public PropertyGridViewModel()
            PropertyViewModelFactory factory = new PropertyViewModelFactory
                { typeof(char), (m, p) => new CharPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(string), (m, p) => new StringPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(bool), (m, p) => new BooleanPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(float), (m, p) => new SinglePropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(double), (m, p) => new DoublePropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(decimal), (m, p) => new DecimalPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(byte), (m, p) => new BytePropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(sbyte), (m, p) => new SBytePropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(short), (m, p) => new Int16PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(ushort), (m, p) => new UInt16PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(int), (m, p) => new Int32PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(uint), (m, p) => new UInt32PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(long), (m, p) => new Int64PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(ulong), (m, p) => new UInt64PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(Enum), (m, p) => new EnumPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(Guid), (m, p) => new GuidPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(DateTimeOffset?), (m, p) => new DateTimePropertyViewModel(m, p) },

                { typeof(Vector3), (m, p) => new Vector3PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(Vector4), (m, p) => new Vector4PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(Quaternion), (m, p) => new QuaternionPropertyViewModel(m, p) }

            PropertyViewModelFactory.Default = factory;

            Messenger.Default.Register <ShowEntityPropertiesMessage>(this, m => ShowProperties(m.Entity));
        public PropertiesViewModel()
            PropertyViewModelFactory factory = new PropertyViewModelFactory
                { typeof(char), (m, p) => new CharPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(string), (m, p) => new StringPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(bool), (m, p) => new BooleanPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(float), (m, p) => new SinglePropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(double), (m, p) => new DoublePropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(decimal), (m, p) => new DecimalPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(byte), (m, p) => new BytePropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(sbyte), (m, p) => new SBytePropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(short), (m, p) => new Int16PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(ushort), (m, p) => new UInt16PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(int), (m, p) => new Int32PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(uint), (m, p) => new UInt32PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(long), (m, p) => new Int64PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(ulong), (m, p) => new UInt64PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(Guid), (m, p) => new GuidPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), (m, p) => new TimeSpanPropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(DateTime), (m, p) => new DateTimePropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(DateTimeOffset), (m, p) => new DateTimeOffsetPropertyViewModel(m, p) },

                { typeof(Vector2), (m, p) => new Vector2PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(Vector3), (m, p) => new Vector3PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(Vector4), (m, p) => new Vector4PropertyViewModel(m, p) },
                { typeof(Quaternion), (m, p) => new QuaternionPropertyViewModel(m, p) }

            PropertyViewModelFactory.Default = factory;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        ///   This method takes an object Instance and creates the property model.
        ///   The properties are organized in a hierarchy
        ///   PropertyTab
        ///   PropertyCategory
        ///   Property|OptionalProperty|WideProperty|CheckBoxProperty
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "instance">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "isEnumerable">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   Collection of tab ViewModels
        /// </returns>
        public virtual IList <TabViewModel> CreatePropertyModel(object instance, bool isEnumerable)
            if (instance == null)

            // find the instance type
            var instanceType = isEnumerable
                                   ? TypeHelper.FindBiggestCommonType(instance as IEnumerable)
                                   : instance.GetType();

            if (instanceType == null)

            // find all properties of the instance type
            var properties = isEnumerable
                                 ? TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instanceType)
                                 : TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance);

            // The GetPropertyModel method does not return properties in a particular order,
            // such as alphabetical or declaration order. Your code must not depend on the
            // order in which properties are returned, because that order varies.
            TabViewModel      currentTabViewModel      = null;
            CategoryViewModel currentCategoryViewModel = null;
            Type currentComponentType = null;

            // Setting the default tab name
            // Use the type name of the Instance as the default tab name
            string tabName = DefaultTabName ?? instanceType.Name;

            // Setting the default category name
            string categoryName = DefaultCategoryName;

            int sortOrder = 0;

            var result = new List <TabViewModel>();

            foreach (PropertyDescriptor descriptor in properties)
                if (descriptor == null)

                // TODO: should not show attached dependency properties?
                if (DeclaredOnly && descriptor.ComponentType != instanceType)

                if (descriptor.ComponentType != currentComponentType)
                    categoryName         = DefaultCategoryName;
                    tabName              = DefaultTabName ?? descriptor.ComponentType.Name;
                    currentComponentType = descriptor.ComponentType;

                // Skip properties marked with [Browsable(false)]
                if (!descriptor.IsBrowsable)

                // Read-only properties
                if (!ShowReadOnlyProperties && descriptor.IsReadOnly)

                // If RequiredAttribute is set, skip properties that don't have the given attribute
                if (RequiredAttribute != null &&
                    !AttributeHelper.ContainsAttributeOfType(descriptor.Attributes, RequiredAttribute))

                // The default value for an Enum-property is the first enum in the enumeration.
                // If the first value happens to be filtered due to the attribute [Browsable(false)],
                // the WPF-binding system ends up in an infinite loop when updating the bound value
                // due to a PropertyChanged-call. We must therefore make sure that the initially selected
                // value is one of the allowed values from the filtered enumeration.
                if (descriptor.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(Enum))
                    List <object> validEnumValues = Enum.GetValues(descriptor.PropertyType).FilterOnBrowsableAttribute();
                    // Check if the enumeration that has all values hidden before accessing the first item.
                    if (validEnumValues.Count > 0 && !validEnumValues.Contains(descriptor.GetValue(instance)))
                        descriptor.SetValue(instance, validEnumValues[0]);

                // Create Property ViewModel
                var propertyViewModel = PropertyViewModelFactory.CreateViewModel(instance, descriptor);
                propertyViewModel.IsEnumerable = isEnumerable;

                LocalizePropertyHeader(instanceType, propertyViewModel);
                propertyMap.Add(propertyViewModel.Name, propertyViewModel);
                propertyViewModel.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;

                if (propertyViewModel.SortOrder == int.MinValue)
                    propertyViewModel.SortOrder = sortOrder;

                sortOrder = propertyViewModel.SortOrder;

                bool categoryFound = ParseTabAndCategory(descriptor, ref tabName, ref categoryName);

                if (!categoryFound && UseDefaultCategoryNameForUncategorizedProperties)
                    categoryName = DefaultCategoryName;
                    tabName      = DefaultTabName ?? descriptor.ComponentType.Name;

                GetOrCreateTab(instanceType, result, tabName, sortOrder, ref currentTabViewModel,
                               ref currentCategoryViewModel);
                GetOrCreateCategory(instanceType, categoryName, sortOrder, currentTabViewModel,
                                    ref currentCategoryViewModel);


            // Check that properties used as optional properties are not Browsable

            // Sort the model using a stable sort algorithm