Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a pandas DataFrame from an enumerable of slice containing the requested historical data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbols">The symbols to retrieve historical data for</param>
        /// <param name="history">an enumerable of slice containing the requested historical data</param>
        /// <returns>A python dictionary with pandas DataFrame containing the requested historical data</returns>
        private PyObject CreatePandasDataFrame(List <Symbol> symbols, IEnumerable <Slice> history)
            // If pandas is null (cound not be imported), return null
            if (_pandas == null)

            using (Py.GIL())
                var pyDict = new PyDict();

                foreach (var symbol in symbols)
                    var index = Securities[symbol].Type == SecurityType.Equity
                        ? history.Get <TradeBar>(symbol).Select(x => x.Time)
                        : history.Get <QuoteBar>(symbol).Select(x => x.Time);

                    var dataframe = new PyDict();
                    dataframe.SetItem("open", _pandas.Series(history.Get(symbol, Field.Open).ToList(), index));
                    dataframe.SetItem("high", _pandas.Series(history.Get(symbol, Field.High).ToList(), index));
                    dataframe.SetItem("low", _pandas.Series(history.Get(symbol, Field.Low).ToList(), index));
                    dataframe.SetItem("close", _pandas.Series(history.Get(symbol, Field.Close).ToList(), index));
                    dataframe.SetItem("volume", _pandas.Series(history.Get(symbol, Field.Volume).ToList(), index));

                    pyDict.SetItem(symbol.Value, _pandas.DataFrame(dataframe, columns: new[] { "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume" }.ToList()));

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the top N drawdown plot using the python libraries.
        /// </summary>
        public override string Render()
            var backtestPoints = ResultsUtil.EquityPoints(_backtest);
            var livePoints     = ResultsUtil.EquityPoints(_live);

            var liveSeries     = new Series <DateTime, double>(livePoints.Keys, livePoints.Values);
            var strategySeries = DrawdownCollection.NormalizeResults(_backtest, _live);

            var seriesUnderwaterPlot = DrawdownCollection.GetUnderwater(strategySeries).DropMissing();
            var liveUnderwaterPlot   = backtestPoints.Count == 0 ? seriesUnderwaterPlot : seriesUnderwaterPlot.After(backtestPoints.Last().Key);
            var drawdownCollection   = DrawdownCollection.FromResult(_backtest, _live, periods: 5);

            var base64 = "";

            using (Py.GIL())
                var backtestList = new PyList();

                if (liveUnderwaterPlot.IsEmpty)

                var liveList = new PyList();

                var worstList = new PyList();
                var previousDrawdownPeriods = new List <KeyValuePair <DateTime, DateTime> >();

                foreach (var group in drawdownCollection.Drawdowns)
                    // Skip drawdown periods that are overlapping
                    if (previousDrawdownPeriods.Where(kvp => (group.Start >= kvp.Key && group.Start <= kvp.Value) || (group.End >= kvp.Key && group.End <= kvp.Value)).Any())

                    var worst = new PyDict();
                    worst.SetItem("Begin", group.Start.ToPython());
                    worst.SetItem("End", group.End.ToPython());
                    worst.SetItem("Total", group.PeakToTrough.ToPython());

                    previousDrawdownPeriods.Add(new KeyValuePair <DateTime, DateTime>(group.Start, group.End));

                base64 = Charting.GetDrawdown(backtestList, liveList, worstList);

Esempio n. 3
        public override bool Init()
            if (!base.Init())
            globals      = new PyDict();
            commentsDict = new PyDict();
            globals.SetItem("nltk", Py.Import("nltk"));
            globals.SetItem("vader", Py.Import("vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment"));
            globals.SetItem("comments", commentsDict);

Esempio n. 4
        public void TestEval()
            dynamic sys = Py.Import("sys");

            sys.attr1 = 100;
            var locals = new PyDict();

            locals.SetItem("sys", sys);
            locals.SetItem("a", new PyInt(10));

            object b = PythonEngine.Eval("sys.attr1 + a + 1", null, locals.Handle)

            Assert.AreEqual(111, b);
Esempio n. 5
        public void TestExec()
            dynamic sys = Py.Import("sys");

            sys.attr1 = 100;
            var locals = new PyDict();

            locals.SetItem("sys", sys);
            locals.SetItem("a", new PyInt(10));

            PythonEngine.Exec("c = sys.attr1 + a + 1", null, locals);
            object c = locals.GetItem("c").AsManagedObject(typeof(int));

