Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult PropertyTypeDelete(PropertyTypeDetail model)
            string html = null;

                int a = obj.FunExecuteNonQuery("exec dbo.PropertyTypeDetail_Delete '" + model.PropertyTypeId + "'");
                if (a > 0)
                    //return RedirectToAction("PropertyTypeGet");
                    DataTable dt = obj.FunDataTable("SELECT * from dbo.PropertyTypeDetail_Get ()");
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        int[]         columnHide = { 0 };
                        StringBuilder htmlTable  = CommonUtil.htmlTableEditMode(dt, columnHide);
                        return(Json(new { Flag = 0, Html = htmlTable.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                        html = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>'" + Resources.Resource1.norecord + "'</div>";
                        return(Json(new { Flag = 0, Html = html }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    html = Resources.Resource1.deletefailed;
                    return(Json(new { Flag = 2, Html = html }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                html = Resources.Resource1.deletefailed;
                return(Json(new { Flag = 2, Html = html }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult PropertyTypeGet(PropertyTypeDetail model)
            string html = null;

                DataTable dt = obj.FunDataTable("SELECT * from dbo.PropertyTypeDetail_Get ()");
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    int[]         columnHide = { 0 };
                    StringBuilder htmlTable  = CommonUtil.htmlTableEditMode(dt, columnHide);
                    return(Json(new { Flag = 0, Html = htmlTable.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    html = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>'" + Resources.Resource1.norecord + "'</div>";
                    return(Json(new { Flag = 0, Html = html }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                html = "Fatch Result Failed !!!";
                return(Json(new { Flag = 2, Html = html }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 3
    public void Is_Built_Correctly()
        // Arrange
        const int    testId                = 99;
        var          testKey               = Guid.NewGuid();
        const string testAlias             = "memberType";
        const string testName              = "Member Type";
        const string testPropertyGroupName = "Content";
        const int    testParentId          = 98;
        const int    testCreatorId         = 22;
        var          testCreateDate        = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1);
        var          testUpdateDate        = DateTime.Now;
        const int    testLevel             = 3;
        const string testPath              = "-1, 4, 10";
        const int    testSortOrder         = 5;
        const string testDescription       = "The description";
        const string testIcon              = "icon";
        const string testThumbnail         = "thumnail";
        const bool   testTrashed           = true;
        const int    testPropertyTypeIdsIncrementingFrom = 200;
        var          testPropertyType1 =
            new PropertyTypeDetail {
            Alias = "title", Name = "Title", SortOrder = 1, DataTypeId = -88
        var testPropertyType2 =
            new PropertyTypeDetail {
            Alias = "bodyText", Name = "Body Text", SortOrder = 2, DataTypeId = -87
        var testPropertyData1 = new KeyValuePair <string, object>("title", "Name member");

        var builder = new MemberTypeBuilder();

        // Act
        var memberType = builder
                         .WithMemberCanEditProperty(testPropertyType1.Alias, true)
                         .WithMemberCanViewProperty(testPropertyType2.Alias, true)

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual(testId, memberType.Id);
        Assert.AreEqual(testAlias, memberType.Alias);
        Assert.AreEqual(testName, memberType.Name);
        Assert.AreEqual(testKey, memberType.Key);
        Assert.AreEqual(testCreateDate, memberType.CreateDate);
        Assert.AreEqual(testUpdateDate, memberType.UpdateDate);
        Assert.AreEqual(testCreatorId, memberType.CreatorId);
        Assert.AreEqual(testParentId, memberType.ParentId);
        Assert.AreEqual(testLevel, memberType.Level);
        Assert.AreEqual(testPath, memberType.Path);
        Assert.AreEqual(testSortOrder, memberType.SortOrder);
        Assert.AreEqual(testDescription, memberType.Description);
        Assert.AreEqual(testIcon, memberType.Icon);
        Assert.AreEqual(testThumbnail, memberType.Thumbnail);
        Assert.AreEqual(testTrashed, memberType.Trashed);
        Assert.AreEqual(3, memberType.PropertyTypes.Count()); // 1 from membership properties group, 2 custom

        var propertyTypeIds = memberType.PropertyTypes.Select(x => x.Id).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

        Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyTypeIdsIncrementingFrom + 1, propertyTypeIds.Min());
        Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyTypeIdsIncrementingFrom + 3, propertyTypeIds.Max());

