Esempio n. 1
        // Build a document from a given stream, with the base URI supplied
        // as an extra argument

        internal XdmNode Build(TextReader input, Uri baseUri)
            Source source;

            if (processor.GetProperty("") == "true")
                source = new StreamSource(new DotNetReader(input), baseUri.ToString());
                source = AugmentedSource.makeAugmentedSource(source);
                ((AugmentedSource)source).setEntityResolver(new DotNetURIResolver(XmlResolver));
                XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                settings.ProhibitDtd = false;   // must expand entity references

                //((XmlTextReader)parser).Normalization = true;
                switch (whitespacePolicy)
                case WhitespacePolicy.PreserveAll:
                    settings.IgnoreWhitespace = false;
                    //((XmlTextReader)parser).WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.All;

                case WhitespacePolicy.StripAll:
                    settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
                    //((XmlTextReader)parser).WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;

                case WhitespacePolicy.StripIgnorable:
                    settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
                    //((XmlTextReader)parser).WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.Significant;
                if (xmlResolver != null)
                    settings.XmlResolver = xmlResolver;

                settings.ValidationType = (dtdValidation ? ValidationType.DTD : ValidationType.None);

                XmlReader parser = XmlReader.Create(input, settings, baseUri.ToString());
                source = new PullSource(new DotNetPullProvider(parser));
            source = augmentSource(source);
            DocumentInfo doc = null;

                doc = config.buildDocument(source);
            catch (net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException e)
                throw new StaticError(e);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Supply the instance document to be validated, in the form of an XmlReader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The XmlReader is responsible for parsing the document; this method validates it.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">The <c>XmlReader</c> used to read and parse the instance
        /// document being validated. This is used as supplied. For conformance, use of a
        /// plain <c>XmlTextReader</c> is discouraged, because it does not expand entity
        /// references. This may cause validation failures.
        /// </param>

        public void SetSource(XmlReader reader)
            PullProvider pp = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);

            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            PullSource psource = new PullSource(pp);

            this.source = psource;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile a schema, delivered using an XmlReader. The resulting schema components are added
        /// to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <c>XmlReader</c> is responsible for parsing the document; this method builds a tree
        /// representation of the document (in an internal Saxon format) and compiles it.
        /// The <c>XmlReader</c> is used as supplied; it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that
        /// its settings are appropriate for parsing a schema document (for example, that entity references
        /// are expanded and whitespace is retained.)
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">The XmlReader (that is, the XML parser) used to supply the source schema document</param>

        public void Compile(XmlReader reader)
            PullProvider pp = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);

            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            PullSource ss = new PullSource(pp);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Supply the instance document to be validated, in the form of an XmlReader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The XmlReader is responsible for parsing the document; this method validates it.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">The <c>XmlReader</c> used to read and parse the instance
        /// document being validated. This is used as supplied. For conformance, use of a
        /// plain <c>XmlTextReader</c> is discouraged, because it does not expand entity
        /// references. This may cause validation failures.
        /// </param>

        public void SetSource(XmlReader reader)
            PullProvider          pp   = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);
            PipelineConfiguration pipe = config.makePipelineConfiguration();

            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            PullSource psource = new PullSource(pp);

            this.source = psource;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Load an XML document, delivered using an XmlReader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>The XmlReader is responsible for parsing the document; this method builds a tree
        /// representation of the document (in an internal Saxon format) and returns its document node.
        /// The XmlReader is not required to perform validation but it must expand any entity references.
        /// Saxon uses the properties of the <c>XmlReader</c> as supplied.</para>
        /// <para>Use of a plain <c>XmlTextReader</c> is discouraged, because it does not expand entity
        /// references. This should only be used if you know in advance that the document will contain
        /// no entity references (or perhaps if your query or stylesheet is not interested in the content
        /// of text and attribute nodes). Instead, with .NET 1.1 use an <c>XmlValidatingReader</c> (with <c>ValidationType</c>
        /// set to <c>None</c>). The constructor for <c>XmlValidatingReader</c> is obsolete in .NET 2.0,
        /// but the same effect can be achieved by using the <c>Create</c> method of <c>XmlReader</c> with
        /// appropriate <c>XmlReaderSettings</c></para>
        /// <para>Conformance with the W3C specifications requires that the <c>Normalization</c> property
        /// of an <c>XmlTextReader</c> should be set to <c>true</c>. However, Saxon does not insist
        /// on this.</para>
        /// <para>If the <c>XmlReader</c> performs schema validation, Saxon will ignore any resulting type
        /// information. Type information can only be obtained by using Saxon's own schema validator, which
        /// will be run if the <c>SchemaValidationMode</c> property is set to <c>Strict</c> or <c>Lax</c></para>
        /// <para>Note that the Microsoft <c>System.Xml</c> parser does not report whether attributes are
        /// defined in the DTD as being of type <c>ID</c> and <c>IDREF</c>. This is true whether or not
        /// DTD-based validation is enabled. This means that such attributes are not accessible to the
        /// <c>id()</c> and <c>idref()</c> functions.</para>
        /// <para>Note that setting the <c>XmlResolver</c> property of the <c>DocumentBuilder</c>
        /// has no effect when this method is used; if an <c>XmlResolver</c> is required, it must
        /// be set on the <c>XmlReader</c> itself.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">The XMLReader that supplies the parsed XML source</param>
        /// <returns>An <c>XdmNode</c>, the document node at the root of the tree of the resulting
        /// in-memory document
        /// </returns>

        public XdmNode Build(XmlReader reader)
            PullProvider pp = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);

