public void BudgetVoidAsyncTestsUsingoAuth()
            //Creating the Budget for Adding
            Budget entity = QBOHelper.CreateBudget(qboContextoAuth);
            //Adding the Budget
            Budget added = Helper.Add <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, entity);

            Helper.VoidAsync <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, added);
        public void BudgetAddAsyncTestsUsingoAuth()
            //Creating the Budget for Add
            Budget entity = QBOHelper.CreateBudget(qboContextoAuth);

            Budget added = Helper.AddAsync <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, entity);

            QBOHelper.VerifyBudget(entity, added);
        public void BudgetFindbyIdTestUsingoAuth()
            //Creating the Budget for Adding
            Budget Budget = QBOHelper.CreateBudget(qboContextoAuth);
            //Adding the Budget
            Budget added = Helper.Add <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, Budget);
            Budget found = Helper.FindById <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, added);

            QBOHelper.VerifyBudget(found, added);
        [Ignore] //Waiting on the bug fix for operation name
        public void BudgetAddTestUsingoAuth()
            //Creating the Budget for Add
            Budget Budget = QBOHelper.CreateBudget(qboContextoAuth);
            //Adding the Budget
            Budget added = Helper.Add <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, Budget);

            //Verify the added Budget
            QBOHelper.VerifyBudget(Budget, added);
        [Ignore] //Waiting on the bug fix for operation name
        public void BudgetUpdateTestUsingoAuth()
            //Creating the Budget for Adding
            Budget Budget = QBOHelper.CreateBudget(qboContextoAuth);
            //Adding the Budget
            Budget added = Helper.Add <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, Budget);
            //Change the data of added entity
            Budget changed = QBOHelper.UpdateBudget(qboContextoAuth, added);
            //Update the returned entity data
            Budget updated = Helper.Update <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, changed);//Verify the updated Budget

            QBOHelper.VerifyBudget(changed, updated);
        public void BudgetSparseUpdatedAsyncTestsUsingoAuth()
            //Creating the Budget for Adding
            Budget entity = QBOHelper.CreateBudget(qboContextoAuth);
            //Adding the Budget
            Budget added = Helper.Add <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, entity);

            //Update the Budget
            Budget updated = QBOHelper.UpdateBudgetSparse(qboContextoAuth, added.Id, added.SyncToken);
            //Call the service
            Budget updatedReturned = Helper.UpdateAsync <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, updated);

            //Verify updated Budget
            QBOHelper.VerifyBudgetSparse(updated, updatedReturned);
        public void BudgetVoidTestUsingoAuth()
            //Creating the entity for Adding
            Budget entity = QBOHelper.CreateBudget(qboContextoAuth);
            //Adding the entity
            Budget added = Helper.Add <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, entity);

            //Void the returned entity
                Budget voided = Helper.Void <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, added);
                Assert.AreEqual(EntityStatusEnum.Voided, voided.status);
            catch (IdsException ex)
        [Ignore] //Waiting on the bug fix for operation name
        public void BudgetDeleteTestUsingoAuth()
            //Creating the Budget for Adding
            Budget Budget = QBOHelper.CreateBudget(qboContextoAuth);
            //Adding the Budget
            Budget added = Helper.Add <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, Budget);

            //Delete the returned entity
                Budget deleted = Helper.Delete <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, added);
                Assert.AreEqual(EntityStatusEnum.Deleted, deleted.status);
            catch (IdsException ex)
        public void BudgetBatchUsingoAuth()
            Dictionary <OperationEnum, object> batchEntries = new Dictionary <OperationEnum, object>();

            Budget existing = Helper.FindOrAdd(qboContextoAuth, new Budget());

            batchEntries.Add(OperationEnum.create, QBOHelper.CreateBudget(qboContextoAuth));

            batchEntries.Add(OperationEnum.update, QBOHelper.UpdateBudget(qboContextoAuth, existing));

            batchEntries.Add(OperationEnum.query, "select * from Budget");

            batchEntries.Add(OperationEnum.delete, existing);

            ReadOnlyCollection <IntuitBatchResponse> batchResponses = Helper.BatchTest <Budget>(qboContextoAuth, batchEntries);

            int position = 0;

            foreach (IntuitBatchResponse resp in batchResponses)
                if (resp.ResponseType == ResponseType.Exception)

                if (resp.ResponseType == ResponseType.Entity)
                    Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty((resp.Entity as Budget).Id));
                else if (resp.ResponseType == ResponseType.Query)
                    Assert.IsTrue(resp.Entities != null && resp.Entities.Count > 0);
                else if (resp.ResponseType == ResponseType.CdcQuery)
                    Assert.IsTrue(resp.CDCResponse != null && resp.CDCResponse.entities != null && resp.CDCResponse.entities.Count > 0);