            Assert.AreEqual(111, c);
Esempio n. 6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            // TODO: Implement Functionality Here
            using (Py.GIL())
                PyDict locals = new PyDict();
                locals.SetItem("a", new PyInt(10));

                if (false)
                    int b = (int)PythonEngine.Eval("a * 2 + 1", null, locals.Handle)
                    PythonEngine.Exec("print(a * 2 + 1)", null, locals.Handle);

            Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . ");
Esempio n. 7
        private static PyDict CreateGlobals()
            var globals = new PyDict();

            globals.SetItem("random", PythonEngine.ImportModule("random"));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a pandas.DataFrame from an enumerable of slice
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requests">The history requests to execute</param>
        /// <param name="slices">An enumerable of slice containing the requested historical data</param>
        /// <param name="selector">Selects a value from the BaseData to filter the request output, if null retuns all OHLCV</param>
        /// <returns>A pandas.DataFrame containing the requested historical data</returns>
        private PyObject CreateDataFrame(IEnumerable <HistoryRequest> requests, IEnumerable <Slice> slices, Func <IBaseData, decimal> selector)
            if (selector == null)
                return(CreateMultiIndex(requests, slices));

            using (Py.GIL())
                var history = slices.ToList();
                var data    = new PyDict();

                foreach (var request in requests)
                    var symbol = request.Symbol;

                    var list = history.Get(symbol, selector).Select(x => (double)x).ToList();
                    if (list.Count == 0)

                    var index = request.DataType.Equals(typeof(QuoteBar))
                        ? history.Get <QuoteBar>(symbol).Select(x => x.Time)
                        : history.Get <TradeBar>(symbol).Select(x => x.Time);

                    data.SetItem(symbol, _pandas.Series(list, index));

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Python implementation of GetFundamental, get fundamental data for input symbols or tickers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The symbols or tickers to retrieve fundamental data for</param>
        /// <param name="selector">Selects a value from the Fundamental data to filter the request output</param>
        /// <param name="start">The start date of selected data</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end date of selected data</param>
        /// <returns>pandas DataFrame</returns>
        public PyObject GetFundamental(PyObject input, string selector, DateTime?start = null, DateTime?end = null)
            //Null selector is not allowed for Python DataFrame
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selector))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid selector. Cannot be None, empty or consist only of white-space characters");

            //Covert to symbols
            var symbols = PythonUtil.ConvertToSymbols(input);

            //Fetch the data
            var fundamentalData = GetAllFundamental(symbols, selector, start, end);

            using (Py.GIL())
                var data = new PyDict();
                foreach (var day in fundamentalData.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                    var orderedValues = day.Value.OrderBy(x => x.Key.ID.ToString()).ToList();
                    var columns       = orderedValues.Select(x => x.Key.ID.ToString());
                    var values        = orderedValues.Select(x => x.Value);
                    var row           = _pandas.Series(values, columns);
                    data.SetItem(day.Key.ToPython(), row);

                return(_pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient: "index"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of backtests for a specific project id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectId">Project id to search</param>
        /// <returns>pandas.DataFrame for list of backtests</returns>
        public PyObject ListBacktests(int projectId)
            var listBacktests = _api.ListBacktests(projectId);

            if (listBacktests.Success)
                    using (Py.GIL())
                        var pyDict    = new PyDict();
                        var backtests = listBacktests.Backtests
                                        .Select(x => ReadBacktest(projectId, x.BacktestId))
                                        .Where(x => x.Result != null).ToList();

                        var index = backtests.Select(x => x.BacktestId);

                        var columns = new List <string>()
                        pyDict.SetItem("Name", _pandas.Series(backtests.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(), index));

                        if (backtests.Count() > 0)
                            var CsDict = backtests
                                         .SelectMany(x => x.Result.Statistics)
                                         .GroupBy(k => k.Key)
                                         .ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Select(i => i.Value).ToList());

                            foreach (var kvp in CsDict)
                                pyDict.SetItem(kvp.Key, _pandas.Series(kvp.Value, index));

