Esempio n. 1
		internal static EPutCall SPutCall(PutCall x)
			switch (x)
			case PutCall.Put:
				return EPutCall.Put;
			case PutCall.Call:
				return EPutCall.Call;
				throw new NotSupportedException();
Esempio n. 2
		public static double Parity(double P, double S, double X, double t, double r, PutCall PutCall)
			return SmartQuant.Quant.FinMath.Parity(P, S, X, t, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall));
Esempio n. 3
		public static double Rho(double S, double X, double t, double s, double r, PutCall PutCall)
			return SmartQuant.Quant.FinMath.Rho(S, X, t, s, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains an instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strike">  the strike </param>
        /// <param name="timeToExpiry">  the time to expiry </param>
        /// <param name="putCall">  put or call </param>
        /// <param name="numberOfSteps">  the number of time steps </param>
        /// <returns> the instance </returns>
        public static EuropeanVanillaOptionFunction of(double strike, double timeToExpiry, PutCall putCall, int numberOfSteps)
            double sign = putCall.Call ? 1d : -1d;

            ArgChecker.isTrue(numberOfSteps > 0, "the number of steps should be positive");
            return(new EuropeanVanillaOptionFunction(strike, timeToExpiry, sign, numberOfSteps));
Esempio n. 5
		public Instrument(Instrument instrument) : this()
		{ =;
			this.type = instrument.type;
			this.symbol = instrument.symbol;
			this.description = instrument.description; =;
			this.currencyId = instrument.currencyId;
			this.tickSize = instrument.tickSize;
			this.putcall = instrument.putcall;
			this.factor = instrument.factor;
			this.strike = instrument.strike;
			this.maturity = instrument.maturity;
			this.margin = instrument.margin;
			foreach (Leg current in instrument.Legs)
				this.Legs.Add(new Leg(current.Instrument, current.Weight));
			} = instrument.Trade; = instrument.Bid;
			this.ask = instrument.Ask;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the vega.
        /// <para>
        /// Note that the 'numeraire' is a simple multiplier and is the responsibility of the caller.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forward">  the forward value of the underlying </param>
        /// <param name="strike">  the strike </param>
        /// <param name="timeToExpiry">  the time to expiry </param>
        /// <param name="normalVol">  the normal volatility </param>
        /// <param name="putCall">  whether it is put or call </param>
        /// <returns> the vega </returns>
        public static double vega(double forward, double strike, double timeToExpiry, double normalVol, PutCall putCall)
            int    sign       = putCall.Call ? 1 : -1;
            double rootT      = Math.Sqrt(timeToExpiry);
            double sigmaRootT = normalVol * rootT;

            if (sigmaRootT < NEAR_ZERO)
                double x = sign * (forward - strike);
                // ambiguous if x and sigmaRootT are tiny, then reference number is returned
                return(Math.Abs(x) > NEAR_ZERO ? 0d : rootT / Math.Sqrt(2d * Math.PI));
            double arg = (forward - strike) / sigmaRootT;
            double pdf = DISTRIBUTION.getPDF(arg);

            return(pdf * rootT);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an identifier for an ETD option instrument.
        /// <para>
        /// This takes into account the expiry of the underlying instrument. If the underlying expiry
        /// is the same as the expiry of the option, the identifier is the same as the normal one.
        /// Otherwise, the underlying expiry is added after the option expiry. For example:
        /// {@code 'OG-ETD~O-ECAG-OGBS-201706-P1.50-U201709'}.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exchangeId">  the MIC code of the exchange where the instruments are traded </param>
        /// <param name="contractCode">  the code supplied by the exchange for use in clearing and margining, such as in SPAN </param>
        /// <param name="expiryMonth">  the month of expiry </param>
        /// <param name="variant">  the variant of the ETD, such as 'Monthly', 'Weekly, 'Daily' or 'Flex' </param>
        /// <param name="version">  the non-negative version, zero by default </param>
        /// <param name="putCall">  the Put/Call flag </param>
        /// <param name="strikePrice">  the strike price </param>
        /// <param name="underlyingExpiryMonth">  the expiry of the underlying instrument, such as a future, may be null </param>
        /// <returns> the identifier </returns>
        public static SecurityId optionId(ExchangeId exchangeId, EtdContractCode contractCode, YearMonth expiryMonth, EtdVariant variant, int version, PutCall putCall, double strikePrice, YearMonth underlyingExpiryMonth)
            ArgChecker.notNull(exchangeId, "exchangeId");
            ArgChecker.notNull(contractCode, "contractCode");
            ArgChecker.notNull(expiryMonth, "expiryMonth");
            ArgChecker.notNull(variant, "variant");
            ArgChecker.notNull(putCall, "putCall");

            string putCallStr  = putCall == PutCall.PUT ? "P" : "C";
            string versionCode = version > 0 ? "V" + version + SEPARATOR : "";

            NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);

            f.GroupingUsed          = false;
            f.MaximumFractionDigits = 8;
            string strikeStr = f.format(strikePrice).replace('-', 'M');

            string underlying = "";

            if (underlyingExpiryMonth != null && !underlyingExpiryMonth.Equals(expiryMonth))
                underlying = SEPARATOR + "U" + underlyingExpiryMonth.format(YM_FORMAT);

            string id = (new StringBuilder(40)).Append(OPT_PREFIX).Append(exchangeId).Append(SEPARATOR).Append(contractCode).Append(SEPARATOR).Append(expiryMonth.format(YM_FORMAT)).Append(variant.Code).Append(SEPARATOR).Append(versionCode).Append(putCallStr).Append(strikeStr).Append(underlying).ToString();

            return(SecurityId.of(ETD_SCHEME, id));
Esempio n. 8
 private EtdOptionSecurity(SecurityInfo info, EtdContractSpecId contractSpecId, YearMonth expiry, EtdVariant variant, int version, PutCall putCall, double strikePrice, YearMonth underlyingExpiryMonth)
     JodaBeanUtils.notNull(info, "info");
     JodaBeanUtils.notNull(contractSpecId, "contractSpecId");
     JodaBeanUtils.notNull(expiry, "expiry");
     JodaBeanUtils.notNull(variant, "variant");
     ArgChecker.notNegative(version, "version");
     JodaBeanUtils.notNull(putCall, "putCall");                  = info;
     this.contractSpecId        = contractSpecId;
     this.expiry                = expiry;
     this.variant               = variant;
     this.version               = version;
     this.putCall               = putCall;
     this.strikePrice           = strikePrice;
     this.underlyingExpiryMonth = underlyingExpiryMonth;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets whether the option is a put or call. </summary>
 /// <param name="putCall">  the new value, not null </param>
 /// <returns> this, for chaining, not null </returns>
 public Builder putCall(PutCall putCall)
     JodaBeanUtils.notNull(putCall, "putCall");
     this.putCall_Renamed = putCall;
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtains an instance from a contract specification, expiry year-month, variant, version, put/call and strike price.
 /// <para>
 /// The security identifier will be automatically created using <seealso cref="EtdIdUtils"/>.
 /// The specification must be for an option.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spec">  the option contract specification </param>
 /// <param name="expiry">  the expiry year-month of the option </param>
 /// <param name="variant">  the variant of the ETD, such as 'Monthly', 'Weekly, 'Daily' or 'Flex' </param>
 /// <param name="version">  the non-negative version, zero if versioning does not apply </param>
 /// <param name="putCall">  whether the option is a put or call </param>
 /// <param name="strikePrice">  the strike price of the option </param>
 /// <returns> an option security based on this contract specification </returns>
 /// <exception cref="IllegalStateException"> if the product type of the contract specification is not {@code OPTION} </exception>
 public static EtdOptionSecurity of(EtdContractSpec spec, YearMonth expiry, EtdVariant variant, int version, PutCall putCall, double strikePrice)
     return(of(spec, expiry, variant, version, putCall, strikePrice, null));
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains an instance from a contract specification, expiry year-month, variant,
        /// version, put/call, strike price and underlying expiry.
        /// <para>
        /// The security identifier will be automatically created using <seealso cref="EtdIdUtils"/>.
        /// The specification must be for an option.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spec">  the option contract specification </param>
        /// <param name="expiry">  the expiry year-month of the option </param>
        /// <param name="variant">  the variant of the ETD, such as 'Monthly', 'Weekly, 'Daily' or 'Flex' </param>
        /// <param name="version">  the non-negative version, zero if versioning does not apply </param>
        /// <param name="putCall">  whether the option is a put or call </param>
        /// <param name="strikePrice">  the strike price of the option </param>
        /// <param name="underlyingExpiryMonth">  the expiry of the underlying instrument, such as a future, may be null </param>
        /// <returns> an option security based on this contract specification </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IllegalStateException"> if the product type of the contract specification is not {@code OPTION} </exception>
        public static EtdOptionSecurity of(EtdContractSpec spec, YearMonth expiry, EtdVariant variant, int version, PutCall putCall, double strikePrice, YearMonth underlyingExpiryMonth)
            if (spec.Type != EtdType.OPTION)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(Messages.format("Cannot create an EtdOptionSecurity from a contract specification of type '{}'", spec.Type));
            SecurityId securityId = EtdIdUtils.optionId(spec.ExchangeId, spec.ContractCode, expiry, variant, version, putCall, strikePrice, underlyingExpiryMonth);

