public static string GetAppReviews(string appID, int reviewsPage, bool isUsingProxies = false)
            // Creating Instance of HTTP Requests Handler
            using (WebRequests httpClient = new WebRequests())
                // Configuring Request Object
                httpClient.Host              = Consts.HOST;
                httpClient.Origin            = Consts.ORIGIN;
                httpClient.Encoding          = "utf-8";
                httpClient.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
                httpClient.Accept            = "*/*";
                httpClient.UserAgent         = Consts.USER_AGENT;
                httpClient.ContentType       = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8";
                httpClient.EncodingDetection = WebRequests.CharsetDetection.DefaultCharset;

                // Checking for the need to use a Proxy on this request
                if (isUsingProxies)
                    httpClient.Proxy = ProxiesLoader.GetWebProxy();

                // Assembling Post Data
                string postData = String.Format(Consts.REVIEWS_POST_DATA, reviewsPage, appID);

                // Issuing Request
                return(httpClient.Post(Consts.REVIEWS_URL, postData));
        public string Get(string url, bool useProxies)
            using (WebRequests httpClient = new WebRequests())
                // Should this request use HTTP Proxies ?
                if (useProxies)
                    httpClient.Proxy = ProxiesLoader.GetWebProxy();

                httpClient.UserAgent = Consts.USER_AGENT;
                string htmlResponse = httpClient.Get(url);

        public string GetRootPage(bool useProxies)
            string htmlResponse = String.Empty;
            int    currentRetry = 0, maxRetries = 100;

            using (WebRequests httpClient = new WebRequests())
                // (Re) Trying to reach Root Page
                    // Should this request use HTTP Proxies ?
                    if (useProxies)
                        httpClient.Proxy = ProxiesLoader.GetWebProxy();

                    htmlResponse = httpClient.Get(Consts.ROOT_STORE_URL);

                } while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlResponse) && currentRetry <= maxRetries);

Esempio n. 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating Needed Instances
            RequestsHandler httpClient = new RequestsHandler();
            AppStoreParser  parser     = new AppStoreParser();

            // Loading Configuration
            LogSetup.InitializeLog("Apple_Store_Numerics_Worker.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            // Loading Config
            _logger.Info("Loading Configurations from App.config");

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool shouldUseProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                shouldUseProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists(fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines(fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                catch (Exception ex)

            // AWS Queue Handler
            _logger.Info("Initializing Queues");
            AWSSQSHelper numericUrlQueue = new AWSSQSHelper(_numericUrlsQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _awsKey, _awsKeySecret);
            AWSSQSHelper appsUrlQueue    = new AWSSQSHelper(_appUrlsQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _awsKey, _awsKeySecret);

            // Setting Error Flag to No Error ( 0 )
            System.Environment.ExitCode = 0;

            // Initialiazing Control Variables
            int fallbackWaitTime = 1;

            _logger.Info("Started Processing Numeric Urls");

                    // Dequeueing messages from the Queue
                    if (!numericUrlQueue.DeQueueMessages())
                        Thread.Sleep(_hiccupTime);  // Hiccup

                    // Checking for no message received, and false positives situations
                    if (!numericUrlQueue.AnyMessageReceived())
                        // If no message was found, increases the wait time
                        int waitTime;
                        if (fallbackWaitTime <= 12)
                            // Exponential increase on the wait time, truncated after 12 retries
                            waitTime = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2, fallbackWaitTime) * 1000);
                        else // Reseting Wait after 12 fallbacks
                            waitTime         = 2000;
                            fallbackWaitTime = 0;


                        // Sleeping before next try
                        Console.WriteLine("Fallback (seconds) => " + waitTime);

                    // Reseting fallback time
                    fallbackWaitTime = 1;

                    // Iterating over dequeued Messages
                    foreach (var numericUrl in numericUrlQueue.GetDequeuedMessages())
                            // Retries Counter
                            int    retries = 0;
                            string htmlResponse;