                        return(_pandas.DataFrame(pyDict, columns: columns));
                catch (Exception exception)
            return(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, listBacktests.Errors).ToPython());
Esempio n. 11
 private void UpdateLocals(string name, dynamic item)
     using (Py.GIL())
         PyDict update = new PyDict();
         update.SetItem(name, item);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Get fundamental data from given symbols
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pyObject">The symbols to retrieve fundamental data for</param>
        /// <param name="selector">Selects a value from the Fundamental data to filter the request output</param>
        /// <param name="start">The start date of selected data</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end date of selected data</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PyObject GetFundamental(PyObject tickers, string selector, DateTime?start = null, DateTime?end = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selector))
                return("Invalid selector. Cannot be None, empty or consist only of white-space characters".ToPython());

            using (Py.GIL())
                // If tickers are not a PyList, we create one
                if (!PyList.IsListType(tickers))
                    var tmp = new PyList();
                    tickers = tmp;

                var list = new List <Tuple <Symbol, DateTime, object> >();

                foreach (var ticker in tickers)
                    var symbol = QuantConnect.Symbol.Create(ticker.ToString(), SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA);
                    var dir    = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Globals.DataFolder, "equity", symbol.ID.Market, "fundamental", "fine", symbol.Value.ToLowerInvariant()));
                    if (!dir.Exists)

                    var config = new SubscriptionDataConfig(typeof(FineFundamental), symbol, Resolution.Daily, TimeZones.NewYork, TimeZones.NewYork, false, false, false);

                    foreach (var fileName in dir.EnumerateFiles())
                        var date = DateTime.ParseExact(fileName.Name.Substring(0, 8), DateFormat.EightCharacter, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        if (date < start || date > end)

                        var factory = new TextSubscriptionDataSourceReader(_dataCacheProvider, config, date, false);
                        var source  = new SubscriptionDataSource(fileName.FullName, SubscriptionTransportMedium.LocalFile);
                        var value   = factory.Read(source).Select(x => GetPropertyValue(x, selector)).First();

                        list.Add(Tuple.Create(symbol, date, value));

                var data = new PyDict();
                foreach (var item in list.GroupBy(x => x.Item1))
                    var index = item.Select(x => x.Item2);
                    data.SetItem(item.Key, _pandas.Series(item.Select(x => x.Item3).ToList(), index));

        /// <summary>
        /// Read back a list of all projects on the account for a user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>pandas.DataFrame for list of projects</returns>
        public PyObject ListProjects()
            var listProject = _api.ListProjects();

            if (listProject.Success)
                using (Py.GIL())
                    var pyDict = new PyDict();
                    var index  = listProject.Projects.Select(x => x.ProjectId);
                    pyDict.SetItem("Name", _pandas.Series(listProject.Projects.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(), index));
                    pyDict.SetItem("Created", _pandas.Series(listProject.Projects.Select(x => x.Created).ToList(), index));
                    pyDict.SetItem("Modified", _pandas.Series(listProject.Projects.Select(x => x.Modified).ToList(), index));
                    return(_pandas.DataFrame(pyDict, columns: new[] { "Name", "Created", "Modified" }.ToList()));

Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an equity curve for an alpha.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alphaId">Alpha Id for strategy we're downloading.</param>
        /// <param name="dateFormat">Preferred date format</param>
        /// <param name="format">Preferred format of returned equity curve</param>
        /// <returns>Equity curve list of points</returns>
        public PyObject GetAlphaEquityCurve(string alphaId, string dateFormat = "date", string format = "json")
            var equityCurve = GetAlphaEquityCurveCSharp(alphaId, dateFormat, format);

            using (Py.GIL())
                dynamic pandas = Py.Import("pandas");

                var index  = equityCurve.Select(x => x.Time).ToList();
                var equity = equityCurve.Select(x => x.Equity);
                var sample = equityCurve.Select(x => x.Sample);

                var pyDict = new PyDict();
                pyDict.SetItem("equity", pandas.Series(equity, index));
                pyDict.SetItem("sample", pandas.Series(sample, index));

Esempio n. 15
        public static PyDict FromClr(Dictionary <string, object> obj)
            PyDict dict = new PyDict();

            foreach (var item in obj)
                dict.SetItem(GymObject.ToPython(item.Key), GymObject.ToPython(item.Value));

Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets symbol information from a list of tickers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pyObject">The tickers to retrieve information for</param>
        /// <returns>A pandas.DataFrame containing the symbol information</returns>
        public PyObject PrintSymbols(PyObject pyObject)
            var symbols = GetSymbolsFromPyObject(pyObject);

            if (symbols == null)
                return("Invalid ticker(s). Please use get_symbol to add symbols.".ToPython());