            return(EtdOptionSecurity.builder().info(SecurityInfo.of(securityId, spec.PriceInfo)).contractSpecId(spec.Id).expiry(expiry).variant(variant).version(version).putCall(putCall).strikePrice(strikePrice).underlyingExpiryMonth(underlyingExpiryMonth).build());
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an option security based on this contract specification.
 /// <para>
 /// The security identifier will be automatically created using <seealso cref="EtdIdUtils"/>.
 /// The <seealso cref="#getType() type"/> must be <seealso cref="EtdType#OPTION"/> otherwise an exception will be thrown.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expiryMonth">  the expiry month of the option </param>
 /// <param name="variant">  the variant of the ETD, such as 'Monthly', 'Weekly, 'Daily' or 'Flex' </param>
 /// <param name="version">  the non-negative version, zero by default </param>
 /// <param name="putCall">  whether the option is a put or call </param>
 /// <param name="strikePrice">  the strike price of the option </param>
 /// <param name="underlyingExpiryMonth">  the expiry of the underlying instrument, such as a future </param>
 /// <returns> an option security based on this contract specification </returns>
 /// <exception cref="IllegalStateException"> if the product type of the contract specification is not {@code OPTION} </exception>
 public EtdOptionSecurity createOption(YearMonth expiryMonth, EtdVariant variant, int version, PutCall putCall, double strikePrice, YearMonth underlyingExpiryMonth)
     return(EtdOptionSecurity.of(this, expiryMonth, variant, version, putCall, strikePrice, underlyingExpiryMonth));
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Test consistency between price methods, and Greek via finite difference.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void test_trinomialTree()
            int    nSteps = 135;
            double dt     = TIME / nSteps;
            LatticeSpecification lattice = new CoxRossRubinsteinLatticeSpecification();
            double fdEps = 1.0e-4;

            foreach (bool isCall in new bool[] { true, false })
                foreach (double strike in STRIKES)
                    foreach (double interest in INTERESTS)
                        foreach (double vol in VOLS)
                            foreach (double dividend in DIVIDENDS)
                                OptionFunction function   = EuropeanVanillaOptionFunction.of(strike, TIME, PutCall.ofPut(!isCall), nSteps);
                                double[]       @params    = lattice.getParametersTrinomial(vol, interest - dividend, dt).toArray();
                                DoubleArray    time       = DoubleArray.of(nSteps + 1, i => dt * i);
                                DoubleArray    df         = DoubleArray.of(nSteps, i => Math.Exp(-interest * dt));
                                double[][]     stateValue = new double[nSteps + 1][];
                                stateValue[0] = new double[] { SPOT };
                                IList <DoubleMatrix> prob  = new List <DoubleMatrix>();
                                double[]             probs = new double[] { @params[5], @params[4], @params[3] };
                                for (int i = 0; i < nSteps; ++i)
                                    int index = i;
                                    stateValue[i + 1] = DoubleArray.of(2 * i + 3, j => SPOT * Math.Pow(@params[2], index + 1 - j) * Math.Pow(@params[1], j)).toArray();
                                    double[][] probMatrix = new double[2 * i + 1][];
                                    Arrays.fill(probMatrix, probs);
                                RecombiningTrinomialTreeData treeData = RecombiningTrinomialTreeData.of(DoubleMatrix.ofUnsafe(stateValue), prob, df, time);
                                double priceData   = TRINOMIAL_TREE.optionPrice(function, treeData);
                                double priceParams = TRINOMIAL_TREE.optionPrice(function, lattice, SPOT, vol, interest, dividend);
                                assertEquals(priceData, priceParams);
                                ValueDerivatives priceDeriv = TRINOMIAL_TREE.optionPriceAdjoint(function, treeData);
                                assertEquals(priceDeriv.Value, priceData);
                                double priceUp = TRINOMIAL_TREE.optionPrice(function, lattice, SPOT + fdEps, vol, interest, dividend);
                                double priceDw = TRINOMIAL_TREE.optionPrice(function, lattice, SPOT - fdEps, vol, interest, dividend);
                                double fdDelta = 0.5 * (priceUp - priceDw) / fdEps;
                                assertEquals(priceDeriv.getDerivative(0), fdDelta, 3.0e-2);
        public virtual void test_trinomialTree()
            int nSteps = 135;