                            // Retrying if necessary
                                // Executing Http Request for the Category Url
                                htmlResponse = httpClient.Get(numericUrl.Body, shouldUseProxies);

                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlResponse))
                                    _logger.Info("Retrying Request for Category Page");
                            } while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlResponse) && retries <= _maxRetries);

                            // Checking if retries failed
                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlResponse))
                                // Deletes Message and moves on

                            // Feedback
                            _logger.Info("Current page " + numericUrl.Body);

                            foreach (var parsedAppUrl in parser.ParseAppsUrls(htmlResponse))
                                // Enqueueing App Urls
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // Deleting the message
                catch (Exception ex)
            } while (true);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point of the worker piece of the process
        /// Notice that you can run as many workers as you want to in order to make the crawling faster
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Configuring Log Object
            LogSetup.InitializeLog("PlayStoreWorker.log", "info");
            Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            logger.Info("Worker Started");

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool isUsingProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                isUsingProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists(fPath))
                    logger.Fatal("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines(fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                catch (Exception ex)

            // Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser();

            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            MongoDBWrapper mongoDB           = new MongoDBWrapper();
            string         fullServerAddress = String.Join(":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);

            mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase(Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

             * // populate min downloaded & max downloaded
             * int count = 0;
             * var apps = mongoDB.FindAll<AppModel>();
             * foreach(var a in apps)
             * {
             *  a.FillMinAndMaxInstalls();
             *  if((count % 100) == 0)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("updated {0}", count);
             *  }
             *  if (!mongoDB.UpsertKeyEq<AppModel>(a, "Url", a.Url))
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("UpsertKey failed");
             *  }
             * }

            // Creating Instance of Web Requests Server
            WebRequests server = new WebRequests();

            // Queued App Model
            QueuedApp app;

            // Retry Counter (Used for exponential wait increasing logic)
            int retryCounter = 0;

            // Iterating Over MongoDB Records while no document is found to be processed
            while ((app = mongoDB.FindAndModify()) != null)
                    // Building APP URL
                    string appUrl = app.Url;

                    // Sanity check of app page url
                    if (app.Url.IndexOf("http", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) < 0)
                        appUrl = Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + app.Url;

                    // Checking if this app is on the database already
                    if (mongoDB.AppProcessed(appUrl))
                        // Console Feedback, Comment this line to disable if you want to
                        logger.Info("Duplicated App, skipped.");

                        // Delete it from the queue and continues the loop

                    // Configuring server and Issuing Request
                    server.Host              = Consts.HOST;
                    server.UserAgent         = Consts.GITHUBURL;
                    server.Encoding          = "utf-8";
                    server.EncodingDetection = WebRequests.CharsetDetection.DefaultCharset;

                    // Checking for the need to use "HTTP Proxies"
                    if (isUsingProxies)
                        server.Proxy = ProxiesLoader.GetWebProxy();

                    // Issuing HTTP Request
                    string response = server.Get(appUrl);

                    // Flag Indicating Success while processing and parsing this app
                    bool ProcessingWorked = true;

                    // Sanity Check
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(response) || server.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        logger.Info("Error opening app page : " + appUrl);
                        ProcessingWorked = false;

                        if (isUsingProxies)

                        // Renewing WebRequest Object to get rid of Cookies
                        server = new WebRequests();

                        // Fallback time variable
                        double waitTime;

                        // Checking which "Waiting Logic" to use - If there are proxies being used, there's no need to wait too much
                        // If there are no proxies in use, on the other hand, the process must wait more time
                        if (isUsingProxies)
                            // Waits two seconds everytime
                            waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).TotalMilliseconds;
                            // Increments retry counter

                            // Checking for maximum retry count
                            if (retryCounter >= 8)
                                waitTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20).TotalMilliseconds;
                                // Calculating next wait time ( 2 ^ retryCounter seconds)
                                waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryCounter)).TotalMilliseconds;

                        // Hiccup to avoid google blocking connections in case of heavy traffic from the same IP
                        logger.Info("\n\tFallback : " + waitTime + " Seconds");

