private void PushObject(PushPull objectToPush, Vector3 pushVector) { if (CurrentStage == SingularityStages.Stage5 || CurrentStage == SingularityStages.Stage4) { //Try stun player if (DMMath.Prob(10) && TryGetComponent <PlayerHealth>(out var playerHealth) && playerHealth != null && !playerHealth.IsDead) { playerHealth.GetComponent <RegisterPlayer>().ServerStun(); Chat.AddActionMsgToChat(objectToPush.gameObject, "You are knocked down by the singularity", $"{objectToPush.gameObject.ExpensiveName()} is knocked down by the singularity"); } } else if (objectToPush.IsPushable == false) { //Dont push anchored objects unless stage 5 or 4 return; } //Push Twice objectToPush.QueuePush(pushVector.NormalizeTo2Int()); objectToPush.QueuePush(pushVector.NormalizeTo2Int()); }
private IEnumerator InteractSpacePushable(PushPull pushable, Vector2 direction, bool isRecursive = false, int i = 0) { //Return if pushable is solid and you're trying to walk through it Vector3Int pushablePosition = pushable.Pushable.ServerPosition; if (pushable.IsSolid && pushablePosition == this.ServerPosition + direction.RoundToInt()) { Logger.LogTraceFormat("Not doing anything: trying to push solid {0} through yourself", Category.PushPull, pushable.gameObject); yield break; } Logger.LogTraceFormat((isRecursive ? "Recursive " : "") + "Trying to space push {0}", Category.PushPull, pushable.gameObject); if (!isRecursive) { i = CalculateRequiredPushes(this.ServerPosition, pushablePosition, direction); Logger.LogTraceFormat("Calculated {0} required pushes", Category.PushPull, i); } if (i <= 0) { yield break; } Vector2 counterDirection = - direction; pushable.QueuePush(Vector2Int.RoundToInt(counterDirection)); i--; Logger.LogTraceFormat("Queued obstacle push. {0} pushes left", Category.PushPull, i); if (i <= 0) { yield break; } pushPull.QueuePush(Vector2Int.RoundToInt(direction)); i--; Logger.LogTraceFormat("Queued player push. {0} pushes left", Category.PushPull, i); if (i > 0) { StartCoroutine(InteractSpacePushable(pushable, direction, true, i)); } yield return(null); }
private IEnumerator InteractSpacePushable(PushPull pushable, Vector2 direction, bool isRecursive = false, int i = 0) { Logger.LogTraceFormat((isRecursive ? "Recursive " : "") + "Trying to space push {0}", Category.PushPull, pushable.gameObject); if (!isRecursive) { i = CalculateRequiredPushes(serverState.WorldPosition, pushable.registerTile.WorldPosition, direction); Logger.LogFormat("Calculated {0} required pushes", Category.Movement, i); } if (i <= 0) { yield break; } Vector2 counterDirection = - direction; pushable.QueuePush(Vector2Int.RoundToInt(counterDirection)); i--; Logger.LogFormat("Queued obstacle push. {0} pushes left", Category.Movement, i); if (i <= 0) { yield break; } pushPull.QueuePush(Vector2Int.RoundToInt(direction)); i--; Logger.LogFormat("Queued player push. {0} pushes left", Category.Movement, i); if (i > 0) { StartCoroutine(InteractSpacePushable(pushable, direction, true, i)); } yield return(null); }