Esempio n. 1
        public void PublishAzureServiceCreateBasicPackageTest()
            // Create a temp directory that we'll use to "publish" our service
            using (FileSystemHelper files = new FileSystemHelper(this)
                EnableMonitoring = true
                // Import our default publish settings

                // Create a new channel to mock the calls to Azure and
                // determine all of the results that we'll need.
                SimpleServiceManagement channel = new SimpleServiceManagement();

                // Create a new service that we're going to publish
                string serviceName = "TEST_SERVICE_NAME";
                NewAzureServiceProjectCommand newService = new NewAzureServiceProjectCommand();
                newService.NewAzureServiceProcess(files.RootPath, serviceName);
                string servicePath = files.CreateDirectory(serviceName);

                // Get the publishing process started by creating the package
                PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand publishService = new PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand(channel);

                // Verify the generated files
                files.AssertFiles(new Dictionary <string, Action <string> >()
                        serviceName + @"\deploymentSettings.json",
                        serviceName + @"\ServiceDefinition.csdef",
                        p => File.ReadAllText(p).Contains(serviceName)
                        serviceName + @"\ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg",
                        p => File.ReadAllText(p).Contains(serviceName)
                        serviceName + @"\ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg",
                        p => File.ReadAllText(p).Contains(serviceName)
                        serviceName + @"\cloud_package.cspkg",
                        p =>
                            using (Package package = Package.Open(p))
                                Assert.AreEqual(5, package.GetParts().Count());
Esempio n. 2
        public void SetupTest()
            clientMock = new Mock <ICloudServiceClient>();
            clientMock.Setup(f => f.PublishCloudService(serviceName, null, null, null, null, null, false, false))
            .Returns(new Deployment());

            commandRuntimeMock = new Mock <ICommandRuntime>();

            publishAzureServiceCmdlet = new PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand()
                CloudServiceClient = clientMock.Object,
                CommandRuntime     = commandRuntimeMock.Object
        public void SetupTest()
            clientMock = new Mock<ICloudServiceClient>();
            clientMock.Setup(f => f.PublishCloudService(serviceName, null, null, null, null, null, false))
                .Returns(new Deployment());

            commandRuntimeMock = new Mock<ICommandRuntime>();

            publishAzureServiceCmdlet = new PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand()
                CloudServiceClient = clientMock.Object,
                CommandRuntime = commandRuntimeMock.Object
Esempio n. 4
        public void PublishAzureServiceRemovesNodeLogs()
            // Create a temp directory that we'll use to "publish" our service
            using (FileSystemHelper files = new FileSystemHelper(this)
                EnableMonitoring = true
                // Import our default publish settings

                // Create a new channel to mock the calls to Azure and
                // determine all of the results that we'll need.
                SimpleServiceManagement channel = new SimpleServiceManagement();

                // Create a new service that we're going to publish
                string serviceName = "TEST_SERVICE_NAME";
                NewAzureServiceProjectCommand newService = new NewAzureServiceProjectCommand();
                newService.NewAzureServiceProcess(files.RootPath, serviceName);
                string servicePath = files.CreateDirectory(serviceName);

                // Add a web role
                AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand newWebRole = new AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand();
                string webRoleName = "NODE_WEB_ROLE";
                newWebRole.AddAzureNodeWebRoleProcess(webRoleName, 2, servicePath);
                string webRolePath = Path.Combine(servicePath, webRoleName);

                // Add a worker role
                AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand newWorkerRole = new AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand();
                string workerRoleName = "NODE_WORKER_ROLE";
                newWorkerRole.AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleProcess(workerRoleName, 2, servicePath);
                string workerRolePath = Path.Combine(servicePath, workerRoleName);

                // Add second web and worker roles that we won't add log
                // entries to
                new AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand()
                .AddAzureNodeWebRoleProcess("SECOND_WEB_ROLE", 2, servicePath);
                new AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand()
                .AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleProcess("SECOND_WORKER_ROLE", 2, servicePath);

                // Add fake logs directories for server.js
                string logName = "server.js.logs";
                string logPath = Path.Combine(webRolePath, logName);
                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(logPath, "0.txt"), "secret web role debug details were logged here");
                logPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(workerRolePath, "NestedDirectory"), logName);
                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(logPath, "0.txt"), "secret worker role debug details were logged here");

                // Get the publishing process started by creating the package
                PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand publishService = new PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand(channel);