                        // If The Status code is "ZERO" (it means 404) - App must be removed from "Queue"
                        if (server.StatusCode == 0)
                            // Console Feedback
                            logger.Info("\tApp Not Found (404) - " + app.Url);

                        // Reseting retry counter
                        retryCounter = 0;

                        // Parsing Useful App Data
                        AppModel parsedApp = parser.ParseAppPage(response, appUrl);

                        // Normalizing URLs
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parsedApp.DeveloperPrivacyPolicy))
                            parsedApp.DeveloperPrivacyPolicy = parsedApp.DeveloperPrivacyPolicy.Replace("", String.Empty);

                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parsedApp.DeveloperWebsite))
                            parsedApp.DeveloperNormalizedDomain = parser.NormalizeDomainName(parsedApp.DeveloperWebsite);

                        List <String> relatedApps = new List <String> ();

                        // Avoiding Exceptions caused by "No Related Apps" situations - Must be treated differently
                            // Parsing "Related Apps" and "More From Developer" Apps (URLS Only)
                            foreach (string extraAppUrl in parser.ParseExtraApps(response))
                                relatedApps.Add(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + extraAppUrl);

                            // Adding "Related Apps" to Apps Model
                            parsedApp.RelatedUrls = relatedApps.Distinct().ToArray();
                            logger.Info("\tNo Related Apps Found. Skipping");

                        // Inserting App into Mongo DB Database
                        if (!mongoDB.UpsertKeyEq <AppModel>(parsedApp, "Url", appUrl))
                            ProcessingWorked = false;

                        // If the processing failed, do not remove the app from the database, instead, keep it and flag it as not busy
                        // so that other workers can try to process it later
                        if (!ProcessingWorked)
                            mongoDB.ToggleBusyApp(app, false);
                        else // On the other hand, if processing worked, removes it from the database
                            // Console Feedback, Comment this line to disable if you want to
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                            logger.Info("Inserted App : " + parsedApp.Name);
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;


                        // Counters for console feedback only
                        int extraAppsCounter = 0, newExtraApps = 0;

                        // Parsing "Related Apps" and "More From Developer" Apps (URLS Only)
                        foreach (string extraAppUrl in relatedApps)
                            // Incrementing counter of extra apps

                            // Assembling Full app Url to check with database
                            string fullExtraAppUrl;
                            if (extraAppUrl.IndexOf("") >= 0)
                                fullExtraAppUrl = extraAppUrl;
                                fullExtraAppUrl = Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + extraAppUrl;

                            // Checking if the app was either processed or queued to be processed already
                            if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed(fullExtraAppUrl)) && (!mongoDB.IsAppOnQueue(extraAppUrl)))
                                // Incrementing counter of inserted apps

                                // Adds it to the queue of apps to be processed

                        // Console Feedback
                        logger.Info("Queued " + newExtraApps + " / " + extraAppsCounter + " related apps");
                catch (Exception ex)
                        // Toggles Busy status back to false
                        mongoDB.ToggleBusyApp(app, false);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Toggle Busy App may raise an exception in case of lack of internet connection, so, i must use this
                        // "inner catch" to avoid it from happenning
Esempio n. 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Configuring Log Object
            Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool isUsingProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                isUsingProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists(fPath))
                    logger.Fatal("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines(fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                catch (Exception ex)

            // MongoDB instance Creation
            logger.Info("Configuring MonboDB Client");

            // Creating instance of Mongo Handler for the main collection
            MongoDBWrapper mongoClient       = new MongoDBWrapper();
            string         fullServerAddress = String.Join(":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);

            mongoClient.ConfigureDatabase(Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            logger.Info("Iterating over Apps");

            // Creating Play Store Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser();

            // App Model
            AppModel appRecord;

            // Control Variable
            bool noError = true;

            // Finding all the "Apps" that didn't have the reviews visited yet
            while ((appRecord = mongoClient.FindAndModifyReviews()) != null)
                // Extracting app ID from URL
                string appId = appRecord.Url.Replace(Consts.PLAY_STORE_PREFIX, String.Empty);

