public async Task SubmitUnsafeTransaction() { await using var client = _network.NewClient(); var systemAddress = await _network.GetSystemAccountAddress(); if (systemAddress is null) { _network.Output?.WriteLine("TEST SKIPPED: No access to System Administrator Account."); return; } // Ok, lets build a TX from Scratch, Including a Signature var txid = client.CreateNewTxId(); var transfers = new Proto.TransferList(); transfers.AccountAmounts.Add(new Proto.AccountAmount { AccountID = new Proto.AccountID(_network.Payer), Amount = -1 }); transfers.AccountAmounts.Add(new Proto.AccountAmount { AccountID = new Proto.AccountID(_network.Gateway), Amount = 1 }); var body = new Proto.TransactionBody { TransactionID = new Proto.TransactionID(txid), NodeAccountID = new Proto.AccountID(_network.Gateway), TransactionFee = 30_00_000_000, TransactionValidDuration = new Proto.Duration { Seconds = 180 }, Memo = "Unsafe Test", CryptoTransfer = new Proto.CryptoTransferTransactionBody { Transfers = transfers } }; var invoice = new Invoice(body); await(_network.Signatory as ISignatory).SignAsync(invoice); var transaction = new Proto.Transaction { SignedTransactionBytes = invoice.GenerateSignedTransactionFromSignatures(6).ToByteString() }; var receipt = await client.SubmitUnsafeTransactionAsync(transaction.ToByteArray(), ctx => ctx.Payer = systemAddress); Assert.Equal(ResponseCode.Success, receipt.Status); Assert.Equal(txid, receipt.Id); }
public async Task SubmitUnsafeTransactionWithRecord() { await using var client = _network.NewClient(); var systemAddress = await _network.GetSystemAccountAddress(); if (systemAddress is null) { _network.Output?.WriteLine("TEST SKIPPED: No access to System Administrator Account."); return; } // Ok, lets build a TX from Scratch, Including a Signature var txid = client.CreateNewTxId(); var transfers = new Proto.TransferList(); transfers.AccountAmounts.Add(new Proto.AccountAmount { AccountID = new Proto.AccountID(_network.Payer), Amount = -1 }); transfers.AccountAmounts.Add(new Proto.AccountAmount { AccountID = new Proto.AccountID(_network.Gateway), Amount = 1 }); var body = new Proto.TransactionBody { TransactionID = new Proto.TransactionID(txid), NodeAccountID = new Proto.AccountID(_network.Gateway), TransactionFee = 30_00_000_000, TransactionValidDuration = new Proto.Duration { Seconds = 180 }, Memo = "Unsafe Test", CryptoTransfer = new Proto.CryptoTransferTransactionBody { Transfers = transfers } }; var invoice = new Invoice(body); await(_network.Signatory as ISignatory).SignAsync(invoice); var transaction = new Proto.Transaction { SignedTransactionBytes = invoice.GenerateSignedTransactionFromSignatures(6).ToByteString() }; var record = await client.SubmitUnsafeTransactionWithRecordAsync(transaction.ToByteArray(), ctx => ctx.Payer = systemAddress); Assert.Equal(ResponseCode.Success, record.Status); Assert.Equal(txid, record.Id); Assert.False(record.Hash.IsEmpty); Assert.NotNull(record.Concensus); Assert.NotNull(record.CurrentExchangeRate); Assert.NotNull(record.NextExchangeRate); Assert.NotEmpty(record.Hash.ToArray()); Assert.Equal("Unsafe Test", record.Memo); Assert.InRange(record.Fee, 0UL, ulong.MaxValue); Assert.Equal(_network.Payer, record.Id.Address); Assert.Equal(3, record.Transfers.Count); Assert.Equal(-1 - (long)record.Fee, record.Transfers[_network.Payer]); } }