            using (Py.GIL())
                var data  = new PyDict();
                var index = symbols.Select(x => x.ID);
                data.SetItem("Value", _pandas.Series(symbols.Select(x => x.Value).ToList(), index));
                data.SetItem("Asset Type", _pandas.Series(symbols.Select(x => x.SecurityType.ToString()).ToList(), index));
                data.SetItem("Market", _pandas.Series(symbols.Select(x => x.ID.Market.ToString()).ToList(), index));
                data.SetItem("Start Date", _pandas.Series(symbols.Select(x => x.SecurityType == SecurityType.Equity ? x.ID.Date.ToShortDateString() : null).ToList(), index));
                return(_pandas.DataFrame(data, columns: "Value,Asset Type,Market,Start Date".Split(',').ToList()));
Esempio n. 17
    public static PyDict ToPyDict <K, V>(this Dictionary <K, V> dict)
        var pyDict = new PyDict();

        foreach (K key in dict.Keys)
            pyDict.SetItem(key.ToPython(), dict[key].ToPython());

        public void WriteInt64Property()
            using (Py.GIL()) {
                var locals = new PyDict();
                locals.SetItem("a", new NetObject().ToPython());
s = 0
for i in range(50000):
  a.{nameof(NetObject.LongProperty)} += i
", locals: locals);
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a series from a list of <see cref="IndicatorDataPoint"/> and adds it to the
        /// <see cref="PyDict"/> as the value of the given <paramref name="key"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Key to insert in the <see cref="PyDict"/></param>
        /// <param name="points">List of <see cref="IndicatorDataPoint"/> that will make up the resulting series</param>
        /// <param name="pyDict"><see cref="PyDict"/> where the resulting key-value pair will be inserted into</param>
        private void AddSeriesToPyDict(string key, List <IndicatorDataPoint> points, PyDict pyDict)
            var index  = new List <DateTime>();
            var values = new List <double>();

            foreach (var point in points)
            pyDict.SetItem(key.ToLowerInvariant(), _pandas.Series(values, index));
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new dictionary from the given sequence of elements with a value provided by the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sequence">Sequence of elements which is to be used as keys for the new dictionary</param>
 /// <param name="value">Value which is set to each each element of the dictionary</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a new dictionary with the given sequence of elements as the keys of the dictionary.
 /// Each element of the newly created dictionary is set to the provided value.</returns>
 public PyDict fromkeys(Symbol[] sequence, T value)
     using (Py.GIL())
         var dict = new PyDict();
         foreach (var key in sequence)
             var pyValue = get(key, value);
             dict.SetItem(key.ToPython(), pyValue.ToPython());
        public void ReadInt64Property()
            using (Py.GIL())
                var locals = new PyDict();
                locals.SetItem("a", new NetObject().ToPython());
s = 0
for i in range(50000):
  s += a.{nameof(NetObject.LongProperty)}
", locals: locals.Handle);
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the pandas.DataFrame of the current <see cref="PandasData"/> state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pandas">pandas module</param>
        /// <param name="levels">Number of levels of the multi index</param>
        /// <returns>pandas.DataFrame object</returns>
        public PyObject ToPandasDataFrame(dynamic pandas, int levels = 2)
            var seriesDict = GetPandasSeries(pandas, levels);

            using (Py.GIL())
                var pyDict = new PyDict();
                foreach (var series in seriesDict)
                    pyDict.SetItem(series.Key, series.Value);
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the monthly returns plot using the python libraries.
        /// </summary>
        public override string Render()
            var backtestPoints = ResultsUtil.EquityPoints(_backtest);
            var livePoints     = ResultsUtil.EquityPoints(_live);

            var backtestSeries = new Series <DateTime, double>(backtestPoints.Keys, backtestPoints.Values);
            var liveSeries     = new Series <DateTime, double>(livePoints.Keys, livePoints.Values);

            // Equivalent to python pandas line: `backtestSeries.resample('M').apply(lambda x: x.pct_change().sum())`
            var backtestMonthlyReturns = backtestSeries.ResampleEquivalence(date => new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1))
                                         .Select(kvp => kvp.Value.PercentChange().Sum());

            var liveMonthlyReturns = liveSeries.ResampleEquivalence(date => new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1))
                                     .Select(kvp => kvp.Value.PercentChange().Sum());

            var base64 = "";

            using (Py.GIL())
                var backtestResults = new PyDict();
                foreach (var kvp in backtestMonthlyReturns.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Key.Year).GetObservations())
                    var key    = kvp.Key.ToStringInvariant();
                    var values = (kvp.Value * 100).Values.ToList();

                    while (values.Count != 12)
                    backtestResults.SetItem(key.ToPython(), values.ToPython());

                var liveResults = new PyDict();
                foreach (var kvp in liveMonthlyReturns.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Key.Year).GetObservations())
                    var key    = kvp.Key.ToStringInvariant();
                    var values = (kvp.Value * 100).Values.ToList();
                    while (values.Count != 12)
                    liveResults.SetItem(key.ToPython(), values.ToPython());

                base64 = Charting.GetMonthlyReturns(backtestResults, liveResults);

        public static Task <double[, ]> FindSimilarities(string stringifiedMatrix)
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                using (Py.GIL())
                    dynamic pairwise = Py.Import("sklearn.metrics.pairwise");
                    dynamic cosine_similarity = pairwise.cosine_similarity;
                    dynamic np = Py.Import("numpy");

                    dynamic matrix = np.array(np.mat(stringifiedMatrix));

