public void TryAccessPrivatePropertyOnAnObject() { PublicType myObj = new PublicType(); TestPropertyValue <PublicType, int> propertyValue = new TestPropertyValue <PublicType, int>(myObj, "PrivateProperty"); TestRuntime.ValidateInstantiationException(propertyValue, string.Format(ErrorStrings.MemberNotFound, "PrivateProperty", typeof(PublicType).Name)); }
public void TryAccessingFieldNotProperty() { PublicType myObj = new PublicType { publicField = "10" }; TestPropertyValue <PublicType, int> propertyValue = new TestPropertyValue <PublicType, int>(myObj, "publicField"); TestRuntime.ValidateInstantiationException(propertyValue, ""); }
public void TryAccessingPropertyWithoutGetter() { PublicType myObj = new PublicType { WriteOnlyProperty = 1 }; TestPropertyValue <PublicType, int> propertyValue = new TestPropertyValue <PublicType, int>(myObj, "WriteOnlyProperty"); TestRuntime.ValidateInstantiationException(propertyValue, ""); }
public void InvokeWithWorkflowInvoker() { PublicType myType = new PublicType(); Dictionary <string, object> results = WorkflowInvoker.Invoke((Activity) new PropertyReference <PublicType, int>() { PropertyName = "PublicProperty" }, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Operand", myType } }) as Dictionary <string, object>; if (results["Result"] == null) { throw new Exception("Result was expected to be in output"); } }
public static List <PublicType> GetTypesPublic() { PublicType leType = null; // Connexion à la BD SqlConnection maConnexion = ConnexionBD.GetConnexionBD().GetSqlConnexion(); // Création d'une liste vide d'objet TheaterPiece List <PublicType> lesTypes = new List <PublicType>(); // Commande sql qui récupère les informations de la table Theater_piece SqlCommand cmdTypePublic = new SqlCommand(); cmdTypePublic.Connection = maConnexion; cmdTypePublic.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Public_Type"; // Execution des requetes sql SqlDataReader readerTypePublic = cmdTypePublic.ExecuteReader(); // Public type while (readerTypePublic.Read()) { int idType = Int32.Parse(readerTypePublic["publicType_id"].ToString()); string nomType = readerTypePublic["publicType_name"].ToString(); leType = new PublicType(idType, nomType); lesTypes.Add(leType); } // Fermeture reader readerTypePublic.Close(); readerTypePublic = cmdTypePublic.ExecuteReader(); // Fermeture de la connexion maConnexion.Close(); return(lesTypes); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashcode = 157; unchecked { if (__isset.channelId) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + ChannelId.GetHashCode(); } if ( { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + Name.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.entryPageUrl) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + EntryPageUrl.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.descriptionText) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + DescriptionText.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.provider) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + Provider.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.publicType) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + PublicType.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.iconImage) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + IconImage.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.permissions) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + TCollections.GetHashCode(Permissions); } if (__isset.iconThumbnailImage) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + IconThumbnailImage.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.channelConfigurations) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + TCollections.GetHashCode(ChannelConfigurations); } if (__isset.lcsAllApiUsable) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + LcsAllApiUsable.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.allowedPermissions) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + TCollections.GetHashCode(AllowedPermissions); } if (__isset.channelDomains) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + TCollections.GetHashCode(ChannelDomains); } if (__isset.updatedTimestamp) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + UpdatedTimestamp.GetHashCode(); } } return(hashcode); }
