Esempio n. 1
        public Sceen(StarSystem a_oStarSystem, GLEffect a_oDefaultEffect, Pulsar4X.UI.Handlers.SystemMap ParentSM)
            // set member vars:
            m_v3ViewOffset = Vector3.Zero;
            MeasureMode = false;

            ParentSystemMap = ParentSM;
            SceenDefaultEffect = a_oDefaultEffect;

            /// <summary>
            /// These have to be initialized before the contactElements are created as contactElement uses these.
            /// </summary>
            ShowActives = true;
            ShowPassives = true;
            ShowPassiveSignatureRange = (int)Constants.SensorTN.DefaultPassiveSignature;

            // Set Sceen Vars:
            m_oSceenEntity = a_oStarSystem;
            SceenID = a_oStarSystem.Id;

            // Create measurement element:
            m_oMeasurementElement = new MeasurementElement();
            m_oMeasurementElement.PrimaryPrimitive = new GLLine(a_oDefaultEffect, Vector3.Zero, new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f), Color.Yellow, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_TEXTURE);
            m_oMeasurementElement.Lable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect, Vector3.Zero, UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, Color.Yellow, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, "");

            // Creat Working Vars:
            //double dKMperAUdevby10 = (Pulsar4X.Constants.Units.KmPerAu / 10); // we scale everthing down by 10 to avoid float buffer overflows.
            int iStarCounter = 0;                                               // Keeps track of the number of stars.
            int iPlanetCounter = 0;                                             // Keeps track of the number of planets around the current star
            int iMoonCounter = 0;                                               // Keeps track of the number of moons around the current planet.
            double dMaxOrbitDist = 0;                                           // used for fit to zoom.
            Vector3 v3StarPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);                           // used for storing the psoition of the current star in the system
            float fStarSize = 0.0f;                                             // Size of a star
            double dPlanetOrbitRadius = 0;                                      // used for holding the orbit in Km for a planet.
            Vector3 v3PlanetPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);                         // Used to store the planet Pos.
            float fPlanetSize = 0;                                              // used to hold the planets size.
            double dMoonOrbitRadius = 0;                                        // used for holding the orbit in Km for a Moon.
            float fMoonSize = 0;                                                // used to hold the Moons size.
            Vector3 v3MoonPos = Vector3.Zero;                                   // Used to store the Moons Position.

            // start creating star branches in the sceen graph:
            SceenElement oRootStar;
            SceenElement oCurrStar;
            foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.Star oStar in a_oStarSystem.Stars)

                if (iStarCounter <= 0)
                    // then we have a secondary, etc star give random position around its orbit!
                    oRootStar = new StarElement(oStar, a_oDefaultEffect, Vector3.Zero, Pulsar4X.Constants.StarColor.LookupColor(oStar), true);
                    oCurrStar = oRootStar;
                    Random rnd = new Random();
                    v3StarPos.X = (float)(oStar.Position.X);
                    v3StarPos.Y = (float)(oStar.Position.Y);    
                    MaxOrbitDistTest(ref dMaxOrbitDist, oStar.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis);
                    oCurrStar = new StarElement(oStar, a_oDefaultEffect, v3StarPos, Pulsar4X.Constants.StarColor.LookupColor(oStar), false);

                fStarSize = (float)(oStar.Radius * 2.0 * (Constants.Units.SolarRadiusInAu));

                GLUtilities.GLQuad oStarQuad = new GLUtilities.GLQuad(a_oDefaultEffect,
                                                                        new Vector2(fStarSize, fStarSize),
                // create name lable:
                GLUtilities.GLFont oNameLable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect,
                    new Vector3((float)(v3StarPos.X), (float)(v3StarPos.Y - (oStar.Radius / Constants.Units.KmPerAu)), 0),
                    UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, Color.White, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, oStar.Name);

                oCurrStar.AddPrimitive(oStarQuad); // Add star icon to the Sceen element.
                oCurrStar.Lable = oNameLable;
                oCurrStar.PrimaryPrimitive = oStarQuad;
                oCurrStar.RealSize = new Vector2(fStarSize, fStarSize);