            LatticeSpecification[] lattices = new LatticeSpecification[]
                new CoxRossRubinsteinLatticeSpecification(),
                new TrigeorgisLatticeSpecification()
            double tol = 5.0e-3;

            foreach (bool isCall in new bool[] { true, false })
                foreach (double strike in STRIKES)
                    foreach (double interest in INTERESTS)
                        foreach (double vol in VOLS)
                            foreach (double dividend in DIVIDENDS)
                                OptionFunction function = EuropeanVanillaOptionFunction.of(strike, TIME, PutCall.ofPut(!isCall), nSteps);
                                double         exact    = BlackScholesFormulaRepository.price(SPOT, strike, TIME, vol, interest, interest - dividend, isCall);
                                foreach (LatticeSpecification lattice in lattices)
                                    double computed = TRINOMIAL_TREE.optionPrice(function, lattice, SPOT, vol, interest, dividend);
                                    assertEquals(computed, exact, Math.Max(exact, 1d) * tol);
Esempio n. 15
		internal static PutOrCall Convert(PutCall value)
			switch (value)
			case PutCall.Put:
				return PutOrCall.Put;
			case PutCall.Call:
				return PutOrCall.Call;
				throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unsupported PutOrCall - {0}", value));
Esempio n. 16
 public static double BM(double S, double X, double t, double s, double r, PutCall PutCall, int n)
     return(SmartQuant.Quant.FinMath.BM(S, X, t, s, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall)));
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the price and first order derivatives.
        /// <para>
        /// The derivatives are stored in an array with:
        /// <ul>
        /// <li>[0] derivative with respect to the forward
        /// <li>[1] derivative with respect to the volatility
        /// <li>[2] derivative with respect to the strike
        /// </ul>
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forward">  the forward value of the underlying </param>
        /// <param name="strike">  the strike </param>
        /// <param name="timeToExpiry">  the time to expiry </param>
        /// <param name="normalVol">  the normal volatility </param>
        /// <param name="numeraire">  the numeraire </param>
        /// <param name="putCall">  whether it is put or call </param>
        /// <returns> the price and associated derivatives </returns>
        public static ValueDerivatives priceAdjoint(double forward, double strike, double timeToExpiry, double normalVol, double numeraire, PutCall putCall)
            int    sign = putCall.Call ? 1 : -1;
            double price;
            double cdf = 0d;
            double pdf = 0d;
            double arg = 0d;
            double x   = 0d;
            // Implementation Note: Forward sweep.
            double sigmaRootT = normalVol * Math.Sqrt(timeToExpiry);

            if (sigmaRootT < NormalFormulaRepository.NEAR_ZERO)
                x     = sign * (forward - strike);
                price = (x > 0 ? numeraire * x : 0d);
                arg   = sign * (forward - strike) / sigmaRootT;
                cdf   = NormalFormulaRepository.DISTRIBUTION.getCDF(arg);
                pdf   = NormalFormulaRepository.DISTRIBUTION.getPDF(arg);
                price = numeraire * (sign * (forward - strike) * cdf + sigmaRootT * pdf);
            // Implementation Note: Backward sweep.
            double forwardDerivative;
            double volatilityDerivative;
            double strikeDerivative;
            double priceBar = 1d;