private void btnModifier_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Récupération du numéro de la ligne (index) int indexRow = dgvListePiecesTheatre.CurrentRow.Index; // Si la ligne contient bien une valeur, on valorise les labels avec les valeurs correspondantes if (dgvListePiecesTheatre.Rows[indexRow].Cells[0].Value != DBNull.Value) { TheaterPiece maPieceEditee = (TheaterPiece)dgvListePiecesTheatre.Rows[indexRow].Cells[0].Value; grbDetails.Text = "Modifier cette pièce de théatre"; textBoxNomPiece.Text = maPieceEditee.TheaterPiece_name.ToString(); textBoxPrixFixe.Text = maPieceEditee.TheaterPiece_seatsPrice.ToString(); textBoxDuree.Text = lblLaDuree.Text; textBoxCommentaire.Text = maPieceEditee.TheaterPiece_description.ToString(); lblLaPiece.Visible = false; lblLeTheme.Visible = false; lblLaDuree.Visible = false; lblLeAuteur.Visible = false; lblLeType.Visible = false; lblLaDescription.Visible = false; lblLaCompagnie.Visible = false; lblLePrixFixe.Visible = false; lblLaNationalite.Text = string.Empty; //lblLaNationalite.Visible = false; dgvListePiecesTheatre.Enabled = false; btnModifier.Visible = false; btnSupprimer.Visible = false; btnValider.Visible = true; btnAnnuler.Visible = true; btnAjouter.Enabled = false; textBoxNomPiece.Visible = true; textBoxPrixFixe.Visible = true; textBoxDuree.Visible = true; textBoxCommentaire.Visible = true; comboBoxAuteur.Visible = true; comboBoxCompagnie.Visible = true; comboBoxTheme.Visible = true; comboBoxPublic.Visible = true; List <Author> lesAuteurs = PiecesTheatreDAO.GetAuthors(); comboBoxAuteur.DataSource = lesAuteurs; comboBoxAuteur.DisplayMember = "author_lastname"; int indAuteur = 0; bool trouveAuteur = false; while (trouveAuteur == false && indAuteur < comboBoxAuteur.Items.Count) { Author monAuteur = comboBoxAuteur.Items[indAuteur] as Author; if (monAuteur.Author_id == maPieceEditee.TheaterPiece_author.Author_id) { comboBoxAuteur.SelectedIndex = indAuteur; trouveAuteur = true; } else { indAuteur++; } } List <Theme> lesThemes = PiecesTheatreDAO.GetThemes(); comboBoxTheme.DataSource = lesThemes; comboBoxTheme.DisplayMember = "theme_name"; int indTheme = 0; bool trouveTheme = false; while (trouveTheme == false && indTheme < comboBoxTheme.Items.Count) { Theme monTheme = comboBoxTheme.Items[indTheme] as Theme; if (monTheme.Theme_id == maPieceEditee.TheaterPiece_theme.Theme_id) { comboBoxTheme.SelectedIndex = indTheme; trouveTheme = true; } else { indTheme++; } } List <PublicType> lesTypes = PiecesTheatreDAO.GetTypesPublic(); comboBoxPublic.DataSource = lesTypes; comboBoxPublic.DisplayMember = "publicType_name"; int indType = 0; bool trouveType = false; while (trouveType == false && indType < comboBoxPublic.Items.Count) { PublicType monType = comboBoxPublic.Items[indType] as PublicType; if (monType.PublicType_id == maPieceEditee.TheaterPiece_publicType.PublicType_id) { comboBoxPublic.SelectedIndex = indType; trouveType = true; } else { indType++; } } List <Company> lesCompagnies = PiecesTheatreDAO.GetCompagnies(); comboBoxCompagnie.DataSource = lesCompagnies; comboBoxCompagnie.DisplayMember = "company_name"; int indCompagnie = 0; bool trouveCompagnie = false; while (trouveCompagnie == false && indCompagnie < comboBoxCompagnie.Items.Count) { Company maCompagnie = comboBoxCompagnie.Items[indCompagnie] as Company; if (maCompagnie.Company_id == maPieceEditee.TheaterPiece_company.Company_id) { comboBoxCompagnie.SelectedIndex = indCompagnie; trouveCompagnie = true; } else { indCompagnie++; } } } }
