Esempio n. 1
        protected override void RunActualProcess([NotNull] ScenarioSliceParameters parameters)
            var dbDstProfiles = Services.SqlConnection.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.ProfileGeneration, parameters);
            var dbSrcProfiles = Services.SqlConnection.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.ProfileImport, Constants.PresentSlice).Database;
            var vdewvals      = dbSrcProfiles.Fetch <VDEWProfileValues>();
            var dbHouses      = Services.SqlConnection.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.Houses, parameters).Database;
            var houses        = dbHouses.Fetch <House>();

                                                                                          parameters), ProsumerType.Household, TableType.HousePart);
            var slp = new SLPProvider(parameters.DstYear);
            //var houses = dbHouses.Fetch<House>();
            var households = dbHouses.Fetch <Household>();

            //var trafoKreise = dbDstProfiles.Database.Fetch<TrafoKreisResult>();
            Log(MessageType.Info, "making " + households.Count + " households");
            var sa = Prosumer.GetSaveableEntry(dbDstProfiles, TableType.HousePart);
            // && idx < 20
            double totalHouseholdEnergy = 0;
            double totalProfileEnergy   = 0;

            for (var idx = 0; idx < households.Count; idx++)
                var           household = households[idx];
                House         house     = houses.Single(x => x.HouseGuid == household.HouseGuid);
                Hausanschluss ha        = house.Hausanschluss.Single(x => x.HausanschlussGuid == household.HausAnschlussGuid);
                // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                var pa = new Prosumer(household.HouseGuid, household.StandortIDsAsJson,
                                      ProsumerType.Household, household.HouseholdGuid,
                                      household.FinalIsn, household.HausAnschlussGuid, ha.ObjectID);
                pa.Profile = slp.Run(vdewvals, "H0", household.LowVoltageYearlyTotalElectricityUse);
                pa.SumElectricityPlanned = household.LowVoltageYearlyTotalElectricityUse;
                totalHouseholdEnergy += pa.SumElectricityPlanned;
                totalProfileEnergy   += pa.Profile?.EnergySum() ?? 0;
                if (sa.RowEntries.Count > 1000)
            if (Math.Abs(totalHouseholdEnergy - totalProfileEnergy) > 1)
                throw new FlaException("energy sums not equal between planned energy and energy in profiles");
            Info("Total Household energy: " + totalHouseholdEnergy);

             * var loadedProsumers = Prosumer.LoadProsumers(dbDstProfiles, TableType.HousePart);
             * foreach (Prosumer loadedProsumer in loadedProsumers) {
             * Log(MessageType.Info,loadedProsumer.Name + " - " + loadedProsumer.SumElectricityFromProfile + " - " + loadedProsumer.Profile?.Values.Sum() );
             * }*/
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void RunActualProcess([NotNull] ScenarioSliceParameters parameters)
            var dbHouse       = Services.SqlConnection.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.Houses, parameters);
            var dbDstProfiles = Services.SqlConnection.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.ProfileGeneration, parameters);
            //var dbSrcProfiles = Services.SqlConnection.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.ProfileImport, Constants.PresentSlice).Database;
            var dbPVProfiles = Services.SqlConnection.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.ProfileGenerationPV, Constants.PresentSlice);
            int profileCount = Profile.CountProfiles(dbPVProfiles, TableType.PVGeneration);

            if (profileCount < 100)
                throw new FlaException("No profiles in the database. Not generated for this slice perhaps?");
            var pvsystems = dbHouse.Database.Fetch <PvSystemEntry>();
            var dbHouses  = Services.SqlConnection.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.Houses, parameters).Database;
            var houses    = dbHouses.Fetch <House>();

                                                                                          parameters), ProsumerType.PV, TableType.HousePart);
            if (pvsystems.Count == 0)
                throw new FlaException("No pv systems found");
            Log(MessageType.Info, "Making " + pvsystems.Count + " pvsystems");
            var sa = Prosumer.GetSaveableEntry(dbDstProfiles, TableType.HousePart);