                // Rip open the package and make sure we can't find the log
                string packagePath = Path.Combine(servicePath, "cloud_package.cspkg");
                using (Package package = Package.Open(packagePath))
                    // Make sure the web role and worker role packages don't
                    // have any files with server.js.logs in the name
                    Action <string> validateRole = roleName =>
                        PackagePart rolePart = package.GetParts().Where(p => p.Uri.ToString().Contains(roleName)).First();
                        using (Package rolePackage = Package.Open(rolePart.GetStream()))
                                rolePackage.GetParts().Any(p => p.Uri.ToString().Contains(logName)),
                                "Found {0} part in {1} package!",
Esempio n. 5
        public void PublishAzureServiceCreateDeploymentForExistingService()
            // Create a temp directory that we'll use to "publish" our service
            using (FileSystemHelper files = new FileSystemHelper(this)
                EnableMonitoring = true
                // Import our default publish settings

                // Create a new channel to mock the calls to Azure and
                // determine all of the results that we'll need.
                bool createdHostedService       = false;
                bool createdOrUpdatedDeployment = false;
                SimpleServiceManagement channel = new SimpleServiceManagement();
                channel.GetStorageServiceThunk           = ar => new StorageService();
                channel.CreateHostedServiceThunk         = ar => { };
                channel.GetHostedServiceWithDetailsThunk = ar => null;
                channel.GetStorageKeysThunk = ar => new StorageService()
                    StorageServiceKeys = new StorageServiceKeys()
                        Primary = "VGVzdEtleSE="
                channel.CreateOrUpdateDeploymentThunk = ar => createdOrUpdatedDeployment = true;
                channel.GetDeploymentBySlotThunk      = ar =>
                    if (createdOrUpdatedDeployment)
                        Deployment deployment = new Deployment("TEST_SERVICE_NAME", "Production", DeploymentStatus.Running);
                        deployment.RoleInstanceList = new RoleInstanceList(new RoleInstance[] { new RoleInstance()
                                                                                                    InstanceName = "Role_IN_0", InstanceStatus = RoleInstanceStatus.Ready
                                                                                                } });
                        throw new EndpointNotFoundException();
                channel.ListCertificatesThunk = ar => new CertificateList();

                // Create a new service that we're going to publish
                string serviceName = "TEST_SERVICE_NAME";
                NewAzureServiceProjectCommand newService = new NewAzureServiceProjectCommand();
                newService.NewAzureServiceProcess(files.RootPath, serviceName);
                string servicePath = files.CreateDirectory(serviceName);

                // Get the publishing process started by creating the package
                PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand publishService = new PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand(channel);
                publishService.ShareChannel = true;
                publishService.SkipUpload   = true;
                AzureService service = new AzureService(Path.Combine(files.RootPath, serviceName), null);

                // Verify the publish service attempted to create and update
                // the service through the mock.
                Assert.AreEqual <string>(serviceName, service.ServiceName);
Esempio n. 6
        public void PublishAzureServiceUpgradeTest()
            // Create a temp directory that we'll use to "publish" our service
            using (FileSystemHelper files = new FileSystemHelper(this)
                EnableMonitoring = true
                // Import our default publish settings

                // Create a new channel to mock the calls to Azure and
                // determine all of the results that we'll need.
                bool createdHostedService       = false;
                bool createdOrUpdatedDeployment = false;
                bool upgradedDeployment         = false;
                SimpleServiceManagement channel = new SimpleServiceManagement();
                channel.GetStorageServiceThunk           = ar => new StorageService();
                channel.CreateHostedServiceThunk         = ar => createdHostedService = true;
                channel.GetHostedServiceWithDetailsThunk = ar => new HostedService {
                    Deployments = new DeploymentList()
                        new Deployment {
                            DeploymentSlot = "Production"
                channel.GetStorageKeysThunk = ar => new StorageService()
                    StorageServiceKeys = new StorageServiceKeys()
                        Primary = "VGVzdEtleSE="
                channel.CreateOrUpdateDeploymentThunk = ar => createdOrUpdatedDeployment = true;
                channel.UpgradeDeploymentThunk        = ar => upgradedDeployment = true;
                channel.GetDeploymentBySlotThunk      = ar => new Deployment()
                    Status           = DeploymentStatus.Starting,
                    RoleInstanceList = new RoleInstanceList(
                        new RoleInstance[] {
                        new RoleInstance()
                            InstanceName   = "Role_IN_0",
                            InstanceStatus = RoleInstanceStatus.Ready
                channel.ListCertificatesThunk = ar => new CertificateList();

                // Create a new service that we're going to publish
                string serviceName = "TEST_SERVICE_NAME";
                NewAzureServiceProjectCommand newService = new NewAzureServiceProjectCommand();
                newService.NewAzureServiceProcess(files.RootPath, serviceName);
                string servicePath = files.CreateDirectory(serviceName);

