Esempio n. 1
        public async void getPlaces(double lat, double lon)
            string httpheader = "" + lat + ","
                                + lon + "&radius=10000&types=parking&key=AIzaSyDGGzD_RjFpH8HyUMjYq29j6wj4o0tSw9c";
            BasicGeoposition positiontest = new BasicGeoposition();         //test for json results

            var client = new HttpClient();
            var result = await client.GetStringAsync(httpheader);

            PlacesResponse placeresponse = (PlacesResponse)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlacesResponse>(result);
            int            count         = placeresponse.results.Length;

            if (placeresponse.status == "OK")
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    PushPin pushpin1 = new PushPin();
                    string  name     = placeresponse.results[i].name;
                    positiontest.Latitude  = placeresponse.results[i];
                    positiontest.Longitude = placeresponse.results[i].geometry.location.lng;
                    Geopoint geopoint1 = new Geopoint(positiontest);
                    AddPushPinOnMap(pushpin1, placeresponse, name, count, i, geopoint1);

            Pushpins.ItemsSource = pushpins;
Esempio n. 2
        public void AddPushPinOnMap(PushPin pushpin, PlacesResponse response, string name, int max, int count, Geopoint geopoint)
            MapIcon icon = new MapIcon();

            icon.Location = geopoint;
            icon.Title    = name;
Esempio n. 3
        public MainPage()

            //Base url for getting long & lat
            string baseUrl = "";
            //End url to get json formatted api
            string endUrl = "&format=json";
            //Variable for storing station code selected
            string stationSelectedforCo;

            //Array to store all latitudes of all stations
            double[] latAllStations = new double[28];
            //Array to store all longitudes of all stations
            double[] lonAllStations = new double[28];

            //for loop runs through all stations
            for (int i = 0; i < stationCodes.Length; i++)
                //Apply station[i] coded for geting station[i] long, lat & displaystopid
                stationSelectedforCo = stationCodes[i];

                //Adapted from
                //Creates new instance of httpClient
                HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

                //gets client BaseAddress using manually built 'string', depending on station
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseUrl + stationSelectedforCo + endUrl);

                //Accepts Json format
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                //Get response via url
                HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(baseUrl + stationSelectedforCo + endUrl).Result;

                //Populate result with response
                var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

                //Populate obj with 'readable' items via result
                var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootLocation>(result);

                //Get latitude & longitude of station
                string latStation = obj.results[0].latitude;
                string lonStation = obj.results[0].longitude;

                //Convert/parse latitude/longitude into doubles
                double doubleLatStation = double.Parse(latStation);
                double doubleLonStation = double.Parse(lonStation);

                //Apply longitude/latitude into correct index
                latAllStations[i] = doubleLatStation;
                lonAllStations[i] = doubleLonStation;

            //Creates a list of landmarks
            var MyLandmarks = new List <MapElement>();

            //Centers map on Ireland
            BasicGeoposition snPosition = new BasicGeoposition {
                Latitude = 53.4239, Longitude = -7.9407
            Geopoint snPoint = new Geopoint(snPosition);

            //Used to populate map with landmarks
            var LandmarksLayer = new MapElementsLayer
                ZIndex      = 1,
                MapElements = MyLandmarks

            //Adds a layer to map so Landmarks can be added

            //Sets positon/zoom of map
            MapControl1.Center    = snPoint;
            MapControl1.ZoomLevel = 8;
            // Add the MapControl and the specify maps authentication key.
            MapControl1.MapServiceToken = "4eHjP7348hDlfxfexoHq~b19fzIoJ9f9tKXS6zjtgzQ~AkcMoHnOY06TTP7cZlx7HU6p51K8tdzCES0s6AfLdGfIzxYbOiXZybD_DiYZ_nd0";

            //creates new push pin
            PushPin pushPin = new PushPin();

            //Populates map with pushpins via long & lat of each station, also includes station names
            for (int i = 0; i < lonAllStations.Length; i++)
                pushPin.AddPushPin(latAllStations[i], lonAllStations[i]);
                MapIcon myIcon = new MapIcon();
                myIcon.NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0);
                myIcon.Title = stationNames[i] + " Station";
                myIcon.Location = pushPin.MyGeopoint(i);

            //Populates ComboBox
            for (int i = 0; i < stationNames.Length; i++)
                sNames.Add(new DisplayItems()
                    ID          = i,
                    stationName = stationNames[i]