static IntPtr GetProperties_cb(IntPtr inst) { try { PropertyProbeImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject(inst, false) as PropertyProbeImplementor; string[] properties = __obj.Properties; GLib.List properties_list = new GLib.List(typeof(IntPtr)); IntPtr gclass = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(inst); foreach (string prop in properties) { IntPtr name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(prop); IntPtr pspec = g_object_class_find_property(gclass, name); GLib.Marshaller.Free(name); if (pspec != IntPtr.Zero) { properties_list.Prepend(pspec); } } /* FIXME: We leak the list! */ return(properties_list.Handle); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(e, true); // NOTREACHED: above call does not return. throw e; } }
public PropertyProbeAdapter(PropertyProbeImplementor implementor) { if (implementor == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("implementor"); else if (!(implementor is GLib.Object)) throw new ArgumentException ("implementor must be a subclass of GLib.Object"); this.implementor = implementor as GLib.Object; }
static void ProbeProperty_cb(IntPtr inst, uint prop_id, IntPtr pspec) { try { PropertyProbeImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject(inst, false) as PropertyProbeImplementor; Gst.PropertyInfo pi = new Gst.PropertyInfo(pspec); __obj.ProbeProperty(pi.Name); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(e, false); } }
public PropertyProbeAdapter(PropertyProbeImplementor implementor) { if (implementor == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("implementor"); } else if (!(implementor is GLib.Object)) { throw new ArgumentException("implementor must be a subclass of GLib.Object"); } this.implementor = implementor as GLib.Object; }
static bool NeedsProbe_cb(IntPtr inst, uint prop_id, IntPtr pspec) { try { PropertyProbeImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject(inst, false) as PropertyProbeImplementor; Gst.PropertyInfo pi = new Gst.PropertyInfo(pspec); bool __result = __obj.NeedsProbe(pi.Name); return(__result); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(e, true); // NOTREACHED: above call does not return. throw e; } }
static IntPtr GetValues_cb(IntPtr inst, uint prop_id, IntPtr pspec) { try { PropertyProbeImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject(inst, false) as PropertyProbeImplementor; Gst.PropertyInfo pi = new Gst.PropertyInfo(pspec); object[] values = __obj.GetValues(pi.Name); GLib.ValueArray va = new GLib.ValueArray((uint)values.Length); foreach (object v in values) { va.Append(new GLib.Value(v)); } return(va.Handle); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(e, false); // NOTREACHED: above call does not return. throw e; } }