                // now go though and add each planet to render list.
                foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.SystemBody oPlanet in oStar.Planets)
                    SceenElement oPlanetElement = new PlanetElement(a_oDefaultEffect, v3StarPos, oPlanet, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 205, 0));
                    oPlanetElement.EntityID = oPlanet.Id;

                    if (iPlanetCounter == 0)
                        oCurrStar.SmallestOrbit = (float)(oPlanet.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis * 2);
                    dPlanetOrbitRadius = oPlanet.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis;

                    fPlanetSize = (float)((oPlanet.Radius * 2.0) / Constants.Units.KmPerAu);
                    MaxOrbitDistTest(ref dMaxOrbitDist, dPlanetOrbitRadius);

                    GLUtilities.GLQuad oPlanetQuad = new GLUtilities.GLQuad(a_oDefaultEffect,
                        new Vector2(fPlanetSize, fPlanetSize),
                        Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0),  // lime green

                    // create name lable:
                    GLUtilities.GLFont oPlanetNameLable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect,
                        new Vector3((float)(v3PlanetPos.X), (float)(v3PlanetPos.Y - (oPlanet.Radius / Constants.Units.KmPerAu)), 0),
                        UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, Color.AntiqueWhite, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, oPlanet.Name);


                    oPlanetElement.Lable = oPlanetNameLable;
                    oPlanetElement.PrimaryPrimitive = oPlanetQuad;
                    oPlanetElement.RealSize = new Vector2(fPlanetSize, fPlanetSize);


                    // now again for the moons:
                    foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.SystemBody oMoon in oPlanet.Moons)
                        SceenElement oMoonElement = new PlanetElement(a_oDefaultEffect, v3PlanetPos, oMoon, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 205, 0));
                        oMoonElement.EntityID = oMoon.Id;

                        if (iMoonCounter == 0)
                            oPlanetElement.SmallestOrbit = (float)(oMoon.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis);

                        dMoonOrbitRadius = oMoon.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis;
                        fMoonSize = (float)((oMoon.Radius * 2.0) / Constants.Units.KmPerAu);
                        v3MoonPos = new Vector3((float)(oMoon.Position.X), (float)(oMoon.Position.Y), 0);
                        oMoon.Position.X = oMoon.Position.X + v3PlanetPos.X;
                        oMoon.Position.Y = oMoon.Position.Y + v3PlanetPos.Y;

                        GLUtilities.GLQuad oMoonQuad = new GLUtilities.GLQuad(a_oDefaultEffect,
                            v3MoonPos,                                    // offset Pos by parent planet pos
                            new Vector2(fMoonSize, fMoonSize),
                            Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 205, 0),  // lime green

                        GLUtilities.GLFont oMoonNameLable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect,
                        new Vector3((float)(v3MoonPos.X), (float)(v3MoonPos.Y - (oMoon.Radius / Constants.Units.KmPerAu)), 0),
                        UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, Color.AntiqueWhite, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, oMoon.Name);


                        oMoonElement.Lable = oMoonNameLable;
                        oMoonElement.PrimaryPrimitive = oMoonQuad;
                        oMoonElement.RealSize = new Vector2(fMoonSize, fMoonSize);

                    iMoonCounter = 0;
                iPlanetCounter = 0;
                foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.JumpPoint oJumpPoint in a_oStarSystem.JumpPoints)
                    CreateJumpPoint(oCurrStar, oJumpPoint);


            foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.SystemContact systemContact in a_oStarSystem.SystemContactList)
                AddContactElement(SceenDefaultEffect, systemContact);

            a_oStarSystem.JumpPoints.ListChanged += JumpPoints_ListChanged;
            a_oStarSystem.SystemContactList.ListChanging += SystemContactList_ListChanging;

            // Set Sceen Size basd on Max Orbit:
            m_v2SceenSize = new Vector2d(dMaxOrbitDist * 2, dMaxOrbitDist * 2);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Default Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public Sceen(Pulsar4X.UI.Handlers.SystemMap ParentSM)
            MeasureMode = false;
            m_v3ViewOffset = Vector3.Zero;

            ParentSystemMap = ParentSM;

            ShowActives = true;
            ShowPassives = true;
            ShowPassiveSignatureRange = (int)Constants.SensorTN.DefaultPassiveSignature;