private void btnValider_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxNomPiece.Text == String.Empty || textBoxDuree.Text == String.Empty || textBoxPrixFixe.Text == String.Empty) { errorProviderDuree.SetError(textBoxDuree, "Ce champ est requis !"); errorProviderNomPiece.SetError(textBoxNomPiece, "Ce champ est requis !"); errorProviderPrixFixe.SetError(textBoxPrixFixe, "Ce champ est requis !"); } else { var rep = MessageBox.Show("Êtes vous sûr de vouloir valider ?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); if (rep == DialogResult.Yes) { leAuteur = comboBoxAuteur.SelectedItem as Author; laCompagnie = comboBoxCompagnie.SelectedItem as Company; leTypePublic = comboBoxPublic.SelectedItem as PublicType; leTheme = comboBoxTheme.SelectedItem as Theme; if (grbDetails.Text == "Modifier cette pièce de théatre") { TimeSpan dureeTS = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(double.Parse(textBoxDuree.Text)); float dureeFl = (float)dureeTS.TotalHours; TheaterPiece unePiece = new TheaterPiece(int.Parse(lblIdPiece.Text), textBoxNomPiece.Text, textBoxCommentaire.Text, dureeFl, float.Parse(textBoxPrixFixe.Text), laCompagnie, leAuteur, leTypePublic, leTheme); ModulePiecesTheatre.EditTheaterPiece(unePiece); } else if (grbDetails.Text == "Ajout d'une pièce de théatre") { TimeSpan dureeTS = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(double.Parse(textBoxDuree.Text)); float dureeFl = (float)dureeTS.TotalHours; TheaterPiece unePiece = new TheaterPiece(textBoxNomPiece.Text, textBoxCommentaire.Text, dureeFl, float.Parse(textBoxPrixFixe.Text), laCompagnie, leAuteur, leTypePublic, leTheme); ModulePiecesTheatre.AddTheaterPiece(unePiece); } grbDetails.Text = "Détails de la pièce de théatre"; lblLaPiece.Visible = true; lblLeTheme.Visible = true; lblLaDuree.Visible = true; lblLeAuteur.Visible = true; lblLeType.Visible = true; lblLaDescription.Visible = true; lblLaCompagnie.Visible = true; lblLePrixFixe.Visible = true; lblLaNationalite.Text = string.Empty; lblLaNationalite.Visible = true; dgvListePiecesTheatre.Enabled = true; textBoxNomPiece.Visible = false; textBoxPrixFixe.Visible = false; textBoxDuree.Visible = false; textBoxCommentaire.Visible = false; comboBoxAuteur.Visible = false; comboBoxCompagnie.Visible = false; comboBoxTheme.Visible = false; comboBoxPublic.Visible = false; btnModifier.Visible = true; btnSupprimer.Visible = true; btnValider.Visible = false; btnAnnuler.Visible = false; dgvListePiecesTheatre.CurrentRow.Selected = true; // On valorise chaque label avec une valeur vide lblLaPiece.Text = ""; lblLeTheme.Text = ""; lblLaDuree.Text = ""; lblLeAuteur.Text = ""; lblLeType.Text = ""; lblLaDescription.Text = ""; lblLaCompagnie.Text = ""; lblLePrixFixe.Text = "€"; lblLaNationalite.Text = ""; ListePiece(); btnAjouter.Enabled = true; } } }
public void TestInvokePrivateMethodAcrossAssemblyBoundries() { var tTest = new PublicType(); Assert.AreEqual(true, Impromptu.InvokeMember(tTest, "PrivateMethod", 3)); }
public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder("ChannelInfo("); bool __first = true; if (ChannelId != null && __isset.channelId) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("ChannelId: "); ChannelId.ToString(sb); } if (Name != null && { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("Name: "); Name.ToString(sb); } if (EntryPageUrl != null && __isset.entryPageUrl) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("EntryPageUrl: "); EntryPageUrl.ToString(sb); } if (DescriptionText != null && __isset.descriptionText) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("DescriptionText: "); DescriptionText.ToString(sb); } if (Provider != null && __isset.provider) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("Provider: "); Provider.ToString(sb); } if (__isset.publicType) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("PublicType: "); PublicType.ToString(sb); } if (IconImage != null && __isset.iconImage) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("IconImage: "); IconImage.ToString(sb); } if (Permissions != null && __isset.permissions) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("Permissions: "); Permissions.ToString(sb); } if (IconThumbnailImage != null && __isset.iconThumbnailImage) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("IconThumbnailImage: "); IconThumbnailImage.ToString(sb); } if (ChannelConfigurations != null && __isset.channelConfigurations) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("ChannelConfigurations: "); ChannelConfigurations.ToString(sb); } if (__isset.lcsAllApiUsable) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("LcsAllApiUsable: "); LcsAllApiUsable.ToString(sb); } if (AllowedPermissions != null && __isset.allowedPermissions) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("AllowedPermissions: "); AllowedPermissions.ToString(sb); } if (ChannelDomains != null && __isset.channelDomains) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("ChannelDomains: "); ChannelDomains.ToString(sb); } if (__isset.updatedTimestamp) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("UpdatedTimestamp: "); UpdatedTimestamp.ToString(sb); } sb.Append(")"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public void TestInvokePrivateMethodAcrossAssemblyBoundries() { var tTest = new PublicType(); Assert.That((object)Dynamic.InvokeMember(tTest, "PrivateMethod", 3), Is.True); }
public void TestInvokePrivateMethodAcrossAssemblyBoundries() { var tTest = new PublicType(); Assert.That(Dynamic.InvokeMember(tTest, "PrivateMethod", 3), Is.True); }
public static TheaterPiece GetOneTheaterPiece(string nomPiece) { int id = 0; string nom = ""; string description = ""; float duree = 0; float prix = 0; Company laCompagnie = null; Author leAuteur = null; PublicType leType = null; Theme leTheme = null; TheaterPiece unePieceTheatre = null; // Connexion à la BD SqlConnection maConnexion = ConnexionBD.GetConnexionBD().GetSqlConnexion(); // Commande sql qui récupère les informations de la table Theatre_piece SqlCommand cmdPiecesTheatre = new SqlCommand(); cmdPiecesTheatre.Connection = maConnexion; cmdPiecesTheatre.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Theater_piece"; // Commande sql qui récupère les informations de la table Author SqlCommand cmdAuteur = new SqlCommand(); cmdAuteur.Connection = maConnexion; cmdAuteur.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Author"; // Commande sql qui récupère les informations de la table Nationality SqlCommand cmdNationalites = new SqlCommand(); cmdNationalites.Connection = maConnexion; cmdNationalites.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Nationality"; // Commande sql qui récupère les informations de la table To_be_of SqlCommand cmdAuteurNationalite = new SqlCommand(); cmdAuteurNationalite.Connection = maConnexion; cmdAuteurNationalite.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM To_be_of"; // Commande sql qui récupère les informations de la table Theme SqlCommand cmdTheme = new SqlCommand(); cmdTheme.Connection = maConnexion; cmdTheme.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Theme"; // Commande sql qui récupère les informations de la table Public_Type SqlCommand cmdTypePublic = new SqlCommand(); cmdTypePublic.Connection = maConnexion; cmdTypePublic.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Public_Type"; // Commande sql qui récupère les informations de la table Company SqlCommand cmdCompagnie = new SqlCommand(); cmdCompagnie.Connection = maConnexion; cmdCompagnie.