            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            Source source = new PullSource(pp);

            source = augmentSource(source);
            DocumentInfo doc = config.buildDocument(source);

Esempio n. 6
        // Build a document from a given stream, with the base URI supplied
        // as an extra argument

        internal XdmNode Build(Stream input, Uri baseUri)
            Source source;

            if (processor.GetProperty("") == "true")
                source = new StreamSource(new DotNetInputStream(input), baseUri.ToString());
                XmlReader parser = new XmlTextReader(baseUri.ToString(), input);
                ((XmlTextReader)parser).Normalization = true;
                switch (whitespacePolicy)
                case WhitespacePolicy.PreserveAll:
                    ((XmlTextReader)parser).WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.All;

                case WhitespacePolicy.StripAll:
                    ((XmlTextReader)parser).WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;

                case WhitespacePolicy.StripIgnorable:
                    ((XmlTextReader)parser).WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.Significant;
                if (xmlResolver != null)
                    ((XmlTextReader)parser).XmlResolver = xmlResolver;
                // Always need a validating parser, because that's the only way to get entity references expanded
                parser = new XmlValidatingReader(parser);
                if (dtdValidation)
                    ((XmlValidatingReader)parser).ValidationType = ValidationType.DTD;
                    ((XmlValidatingReader)parser).ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
                source = new PullSource(new DotNetPullProvider(parser));
            source = augmentSource(source);
            DocumentInfo doc = config.buildDocument(source);

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile a schema, delivered using an XmlReader. The resulting schema components are added
        /// to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <c>XmlReader</c> is responsible for parsing the document; this method builds a tree
        /// representation of the document (in an internal Saxon format) and compiles it.
        /// The <c>XmlReader</c> is used as supplied; it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that
        /// its settings are appropriate for parsing a schema document (for example, that entity references
        /// are expanded and whitespace is retained.)
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">The XmlReader (that is, the XML parser) used to supply the source schema document</param>

        public void Compile(XmlReader reader)
            PullProvider pp = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);

            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            PullSource ss = new PullSource(pp);

            if (errorList == null)
                config.addSchemaSource(ss, new ErrorGatherer(errorList));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Load an XML document, delivered using an XmlReader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>The XmlReader is responsible for parsing the document; this method builds a tree
        /// representation of the document (in an internal Saxon format) and returns its document node.
        /// The XmlReader is not required to perform validation but it must expand any entity references.
        /// Saxon uses the properties of the <c>XmlReader</c> as supplied.</para>
        /// <para>Use of a plain <c>XmlTextReader</c> is discouraged, because it does not expand entity
        /// references. This should only be used if you know in advance that the document will contain
        /// no entity references (or perhaps if your query or stylesheet is not interested in the content
        /// of text and attribute nodes). Instead, with .NET 1.1 use an <c>XmlValidatingReader</c> (with <c>ValidationType</c>
        /// set to <c>None</c>). The constructor for <c>XmlValidatingReader</c> is obsolete in .NET 2.0,
        /// but the same effect can be achieved by using the <c>Create</c> method of <c>XmlReader</c> with
        /// appropriate <c>XmlReaderSettings</c></para>
        /// <para>Conformance with the W3C specifications requires that the <c>Normalization</c> property
        /// of an <c>XmlTextReader</c> should be set to <c>true</c>. However, Saxon does not insist
        /// on this.</para>
        /// <para>If the <c>XmlReader</c> performs schema validation, Saxon will ignore any resulting type
        /// information. Type information can only be obtained by using Saxon's own schema validator, which
        /// will be run if the <c>SchemaValidationMode</c> property is set to <c>Strict</c> or <c>Lax</c></para>
        /// <para>Note that the Microsoft <c>System.Xml</c> parser does not report whether attributes are
        /// defined in the DTD as being of type <c>ID</c> and <c>IDREF</c>. This is true whether or not
        /// DTD-based validation is enabled. This means that such attributes are not accessible to the
        /// <c>id()</c> and <c>idref()</c> functions.</para>
        /// <para>Note that setting the <c>XmlResolver</c> property of the <c>DocumentBuilder</c>
        /// has no effect when this method is used; if an <c>XmlResolver</c> is required, it must
        /// be set on the <c>XmlReader</c> itself.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">The XMLReader that supplies the parsed XML source</param>
        /// <returns>An <c>XdmNode</c>, the document node at the root of the tree of the resulting
        /// in-memory document
        /// </returns>

        public XdmNode Build(XmlReader reader)
            PullProvider pp = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);

