((line.start.x + line.finish.x) * 0.5f, (line.start.y + line.finish.y) * 0.5f);
                    QDPoint newStart  = new QDPoint();
                    QDPoint newFinish = new QDPoint();
                    newStart.y = newFinish.y = midPt.y;
                    if (line.start.x > midPt.x)
                        newStart.x  = midPt.x + (0.5f * length);
                        newFinish.x = midPt.x - (0.5f * length);
                        newStart.x  = midPt.x - (0.5f * length);
                        newFinish.x = midPt.x + (0.5f * length);
                    ptSet.fittedShape = new QDLine(newStart, newFinish);
         * Find angle swept by points around the centre of an elliptical arc. Used to determine
         * Whether it should be treated as a full ellipse or an arc
        private float findSweptArc(QDInputPointSet ptSet, QDEllipse ellipse)
            QDPoint        centre = ellipse.mCentre;
            List <QDPoint> pts    = ptSet.pts;

            float lastAngle  = QDUtils.QDUtils.getPtToPtAngleD(pts[0], centre);
            float angleSweep = 0f;

            foreach (QDPoint pt in pts)
                float angle = QDUtils.QDUtils.getPtToPtAngleD(pt, centre);
                angleSweep += QDUtils.QDUtils.angleDiffMinorD(angle, lastAngle);
                lastAngle   = angle;

         * Returns the signed (CCW positive) angle from the start point to the finish point
         * Range of output values: (-180,180]
         * @param start     Point to start from
         * @param finish    Point to finish at
         * @return          Signed angle from start to finish point
        public static float getPtToPtAngleD(QDPoint start, QDPoint finish)
            float angle;
            float run  = finish.x - start.x;
            float rise = finish.y - start.y;

            // Check for near-vertical div-by-zero issues
            if (Math.Abs(run) < 1e-2f)
                if (finish.y > start.y)
                    angle = 90.0f;
                    angle = -90.0f;
                angle = ((float)Math.Atan2(rise, run)) * 180.0f / ((float)Math.PI);
Esempio n. 6
        // Add a point to the segment list and check for a corner in the segment
        // Returns true if a corner was detected, false otherwise
        public bool addPoint(QDPoint pt)
            // Special case for the first point
            if (pts.Count == 0)
                start = pt;
                sampledMarkerPt = pt;

            // Get the pt to pt gradient
            float angle = QDUtils.QDUtils.getPtToPtAngleD(pts.Last(), pt);

            // Store summary statistics
            if (angle > angle_max)
                angle_max = angle;
            if (angle < angle_min)
                angle_min = angle;
            angle_sum += angle;

            // Only stores the angles between points sufficiently far apart. This is the most
            // noise robust, and useful for getting the general form of the input shape
            if (QDUtils.QDUtils.getPtToPtDist(sampledMarkerPt, pt) > SUBSAMP_PT_DIST)
                sampledPtAnglesD.Add(QDUtils.QDUtils.getPtToPtAngleD(sampledMarkerPt, pt));
                sampledMarkerPt = pt;

            // Add values to vectors

            // Step 1: track back to get testPt
            float   TEST_RADIUS = 50.0f;
            float   CNR_RADIUS = 10.0f;
            QDPoint testPt = null, cnrCandidatePt = null, currPt = pt;
            int     midIdx = -1, testIdx = -1, cnrCandidateIdx = -1;

            midIdx = backtrackByDist(pts, pts.Count - 2, TEST_RADIUS / 2.0f);
            if (midIdx < 0)
            testIdx = backtrackByDist(pts, midIdx, TEST_RADIUS / 2.0f);
            if (testIdx < 0)
            testPt = pts[testIdx];

            // Step 2: construct line from testPt to currPt
            QDInfiniteLine testLine = new QDInfiniteLine(testPt, currPt);

            // Step 3: Find perp dist from each pt between test and curr to the line
            float maxDist = 0.0f;
            int   maxIdx  = -1;

            for (int i = testIdx + 1; i < pts.Count - 1; i++)
                float thisDist = testLine.getDistToPoint(pts[i]);
                if (thisDist > maxDist)
                    maxDist = thisDist;
                    maxIdx  = i;

            // Step 4: confirm cnrCandidatePt
            if (maxIdx < 0)
            cnrCandidatePt = pts[maxIdx];
            int cnrIdx = maxIdx;

            if (!(QDUtils.QDUtils.getPtToPtDist(cnrCandidatePt, currPt) > CNR_RADIUS))

            // Step 5: construct lines
            float oldAngleD = new QDLine(testPt, cnrCandidatePt).angleD;
            float newAngleD = new QDLine(cnrCandidatePt, currPt).angleD;