                // Console Feedback
                logger.Info("Processing App [ " + appRecord.Name + " ] ");

                    // Console Feedback
                    Console.Write("Reviews from : " + appRecord.Name);

                    // Issuing Request for Reviews
                    string response = ReviewsWrapper.GetAppReviews(appId, 1, isUsingProxies);

                    // Checking for Blocking Situation
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                        logger.Info("Blocked by Play Store. Sleeping process for 10 minutes before retrying.");

                        // Thread Wait for 10 seconds

                    // Checking for "No Reviews" app
                    if (response.Length < 50)
                        logger.Info("No Reviews for this app. Skipping");
                        Console.Write(" - No Reviews Found\n");

                    // Normalizing Response to Proper HTML
                    response = ReviewsWrapper.NormalizeResponse(response);

                    // List of Reviews
                    List <AppReview> reviews = new List <AppReview> ();

                    // Iterating over Parsed Reviews
                    foreach (var review in parser.ParseReviews(response))
                        // Adding App Data to the review
                        review.appID   = appId;
                        review.appName = appRecord.Name;
                        review.appURL  = appRecord.Url;

                        // Capture Timestamp to the model
                        review.timestamp = DateTime.Now;

                        // Adding reviews to the current list

                    // Any Review Found ?
                    if (reviews.Count > 0)
                        Console.Write(" - " + reviews.Count + " Reviews Found\n");

                        // Checking if there was any previous list of reviews
                        if (appRecord.Reviews == null)
                            appRecord.Reviews = reviews;
                        else // Previous List found - Appending only the new ones
                            foreach (var review in reviews)
                                if (!appRecord.Reviews.Any(t => t.permalink.Equals(review.permalink)))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.Message);
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                    noError = false;
                    // Toggling back the "ReviewsStatus" attribute from the model
                    if (noError)
                        appRecord.ReviewsStatus = "Visited";
                        mongoClient.SaveRecord <AppModel> (appRecord);
                    else // "Error" status
                        appRecord.ReviewsStatus = "Error";
                        mongoClient.SaveRecord <AppModel> (appRecord);
Esempio n. 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating Needed Instances
            RequestsHandler httpClient = new RequestsHandler();
            AppStoreParser  parser     = new AppStoreParser();

            // Loading Configuration
            LogSetup.InitializeLog("Apple_Store_Urls_Worker.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            // Loading Config
            _logger.Info("Loading Configurations from App.config");

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool shouldUseProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                shouldUseProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists(fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines(fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                catch (Exception ex)

            // AWS Queue Handler
            _logger.Info("Initializing Queues");
            AWSSQSHelper appsUrlQueue  = new AWSSQSHelper(_appUrlsQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _awsKey, _awsKeySecret);
            AWSSQSHelper appsDataQueue = new AWSSQSHelper(_appsDataQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _awsKey, _awsKeySecret);

            // Setting Error Flag to No Error ( 0 )
            System.Environment.ExitCode = 0;

            // Initialiazing Control Variables
            int fallbackWaitTime = 1;

            _logger.Info("Started Processing Individual Apps Urls");

                    // Dequeueing messages from the Queue
                    if (!appsUrlQueue.DeQueueMessages())
                        Thread.Sleep(_hiccupTime);  // Hiccup

                    // Checking for no message received, and false positives situations
                    if (!appsUrlQueue.AnyMessageReceived())
                        // If no message was found, increases the wait time
                        int waitTime;
                        if (fallbackWaitTime <= 12)
                            // Exponential increase on the wait time, truncated after 12 retries
                            waitTime = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2, fallbackWaitTime) * 1000);
                        else // Reseting Wait after 12 fallbacks
                            waitTime         = 2000;
                            fallbackWaitTime = 0;


                        // Sleeping before next try
                        Console.WriteLine("Fallback (seconds) => " + waitTime);

                    // Reseting fallback time
                    fallbackWaitTime = 1;