            //count total number of unique systems
            List <string> allKeys = new List <string>();

            foreach (PvSystemEntry pvsystem in pvsystems)
                foreach (PVSystemArea area in pvsystem.PVAreas)
                    int myazimut = (int)area.Azimut + 180;
                    if (myazimut == 360)
                        myazimut = 0;

                    G_PVProfileGeneration.PVSystemKey pvk = new G_PVProfileGeneration.PVSystemKey(myazimut, (int)area.Tilt);

            var keys = allKeys.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x);

            Info("Total unique keys: " + keys.Count());

            //dumping for debugging
            var fn = MakeAndRegisterFullFilename("MyKeys.csv", Name, "", parameters);

            File.WriteAllText(fn, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(keys, Formatting.Indented));

            var fn2        = MakeAndRegisterFullFilename("MyKeysPredefined.csv", Name, "", parameters);
            var presetKeys = Profile.LoadAllKeys(dbPVProfiles, TableType.PVGeneration);

            File.WriteAllText(fn2, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(presetKeys, Formatting.Indented));

            Info("Wrote keys to " + fn);
            double totalEnergyFromAllSystems = 0;
            double totalProfileEnergy        = 0;

            for (var idx = 0; idx < pvsystems.Count; idx++)
                var pvsystem = pvsystems[idx];
                if (pvsystem.PVAreas.Count == 0)
                    throw new FlaException("No PV Areas were defined.");
                House         house = houses.Single(x => x.HouseGuid == pvsystem.HouseGuid);
                Hausanschluss ha    = house.Hausanschluss.Single(x => x.HausanschlussGuid == pvsystem.HausAnschlussGuid);

                var pa = new Prosumer(pvsystem.HouseGuid, house.ComplexName,
                                      ProsumerType.PV, pvsystem.PvGuid,
                                      pvsystem.FinalIsn, pvsystem.HausAnschlussGuid, ha.ObjectID);
                Profile p = null;
                double  totalEnergyForThisSystem = 0;
                foreach (PVSystemArea area in pvsystem.PVAreas)
                    G_PVProfileGeneration.PVSystemKey pvk = new G_PVProfileGeneration.PVSystemKey((int)area.Azimut + 180, (int)area.Tilt);
                    totalEnergyForThisSystem += area.Energy;
                    var singleProfile = Profile.LoadProfile(dbPVProfiles, TableType.PVGeneration, pvk.GetKey());
                    if (singleProfile.Count == 0)
                        throw new FlaException("No profile was found: " + pvk.GetKey());
                    if (singleProfile.Count > 1)
                        throw new FlaException("too many profiles found: " + pvk.GetKey());

                    singleProfile[0].ProfileType = ProfileType.Energy;
                    singleProfile[0]             = singleProfile[0].ScaleToTargetSum(area.Energy, singleProfile[0].Name);
                    if (Math.Abs(singleProfile[0].EnergySum() - area.Energy) > 0.1)
                        throw new FlaException("invalid energy");
                    if (p == null)
                        p = singleProfile[0];
                        p = p.Add(singleProfile[0], p.Name);

                if (Math.Abs(totalEnergyForThisSystem) < 1)
                    throw new FlaException("PV profile with 0 energy found.");

                if (p == null)
                    throw new FlaException("No profile for " + pvsystem.Name + (" idx:" + idx));
                pa.Profile = p;
                pa.SumElectricityPlanned   = totalEnergyForThisSystem;
                totalEnergyFromAllSystems += totalEnergyForThisSystem;
                if (pa.Profile == null)
                    throw new FlaException("No profile");
                totalProfileEnergy += pa.Profile.EnergySum();
                if (Math.Abs(totalEnergyFromAllSystems - totalProfileEnergy) > 1)
                    throw new FlaException("energy sums not equal between planned energy and energy in profiles");
                if (sa.RowEntries.Count > 100)
            if (Math.Abs(totalEnergyFromAllSystems - totalProfileEnergy) > 1)
                throw new FlaException("energy sums not equal between planned energy and energy in profiles");
            Info("Total energy from all pv systems: " + totalEnergyFromAllSystems.ToString("N"));