            if (sigmaRootT < NormalFormulaRepository.NEAR_ZERO)
                double xBar = (x > 0 ? numeraire : 0d);
                forwardDerivative    = sign * xBar;
                strikeDerivative     = -forwardDerivative;
                volatilityDerivative = 0d;
                double cdfBar = numeraire * (sign * (forward - strike)) * priceBar;
                double pdfBar = numeraire * sigmaRootT * priceBar;
                double argBar = pdf * cdfBar - pdf * arg * pdfBar;
                forwardDerivative = numeraire * sign * cdf * priceBar + sign / sigmaRootT * argBar;
                strikeDerivative  = -forwardDerivative;
                double sigmaRootTBar = -arg / sigmaRootT * argBar + numeraire * pdf * priceBar;
                volatilityDerivative = Math.Sqrt(timeToExpiry) * sigmaRootTBar;
            return(ValueDerivatives.of(price, DoubleArray.of(forwardDerivative, volatilityDerivative, strikeDerivative)));
Esempio n. 18
 public static double Theta(double S, double X, double t, double s, double r, PutCall PutCall)
     return(SmartQuant.Quant.FinMath.Theta(S, X, t, s, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall)));
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the forward price.
        /// <para>
        /// Note that the 'numeraire' is a simple multiplier and is the responsibility of the caller.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forward">  the forward value of the underlying </param>
        /// <param name="strike">  the strike </param>
        /// <param name="timeToExpiry">  the time to expiry </param>
        /// <param name="normalVol">  the normal volatility </param>
        /// <param name="putCall">  whether it is put or call </param>
        /// <returns> the forward price </returns>
        public static double price(double forward, double strike, double timeToExpiry, double normalVol, PutCall putCall)
            double sigmaRootT = normalVol * Math.Sqrt(timeToExpiry);
            int    sign       = putCall.Call ? 1 : -1;

            if (sigmaRootT < NEAR_ZERO)
                double x = sign * (forward - strike);
                return(x > 0 ? x : 0d);
            double arg = sign * (forward - strike) / sigmaRootT;
            double cdf = DISTRIBUTION.getCDF(arg);
            double pdf = DISTRIBUTION.getPDF(arg);

            return(sign * (forward - strike) * cdf + sigmaRootT * pdf);
Esempio n. 20
        public double priceVega(double expiry, PutCall putCall, double strike, double forward, double volatility)
            double shift = shiftCurve.yValue(expiry);

            return(BlackFormulaRepository.vega(forward + shift, strike + shift, expiry, volatility));
Esempio n. 21
		public static double Theta(double S, double X, double t, double s, double r, PutCall PutCall)
			return FreeQuant.Quant.FinMath.Theta(S, X, t, s, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall));
Esempio n. 22
 public static double Payoff(double S, double X, PutCall PutCall)
     return(FreeQuant.Quant.FinMath.Payoff(S, X, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains an instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strike">  the strike </param>
        /// <param name="timeToExpiry">  the time to expiry </param>
        /// <param name="putCall">  put or call </param>
        /// <param name="numberOfSteps">  number of steps </param>
        /// <param name="barrierType">  the barrier type </param>
        /// <param name="barrierLevel">  the barrier level </param>
        /// <param name="rebate">  the rebate </param>
        /// <returns> the instance </returns>
        public static ConstantContinuousSingleBarrierKnockoutFunction of(double strike, double timeToExpiry, PutCall putCall, int numberOfSteps, BarrierType barrierType, double barrierLevel, DoubleArray rebate)
            ArgChecker.isTrue(numberOfSteps > 0, "the number of steps should be positive");
            ArgChecker.isTrue(numberOfSteps + 1 == rebate.size(), "the size of rebate should be numberOfSteps + 1");
            double sign = putCall.Call ? 1d : -1d;