                    // Iterating over dequeued Messages
                    foreach (var appUrl in appsUrlQueue.GetDequeuedMessages())
                        bool processingWorked = true;

                            // Retries Counter
                            int    retries = 0;
                            string htmlResponse;

                            // Retrying if necessary
                                // Executing Http Request for the Category Url
                                //appUrl.Body = "";
                                //appUrl.Body = "";
                                //appUrl.Body = "";
                                //appUrl.Body = "";
                                htmlResponse = httpClient.Get(appUrl.Body, shouldUseProxies);

                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlResponse))
                                    // Extending Fallback time
                                    int sleepTime = retries * _hiccupTime <= 30000 ? retries * _hiccupTime : 30000;

                                    _logger.Info("Retrying Request for App Page [ " + sleepTime / 1000 + " ]");

                            } while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlResponse) && retries <= _maxRetries);

                            // Checking if retries failed
                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlResponse))

                            // Feedback
                            _logger.Info("Current page " + appUrl.Body, "Parsing App Data");

                            // Parsing Data out of the Html Page
                            AppleStoreAppModel parsedApp = parser.ParseAppPage(htmlResponse);
                            parsedApp.url = appUrl.Body;

                            // Enqueueing App Data

                            // Little Hiccup
                        catch (Exception ex)

                            // Setting Flag to "False"
                            processingWorked = false;
                            //Deleting the message - Only if the processing worked
                            if (processingWorked)
                catch (Exception ex)
            } while (true);
Esempio n. 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating Needed Instances
            RequestsHandler httpClient = new RequestsHandler();
            AppStoreParser  parser     = new AppStoreParser();

            // Setting Up Log
            LogSetup.InitializeLog("Apple_Store_Crawler.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            // Starting Flow
            _logger.Info("Worker Started");

            // Loading Configuration
            _logger.Info("Reading Configuration");

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool shouldUseProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                shouldUseProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists(fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines(fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                catch (Exception ex)

            // AWS Queue Handler
            _logger.Info("Initializing Queues");
            AWSSQSHelper sqsWrapper = new AWSSQSHelper(_categoriesQueueName, 10, _awsKey, _awsKeySecret);

            // Step 1 - Trying to obtain the root page html (source of all the apps)
            var rootPageResponse = httpClient.GetRootPage(shouldUseProxies);

            // Sanity Check
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rootPageResponse))
                _logger.Info("Error obtaining Root Page HTMl - Aborting", "Timeout Error");

            // Step 2 - Extracting Category Urls from the Root Page and queueing their Urls
            foreach (var categoryUrl in parser.ParseCategoryUrls(rootPageResponse))
                // Logging Feedback
                _logger.Info("Queueing Category : " + categoryUrl);

                // Queueing Category Urls

            _logger.Info("End of Bootstrapping phase");
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point of the crawler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Setting Up Log
            LogSetup.InitializeLog("PlayStoreCrawler.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool isUsingProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use HTTP proxies or not
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                _logger.Info("Loading Proxies from File");

                // Setting flag to true
                isUsingProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists(fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines(fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                catch (Exception ex)

            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            _logger.Info("Setting up MongoDB Collections and Indexes");
            _mongoDB = new MongoDBWrapper();
            string fullServerAddress = String.Join(":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);

            _mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase(Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Ensuring the database collections have the proper indexes
            _mongoDB.EnsureIndex("IsBusy", Consts.QUEUED_APPS_COLLECTION);
            _mongoDB.EnsureIndex("Url", Consts.QUEUED_APPS_COLLECTION);

            // Main Flow
            _logger.Info("Started Bootstrapping Steps");

            // Scrapping "Play Store Categories"
            foreach (var categoriesKVP in BootstrapTerms.categoriesAndNames)
                CrawlCategory(categoriesKVP.Key, categoriesKVP.Value, isUsingProxies);

            // Queueing Apps that start with each of the characters from "A" to "Z"
            foreach (var character in BootstrapTerms.charactersSearchTerms)
                CrawlStore(character, isUsingProxies);

