Esempio n. 1
        private void EmitIdentifierNode(ImperativeNode node, ref ProtoCore.Type inferedType, bool isBooleanOp = false)
            IdentifierNode t = node as IdentifierNode;

            int dimensions = 0;

            int runtimeIndex = codeBlock.symbolTable.runtimeIndex;

            ProtoCore.Type type = new ProtoCore.Type();
            type.UID = (int)ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeVoid;
            type.IsIndexable = false;

            ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolNode symbolnode = null;
            //bool isAllocated = VerifyAllocation(t.Value, out blockId, out localAllocBlock, out symindex, ref type);
            //bool allocatedLocally = isAllocated && core.runtimeTableIndex == localAllocBlock;
            //bool allocatedExternally = isAllocated && core.runtimeTableIndex > localAllocBlock;
            //bool isVisible = isAllocated && core.runtimeTableIndex >= localAllocBlock;
            bool isAccessible = false;

            if (null == t.ArrayDimensions)
                //check if it is a function instance
                ProtoCore.DSASM.ProcedureNode procNode = null;
                procNode = compileState.GetFirstVisibleProcedure(t.Name, null, codeBlock);
                if (null != procNode)
                    if ((int)ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex != procNode.procId)
                        // A global function
                        inferedType.IsIndexable = false;
                        inferedType.UID = (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeFunctionPointer;

                        int fptr = compileState.FunctionPointerTable.functionPointerDictionary.Count;
                        ProtoCore.DSASM.FunctionPointerNode fptrNode = new ProtoCore.DSASM.FunctionPointerNode(procNode.procId, procNode.runtimeIndex);
                        compileState.FunctionPointerTable.functionPointerDictionary.TryAdd(fptr, fptrNode);
                        compileState.FunctionPointerTable.functionPointerDictionary.TryGetBySecond(fptrNode, out fptr);


            bool isAllocated = VerifyAllocation(t.Value, globalClassIndex, out symbolnode, out isAccessible);
            if (!isAllocated || !isAccessible)
                inferedType.UID = (int)ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeNull;
                type = symbolnode.datatype;
                runtimeIndex = symbolnode.runtimeTableIndex;

            if (null != t.ArrayDimensions)
                /* Remove static type checking
                if (!type.IsIndexable && type.UID != (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeArray)
                    buildStatus.LogWarning(ProtoCore.BuildData.WarningID.kWarnMax, string.Format("'{0}' is not indexable at compile time", t.Name));
                dimensions = DfsEmitArrayIndexHeap(t.ArrayDimensions);

            //fix type's rank
            //fix type's rank
            if (type.rank >= 0)
                type.rank -= dimensions;
                if (type.rank < 0)
                    //throw new Exception("Exceed maximum rank!");
                    type.rank = 0;

            //check whether the value is an array
            if (type.rank == 0)
                type.IsIndexable = false;

            if (compileState.TypeSystem.IsHigherRank(type.UID, inferedType.UID))
                inferedType = type;
            // We need to get inferedType for boolean variable so that we can perform type check
            inferedType.UID = (isBooleanOp || (type.UID == (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeBool)) ? (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeBool : inferedType.UID;
Esempio n. 2
        private void EmitIdentifierNode(AssociativeNode node, ref ProtoCore.Type inferedType, bool isBooleanOp = false, ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode graphNode = null, ProtoCore.DSASM.AssociativeSubCompilePass subPass = ProtoCore.DSASM.AssociativeSubCompilePass.kNone)
            IdentifierNode t = node as IdentifierNode;

            int dimensions = 0;

            ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolNode symbolnode = null;
            int runtimeIndex = codeBlock.symbolTable.runtimeIndex;

            ProtoCore.Type type = new ProtoCore.Type();
            type.UID = (int)ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeVoid;
            type.IsIndexable = false;

            bool isAccessible = false;

            if (null == t.ArrayDimensions)
                //check if it is a function instance
                ProtoCore.DSASM.ProcedureNode procNode = null;
                procNode = core.GetFirstVisibleProcedure(t.Name, null, codeBlock);
                if (null != procNode)
                    if ((int)ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex != procNode.procId)
                        // A global function
                        inferedType.IsIndexable = false;
                        inferedType.UID = (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeFunctionPointer;
                        if (ProtoCore.DSASM.AssociativeSubCompilePass.kUnboundIdentifier != subPass)
                            int fptr = core.FunctionPointerTable.functionPointerDictionary.Count;
                            ProtoCore.DSASM.FunctionPointerNode fptrNode = new ProtoCore.DSASM.FunctionPointerNode(procNode.procId, procNode.runtimeIndex);
                            core.FunctionPointerTable.functionPointerDictionary.TryAdd(fptr, fptrNode);
                            core.FunctionPointerTable.functionPointerDictionary.TryGetBySecond(fptrNode, out fptr);

            bool isAllocated = VerifyAllocation(t.Name, globalClassIndex, out symbolnode, out isAccessible);

            if (ProtoCore.DSASM.AssociativeSubCompilePass.kUnboundIdentifier == subPass)
                if (!isAllocated || !isAccessible)
                    inferedType.UID = (int)ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeNull;
                    ProtoCore.Type nullType = new ProtoCore.Type();
                    nullType.UID = (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeNull;
                    nullType.IsIndexable = false;

                    // TODO Jun: Refactor Allocate() to just return the symbol node itself
                    ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolNode symnode = Allocate(globalClassIndex, globalClassIndex, globalProcIndex, t.Value, nullType);
                    Debug.Assert(symnode != null);
                    IdentLocation.AddEntry(symnode, t.line, t.col, core.CurrentDSFileName);
                    int symbolindex = symnode.symbolTableIndex;
                    if ((int)ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex != globalClassIndex)
                        symbolnode = core.ClassTable.ClassNodes[globalClassIndex].symbols.symbolList[symbolindex];
                        symbolnode = codeBlock.symbolTable.symbolList[symbolindex];
            else if (isAllocated)
                type = symbolnode.datatype;
                runtimeIndex = symbolnode.runtimeTableIndex;

                if (null != t.ArrayDimensions)
                    /* Remove static type checkings.
                    if (type.UID != (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeArray && !type.IsIndexable)
                        buildStatus.LogWarning(ProtoCore.BuildData.WarningID.kWarnMax, string.Format("'{0}' is not indexable at compile time", t.Name));
                    dimensions = DfsEmitArrayIndexHeap(t.ArrayDimensions);

                //fix type's rank
                if (type.rank >= 0)
                    type.rank -= dimensions;
                    if (type.rank < 0)
                        //throw new Exception("Exceed maximum rank!");
                        type.rank = 0;

                //check whether the value is an array
                if (type.rank == 0)
                    type.IsIndexable = false;

                if (ignoreRankCheck || core.TypeSystem.IsHigherRank(type.UID, inferedType.UID))
                    inferedType = type;
                // We need to get inferedType for boolean variable so that we can perform type check
                inferedType.UID = (isBooleanOp || (type.UID == (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeBool)) ? (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeBool : inferedType.UID;