            return(new ConstantContinuousSingleBarrierKnockoutFunction(strike, timeToExpiry, sign, numberOfSteps, barrierType, barrierLevel, rebate));
Esempio n. 24
 public static double Parity(double P, double S, double X, double t, double r, PutCall PutCall)
     return(FreeQuant.Quant.FinMath.Parity(P, S, X, t, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall)));
Esempio n. 25
		public static double Payoff(double S, double X, PutCall PutCall)
			return SmartQuant.Quant.FinMath.Payoff(S, X, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall));
Esempio n. 26
 public static double MC(double S, double X, double t, double s, double r, PutCall PutCall, int n)
     return(FreeQuant.Quant.FinMath.MC(S, X, t, s, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall)));
Esempio n. 27
		public static double MC(double S, double X, double t, double s, double r, PutCall PutCall, int n)
			return SmartQuant.Quant.FinMath.MC(S, X, t, s, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall));
Esempio n. 28
 public static double Rho(double S, double X, double t, double s, double r, PutCall PutCall)
     return(FreeQuant.Quant.FinMath.Rho(S, X, t, s, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall)));
Esempio n. 29
		public static double ImpliedVolatility(double S, double X, double t, double r, double P, OptionType OptionType, PutCall PutCall, OptionPrice Method)
			return SmartQuant.Quant.FinMath.ImpliedVolatility(S, X, t, r, P, FinMath.SOptionType(OptionType), FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall), FinMath.SOptionPrice(Method));
Esempio n. 30
 public static double ImpliedVolatility(double S, double X, double t, double r, double P, OptionType OptionType, PutCall PutCall, OptionPrice Method)
     return(FreeQuant.Quant.FinMath.ImpliedVolatility(S, X, t, r, P, FinMath.SOptionType(OptionType), FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall), FinMath.SOptionPrice(Method)));
Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets whether the option is put or call.
 /// <para>
 /// A call gives the owner the right, but not obligation, to buy the underlying at
 /// an agreed price in the future. A put gives a similar option to sell.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="putCall">  the new value </param>
 /// <returns> this, for chaining, not null </returns>
 public Builder putCall(PutCall putCall)
     this.putCall_Renamed = putCall;
Esempio n. 32
        public virtual void test_trinomialTree_down()
            int nSteps = 133;
            LatticeSpecification lattice = new CoxRossRubinsteinLatticeSpecification();
            DoubleArray          rebate  = DoubleArray.of(nSteps + 1, i => REBATE_AMOUNT);
            double barrierLevel          = 76d;
            double tol = 1.0e-2;

            foreach (bool isCall in new bool[] { true, false })
                foreach (double strike in STRIKES)
                    foreach (double interest in INTERESTS)
                        foreach (double vol in VOLS)
                            foreach (double dividend in DIVIDENDS)
                                OptionFunction function = ConstantContinuousSingleBarrierKnockoutFunction.of(strike, TIME, PutCall.ofPut(!isCall), nSteps, BarrierType.DOWN, barrierLevel, rebate);
                                SimpleConstantContinuousBarrier barrier = SimpleConstantContinuousBarrier.of(BarrierType.DOWN, KnockType.KNOCK_OUT, barrierLevel);
                                double exact    = REBATE_AMOUNT * REBATE_PRICER.price(SPOT, TIME, interest - dividend, interest, vol, barrier.inverseKnockType()) + BARRIER_PRICER.price(SPOT, strike, TIME, interest - dividend, interest, vol, isCall, barrier);
                                double computed = TRINOMIAL_TREE.optionPrice(function, lattice, SPOT, vol, interest, dividend);
                                assertEquals(computed, exact, Math.Max(exact, 1d) * tol);
 public double priceTheta(double expiry, PutCall putCall, double strike, double forward, double volatility)
     return(NormalFormulaRepository.theta(forward, strike, expiry, volatility, putCall));
 public double priceDelta(double expiry, double tenor, PutCall putCall, double strike, double forward, double volatility)
     return(, strike, expiry, volatility, putCall.Call));
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the delta.
        /// <para>
        /// Note that the 'numeraire' is a simple multiplier and is the responsibility of the caller.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forward">  the forward value of the underlying </param>
        /// <param name="strike">  the strike </param>
        /// <param name="timeToExpiry">  the time to expiry </param>
        /// <param name="normalVol">  the normal volatility </param>
        /// <param name="putCall">  whether it is put or call </param>
        /// <returns> the delta </returns>
        public static double delta(double forward, double strike, double timeToExpiry, double normalVol, PutCall putCall)
            int    sign       = putCall.Call ? 1 : -1;
            double sigmaRootT = normalVol * Math.Sqrt(timeToExpiry);

            if (sigmaRootT < NEAR_ZERO)
                double x = sign * (forward - strike);
                if (Math.Abs(x) <= NEAR_ZERO)
                    // ambiguous if x and sigmaRootT are tiny, then reference number is returned
                    return(sign * 0.5);
                return(x > 0 ? sign : 0d);
            double arg = sign * (forward - strike) / sigmaRootT;
            double cdf = DISTRIBUTION.getCDF(arg);