            /// ... Keep Adding characters / search terms in order to increase the crawler's reach
            // APP CATEGORIES
            foreach (var category in BootstrapTerms.categoriesSearchTerms)
                CrawlStore(category, isUsingProxies);

            // Extra "Random" Search terms to increase even more the crawler's reach
            foreach (var miscTerm in BootstrapTerms.miscSearchTerms)
                CrawlStore(miscTerm, isUsingProxies);

            // Country Names as Search terms to increase even more the crawler's reach
            foreach (var countryName in BootstrapTerms.countryNames)
                CrawlStore(countryName, isUsingProxies);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a Search using the searchField as the search parameter,
        /// paginates / scrolls the search results to the end adding all the url of apps
        /// it finds to a Mongo "QUEUE" collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchField"></param>
        private static void CrawlStore(string searchField, bool shouldUseProxies)
            // Console Feedback
            _logger.Warn("Crawling Search Term : [ " + searchField + " ]");

            // Hashset of urls used to keep track of what's been parsed already
            HashSet <String> foundUrls = new HashSet <String> ();

            // Control variable to avoid "Loop" on pagging
            bool isDonePagging = false;

            // Compiling Regular Expression used to parse the "pagToken" out of the Play Store
            Regex pagTokenRegex = new Regex(@"GAEi+.+\:S\:.{11}\\x22", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // HTML Response
            string response;

            // Response Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser();

            // Executing Web Requests
            using (WebRequests server = new WebRequests())
                // Creating Request Object
                server.Host      = Consts.HOST;
                server.UserAgent = Consts.GITHUBURL;
                server.Encoding  = "utf-8";

                // Checking for the need to use "HTTP Proxies"
                if (shouldUseProxies)
                    server.Proxy = ProxiesLoader.GetWebProxy();

                // Executing Initial Request
                response = server.Post(String.Format(Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), Consts.INITIAL_POST_DATA);

                // Parsing Links out of Html Page (Initial Request)
                foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                    // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                    // or is queued to be processed
                    if ((!_mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!_mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                        // Than, queue it :)
                        Thread.Sleep(250);  // Hiccup

                // Executing Requests for more Play Store Links
                int initialSkip       = 48;
                int currentMultiplier = 1;
                int errorsCount       = 0;
                    // Finding pagToken from HTML
                    var rgxMatch = pagTokenRegex.Match(response);

                    // If there's no match, skips it
                    if (!rgxMatch.Success)

                    // Reading Match from Regex, and applying needed replacements
                    string pagToken = rgxMatch.Value.Replace(":S:", "%3AS%3A").Replace("\\x22", String.Empty).Replace(@"\\u003d", String.Empty);

                    // Assembling new PostData with paging values
                    string postData = String.Format(Consts.POST_DATA, pagToken);

                    // Executing request for values
                    response = server.Post(String.Format(Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), postData);

                    // Checking Server Status
                    if (server.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        _logger.Error("Http Error" + " - Status Code [ " + server.StatusCode + " ]");

                    // Parsing Links
                    foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                        if (foundUrls.Contains(url))
                            isDonePagging = true;
                        // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                        if ((!_mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!_mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                            // Than, queue it :)
                            Thread.Sleep(250);  // Hiccup

                    // Incrementing Paging Multiplier
                }  while (!isDonePagging && parser.AnyResultFound(response) && errorsCount <= Consts.MAX_REQUEST_ERRORS);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point of the crawler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Setting Up Log
            LogSetup.InitializeLog("PlayStoreCrawler.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool isUsingProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use HTTP proxies or not
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                _logger.Info("Loading Proxies from File");

                // Setting flag to true
                isUsingProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists(fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines(fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                catch (Exception ex)

            // Main Flow
            _logger.Info("Started Bootstrapping Steps");

            // Scrapping "Play Store Categories"
            foreach (var categoriesKVP in BootstrapTerms.categoriesAndNames)
                CrawlCategory(categoriesKVP.Key, categoriesKVP.Value, isUsingProxies);

