public List <PurchaseReport> GetPurchaseReport(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            query       = "SELECT distinct( Product), P.Code, P.Category, (COALESCE((SELECT SUM(QtyIn) FROM StockIn WHERE PurchaseDate BETWEEN ' " + startDate + "' AND ' " + endDate + "' AND Name = PurchaseView.Product), 0) - COALESCE((SELECT SUM(QtyOut) FROM StockOut WHERE SalesDate BETWEEN ' " + startDate + "' AND ' " + endDate + "' AND Name = PurchaseView.Product),0) ) as Unsold, CostPrice = (COALESCE((SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) FROM PurchaseView AS P WHERE Date BETWEEN ' " + startDate + "' AND ' " + endDate + "' AND P.Product = PurchaseView.Product Group by Product), 0)), MRP = (COALESCE((SELECT AVG(MRP) FROM PurchaseView AS P WHERE Date BETWEEN ' " + startDate + "' AND ' " + endDate + "' AND P.Product = PurchaseView.Product Group by Product), 0)), (COALESCE((SELECT AVG(MRP) FROM PurchaseView AS P WHERE Date BETWEEN ' " + startDate + "' AND ' " + endDate + "' AND P.Product = PurchaseView.Product Group by Product), 0) - (COALESCE((SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) FROM PurchaseView AS P WHERE Date BETWEEN ' " + startDate + "' AND ' " + endDate + "' AND P.Product = PurchaseView.Product Group by Product), 0)) ) *(SELECT (COALESCE((SELECT SUM(QtyIn) FROM StockIn WHERE PurchaseDate BETWEEN ' " + startDate + "' AND ' " + endDate + "' AND Name = PurchaseView.Product), 0) - COALESCE((SELECT SUM(QtyOut) FROM StockOut WHERE SalesDate BETWEEN ' " + startDate + "' AND ' " + endDate + "' AND Name = PurchaseView.Product), 0)) as Unsold) AS Profit   FROM PurchaseView, ProductsView AS P WHERE P.Name = PurchaseView.Product group by Product, P.Code, P.Category";
            _sqlCommand = new SqlCommand {
                CommandText = query, Connection = DatabaseConnection.sqlConnection
            _sqlDataReader = _sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();
            List <PurchaseReport> purchaseReports = new List <PurchaseReport>();

            while (_sqlDataReader.Read())
                if (Convert.ToInt32(_sqlDataReader["Unsold"]) == 0)
                    PurchaseReport aPurchaseReport = new PurchaseReport
                        Category          = _sqlDataReader["Category"].ToString(),
                        ProductCode       = _sqlDataReader["Code"].ToString(),
                        ProductName       = _sqlDataReader["Product"].ToString(),
                        AvailableQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(_sqlDataReader["Unsold"]),
                        CostPrice         = Convert.ToDouble(_sqlDataReader["CostPrice"]),
                        MRP    = Convert.ToDouble(_sqlDataReader["MRP"]),
                        Profit = Convert.ToDouble(_sqlDataReader["Profit"])
Esempio n. 2
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new instance of the PurchaseReport class from a message body.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="message">The body of a message containing the parameters of a purchase report.</param>
            public PurchaseReport(String message)
                // Parse the fields out of the message.
                this.Address    = PurchaseReport.GetField("Address: ", message);
                this.City       = PurchaseReport.GetField("City: ", message);
                this.Country    = PurchaseReport.GetField("Country: ", message);
                this.Email      = PurchaseReport.GetField("Email: ", message);
                this.FirstName  = PurchaseReport.GetField("First Name: ", message);
                this.LastName   = PurchaseReport.GetField("Last Name: ", message);
                this.Phone      = PurchaseReport.GetField("Phone: ", message);
                this.PostalCode = PurchaseReport.GetField("Postal Code: ", message);
                this.State      = PurchaseReport.GetField("State: ", message);

                // Create a temporary directory where we can place the license file when it is generated.
                DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));

                this.FileName = Path.Combine(directoryInfo.FullName, AddIn.licenseFileName);