            return(sign * cdf);
 public double priceTheta(double expiry, double tenor, PutCall putCall, double strike, double forward, double volatility)
     return(BlackFormulaRepository.driftlessTheta(forward, strike, expiry, volatility));
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the implied volatility.
        /// <para>
        /// If the volatility data is not zero, it is used as a starting point for the volatility search.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Note that the 'numeraire' is a simple multiplier and is the responsibility of the caller.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="optionPrice">  the price of the option </param>
        /// <param name="forward">  the forward value of the underlying </param>
        /// <param name="strike">  the strike </param>
        /// <param name="timeToExpiry">  the time to expiry </param>
        /// <param name="initialNormalVol">  the normal volatility used to start the search </param>
        /// <param name="numeraire">  the numeraire </param>
        /// <param name="putCall">  whether it is put or call </param>
        /// <returns> the implied volatility </returns>
        public static double impliedVolatility(double optionPrice, double forward, double strike, double timeToExpiry, double initialNormalVol, double numeraire, PutCall putCall)
            double intrinsicPrice = numeraire * Math.Max(0, (putCall.Call ? 1 : -1) * (forward - strike));

            ArgChecker.isTrue(optionPrice > intrinsicPrice || DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(optionPrice, intrinsicPrice, 1e-6), "Option price (" + optionPrice + ") less than intrinsic value (" + intrinsicPrice + ")");
            if (System.BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(optionPrice) == Double.doubleToLongBits(intrinsicPrice))
            double           sigma     = (Math.Abs(initialNormalVol) < 1e-10 ? 0.3 * forward : initialNormalVol);
            double           maxChange = 0.5 * forward;
            ValueDerivatives price     = priceAdjoint(forward, strike, timeToExpiry, sigma, numeraire, putCall);
            double           vega      = price.getDerivative(1);
            double           change    = (price.Value - optionPrice) / vega;
            double           sign      = Math.Sign(change);

            change = sign * Math.Min(maxChange, Math.Abs(change));
            if (change > 0 && change > sigma)
                change = sigma;
            int count = 0;

            while (Math.Abs(change) > EPS)
                sigma -= change;
                price  = priceAdjoint(forward, strike, timeToExpiry, sigma, numeraire, putCall);
                vega   = price.getDerivative(1);
                change = (price.Value - optionPrice) / vega;
                sign   = Math.Sign(change);
                change = sign * Math.Min(maxChange, Math.Abs(change));
                if (change > 0 && change > sigma)
                    change = sigma;
                if (count++ > MAX_ITERATIONS)
                    BracketRoot bracketer = new BracketRoot();
                    BisectionSingleRootFinder    rootFinder = new BisectionSingleRootFinder(EPS);
                    System.Func <double, double> func       = (double?volatility) =>
                        return(numeraire * NormalFormulaRepository.price(forward, strike, timeToExpiry, volatility.Value, putCall) - optionPrice);
                    double[] range = bracketer.getBracketedPoints(func, 0d, 10d);
                    return(rootFinder.getRoot(func, range[0], range[1]).Value);
Esempio n. 38
		public static double BM(double S, double X, double t, double s, double r, PutCall PutCall, int n)
			return FreeQuant.Quant.FinMath.BM(S, X, t, s, r, FinMath.SPutCall(PutCall));
 public double priceVega(double expiry, PutCall putCall, double strike, double forward, double volatility)
     return(BlackFormulaRepository.vega(forward, strike, expiry, volatility));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an identifier for an ETD option instrument.
 /// <para>
 /// A typical monthly ETD with version zero will have the format:
 /// {@code 'OG-ETD~O-ECAG-OGBS-201706-P1.50'}.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// A more complex flex ETD (12th of the month, Cash settlement, European) with version two will have the format:
 /// {@code 'OG-ETD~O-ECAG-OGBS-20170612CE-V2-P1.50'}.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exchangeId">  the MIC code of the exchange where the instruments are traded </param>
 /// <param name="contractCode">  the code supplied by the exchange for use in clearing and margining, such as in SPAN </param>
 /// <param name="expiryMonth">  the month of expiry </param>
 /// <param name="variant">  the variant of the ETD, such as 'Monthly', 'Weekly, 'Daily' or 'Flex' </param>
 /// <param name="version">  the non-negative version, zero by default </param>
 /// <param name="putCall">  the Put/Call flag </param>
 /// <param name="strikePrice">  the strike price </param>
 /// <returns> the identifier </returns>
 public static SecurityId optionId(ExchangeId exchangeId, EtdContractCode contractCode, YearMonth expiryMonth, EtdVariant variant, int version, PutCall putCall, double strikePrice)
     return(optionId(exchangeId, contractCode, expiryMonth, variant, version, putCall, strikePrice, null));