            // Queueing Apps that start with each of the characters from "A" to "Z"
            foreach (var character in BootstrapTerms.charactersSearchTerms)
                CrawlStore(character, isUsingProxies);

            /// ... Keep Adding characters / search terms in order to increase the crawler's reach
            // APP CATEGORIES
            foreach (var category in BootstrapTerms.categoriesSearchTerms)
                CrawlStore(category, isUsingProxies);

            // Extra "Random" Search terms to increase even more the crawler's reach
            foreach (var miscTerm in BootstrapTerms.miscSearchTerms)
                CrawlStore(miscTerm, isUsingProxies);

            // Country Names as Search terms to increase even more the crawler's reach
            foreach (var countryName in BootstrapTerms.countryNames)
                CrawlStore(countryName, isUsingProxies);
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a Search using the searchField as the search parameter,
        /// paginates / scrolls the search results to the end adding all the url of apps
        /// it finds to a Mongo "QUEUE" collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchField"></param>
        private static void CrawlStore(string searchField, bool shouldUseProxies)
            // Console Feedback
            _logger.Info("Crawling Search Term : [ " + searchField + " ]");

            // Compiling Regular Expression used to parse the "pagToken" out of the Play Store
            Regex pagTokenRegex = new Regex(@"GAEi+.+\:S\:.{11}\\42", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // HTML Response
            string response;

            // MongoDB Helper
            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            MongoDBWrapper mongoDB           = new MongoDBWrapper();
            string         fullServerAddress = String.Join(":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);

            mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase(Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Ensuring the database has the proper indexe

            // Response Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser();

            // Executing Web Requests
            using (WebRequests server = new WebRequests())
                // Creating Request Object
                server.Host      = Consts.HOST;
                server.UserAgent = Consts.GITHUBURL;
                server.Encoding  = "utf-8";

                // Checking for the need to use "HTTP Proxies"
                if (shouldUseProxies)
                    server.Proxy = ProxiesLoader.GetWebProxy();

                // Executing Initial Request
                response = server.Post(String.Format(Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), Consts.INITIAL_POST_DATA);

                // Parsing Links out of Html Page (Initial Request)
                foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                    // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                    // or is queued to be processed
                    if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                        // Console Feedback
                        _logger.Info("Queued App");

                        // Than, queue it :)
                        Thread.Sleep(250);  // Hiccup
                        // Console Feedback
                        _logger.Info("Duplicated App. Skipped");

                // Executing Requests for more Play Store Links
                int initialSkip       = 48;
                int currentMultiplier = 1;
                int errorsCount       = 0;
                    // Finding pagToken from HTML
                    var rgxMatch = pagTokenRegex.Match(response);

                    // If there's no match, skips it
                    if (!rgxMatch.Success)

                    // Reading Match from Regex, and applying needed replacements
                    string pagToken = rgxMatch.Value.Replace(":S:", "%3AS%3A").Replace("\\42", String.Empty).Replace(@"\\u003d", String.Empty);

                    // Assembling new PostData with paging values
                    string postData = String.Format(Consts.POST_DATA, pagToken);

                    // Executing request for values
                    response = server.Post(String.Format(Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), postData);

                    // Checking Server Status
                    if (server.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        _logger.Error("Http Error" + " - Status Code [ " + server.StatusCode + " ]");

                    // Parsing Links
                    foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                        // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                        // or is queued to be processed
                        if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                            // Console Feedback
                            Console.WriteLine(" . Queued App");

                            // Than, queue it :)
                            Thread.Sleep(250);  // Hiccup
                            // Console Feedback
                            Console.WriteLine(" . Duplicated App. Skipped");

                    // Incrementing Paging Multiplier
                }  while (parser.AnyResultFound(response) && errorsCount <= Consts.MAX_REQUEST_ERRORS);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating Needed Instances
            RequestsHandler httpClient = new RequestsHandler();
            AppStoreParser  parser     = new AppStoreParser();

