protected Flow(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = GetElementName(); if (parent.GetName().Equals("fo:page-sequence")) { this.pageSequence = (PageSequence)parent; } else { throw new FonetException("flow must be child of " + "page-sequence, not " + parent.GetName()); } SetFlowName(GetProperty("flow-name").GetString()); if (pageSequence.IsFlowSet) { if ("fo:flow")) { throw new FonetException("Only a single fo:flow permitted" + " per fo:page-sequence"); } else { throw new FonetException( + " not allowed after fo:flow"); } } pageSequence.AddFlow(this); }
protected PageSequenceMaster(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:page-sequence-master"; subSequenceSpecifiers = new ArrayList(); if (parent.GetName().Equals("fo:layout-master-set")) { this.layoutMasterSet = (LayoutMasterSet)parent; string pm ="master-name").GetString(); if (pm == null) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "page-sequence-master does not have a page-master-name and so is being ignored"); } else { this.layoutMasterSet.addPageSequenceMaster(pm, this); } } else { throw new FonetException("fo:page-sequence-master must be child " + "of fo:layout-master-set, not " + parent.GetName()); } }
public AddEditPropertyListDialog(PropertyList propertyList) { InitializeComponent(); Title = "Edit Component Property List"; mViewPropertyList = new AddEditPropertyListViewModel(this, propertyList); }
public Block(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:block"; switch (parent.GetName()) { case "fo:basic-link": case "fo:block": case "fo:block-container": case "fo:float": case "fo:flow": case "fo:footnote-body": case "fo:inline": case "fo:inline-container": case "fo:list-item-body": case "fo:list-item-label": case "fo:marker": case "fo:multi-case": case "fo:static-content": case "fo:table-caption": case "fo:table-cell": case "fo:wrapper": break; default: throw new FonetException( "fo:block must be child of " + "fo:basic-link, fo:block, fo:block-container, fo:float, fo:flow, fo:footnote-body, fo:inline, fo:inline-container, fo:list-item-body, fo:list-item-label, fo:marker, fo:multi-case, fo:static-content, fo:table-caption, fo:table-cell or fo:wrapper " + "not " + parent.GetName()); } this.span ="span").GetEnum(); ts = propMgr.getTextDecoration(parent); }
protected SimplePageMaster(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:simple-page-master"; if (parent.GetName().Equals("fo:layout-master-set")) { this.layoutMasterSet = (LayoutMasterSet)parent; masterName ="master-name").GetString(); if (masterName == null) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "simple-page-master does not have a master-name and so is being ignored"); } else { this.layoutMasterSet.addSimplePageMaster(this); } } else { throw new FonetException("fo:simple-page-master must be child " + "of fo:layout-master-set, not " + parent.GetName()); } _regions = new Hashtable(); }
public ProjectInfo(Project project) { _project = project; _properties = new ProjectPropertyList(_project); _references = new ReferenceList(_project); _dependencies = new List<string>(); }
public Flusso(Variable father, string[] fields, List<string> map) { this.father = father; protocolname = map[0]; propertyDefinitions = VarDefinitions.Map[map[0]]; propertyValues = new PropertyList(); if (Regex.IsMatch(map[0], "Variables|Common", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) name = map[0]; else name = fields[1]; name = name.Trim(); foreach (var pt in propertyDefinitions) { if (!pt.Value.Visibile) continue; int i = map.FindIndex(x => x == pt.Key); if (pt.Key=="Abilitato") { if (!Boolean.TryParse(fields[i-1], out abilitazione)) abilitazione = false; } if (i > 0) { propertyValues.Add(pt.Key, fields[i - 1].Replace("%sc%",";").Trim(),pt.Value); } else propertyValues.Add(pt.Key, "", pt.Value); } }
public override Property GetShorthand(PropertyList propertyList) { Property p = null; ListProperty listprop; if (p == null) { listprop = (ListProperty) propertyList.GetExplicitProperty("border-top"); if (listprop != null) { IShorthandParser shparser = new GenericShorthandParser(listprop); p = shparser.GetValueForProperty(PropName, this, propertyList); } } if (p == null) { listprop = (ListProperty) propertyList.GetExplicitProperty("border-width"); if (listprop != null) { IShorthandParser shparser = new BoxPropShorthandParser(listprop); p = shparser.GetValueForProperty(PropName, this, propertyList); } } if (p == null) { listprop = (ListProperty) propertyList.GetExplicitProperty("border"); if (listprop != null) { IShorthandParser shparser = new GenericShorthandParser(listprop); p = shparser.GetValueForProperty(PropName, this, propertyList); } } return p; }
protected override Property convertValueForProperty( string propName, PropertyMaker maker, PropertyList propertyList) { Property p = null; if (propName.IndexOf("-top") >= 0) { p = getElement(0); } else if (propName.IndexOf("-right") >= 0) { p = getElement(count() > 1 ? 1 : 0); } else if (propName.IndexOf("-bottom") >= 0) { p = getElement(count() > 2 ? 2 : 0); } else if (propName.IndexOf("-left") >= 0) { p = getElement(count() > 3 ? 3 : (count() > 1 ? 1 : 0)); } if (p != null) { return maker.ConvertShorthandProperty(propertyList, p, null); } return p; }
