Esempio n. 1
        public override bool TransferFile(string infile)
            QCatalog  qlog   = QCatalog.GetCatlog();
            COMReader reader = new COMReader(infile);

            double   days    = double.Parse(reader.GetCell("D5"));
            double   time    = double.Parse(reader.GetCell("F5"));
            DateTime dt      = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1).AddDays(-2).AddDays(days + time);
            string   allinfo = reader.GetCell("B8");
            string   K1001   = allinfo.Split('_')[1]; // modified
            string   K1002   = reader.GetCell("F8");  // modified
            string   K0006   = allinfo.Split('_')[0]; // modified
            string   K0007   = reader.GetCell("B11"); // modified
            string   K0008   = reader.GetCell("D8");  // modified
            string   K0010   = reader.GetCell("F11");
            string   K0012   = reader.GetCell("D11");
            string   K0061   = allinfo.Split('_')[2];

            QDataItem qdi = new QDataItem();

            qdi[0006] = K0006;                                    // modified
            qdi[0007] = qlog.GetCatalogPIDString("K4092", K0007); // modified
            qdi[0008] = K0008;                                    // modified
            qdi[0010] = qlog.GetCatalogPIDString("K4062", K0010);
            qdi[0012] = qlog.GetCatalogPIDString("K4072", K0012);
            qdi[0061] = qlog.GetCatalogPIDString("K4272", K0061);

            // The first row of data. If it is not fixed, modify this variable.
            int   startrow = 13;
            QFile qf       = new QFile();

            qf[1001] = K1001; // modified
            qf[1002] = K1002; // modified

            for (int i = startrow; i < reader.GetRowCount(); i++)
                // Characteristic	Actual	Nominal	Upper Tol	Lower Tol	Deviation
                // K2002, K0001, K2101, K2113, K2112
                string K2002 = reader.GetCell(i, 0);
                string K0001 = reader.GetCell(i, 1);
                string K2101 = reader.GetCell(i, 2);
                string K2113 = reader.GetCell(i, 3);
                string K2112 = reader.GetCell(i, 4);

                QCharacteristic qc = new QCharacteristic();
                qc[2001] = qf.Charactericstics.Count + 1;
                qc[2002] = K2002;
                qc[2022] = "8";
                qc[2101] = K2101;
                qc[2112] = K2112;
                qc[2113] = K2113;
                qc[2120] = 1;
                qc[2121] = 1;
                qc[2142] = "mm";
                qc[8500] = 5;
                qc[8501] = 0;

                QDataItem di = qdi.Clone();



            return(SaveDfq(qf, string.Format("{0}\\{1}_{2}.dfq",
                                             pd.GetOutDirectory(infile),                   // output directory
                                             allinfo,                                      // filename from all info.
                                             DateTimeHelper.ToFullString(DateTime.Now)))); // time stamp.
Esempio n. 2
        public override bool TransferFile(string infile)
            QCatalog  qlog   = QCatalog.GetCatlog(@"Z:\Projects\QTransducer\2017年\2017_10_重庆_Nemak\20180112_Problems");
            COMReader reader = new COMReader(infile);

            /************ 内容检测,有空不转换 **************/
            // 检测内容:Date (D4)/Time(D7)/Order(F4)/ Operator(B10)/ CMM(D10)/Part NO(F7)/Product(F10)
            if (reader.GetCell("D5").Trim().Length == 0 || reader.GetCell("D8").Trim().Length == 0 ||
                reader.GetCell("F5").Trim().Length == 0 || reader.GetCell("B11").Trim().Length == 0 ||
                reader.GetCell("D11").Trim().Length == 0 || reader.GetCell("F8").Trim().Length == 0 ||
                reader.GetCell("F11").Trim().Length == 0)
                LogList.Add(new Classes.TransLog(infile, "无", "表头有空值,无法转换。",
                                                 Classes.LogType.Fail, "根据需求,以下表头禁止为空:Date /time/order/ operator/ CMM/Part NO/Product。"));

            /************ 从Excel文件读取标题K域 **************/
            string K1001 = reader.GetCell("B8");
            string K0008 = reader.GetCell("B11");

            double   days = double.Parse(reader.GetCell("D5"));
            double   time = double.Parse(reader.GetCell("D8"));
            DateTime dt   = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1).AddDays(-2).AddDays(days + time);

            string K0012 = reader.GetCell("D11");

            string K0061 = reader.GetCell("F5");
            string K0014 = reader.GetCell("F8");
            string K1002 = reader.GetCell("F11");

            // 年份(2位)_天数(3位)_班次(1位)_设备号(1位)_当日序列号(3位)_设备累计序列号(7位)_工件状态(1位)
            string K0006 = null;
            string K0007 = null;
            string K0010 = null;