                // Get the publishing process started by creating the package
                PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand publishService = new PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand(channel);
                publishService.ShareChannel = true;
                publishService.SkipUpload   = true;

                // Verify the publish service upgraded the deployment
Esempio n. 7
        public void PublishAzurePHPServiceSimpleDeployTest()
            // Create a temp directory that we'll use to "publish" our service
            using (FileSystemHelper files = new FileSystemHelper(this)
                EnableMonitoring = true
                // Import our default publish settings

                // Create a new channel to mock the calls to Azure and
                // determine all of the results that we'll need.
                bool createdHostedService       = false;
                bool createdOrUpdatedDeployment = false;
                SimpleServiceManagement channel = new SimpleServiceManagement();
                channel.GetStorageServiceThunk           = ar => new StorageService();
                channel.CreateHostedServiceThunk         = ar => createdHostedService = true;
                channel.GetHostedServiceWithDetailsThunk = ar => { throw new EndpointNotFoundException(); };
                channel.GetStorageKeysThunk = ar => new StorageService()
                    StorageServiceKeys = new StorageServiceKeys()
                        Primary = "VGVzdEtleSE="
                channel.CreateOrUpdateDeploymentThunk = ar => createdOrUpdatedDeployment = true;
                channel.GetDeploymentBySlotThunk      = ar => new Deployment()
                    Status           = DeploymentStatus.Starting,
                    RoleInstanceList = new RoleInstanceList(
                        new RoleInstance[] {
                        new RoleInstance()
                            InstanceName   = "Role_IN_0",
                            InstanceStatus = RoleInstanceStatus.Ready
                channel.ListCertificatesThunk = ar => new CertificateList();

                // Create a new service that we're going to publish
                string serviceName = "TEST_SERVICE_NAME";
                NewAzureServiceProjectCommand newService = new NewAzureServiceProjectCommand();
                newService.NewAzureServiceProcess(files.RootPath, serviceName);
                string       servicePath = files.CreateDirectory(serviceName);
                AzureService testService = new AzureService(Path.Combine(files.RootPath, serviceName), null);
                string cloudConfigFile = File.ReadAllText(testService.Paths.CloudConfiguration);
                File.WriteAllText(testService.Paths.CloudConfiguration, new Regex("<Certificates\\s*/>").Replace(cloudConfigFile, ""));
                // Get the publishing process started by creating the package
                PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand publishService = new PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand(channel);
                publishService.ShareChannel = true;
                publishService.SkipUpload   = true;
                AzureService service = new AzureService(Path.Combine(files.RootPath, serviceName), null);

                // Verify the publish service attempted to create and update
                // the service through the mock.
                Assert.AreEqual <string>(serviceName, service.ServiceName);
Esempio n. 8
        public void PublishAzureServiceManifestTest()
            // Create a temp directory that we'll use to "publish" our service
            using (FileSystemHelper files = new FileSystemHelper(this)
                EnableMonitoring = true
                // Import our default publish settings

                // Create a new channel to mock the calls to Azure and
                // determine all of the results that we'll need.
                SimpleServiceManagement channel = new SimpleServiceManagement();

                // Create a new service that we're going to publish
                string serviceName = "TEST_SERVICE_NAME";
                NewAzureServiceProjectCommand newService = new NewAzureServiceProjectCommand();
                newService.NewAzureServiceProcess(files.RootPath, serviceName);
                string servicePath = files.CreateDirectory(serviceName);
                // Add web and worker roles
                AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand newWebRole       = new AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand();
                string defaultWebRoleName                   = "WebRoleDefault";
                string defaultWebRolePath                   = newWebRole.AddAzureNodeWebRoleProcess(defaultWebRoleName, 2, servicePath);
                AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand newWorkerRole = new AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand();
                string defaultWorkerRoleName                = "WorkerRoleDefault";
                string defaultWorkerRolePath                = newWorkerRole.AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleProcess(defaultWorkerRoleName, 2, servicePath);

                AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand matchWebRole = new AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand();
                string matchWebRoleName = "WebRoleExactMatch";
                string matchWebRolePath = matchWebRole.AddAzureNodeWebRoleProcess(matchWebRoleName, 2, servicePath);

                AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand matchWorkerRole = new AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand();
                string matchWorkerRoleName = "WorkerRoleExactMatch";
                string matchWorkerRolePath = matchWorkerRole.AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleProcess(matchWorkerRoleName, 2, servicePath);

                AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand overrideWebRole = new AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand();
                string overrideWebRoleName = "WebRoleOverride";
                string overrideWebRolePath = overrideWebRole.AddAzureNodeWebRoleProcess(overrideWebRoleName, 2, servicePath);

                AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand overrideWorkerRole = new AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand();
                string overrideWorkerRoleName = "WorkerRoleOverride";
                string overrideWorkerRolePath = matchWorkerRole.AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleProcess(overrideWorkerRoleName, 2, servicePath);

                AzureService testService = new AzureService(Path.Combine(files.RootPath, serviceName), null);
                RuntimePackageHelper.SetRoleRuntime(testService.Components.Definition, matchWebRoleName, testService.Paths, version: "0.8.2");
                RuntimePackageHelper.SetRoleRuntime(testService.Components.Definition, matchWorkerRoleName, testService.Paths, version: "0.8.2");
                RuntimePackageHelper.SetRoleRuntime(testService.Components.Definition, overrideWebRoleName, testService.Paths, overrideUrl: "http://OVERRIDE");
                RuntimePackageHelper.SetRoleRuntime(testService.Components.Definition, overrideWorkerRoleName, testService.Paths, overrideUrl: "http://OVERRIDE");

                // Get the publishing process started by creating the package
                PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand publishService = new PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand(channel);
                publishService.InitializeSettingsAndCreatePackage(servicePath, RuntimePackageHelper.GetTestManifest(files));

                AzureService updatedService = new AzureService(testService.Paths.RootPath, null);

                RuntimePackageHelper.ValidateRoleRuntime(updatedService.Components.Definition, defaultWebRoleName, "http://DATACENTER/node/default.exe;http://DATACENTER/iisnode/default.exe", null);
                RuntimePackageHelper.ValidateRoleRuntime(updatedService.Components.Definition, defaultWorkerRoleName, "http://DATACENTER/node/default.exe", null);
                RuntimePackageHelper.ValidateRoleRuntime(updatedService.Components.Definition, matchWorkerRoleName, "http://DATACENTER/node/foo.exe", null);
                RuntimePackageHelper.ValidateRoleRuntime(updatedService.Components.Definition, matchWebRoleName, "http://DATACENTER/node/foo.exe;http://DATACENTER/iisnode/default.exe", null);
                RuntimePackageHelper.ValidateRoleRuntime(updatedService.Components.Definition, overrideWebRoleName, null, "http://OVERRIDE");
                RuntimePackageHelper.ValidateRoleRuntime(updatedService.Components.Definition, overrideWorkerRoleName, null, "http://OVERRIDE");
Esempio n. 9
        public void PublishAzureServiceCreateWorkersPackageTest()
            // Create a temp directory that we'll use to "publish" our service
            using (FileSystemHelper files = new FileSystemHelper(this)
                EnableMonitoring = true
                // Import our default publish settings

                // Create a new channel to mock the calls to Azure and
                // determine all of the results that we'll need.
                SimpleServiceManagement channel = new SimpleServiceManagement();

                // Create a new service that we're going to publish
                string serviceName = "TEST_SERVICE_NAME";
                NewAzureServiceProjectCommand newService = new NewAzureServiceProjectCommand();
                newService.NewAzureServiceProcess(files.RootPath, serviceName);
                string servicePath = files.CreateDirectory(serviceName);
                // Add web and worker roles
                AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand newWebRole = new AddAzureNodeWebRoleCommand();
                string webRoleName = "NODE_WEB_ROLE";
                string webRolePath = newWebRole.AddAzureNodeWebRoleProcess(webRoleName, 2, servicePath);
                AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand newWorkerRole = new AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleCommand();
                string workerRoleName = "NODE_WORKER_ROLE";
                string workerRolePath = newWorkerRole.AddAzureNodeWorkerRoleProcess(workerRoleName, 2, servicePath);

                // Get the publishing process started by creating the package
                PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand publishService = new PublishAzureServiceProjectCommand(channel);

                // Verify the generated files
                Action <string> verifyContainsNames =
                    p =>
                    string contents = File.ReadAllText(p);
                files.AssertFiles(new Dictionary <string, Action <string> >()
                    { serviceName + @"\deploymentSettings.json", null },
                    { serviceName + '\\' + webRoleName + @"\server.js", null },
                    { serviceName + '\\' + workerRoleName + @"\server.js", null },
                    { serviceName + @"\ServiceDefinition.csdef", verifyContainsNames },
                    { serviceName + @"\ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg", verifyContainsNames },
                    { serviceName + @"\ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg", verifyContainsNames },
                        serviceName + @"\cloud_package.cspkg",
                        p =>
                            using (Package package = Package.Open(p))
                                Assert.AreEqual(7, package.GetParts().Count());