            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            Source source = new PullSource(pp);

            source = augmentSource(source);
            DocumentInfo doc = null;

                doc = config.buildDocument(source);
            catch (net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException e)
                throw new StaticError(e);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile a schema, delivered using an XmlReader. The resulting schema components are added
        /// to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <c>XmlReader</c> is responsible for parsing the document; this method builds a tree
        /// representation of the document (in an internal Saxon format) and compiles it.
        /// If the <c>XmlReader</c> is an <c>XmlTextReader</c>, Saxon will set its <c>Normalization</c>
        /// property to true, and will wrap it in a (non-validating) <c>XmlValidatingReader</c> to ensure
        /// that entity references are expanded.
        /// </remarks>

        public void Compile(XmlReader reader)
            if (reader is XmlTextReader)
                ((XmlTextReader)reader).Normalization = true;
                reader = new XmlValidatingReader(reader);
                ((XmlValidatingReader)reader).ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
            PullProvider pp = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);

            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            PullSource ss = new PullSource(pp);

            if (errorList == null)
                config.addSchemaSource(ss, new ErrorGatherer(errorList));
        /// <summary>
        /// Load an XML document, delivered using an XmlReader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>The XmlReader is responsible for parsing the document; this method builds a tree
        /// representation of the document (in an internal Saxon format) and returns its document node.
        /// The XmlReader is not required to perform validation but it must expand any entity references.
        /// Saxon uses the properties of the <c>XmlReader</c> as supplied.</para>
        /// <para>Use of a plain <c>XmlTextReader</c> is discouraged, because it does not expand entity
        /// references. This should only be used if you know in advance that the document will contain
        /// no entity references (or perhaps if your query or stylesheet is not interested in the content
        /// of text and attribute nodes). Instead, with .NET 1.1 use an <c>XmlValidatingReader</c> (with <c>ValidationType</c>
        /// set to <c>None</c>). The constructor for <c>XmlValidatingReader</c> is obsolete in .NET 2.0,
        /// but the same effect can be achieved by using the <c>Create</c> method of <c>XmlReader</c> with
        /// appropriate <c>XmlReaderSettings</c></para>
        /// <para>Conformance with the W3C specifications requires that the <c>Normalization</c> property
        /// of an <c>XmlTextReader</c> should be set to <c>true</c>. However, Saxon does not insist
        /// on this.</para>
        /// <para>If the <c>XmlReader</c> performs schema validation, Saxon will ignore any resulting type
        /// information. Type information can only be obtained by using Saxon's own schema validator, which
        /// will be run if the <c>SchemaValidationMode</c> property is set to <c>Strict</c> or <c>Lax</c></para>
        /// <para>Note that the Microsoft <c>System.Xml</c> parser does not report whether attributes are
        /// defined in the DTD as being of type <c>ID</c> and <c>IDREF</c>. This is true whether or not
        /// DTD-based validation is enabled. This means that such attributes are not accessible to the 
        /// <c>id()</c> and <c>idref()</c> functions.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">The XMLReader that supplies the parsed XML source</param>
        /// <returns>An <c>XdmNode</c>, the document node at the root of the tree of the resulting
        /// in-memory document
        /// </returns>

        public XdmNode Build(XmlReader reader) {
            PullProvider pp = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);
            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            Source source = new PullSource(pp);
            source = augmentSource(source);
            DocumentInfo doc = new StaticQueryContext(config).buildDocument(source);
            return (XdmNode)XdmValue.Wrap(doc);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Supply the instance document to be validated, in the form of an XmlReader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The XmlReader is responsible for parsing the document; this method validates it.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">The <c>XmlReader</c> used to read and parse the instance
        /// document being validated. This is used as supplied. For conformance, use of a
        /// plain <c>XmlTextReader</c> is discouraged, because it does not expand entity
        /// references. This may cause validation failures.
        /// </param>

        public void SetSource(XmlReader reader)
            PullProvider pp = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);
            PipelineConfiguration pipe = config.makePipelineConfiguration();
            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            PullSource psource = new PullSource(pp);
            this.source = psource;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile a schema, delivered using an XmlReader. The resulting schema components are added
        /// to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <c>XmlReader</c> is responsible for parsing the document; this method builds a tree
        /// representation of the document (in an internal Saxon format) and compiles it.
        /// The <c>XmlReader</c> is used as supplied; it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that
        /// its settings are appropriate for parsing a schema document (for example, that entity references
        /// are expanded and whitespace is retained.)
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">The XmlReader (that is, the XML parser) used to supply the source schema document</param>

        public void Compile(XmlReader reader)
            PullProvider pp = new DotNetPullProvider(reader);
            // pp = new PullTracer(pp);  /* diagnostics */
            PullSource ss = new PullSource(pp);
            if (errorList == null)
                config.addSchemaSource(ss, new ErrorGatherer(errorList));