                K0006 = K0014.Substring(0, 5); // K0007: 截取班次(1位).
                K0007 = K0014.Substring(5, 1); // K0007: 截取班次(1位).
                K0010 = K0014.Substring(6, 1); // K0010: 截取设备号(1位)
            catch (Exception ex)

            /************ K值模板 **************/
            QFile qf = new QFile();

            qf[1001] = K1001;
            qf[1002] = K1002;

            QDataItem qdi = new QDataItem();

            if (K0006 != null)
                qdi[0006] = K0006;
            if (K0007 != null)
                qdi[0007] = qlog.GetCatalogPIDString("K4252", K0007);
            qdi[0008] = qlog.GetCatalogPIDString("K4092", K0008);
            if (K0010 != null)
                qdi[0010] = qlog.GetCatalogPIDString("K4062", K0010);
            qdi[0012] = qlog.GetCatalogPIDString("K4072", K0012);
            qdi[0014] = K0014;
            qdi[0061] = qlog.GetCatalogPIDString("K4272", K0061);

            // The first row of data. If it is not fixed, modify this variable.
            int firstRow = 13;
            int lastRow  = reader.GetRowCount();

            for (int i = firstRow; i < reader.GetRowCount(); i++)
                // Characteristic	Actual	Nominal	Upper Tol	Lower Tol	Deviation
                // K2002, K0001, K2101, K2113, K2112
                string K2002 = reader.GetCell(i, 0);
                string K0001 = reader.GetCell(i, 1);
                string K2101 = reader.GetCell(i, 2);
                string K2113 = reader.GetCell(i, 3);
                string K2112 = reader.GetCell(i, 4);

                if (K2002 == null || K2002.Trim().Length == 0)
                    break;  // 根据20180112 问题 第2条 修改。
                QCharacteristic qc = new QCharacteristic();
                qc[2001] = qf.Charactericstics.Count + 1;
                qc[2002] = K2002;
                qc[2022] = "8";
                qc[2101] = K2101;
                qc[2112] = K2112;
                qc[2113] = K2113;
                qc[2120] = 1;
                qc[2121] = 1;
                qc[2142] = "mm";
                qc[8500] = 5;
                qc[8501] = 0;

                QDataItem di = qdi.Clone();
       = dt; // DateTime.Now; // 根据20180112 问题 第3条 修改。



            bool result = SaveDfq(qf, string.Format("{0}\\{1}_{2}.dfq",
                                                    pd.GetOutDirectory(infile),                  // output directory
                                                    K0014,                                       // filename from all info.
                                                    DateTimeHelper.ToFullString(DateTime.Now))); // time stamp.


Esempio n. 3
        public override bool TransferFile(string path)
            IniAccess ia          = new IniAccess("userconfig.ini");
            string    catalogfile = ia.ReadValue("catalog");
            QCatalog  catalog     = QCatalog.GetCatlog(File.Exists(catalogfile) ? catalogfile : "catalog.dfd");

            Workbook wb = new Workbook();

            Worksheet sheet = wb.Worksheets[0];

            QFile qf = new QFile();

            qf[1001] = sheet[3, 2].Value;
            qf[1053] = sheet[3, 4].Value;
            qf[1086] = sheet[3, 5].Value;
            qf[1110] = sheet[3, 6].Value; // 1100 -> 1110
            qf[1101] = sheet[2, 1].Value;
            qf[1102] = sheet[3, 1].Value;

            int rowid = 5;

            while (true)
                if (isEmpty(sheet, rowid))

                QCharacteristic qc = new QCharacteristic();
                string pid = sheet[rowid, 1].Value != null ? sheet[rowid, 1].Value.ToString() : "";
                qc[2001] = pid.Replace('(', ' ').Replace(')', ' ').Trim();
                qc[2002] = sheet[rowid, 2].Value;
                qc[2005] = sheet[rowid, 13].Value.Contains("是") ? 4 : 1; // 不包括是时为 1 还是0 ,文档中有错误。
                qc[2022] = 4;
                qc[2101] = sheet[rowid, 3].Value;
                qc[2113] = sheet[rowid, 4].Value;
                qc[2112] = sheet[rowid, 5].Value;
                qc[2120] = 1;
                qc[2121] = 1;
                qc[2142] = "mm";
                qc[8500] = 5;
                qc[8501] = 0;