            // Step 6: test angle between lines
            if (Math.Abs(QDUtils.QDUtils.angleDiffMinorD(oldAngleD, newAngleD)) > CNR_ANGLE_THRESH)
                // Step 7: test for continuous curvature
                int strTestIdx = backtrackByDist(pts, testIdx, CNR_RADIUS);
                if (strTestIdx < 0)
                int strTest2Idx = backtrackByDist(pts, strTestIdx, CNR_RADIUS);
                if (strTest2Idx < 0)
                float seg1 = new QDLine(pts[strTest2Idx], pts[strTestIdx]).angleD;
                float seg2 = new QDLine(pts[strTestIdx], pts[testIdx]).angleD;
                if (Math.Abs(QDUtils.QDUtils.angleDiffMinorD(seg1, seg2)) < 30.0f)
                    cornerTerminated = true;
                    cornerTerminated = false;

            if (cornerTerminated)
                newSeg = new QDInputPointSet(CORNER_WINDOW, CNR_ANGLE_THRESH);
                newSeg.addPoint(cnrCandidatePt);                // Add the corner point
                int lastIdx = pts.Count - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < lastIdx - cnrIdx; i++)      // For how many points there are after the corner
                    newSeg.addPoint(this.pts[cnrIdx + 1]);      // Copy points after the corner into new seg
                    this.pts.RemoveAt(cnrIdx + 1);              // Delete points after corner from current set
                    this.anglesD.Remove(cnrIdx);                // There is one less angle than pts since first two pts make 1 angle
                // Remove subsampled angles as well up to before the corner
                int deleteSubSamp = (int)Math.Ceiling(CNR_RADIUS / SUBSAMP_PT_DIST);
                for (int i = 0; i < deleteSubSamp; i++)
                    sampledPtAnglesD.Remove(sampledPtAnglesD.Count - deleteSubSamp + i);

Esempio n. 7
        public List <QDShape> getExtrinsicConstraints(QDInputPointSet ptSet)
            List <QDShape> modifiedShapes = new List <QDShape>();

            if (ptSet.shapeType == QDShapeTypes.LINE)
                QDLine line = (QDLine)ptSet.fittedShape;
                List <QDShapeDBPoint> nearStartPts = shapeDB.getShapesNearPoint(line.start, SEARCH_RADIUS);
                foreach (QDShapeDBPoint pt in nearStartPts)
                    if (pt.type == QDPointTypes.LINE_START || pt.type == QDPointTypes.LINE_FINISH)
                        QDLine nearLine = (QDLine)pt.shape;

                        if (!modifiedShapes.Contains(nearLine))

                        QDInfiniteLine thisInf = new QDInfiniteLine(line.start, line.finish);
                        QDInfiniteLine nearInf = new QDInfiniteLine(nearLine.start, nearLine.finish);
                        // Check for nearly parallel lines
                        if (Math.Abs(QDUtils.QDUtils.angleDiffMinorD(line.angleD, nearLine.angleD)) > 10f)
                            QDPoint intersectPt = thisInf.intersect(nearInf);
                            if (QDUtils.QDUtils.getPtToPtDist(line.start, intersectPt) < SEARCH_RADIUS * 1.25)
                                line.start = intersectPt;
                                if (pt.type == QDPointTypes.LINE_START)
                                    nearLine.start = intersectPt;
                                    nearLine.finish = intersectPt;

                List <QDShapeDBPoint> nearFinishPts = shapeDB.getShapesNearPoint(line.finish, SEARCH_RADIUS);
                foreach (QDShapeDBPoint pt in nearFinishPts)
                    if (pt.type == QDPointTypes.LINE_START || pt.type == QDPointTypes.LINE_FINISH)
                        QDLine nearLine = (QDLine)pt.shape;

                        if (!modifiedShapes.Contains(nearLine))

                        QDInfiniteLine thisInf = new QDInfiniteLine(line.start, line.finish);
                        QDInfiniteLine nearInf = new QDInfiniteLine(nearLine.start, nearLine.finish);
                        // Check for nearly parallel lines
                        if (Math.Abs(QDUtils.QDUtils.angleDiffMinorD(line.angleD, nearLine.angleD)) > 10f)
                            QDPoint intersectPt = thisInf.intersect(nearInf);
                            if (QDUtils.QDUtils.getPtToPtDist(line.finish, intersectPt) < SEARCH_RADIUS * 1.25)
                                line.finish = intersectPt;
                                if (pt.type == QDPointTypes.LINE_START)
                                    nearLine.start = intersectPt;
                                    nearLine.finish = intersectPt;
  * Convert a point from local coordinates into the global reference viewing frame using the
  * origin of the view and the current scale factor
  * @param locPt     The point in local coordinates to convert
  * @param SF        The current scale factor of the viewing window
  * @param origin    The origin of the viewing window
  * @return          The point in local coordinates
 public static QDPoint locToAbsCoords(QDPoint locPt, float SF, QDPoint origin)
     return(new QDPoint((locPt.x / SF) + origin.x, (locPt.y / SF) + origin.y));
  * Convert a point from absolute coordinates into the local viewing frame using the origin of
  * the view and the current scale factor
  * @param absPt     The point in absolute coordinates to convert
  * @param SF        The current scale factor of the viewing window
  * @param origin    The origin of the viewing window
  * @return          The point in local coordinates
 public static QDPoint absToLocCoords(QDPoint absPt, float SF, QDPoint origin)
     return(new QDPoint((absPt.x - origin.x) * SF, (absPt.y - origin.y) * SF));
Esempio n. 10
  * Get the distance between two points
  * @param p1    Point 1
  * @param p2    Point 2
  * @return      Straight line distance between points
 public static float getPtToPtDist(QDPoint p1, QDPoint p2)
     return((float)Math.Pow(Math.Pow(p1.x - p2.x, 2.0) + Math.Pow(p1.y - p2.y, 2), 0.5));