                    PyDict locals = new PyDict();
                    locals.SetItem("X", matrix);
                    locals.SetItem("cosine_similarity", cosine_similarity);

                    dynamic cosineSimilarityObj = PythonEngine.Eval("cosine_similarity(X, X)", null, locals.Handle);

                    PyList cosineSimilarity = PyList.AsList(cosineSimilarityObj);

                    return ConvertSimilarityPythonListToArray(cosineSimilarity);
Esempio n. 25
        public static PyObject ToPyObj(this YoutubeDLOptions opts)
            var    d    = GetPythonSettings(opts);
            PyDict dict = new PyDict();

            foreach (var kv in d)
                if (!kv.Value.GetType().IsPrimitive)
                dict.SetItem(kv.Key.ToPython(), kv.Value.ToPython());
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a dictionary with a list of <see cref="IndicatorDataPoint"/> in a pandas.DataFrame
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Dictionary with a list of <see cref="IndicatorDataPoint"/></param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PyObject"/> containing a pandas.DataFrame</returns>
        public PyObject GetIndicatorDataFrame(IDictionary <string, List <IndicatorDataPoint> > data)
            using (Py.GIL())
                var pyDict = new PyDict();

                foreach (var kvp in data)
                    var index  = kvp.Value.Select(x => x.EndTime).ToList();
                    var values = kvp.Value.Select(x => (double)x.Value).ToList();
                    pyDict.SetItem(kvp.Key.ToLower(), _pandas.Series(values, index));

                return(_pandas.DataFrame(pyDict, columns: data.Keys.Select(x => x.ToLower()).OrderBy(x => x)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Read out the P/L of a specific backtest
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectId">Project id for the backtest we'd like to read</param>
        /// <param name="backtestId">Backtest id for the backtest we'd like to read</param>
        /// <returns>andas.DataFrame for list of P/L</returns>
        public PyObject GetProfitLoss(int projectId, string backtestId)
            var backtest = ReadBacktest(projectId, backtestId);

            if (backtest.Success)
                using (Py.GIL())
                    var pyDict = new PyDict();
                    pyDict.SetItem("ProfitLoss", _pandas.Series(
                                       backtest.Result.ProfitLoss.Values.Select(x => (double)x).ToList(),
            return(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, backtest.Errors).ToPython());
Esempio n. 28
        public void Download_With_Python_Parameter_Successfully()
            var algo = new QCAlgorithm();

            var byteKey = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"UserName:Password");
            var value   = $"Basic ({Convert.ToBase64String(byteKey)})";

            var headers = new PyDict();

            using (Py.GIL())
                headers.SetItem("Authorization".ToPython(), value.ToPython());

            var content = string.Empty;

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => content = algo.Download("", headers));
Esempio n. 29
        private static PyObject Encode(Dictionary <string, Array> data)
            using (var scope = Py.CreateScope())
                dynamic pandas = scope.Import("pandas");
                var     pyDict = new PyDict();
                foreach (var pair in data)
                    var series = pandas.Series(Codecs.Encode(pair.Value));
                    if (pair.Value is string[])
                        series = series.astype("string");

                    pyDict.SetItem(pair.Key, series);

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a dictionary with a list of <see cref="IndicatorDataPoint"/> in a pandas.DataFrame
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Dictionary with a list of <see cref="IndicatorDataPoint"/></param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PyObject"/> containing a pandas.DataFrame</returns>
        public PyObject GetIndicatorDataFrame(IDictionary <string, List <IndicatorDataPoint> > data)
            using (Py.GIL())
                var pyDict = new PyDict();

                foreach (var kvp in data)
                    var index  = new List <DateTime>();
                    var values = new List <double>();

                    foreach (var item in kvp.Value)
                    pyDict.SetItem(kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant(), _pandas.Series(values, index));

                return(_pandas.DataFrame(pyDict, columns: data.Keys.Select(x => x.ToLowerInvariant()).OrderBy(x => x)));