Esempio n. 4
    public void Is_Built_Correctly()
        // Arrange
        const int    testMemberTypeId                = 99;
        const string testMemberTypeAlias             = "memberType";
        const string testMemberTypeName              = "Member Type";
        const string testMemberTypePropertyGroupName = "Content";
        const int    testId                     = 10;
        const string testName                   = "Fred";
        const string testUsername               = "******";
        const string testRawPasswordValue       = "raw pass";
        const string testEmail                  = "*****@*****.**";
        const int    testCreatorId              = 22;
        const int    testLevel                  = 3;
        const string testPath                   = "-1, 4, 10";
        const bool   testIsApproved             = true;
        const bool   testIsLockedOut            = true;
        const int    testSortOrder              = 5;
        const bool   testTrashed                = false;
        var          testKey                    = Guid.NewGuid();
        var          testCreateDate             = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1);
        var          testUpdateDate             = DateTime.Now;
        const int    testFailedPasswordAttempts = 22;
        var          testLastLockoutDate        = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-2);
        var          testLastLoginDate          = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-3);
        var          testLastPasswordChangeDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-4);
        var          testPropertyType1          =
            new PropertyTypeDetail {
            Alias = "title", Name = "Title", SortOrder = 1, DataTypeId = -88
        var testPropertyType2 =
            new PropertyTypeDetail {
            Alias = "bodyText", Name = "Body Text", SortOrder = 2, DataTypeId = -87
        var testPropertyType3 = new PropertyTypeDetail
            Alias       = "author",
            Name        = "Author",
            Description = "Writer of the article",
            SortOrder   = 1,
            DataTypeId  = -88,
        var       testGroups                      = new[] { "group1", "group2" };
        var       testPropertyData1               = new KeyValuePair <string, object>("title", "Name member");
        var       testPropertyData2               = new KeyValuePair <string, object>("bodyText", "This is a subpage");
        var       testPropertyData3               = new KeyValuePair <string, object>("author", "John Doe");
        var       testAdditionalData1             = new KeyValuePair <string, object>("test1", 123);
        var       testAdditionalData2             = new KeyValuePair <string, object>("test2", "hello");
        const int testPropertyIdsIncrementingFrom = 200;

        var builder = new MemberBuilder();

        // Act
        var member = builder
                     .WithLogin(testUsername, testRawPasswordValue)
                     .WithIsLockedOut(testIsLockedOut, testLastLockoutDate)
                     .WithKeyValue(testAdditionalData1.Key, testAdditionalData1.Value)
                     .WithKeyValue(testAdditionalData2.Key, testAdditionalData2.Value)
                     .WithKeyValue(testPropertyData1.Key, testPropertyData1.Value)
                     .WithKeyValue(testPropertyData2.Key, testPropertyData2.Value)
                     .WithKeyValue(testPropertyData3.Key, testPropertyData3.Value)

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual(testMemberTypeId, member.ContentTypeId);
        Assert.AreEqual(testMemberTypeAlias, member.ContentType.Alias);
        Assert.AreEqual(testMemberTypeName, member.ContentType.Name);
        Assert.AreEqual(testId, member.Id);
        Assert.AreEqual(testKey, member.Key);
        Assert.AreEqual(testName, member.Name);
        Assert.AreEqual(testCreateDate, member.CreateDate);
        Assert.AreEqual(testUpdateDate, member.UpdateDate);
        Assert.AreEqual(testCreatorId, member.CreatorId);
        Assert.AreEqual(testFailedPasswordAttempts, member.FailedPasswordAttempts);
        Assert.AreEqual(testIsApproved, member.IsApproved);
        Assert.AreEqual(testIsLockedOut, member.IsLockedOut);
        Assert.AreEqual(testLastLockoutDate, member.LastLockoutDate);
        Assert.AreEqual(testLastLoginDate, member.LastLoginDate);
        Assert.AreEqual(testLastPasswordChangeDate, member.LastPasswordChangeDate);
        Assert.AreEqual(testGroups, member.Groups.ToArray());
        Assert.AreEqual(4, member.Properties.Count); // 1 from membership properties group, 3 custom
        Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyData1.Value, member.GetValue <string>(testPropertyData1.Key));
        Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyData2.Value, member.GetValue <string>(testPropertyData2.Key));
        Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyData3.Value, member.GetValue <string>(testPropertyData3.Key));

        var propertyIds = member.Properties.Select(x => x.Id).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

        Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyIdsIncrementingFrom + 1, propertyIds.Min());
        Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyIdsIncrementingFrom + 4, propertyIds.Max());

        Assert.AreEqual(2, member.AdditionalData.Count);
        Assert.AreEqual(testAdditionalData1.Value, member.AdditionalData[testAdditionalData1.Key]);
        Assert.AreEqual(testAdditionalData2.Value, member.AdditionalData[testAdditionalData2.Key]);
    public void Is_Built_Correctly()
        // Arrange
        const int    testId                = 99;
        var          testKey               = Guid.NewGuid();
        const string testAlias             = "mediaType";
        const string testName              = "Content Type";
        const string testPropertyGroupName = "Content";
        const int    testParentId          = 98;
        const int    testCreatorId         = 22;
        var          testCreateDate        = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1);
        var          testUpdateDate        = DateTime.Now;
        const int    testLevel             = 3;
        const string testPath              = "-1, 4, 10";
        const int    testSortOrder         = 5;
        const string testDescription       = "The description";
        const string testIcon              = "icon";
        const string testThumbnail         = "thumnail";
        const bool   testTrashed           = true;
        const int    testPropertyTypeIdsIncrementingFrom = 200;
        var          testPropertyType1 =
            new PropertyTypeDetail {
            Alias = "title", Name = "Title", SortOrder = 1, DataTypeId = -88
        var testPropertyType2 =
            new PropertyTypeDetail {
            Alias = "bodyText", Name = "Body Text", SortOrder = 2, DataTypeId = -87
        var testTemplate1 = new TemplateDetail {
            Id = 200, Alias = "template1", Name = "Template 1"
        var testTemplate2 = new TemplateDetail {
            Id = 201, Alias = "template2", Name = "Template 2"
        var testAllowedContentType1 = new AllowedContentTypeDetail {
            Id = 300, Alias = "subType1", SortOrder = 1
        var testAllowedContentType2 = new AllowedContentTypeDetail {
            Id = 301, Alias = "subType2", SortOrder = 2

        var builder = new ContentTypeBuilder();

        // Act
        var contentType = builder

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual(testId, contentType.Id);
        Assert.AreEqual(testAlias, contentType.Alias);
        Assert.AreEqual(testName, contentType.Name);
        Assert.AreEqual(testKey, contentType.Key);
        Assert.AreEqual(testCreateDate, contentType.CreateDate);
        Assert.AreEqual(testUpdateDate, contentType.UpdateDate);
        Assert.AreEqual(testCreatorId, contentType.CreatorId);
        Assert.AreEqual(testParentId, contentType.ParentId);
        Assert.AreEqual(testLevel, contentType.Level);
        Assert.AreEqual(testPath, contentType.Path);
        Assert.AreEqual(testSortOrder, contentType.SortOrder);
        Assert.AreEqual(testDescription, contentType.Description);
        Assert.AreEqual(testIcon, contentType.Icon);
        Assert.AreEqual(testThumbnail, contentType.Thumbnail);
        Assert.AreEqual(testTrashed, contentType.Trashed);
        Assert.AreEqual(2, contentType.PropertyTypes.Count());

        var propertyTypeIds = contentType.PropertyTypes.Select(x => x.Id).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

        Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyTypeIdsIncrementingFrom + 1, propertyTypeIds.Min());
        Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyTypeIdsIncrementingFrom + 2, propertyTypeIds.Max());

        var allowedTemplates = contentType.AllowedTemplates.ToList();

        Assert.AreEqual(2, allowedTemplates.Count);
        Assert.AreEqual(testTemplate1.Id, allowedTemplates[0].Id);
        Assert.AreEqual(testTemplate1.Alias, allowedTemplates[0].Alias);
        Assert.AreEqual(testTemplate1.Name, allowedTemplates[0].Name);
        Assert.AreEqual(testTemplate1.Id, contentType.DefaultTemplate.Id);

        var allowedContentTypes = contentType.AllowedContentTypes.ToList();

        Assert.AreEqual(2, allowedContentTypes.Count);
        Assert.AreEqual(testAllowedContentType1.Id, allowedContentTypes[0].Id.Value);
        Assert.AreEqual(testAllowedContentType1.Alias, allowedContentTypes[0].Alias);
        Assert.AreEqual(testAllowedContentType1.SortOrder, allowedContentTypes[0].SortOrder);