                QDataItem di = new QDataItem();
                di.SetValue(sheet[rowid, 6].Value);
        = sheet[3, 10].DateTimeValue;
                di[0006] = sheet[3, 3].Value;
                di[0008] = catalog.getCatalogPID("K4093", sheet[3, 11].Value);
                di[0010] = catalog.getCatalogPID("K4063", sheet[rowid, 11].Value);
                di[0011] = sheet[rowid, 10].Value;
                di[0012] = catalog.getCatalogPID("K4072", sheet[rowid, 10].Value);
                di[0061] = catalog.getCatalogPID("K4273", sheet[3, 7].Value);

                // Console.WriteLine("{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}", di[0008], di[0010], di[0012], di[0061]);



            SaveDfqByFilename(qf, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + ".dfq");

Esempio n. 4
        public override bool TransferFile(string infile)
            COMReader    reader = new COMReader(infile, ExcelVersion.Excel2003);
            string       K0012  = reader.GetCell("G3");
            QCatalog     qlog   = QCatalog.GetCatlog(@"Z:\Projects\QTransducer\2017年\2017_08_Antai_密度\P180116\CATALOG.dfd");
            List <QFile> qfs    = new List <QFile>();

            DateTime date = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

            for (int row = 5; row < reader.GetRowCount(); row++)
                    DateTime dt    = date.AddDays(int.Parse(reader.GetCell("A" + row)) - 2);
                    string   K1002 = reader.GetCell("B" + row);
                    string   K0014 = reader.GetCell("C" + row);
                    string   K0016 = reader.GetCell("D" + row);
                    string   K0010 = reader.GetCell("E" + row);
                    string   K1001 = reader.GetCell("F" + row);
                    string   K0011 = reader.GetCell("I" + row) + '\\' + reader.GetCell("J" + row) + '\\' + reader.GetCell("K" + row) + '\\' + reader.GetCell("L" + row);
                    string   K0001 = reader.GetCell("M" + row);

                    double value = double.Parse(K0001);

                    string K2110 = "";
                    string K2111 = "";
                    string K2120 = "";

                    string colN = reader.GetCell(row, "N");
                    // 上下限写入同一单元格并用 "-"间隔,即:下限-上限。
                    // 将中横杠前的数据写入K2110,中横杠后的数据写入K2111。
                    // 1、当密度要求值出现中横杠"_"时,代表该行信息不需要输出
                    if (colN == null || colN.Trim().Length == 1)
                    else if (colN.Contains("-"))
                        K2110 = colN.Split('-')[0];
                        K2111 = colN.Split('-')[1];
                    // 2、当密度要求值出现中横杠”≥”时,该参数只有下限K2110,
                    // 例如≥30,输出K2110 = 30,K2111为空,K2120 = 1
                    else if (colN.Contains("≥"))
                        K2110 = colN.Split('≥')[1];
                        K2120 = "1";
                    // 3、当密度要求值出现中横杠” >”时,该参数只有下限,且为下自然界线。
                    // 例如 > 30,输出K2110 = 30,K2111为空,K2120 = 2
                    else if (colN.Contains(">"))
                        K2110 = colN.Split('>')[1];
                        K2120 = "2";

                    string K0008 = reader.GetCell("Q" + row);

                    if (K1001 == "" && K1002 == "")
                        LogList.Add(new TransLog(infile, "", "K1001 和 K1002 均为空。", LogType.Fail));

                    QFile qf = getQFile(qfs, K1001, K1002);

                    if (qf.Charactericstics.Count == 0)
                        QCharacteristic qc = new QCharacteristic();
                        qc[2002] = "密度g/cm³";
                        qc[2022] = 8;
                        if (K2110.Length > 0)
                            qc[2110] = K2110;
                        if (K2111.Length > 0)
                            qc[2111] = K2111;
                        qc[2120] = 1;
                        qc[2121] = 1;
                        if (K2120.Length > 0)
                            qc[2120] = K2120;
                        qc[2142] = "g/cm³";
                        qc[8500] = 5;
                        qc[8501] = 0;

                    QDataItem qdi = new QDataItem {
                        date = dt
                    qdi[0008] = qlog.getCatalogPID("K4093", K0008);
                    qdi[0010] = qlog.getCatalogPID("K4063", K0010);
                    qdi[0011] = K0011;
                    qdi[0012] = qlog.getCatalogPID("K4073", K0012);
                    qdi[0014] = K0014;
                    qdi[0016] = K0016;

                    // Console.WriteLine("K0008({0})->K4093={1}", K0008, qlog.getCatalogPID("K4093", K0008));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append("Row " + row + ": ");
                    for (int col = 0; col < reader.GetColumnCount(); col++)
                        sb.Append(reader.GetCell(row, col) + ", ");
                    Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString() + ". Error message: " + ex.Message);

            foreach (QFile qf in qfs)
                SaveDfqByFilename(qf, qf[1001] + "_" + qf[1002] + ".dfq");
