Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <ActionResult> PutCallback([FromBody] PutBody body)
            var id = ""; // TODO: Where does this come from?

            var request = await _context.Requests.SingleOrDefaultAsync(r => r.Id == id);

            if (request == null)
                return(NotFound($"A request with an id of '{id}' could not be found."));

            request.Status = body.Status;
            request.Detail = body.Detail;
            request.Body   = body.Detail;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)

Esempio n. 2
        public void Put([FromBody] JsonElement body)
            string  json    = JsonSerializer.Serialize(body);
            PutBody putBody = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <PutBody>(json);

            int    dirPathEnd = putBody.Path.LastIndexOf('\\');
            string dirpath    = putBody.Path.Substring(0, dirPathEnd);

            Directory.Move(putBody.Path, Path.Combine(dirpath, putBody.Name));
        public async Task UpdateProductStock(string merchantNo, int value)
            var body        = new PutBody <int>(value, "Stock", "replace");
            var httpContent = new StringContent(body.ToHttpBody());
            var response    = await _httpClient.PatchAsync($"{_apiUrl}products/{merchantNo}?apikey={_apiKey}", httpContent);

            var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var contentProduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResponsBody>(json);

            if (!contentProduct.Success)
                throw new StockUpdateException(merchantNo);
Esempio n. 4
        public IHttpActionResult Clipboard([FromBody] PutBody putBody)
            if (putBody == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(putBody));
            if (putBody.Uid == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(putBody.Uid));

            var inputUid = Guid.Parse(putBody.Uid);

            //todo improve this, hard coded as dev session id for now
            if (!CheckHeaderSession())
                //return Unauthorized();

            var createdAt = GetOriginCreatedAt(inputUid);

            if (!createdAt.HasValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Data already deleted, please reload to latest then edit");

            var path = GetFullClipboardDataPath(createdAt.Value); //ensure orig item and updated item in the same file

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                return(DtoResultV5.Success(this.Json, "no data"));

            //perf - O(n) is 2n here, can be optimized to n
            var notes      = ReadLskjson <Guid, DtoClipboardItem>(path, CollectLskjsonLineClipboard);
            var foundNote  = notes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Uid == inputUid);
            var foundChild = notes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.ParentUid == inputUid);

            //ensure the relation is a chain, not a tree
            if (foundChild != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Data already changed, please reload to latest then edit");

            if (foundNote != null)
                var newNote = Utility.DeepClone(foundNote);

                newNote.Uid  = Guid.NewGuid(); //reset
                newNote.Data = putBody.Data;

                //todo - replace with real UserId(get by session id)
                newNote.HasUpdated    = true;
                newNote.LastUpdatedBy = Constants.DevUpdateUserId + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd");
                newNote.LastUpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
                newNote.ParentUid     = foundNote.Uid;

                AppendNoteToFile(path, newNote);
                AppendObjectToFile(GetFullClipboardIndexPath(newNote.CreatedAt), DtoLskjsonIndex.From(newNote));

                //return DtoResultV5.Success(Json, MapToJSNameConvention(newNote), "Data updated");
                return(DtoResultV5.Success(Json, newNote, "Data updated")); //do the map on client side
                return(DtoResultV5.Fail(Json, "The data you want to update may have been deleted"));
Esempio n. 5
        public IHttpActionResult Put(string id, [FromBody] PutBody body)
            if (id == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id));
            if (body == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(body));

            var perf            = PerfCounter.NewThenCheck(this.ToString() + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
            var fulfillmentPath = GetFullIntrospectionDataPath(DateTime.Now, IntrospectionDataType.Fulfillments);
            var antiSpamResult  = PassAntiSpamDefender(fulfillmentPath, AuthMode.None);

            if (!antiSpamResult.Valid)
                return(DtoResultV5.Fail(BadRequest, antiSpamResult.Message));
            perf.Check("anti spam end");

            perf.Check("sync routine end");

            var fulfillments = ReadLskjson <Guid, RoutineFulfillment>(fulfillmentPath, CollectLskjsonLineIncludeDeleted);

            perf.Check("read fulfillment end");

            var inputUid = Guid.Parse(id);
            var fulfill  = fulfillments.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Uid == inputUid);

            if (fulfill == null)
                return(DtoResultV5.Fail(BadRequest, "expired data found, please reload page first."));

            var offsetDays = int.Parse(antiSpamResult.Message);
            var date       = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1 * Math.Abs(offsetDays));
            var record     = new FulfillmentArchive(fulfill.Uid, body.LastRemark, date, "fixme-put", DateTime.Now);

            if (fulfill.StagedArchives == null)
                fulfill.StagedArchives = new[] { record };
                var staged = fulfill.StagedArchives.ToList();

                if (staged.Count >= Constants.LskFulfillmentActiveRecords + Constants.LskFulfillmentArchiveUnit)
                    const int startIndex  = 0;
                    var       archiveUnit = staged.GetRange(startIndex, Constants.LskFulfillmentArchiveUnit);
                    var       archivePath = GetFullIntrospectionDataPath(DateTime.Now, IntrospectionDataType.Archives);
                    AppendObjectToFile(archivePath, archiveUnit.ToArray());
                    staged.RemoveRange(startIndex, archiveUnit.Count);
                    fulfill.HasArchived = true;

                fulfill.StagedArchives = staged.ToArray();

            //fulfill.StagedArchives = fulfill.StagedArchives.Concat(new[] { record }).ToArray();
            fulfill.UpdateBy = "fixme-update";
            fulfill.UpdateAt = DateTime.Now;

            WriteToFile(fulfillmentPath, fulfillments);
            perf.End("override fulfill end", true);
            return(DtoResultV5.Success(Json, DtoRoutine.From(fulfill, false)));