                // Parse the CPU type out of the product description.
                this.CpuType = String.Empty;
                if (message.IndexOf("Explorer Chrome Suite (x86)") != -1)
                    this.CpuType = "x86";
                if (message.IndexOf("Explorer Chrome Suite (x64)") != -1)
                    this.CpuType = "x64";
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a new item added to the folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item added to the folder.</param>
        void OnItemAdded(Object item)
            // Write about the progress.
            AddIn.WriteEventLogInformation("OnItemAdded called");

            // Extract the specific argument from the generic event argument.
            MailItem mailItem = item as MailItem;

            // Only handle the item if it is a purchase report from sales at Teraque.
            if (mailItem != null && mailItem.Subject == AddIn.purchaseReportSubject && mailItem.SenderEmailAddress == AddIn.purchaseReportSender)
                    AddIn.WriteEventLogInformation("Generating purchase report.");

                    // This will parse out the fields from the body of the message.
                    PurchaseReport purchaseReport = new PurchaseReport(mailItem.Body);

                    // A new license file is required for the new purchase.  This will call out to the license generator to create one using all the parameters
                    // extracted from the purchase report message.  Note that the process is handled asynchronously and that when the license generator is
                    // finished a handler will be called to complete the processing of the receipt.
                    Process process = new Process();
                    process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                    process.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Users\Donald Roy Airey\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Teraque\Main\License Generator\License Generator\bin\Debug\Teraque.LicenseGenerator.exe";
                    process.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Program Files\Teraque\License Generator\Teraque.LicenseGenerator.exe";
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -Address \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.Address);
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -City \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.City);
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -Command \"{0}\"", "GenerateLicense");
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -Country \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.Country);
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -Email \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.Email);
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -FirstName \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.FirstName);
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -LastName \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.LastName);
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -Output \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.FileName);
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -Phone \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.Phone);
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -PostalCode \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.PostalCode);
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -Product \"{0}\"", "{9FD4FF74-CCAC-463E-922E-79613F6A7CD9}");
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += String.Format(" -Province \"{0}\"", purchaseReport.State);
                    this.purchaseReports.Add(process.Id, purchaseReport);
                    process.Exited += new EventHandler(this.OnLicenseGeneratorExited);

                    AddIn.WriteEventLogInformation("Waiting for License Generation.");
                catch (System.Exception exception)
                    // Make sure any errors trying to handle the incoming message are logged.
                AddIn.WriteEventLogInformation("Got an item but it wasn't a PurchaseReport.");
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the completion of a license generation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object that originated the event.</param>
        /// <param name="eventArgs">The event arguments</param>
        void OnLicenseGeneratorExited(Object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            // Extract the process from the generic event arguments.
            Process process = sender as Process;

            // If the license was generated properly then construct a receipt.
            if (process.ExitCode == 0)
                // This is the information associated with the recently created license file.
                PurchaseReport purchaseReport = this.purchaseReports[process.Id];

                // Create the receipt in HTML and fill in the header.
                MailItem receipt = this.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem) as MailItem;
                receipt.BodyFormat       = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;
                receipt.Subject          = AddIn.receiptSubject;
                receipt.To               = purchaseReport.Email;
                receipt.SendUsingAccount = this.GetAccountForEmailAddress(AddIn.sendFromAddress);

                // This will load the template of the receipt from the assembly resources.
                String messageBody = String.Empty;
                using (Stream stream = typeof(AddIn).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Receipt_Generator_AddIn.Resources.ReceiptTemplate.htm"))
                    StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
                    messageBody = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                // This will replace the first name in the salutation (or with "Customer" if they want to remain anonymous).
                messageBody = messageBody.Replace("%FirstName%", purchaseReport.FirstName == String.Empty ? "Customer" : purchaseReport.FirstName);

                // This will replace the hyperlink in the message body with the proper URL depending on the CPU type ordered.
                if (purchaseReport.CpuType == "x86")
                    messageBody = messageBody.Replace("%CpuDownload%", AddIn.x86DownloadUrl);
                if (purchaseReport.CpuType == "x64")
                    messageBody = messageBody.Replace("%CpuDownload%", AddIn.x64DownloadUrl);

                // The body of the receipt is now complete.
                receipt.HTMLBody = messageBody;

                // Everything is now ready and the receipt can be sent.

