public void Run()
            var listEn = PublicationEntry.ReadAll("Akinshin.En.bib", "Akinshin.InRussian.bib", "Akinshin.Translation.bib");
            var listRu = PublicationEntry.ReadAll("Akinshin.En.bib", "Akinshin.Ru.bib", "Akinshin.Translation.bib");

            var tomlEn = listEn.ToToml();
            var tomlRu = listRu.ToToml(PublicationLanguage.Russian);

            var dataGenDirectory = DirectoryDetector.GetDataGenDirectory();

            if (!Directory.Exists(dataGenDirectory))

            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(dataGenDirectory, "publications_en.toml"), tomlEn);
            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(dataGenDirectory, "publications_ru.toml"), tomlRu);
        private void CreatePublicationEntriesForAlternativeTargets(List <RaidTarget> targets, KeyValuePair <string, PogoAfoRaidInfo> entry, RaidParticipation raidStruct)
            // Just create a publication entry for these alternative targets. A separate process will take care of the actual
            // publication for those.
            foreach (var target in targets)
                // It either is in the list of levels (always if not defined) OR it's an ex trigger gym and it's in the list of ex levels
                bool addToThisChannel = (target.Levels == null || target.Levels.Any(x => x == entry.Value.raid_level)) ||
                                        (target.ExRaidLevels != null && entry.Value.ex_trigger && target.ExRaidLevels.Any(x => x == entry.Value.raid_level));

                // If it's outside the specified rectangle on the map, it's going to be ignored
                if (target.NorthEastCorner != null && target.SouthWestCorner != null && entry.Value.latitude.HasValue && entry.Value.longitude.HasValue)
                    if (!(Between(entry.Value.latitude.Value, target.NorthEastCorner.Latitude, target.SouthWestCorner.Latitude) && Between(entry.Value.longitude.Value, target.NorthEastCorner.Longitude, target.SouthWestCorner.Longitude)))
                        addToThisChannel = false;

                if (addToThisChannel)
                    _log.Trace($"{SourceID} - For target {target.Description}: adding publication for {entry.Key} @{entry.Value.raid_battle} (level {entry.Value.raid_level}).");

                    var existingEntry = raidStruct.Raid.Publications.Where(x => x.ChannelID == target.ChannelID).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (null == existingEntry)
                        var publicationEntry = new PublicationEntry
                            ChannelID = target.ChannelID,
                            LastModificationTimeUTC = DateTime.MinValue,
                            TelegramMessageID       = 0
                        // request update
                        existingEntry.LastModificationTimeUTC = DateTime.MinValue;
 public static string[] GetKeywords(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("keywords")
 .Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
 public static string[] GetUrls(this PublicationEntry entry) =>
 entry.GetProperty("url").Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
 public static PublicationLanguage GetLanguage(this PublicationEntry entry) =>
 entry.GetProperty("language").StartsWith("ru") ? PublicationLanguage.Russian : PublicationLanguage.English;
 public static string GetDoi(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("doi");
 public static string GetIsbn(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("isbn");
 public static int GetYear(this PublicationEntry entry) => int.Parse(entry.GetProperty("year"));
 public static string GetNumber(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("number");
 public static string GetVolume(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("volume");
 public static string GetPages(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("pages").Replace("--", "–");
 public static string GetOrganization(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("organization");
 public static string GetJournal(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("journal");
 public static string GetAddress(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("address");
 public static string GetPublisher(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("publisher");
 public static PublicationEntryAuthor[] GetAuthors(this PublicationEntry entry) =>
        public static string ToHtml(this PublicationEntry entry)
            var lang    = entry.GetLanguage();
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.Append(" ");
            builder.Append($"<span title=\"{entry.GetAbstract()}\">");
            builder.Append(Resolve(lang, "“", "«"));
            builder.Append(Resolve(lang, "”", "»"));
            builder.Append(" //");
            if (entry.GetBookTitle() != "")
                builder.Append(" " + entry.GetBookTitle() + ".");
            if (entry.GetJournal() != "")
                builder.Append(" " + entry.GetJournal() + ".");
            if (entry.GetPublisher() != "")
                builder.Append($" {Resolve(lang, "Publisher", "Издательство")}: " + entry.GetPublisher() + ".");
            if (entry.GetAddress() != "")
                builder.Append(" " + entry.GetAddress() + ".");
            if (entry.GetOrganization() != "")
                builder.Append(" " + entry.GetOrganization() + ".");
            if (entry.GetIsbn() != "")
                builder.Append(" ISBN:&nbsp;" + entry.GetIsbn() + ".");
            if (entry.GetVolume() != "")
                builder.Append($" {Resolve(lang, "Vol", "Т")}.&nbsp;" + entry.GetVolume() + ".");
            if (entry.GetNumber() != "")
                builder.Append($" {Resolve(lang, "No", "№")}&nbsp;" + entry.GetNumber() + ".");
            if (entry.GetPages() != "")
                builder.Append($" {Resolve(lang, "Pp", "Стр")}.&nbsp;" + entry.GetPages() + ".");
            if (entry.GetDoi() != "")
                builder.Append($" DOI:&nbsp;{entry.GetDoi()}");
            var  urls  = entry.GetUrls();
            bool isVak = entry.GetKeywords().Contains("Vak");

            if (urls.Any() || isVak)
                // builder.Append(" //");
                // foreach (var url in urls)
                // {
                //     var title = Resolve(lang, "Link", "Ссылка");
                //     if (url.EndsWith(".pdf"))
                //         title = "Pdf";
                //     else if (url.Contains(""))
                //         title = "IEEE";
                //     else if (url.Contains(""))
                //         title = "Web of Science";
                //     else if (url.Contains(""))
                //         title = "Scopus";
                //     else if (url.Contains(""))
                //         title = Resolve(lang, "RSCI", "РИНЦ");
                //     else if (url.Contains(""))
                //         title = "MathNet";
                //     else if (url.Contains(""))
                //         title = "Springer";
                //     else if (url.Contains(""))
                //         title = "PacktPub";
                //     else if (url.Contains("") || url.Contains("") ||
                //              url.Contains("") || url.Contains(""))
                //         title = Resolve(lang, "Conference site", "Сайт конференции");
                //     else if (url.Contains("authorea"))
                //         title = url.Substring(url.IndexOf("", StringComparison.Ordinal)).TrimEnd('/');
                //     else if (url.Contains(""))
                //         title = "Google Scholar";
                //     builder.AppendLine($" <a href=\"{url}\">[{title}]</a>");
                // }

                // if (isVak)
                // builder.AppendLine(Resolve(lang, " [VAK]", " [ВАК]"));

 public static string GetAbstract(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("abstract");
 public static string GetBookTitle(this PublicationEntry entry) => entry.GetProperty("booktitle");
 public static string GetProperty(this PublicationEntry entry, string name) =>
 entry.Properties.ContainsKey(name) ? entry.Properties[name] : "";