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Company"; // Execution des requetes SqlDataReader readerPiecesTheatre = cmdPiecesTheatre.ExecuteReader(); SqlDataReader readerAuteur = cmdAuteur.ExecuteReader(); SqlDataReader readerNationalites = cmdNationalites.ExecuteReader(); SqlDataReader readerTheme = cmdTheme.ExecuteReader(); SqlDataReader readerTypePublic = cmdTypePublic.ExecuteReader(); SqlDataReader readerAuteurNationalite = cmdAuteurNationalite.ExecuteReader(); SqlDataReader readerCompagnie = cmdCompagnie.ExecuteReader(); // Remplissage de la liste // Pieces de theatre while (readerPiecesTheatre.Read()) { nom = readerPiecesTheatre["theaterPiece_name"].ToString(); if (nom == nomPiece) { id = Int32.Parse(readerPiecesTheatre["theaterPiece_id"].ToString()); description = readerPiecesTheatre["theaterPiece_description"].ToString(); duree = float.Parse(readerPiecesTheatre["theaterPiece_duration"].ToString()); prix = float.Parse(readerPiecesTheatre["theaterPiece_seatsPrice"].ToString()); int idDeLAuteur = Int32.Parse(readerPiecesTheatre["theaterPiece_author"].ToString()); int idDeLaCompagnie = Int32.Parse(readerPiecesTheatre["theaterPiece_company"].ToString()); int idDuTypePublic = Int32.Parse(readerPiecesTheatre["theaterPiece_publicType"].ToString()); int idDuTheme = Int32.Parse(readerPiecesTheatre["theaterPiece_theme"].ToString()); // Company while (readerCompagnie.Read()) { int idCompagnie = Int32.Parse(readerCompagnie["company_id"].ToString()); if (idDeLaCompagnie == idCompagnie) { string nomCompagnie = readerCompagnie["company_name"].ToString(); string villeCompagnie = readerCompagnie["company_city"].ToString(); string regionCompagnie = readerCompagnie["company_region"].ToString(); string directeurArtistique = readerCompagnie["company_artisticDirector"].ToString(); laCompagnie = new Company(idCompagnie, nomCompagnie, villeCompagnie, regionCompagnie, directeurArtistique); } } // Fermeture reader readerCompagnie.Close(); readerCompagnie = cmdCompagnie.ExecuteReader(); // Author while (readerAuteur.Read()) { int idAuteur = Int32.Parse(readerAuteur["author_id"].ToString()); if (idDeLAuteur == idAuteur) { string nomAuteur = readerAuteur["author_lastname"].ToString(); string prenomAuteur = readerAuteur["author_firstname"].ToString(); List <int> lesIdsNationalites = new List <int>(); while (readerAuteurNationalite.Read()) { int idComparerAuteur = Int32.Parse(readerAuteurNationalite["toBeOf_author"].ToString()); if (idAuteur == idComparerAuteur) { int idNatio = Int32.Parse(readerAuteurNationalite["toBeOf_nationality"].ToString()); lesIdsNationalites.Add(idNatio); } } // Fermeture reader readerAuteurNationalite.Close(); readerAuteurNationalite = cmdAuteurNationalite.ExecuteReader(); List <Nationality> lesNationalites = new List <Nationality>(); foreach (int unIdNatio in lesIdsNationalites) { while (readerNationalites.Read()) { int idNationalite = Int32.Parse(readerNationalites["nationality_id"].ToString()); if (unIdNatio == idNationalite) { Nationality laNationalite; string nomNationalite = readerNationalites["nationality_name"].ToString(); laNationalite = new Nationality(idNationalite, nomNationalite); lesNationalites.Add(laNationalite); } } // Fermeture reader readerNationalites.Close(); readerNationalites = cmdNationalites.ExecuteReader(); } leAuteur = new Author(idAuteur, nomAuteur, prenomAuteur, lesNationalites); } } // Fermeture reader readerAuteur.Close(); readerAuteur = cmdAuteur.ExecuteReader(); // Public type while (readerTypePublic.Read()) { int idType = Int32.Parse(readerTypePublic["publicType_id"].ToString()); if (idType == idDuTypePublic) { string nomType = readerTypePublic["publicType_name"].ToString(); leType = new PublicType(idType, nomType); } } // Fermeture reader readerTypePublic.Close(); readerTypePublic = cmdTypePublic.ExecuteReader(); // Theme while (readerTheme.Read()) { int idTheme = Int32.Parse(readerTheme["theme_id"].ToString()); if (idTheme == idDuTheme) { string nomTheme = readerTheme["theme_name"].ToString(); leTheme = new Theme(idTheme, nomTheme); } } // Fermeture reader readerTheme.Close(); readerTheme = cmdTheme.ExecuteReader(); unePieceTheatre = new TheaterPiece(id, nom, description, duree, prix, laCompagnie, leAuteur, leType, leTheme); } } // Fermeture reader readerCompagnie.Close(); readerAuteurNationalite.Close(); readerNationalites.Close(); readerAuteur.Close(); readerTypePublic.Close(); readerTheme.Close(); readerPiecesTheatre.Close(); // Fermeture de la connexion maConnexion.Close(); return(unePieceTheatre); }