                // Log the fact that we sent the receipt.
                AddIn.WriteEventLogInformation("Sending a message to {0}", purchaseReport.Email);
                // Write out the reason the generator failed.
                AddIn.WriteEventLogError("License Generator failed with error code {0}", process.ExitCode);
 public HttpResponseMessage postall(PurchaseReport purchaseReport)
         DataTable dt = objPurchaseReport.postAllData(purchaseReport);
         return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, dt));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message));
        public void approveRequest(int itemId, int itemPrice, int itemQuantity)
            var            itemName = (from x in db.PurchaseRequest where x.ItemId == itemId select x.ItemName).FirstOrDefault();
            PurchaseReport pr       = new PurchaseReport();

            pr.PurchaseItem  = itemName;
            pr.PurchaseTotal = itemPrice;
            pr.Deleted       = 0;
            var obj = (from x in db.PurchaseRequest where x.ItemId == itemId select x).FirstOrDefault();

            obj.Deleted = 2;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Демо паттерна "Декоратор".
        /// Паттерн Декоратор динамически наделяет объект новыми возможностями и является гибкой
        /// альтернативой субклассированию в области расширения функциональности.
        /// </summary>
        public void DemoDecorator()
            // Здесь происходит расширение класса FinancialReport дополнительной функциональностью в виде FinancialDailyReport
            var dailyReport = new FinancialReport(new FinancialDailyReport());

            // Здесь происходит расширение класса FinancialReport дополнительной функциональностью в виде FinancialDailyReportWithCharts
            var dailyReportWithCharts = new FinancialReport(new FinancialDailyReportWithCharts());


            // Здесь происходит декорирование объекта FinancialDailyReport функциональностью из FinancialReport и PurchaseReport
            IReport newDailyReport = new FinancialDailyReport();

            newDailyReport = new FinancialReport(newDailyReport);
            newDailyReport = new PurchaseReport(newDailyReport);
Esempio n. 8
        private void btn_PurchaseReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

            string         s    = "Select * FROM purchase_master";
            SqlCommand     cmd  = new SqlCommand(s, conn);
            SqlDataAdapter adap = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            DataSet        ds   = new DataSet();

            adap.Fill(ds, "purchase_master");
            PurchaseReport cr1 = new PurchaseReport();

            CrisReport.ReportSource = cr1;
Esempio n. 9
        public List <PurchaseReport> GetPurchaseReport(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            List <PurchaseReport> purchaseReportViewModels = new List <PurchaseReport>();

            using (var context = new SMSDbContext())
                var allProduct = context.Products.Include(x => x.Category).ToList();

                foreach (var product in allProduct)
                    int productId   = product.Id;
                    int purchaseQty = _purchaseRepository.GetTotalProductByIdAndDate(productId, startDate);
                    int salesQty    = _saledetailsRepository.GetTotalProductByIdAndDate(productId, startDate);

                    int            inQty  = _purchaseRepository.GetTotalProductByIdAndStartAndEndDate(productId, startDate, endDate);
                    int            outQty = _saledetailsRepository.GetTotalProductByIdAndStartAndEndDate(productId, startDate, endDate);
                    PurchaseReport model  = new PurchaseReport();

                    model.Code         = product.Code;
                    model.Product      = product.Name;
                    model.Category     = product.Category.Name;
                    model.AvailableQty = (purchaseQty - salesQty) + inQty - outQty;
                    var pDetails = _purchaseDetailsRepository.GetPurchaseDetailByProductId(productId);
                    if (pDetails != null)
                        model.MRP = model.AvailableQty * pDetails.MRP;
                        model.CP  = model.AvailableQty * pDetails.UnitPrice;

                    model.Profit = model.MRP - model.CP;


Esempio n. 10
        private void purchaseDetailsToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PurchaseReport pur = new PurchaseReport();

Esempio n. 11
        private void btnReportPurchase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PurchaseReport PurReport = new PurchaseReport();

Esempio n. 12
        private void PurchaseReport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            PurchaseReport purchaseReport = new PurchaseReport();

Esempio n. 13
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PurchaseReport frmPur = new PurchaseReport();

 private void Init()
     IsReportLoaded = true;
     report         = new PurchaseReport();