            // Loading Configuration
            LogSetup.InitializeLog("Apple_Store_Urls_Worker.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            // Loading Config
            _logger.Info("Loading Configurations from App.config");

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool shouldUseProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                shouldUseProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists(fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines(fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                catch (Exception ex)

            // AWS Queue Handler
            _logger.Info("Initializing Queues");
            AWSSQSHelper charactersUrlQueue = new AWSSQSHelper(_characterUrlsQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _awsKey, _awsKeySecret);
            AWSSQSHelper numericUrlQueue    = new AWSSQSHelper(_numericUrlsQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _awsKey, _awsKeySecret);

            // Setting Error Flag to No Error ( 0 )
            System.Environment.ExitCode = 0;

            // Initialiazing Control Variables
            int fallbackWaitTime = 1;

            _logger.Info("Started Processing Character Urls");

                    // Dequeueing messages from the Queue
                    if (!charactersUrlQueue.DeQueueMessages())
                        Thread.Sleep(_hiccupTime);  // Hiccup

                    // Checking for no message received, and false positives situations
                    if (!charactersUrlQueue.AnyMessageReceived())
                        // If no message was found, increases the wait time
                        int waitTime;
                        if (fallbackWaitTime <= 12)
                            // Exponential increase on the wait time, truncated after 12 retries
                            waitTime = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2, fallbackWaitTime) * 1000);
                        else // Reseting Wait after 12 fallbacks
                            waitTime         = 2000;
                            fallbackWaitTime = 0;


                        // Sleeping before next try
                        Console.WriteLine("Fallback (seconds) => " + waitTime);

                    // Reseting fallback time
                    fallbackWaitTime = 1;

                    // Iterating over dequeued Messages
                    foreach (var characterUrl in charactersUrlQueue.GetDequeuedMessages())
                        // Console Feedback
                        _logger.Info("Started Parsing Url : " + characterUrl.Body);

                            // Retries Counter
                            int    retries = 0;
                            string htmlResponse;

                            // Retrying if necessary
                                // Executing Http Request for the Category Url
                                htmlResponse = httpClient.Get(characterUrl.Body, shouldUseProxies);

                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlResponse))
                                    _logger.Info("Retrying Request for Character Page");

                                    // Small Hiccup
                            } while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlResponse) && retries <= _maxRetries);

                            // Checking if retries failed
                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlResponse))
                                // Deletes Message and moves on

                            // Hashset of urls processed (to avoid duplicates)
                            HashSet <String> urlsQueued = new HashSet <String> ();

                            // Executing Request and Queueing Urls until there's no other Url to be queued
                                // Flag to check whether any url was added after the last iteration (avoids endless loop)
                                bool anyNewUrl = false;

                                // If the request worked, parses the Urls out of the page
                                foreach (string numericUrls in parser.ParseNumericUrls(htmlResponse).Select(t => HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(t)))
                                    // Checking if this url was previously queued
                                    if (!urlsQueued.Contains(numericUrls))
                                        // Enqueueing Urls

                                        // Adding url to the local hashset
                                        anyNewUrl = true;

                                // Checking for the need to perform another http request for the next page
                                if (parser.IsLastPage(htmlResponse) || !anyNewUrl)
                                    break; // Breaks "While" Loop

                                // Feedback
                                _logger.Info("Urls Queued For This Page : " + urlsQueued.Count, "\n\tProcessing Feedback");

                                // If it got to this point, it means that there are more pages to be processed
                                // Parsing URL of the "Last" page (the last that's visible)
                                string lastPageUrl = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(parser.ParseLastPageUrl(htmlResponse));

                                // Executing Http Request for this Url (with retries)
                                retries = 0;
                                    // HTTP Get for the Page
                                    htmlResponse = httpClient.Get(lastPageUrl, shouldUseProxies);

                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlResponse))
                                        _logger.Error("Retrying Request for Last Page");

                                        // Small Hiccup
                                } while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlResponse) && retries <= _maxRetries);
                            } while (true);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                catch (Exception ex)
            } while (true);