public override Property Compute(PropertyList propertyList) { Property computedProperty = null; Property correspondingProperty = propertyList.GetProperty("text-align"); if (correspondingProperty != null) { int correspondingValue = correspondingProperty.GetEnum(); if (correspondingValue == TextAlign.JUSTIFY) { computedProperty = new EnumProperty(Constants.START); } else if (correspondingValue == TextAlign.END) { computedProperty = new EnumProperty(Constants.END); } else if (correspondingValue == TextAlign.START) { computedProperty = new EnumProperty(Constants.START); } else if (correspondingValue == TextAlign.CENTER) { computedProperty = new EnumProperty(Constants.CENTER); } } return computedProperty; }
public override Property Make(PropertyList propertyList) { if (m_defaultProp == null) { m_defaultProp = Make(propertyList, "0", propertyList.getParentFObj()); } return m_defaultProp; }
public AbstractTableBody(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { if (!(parent is Table)) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetError( "A table body must be child of fo:table, not " + parent.GetName()); } }
public BuildEngine(FrameworkVersions toolsVersion, string frameworkPath) { _framework = toolsVersion; _frameworkPath = frameworkPath; Engine = CreateEngine(_framework, _frameworkPath); _projects = new ProjectList(this, _framework); _properties = new PropertyList(Engine.GlobalProperties); }
public override Property Make(PropertyList propertyList) { if (m_defaultProp == null) { m_defaultProp = Make(propertyList, "use-target-processing-context", propertyList.getParentFObj()); } return m_defaultProp; }
public override Property Make(PropertyList propertyList) { if (m_defaultProp == null) { m_defaultProp = Make(propertyList, "use-normal-stylesheet", propertyList.getParentFObj()); } return m_defaultProp; }
public virtual void LoadExternalFile(string path) { ExternalFile = path; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) Properties = new PropertyList(); else Properties = environmentLoader.LoadProperties(path); }
public DataRecordConverterTypeBuilder(DataRecordConverterSpec queryInfo) { _queryInfo = Verify.ArgumentNotNull(queryInfo, "queryInfo"); PropertyInfo[] properties = queryInfo.RecordType.GetProperties(); var propertyMap = new NameDictionary<PropertyInfo>(); var dataRecordMap = new NameDictionary<DataRecordFieldInfo>(); foreach (DataRecordFieldInfo field in queryInfo.Fields) { dataRecordMap.Add(field.FieldName, field); } foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.HasPublicSetter()) { propertyMap.Add(property.Name, property); } } foreach (DataRecordFieldInfo field in queryInfo.Fields) { var propertyList = new PropertyList(queryInfo.RecordType, field.FieldName); if (propertyList.HasErrors) { _errors.AddRange(propertyList.Errors); } else if (DataRecordConverterMethod.CanHandleConversion(field.FieldType, propertyList.PropertyType)) { _mapFieldToProperty.Add(field, propertyList); } else { _errors.Add(string.Format("Cannot convert from {0} to {1} for {2}", field.FieldType.Name, propertyList.PropertyType.Name, field.FieldName)); } } foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.HasPublicSetter()) { DataRecordFieldInfo field; if (dataRecordMap.TryGetValue(property.Name, out field)) { _mapPropertyToField.Add(property, field); } else { _errors.Add(string.Format("Query result does not have a column named '{0}'", property.Name)); } } } }
public void CreateNewPropertyWithBestInitialValues_InitialListTest() { var properties = new PropertyList(); var newProperty = properties.CreateNew(_classifiers); Assert.AreEqual("New Property 1", newProperty.Name); Assert.AreEqual(String, newProperty.Type); }
public virtual PropertyList LoadProperties(string path) { var xml = XElement.Parse(fileSystem.ReadAllText(path)); var result = new PropertyList(); var propertyNodes = xml.Descendants(ScopedName("PropertyGroup")).Descendants(); foreach (var node in propertyNodes) result.Add(node.Name.LocalName, node.Value); return result; }
protected InlineContainer(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:inline-container"; BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginInlineProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginInlineProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); }
public PageMasterReference(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = GetElementName(); if (GetProperty("master-reference") != null) { SetMasterName(GetProperty("master-reference").GetString()); } validateParent(parent); }
public virtual void SaveProperties(PropertyList properties, string path) { var propertyLines = properties.Select(p => string.Format("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", p.Key, p.Value)).ToArray(); fileSystem.WriteAllText(path, string.Format(@"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <Project xmlns=''> <PropertyGroup> {0} </PropertyGroup> </Project>", string.Join(Environment.NewLine + " ", propertyLines))); }
protected internal Root(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:root"; pageSequences = new ArrayList(); if (parent != null) { throw new FonetException("root must be root element"); } }
protected override Property ConvertPropertyDatatype( Property p, PropertyList propertyList, FObj fo) { String nameval = p.GetNCname(); if (nameval != null) { return new ColorTypeProperty(new ColorType(nameval)); } return base.ConvertPropertyDatatype(p, propertyList, fo); }
public void CreateNewPropertyWithBestInitialValues_DifferentNameTest() { var properties = new PropertyList(); properties.CreateProperty("New Property 1", String); properties.CreateProperty("Name", String); var newProperty = properties.CreateNew(_classifiers); Assert.AreEqual("New Property 2", newProperty.Name); Assert.AreEqual(String, newProperty.Type); }
public AddEditPropertyListViewModel(AddEditPropertyListDialog view, int propertyListGroupId) { View = view; mPropertyList = new PropertyList { PropertyListGroupId = propertyListGroupId }; LoadPropertyLists(propertyListGroupId); FireLoaded(); OkButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(OkButtonHander, CanModifyConfig); CancelButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(CancelButtonHander, x => true); }
public void CreateNewPropertyWithBestInitialValues_TypeTest() { var properties = new PropertyList(); properties.CreateProperty("New Property 1", Integer); properties.CreateProperty("New Property 2", Integer); properties.CreateProperty("New Property 3", String); var newProperty = properties.CreateNew(_classifiers); Assert.AreEqual("New Property 4", newProperty.Name); Assert.AreEqual(Integer, newProperty.Type); }
public void SwitchingToExternalFileShouldSetExternalFileProperties() { var properties = new PropertyList().Add("key1", "value1").Add("key2", "value2"); environmentLoader.Setup(loader => loader.LoadProperties(@"c:\ops\")).Returns(properties); form.LoadExternalFile(@"c:\ops\"); form.Properties = new PropertyList(); form.UsePackagedEnvironment = false; form.ToggleConfigSelection(); Assert.That(form.Properties, Is.EqualTo(properties)); }
public void SwitchingToPackagedFileLoadsEnvironmentProperties() { var properties = new PropertyList().Add("key1", "value1").Add("key2", "value2"); environmentLoader.Setup(loader => loader.GetProperties("dev")).Returns(properties); form.Environments = new[] { "dev" }; form.SelectedEnvironment = "dev"; form.UsePackagedEnvironment = true; form.ToggleConfigSelection(); Assert.That(form.Properties, Is.EqualTo(properties)); }
public static void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, PropertyList propList) { XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; settings.IndentChars = " "; settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = false; settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; settings.NewLineChars = Environment.NewLine; WritePropertyList(writer, propList); }
public Table(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:table"; }
public TableColumn(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { }
protected MultiSwitch(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:multi-switch"; }
public override IPercentBase GetPercentBase(FObj fo, PropertyList propertyList) { return(new LengthBase(fo, propertyList, LengthBase.INH_FONTSIZE)); }
protected InitialPropertySet(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { }
public static void ImportXML(string path, string file) { using (var xml = new XmlDataStore <ConquestSerial, Conquest>(path, file)) { xml.OnDeserialize = doc => { XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; if (root == null) { return(true); } foreach (XmlElement conquestNode in root.ChildNodes.OfType <XmlElement>()) { string typeAttr = conquestNode.GetAttribute("type"); var type = new TypeSelectProperty <Conquest>(typeAttr); if (!type.IsNotNull) { continue; } var conquest = type.CreateInstance <Conquest>(); PropertyList <Conquest> pList = conquest.GetProperties( BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, p => p.CanWrite && p.Name != "Enabled" && p.Name != "InvokeReset" && p.Name != "InvokeClear"); foreach (XmlElement conquestPropNode in conquestNode.ChildNodes.OfType <XmlElement>()) { string pName = conquestPropNode.Name; string dType = conquestPropNode.GetAttribute("type"); string data = conquestPropNode.GetAttribute("value"); switch (dType) { case "Type": { Type t = null; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data)) { t = Type.GetType(data, false, true) ?? ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(data, true) ?? ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByFullName(data); } pList.Set(pName, t); } break; default: { DataType dataType; if (!Enum.TryParse(dType, out dataType)) { continue; } SimpleType sType; if (SimpleType.TryParse(data, dataType, out sType) && sType.Flag != DataType.Null) { pList.Set(pName, sType.Value); } } break; } } pList.Serialize(conquest); xml.AddOrReplace(conquest.UID, conquest); } return(true); }; if (xml.Import() == DataStoreResult.OK) { xml.CopyTo(ConquestRegistry); xml.Document.Delete(); } foreach (Exception e in xml.Errors) { e.ToConsole(); } } }
public static void ExportXML(string path, string file) { using (var xml = new XmlDataStore <ConquestSerial, Conquest>(path, file)) { xml.OnSerialize = doc => { XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("Conquests"); foreach (Conquest conquest in xml.Values) { PropertyList <Conquest> pList = conquest.GetProperties( BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, p => p.CanWrite && p.Name != "Enabled" && p.Name != "InvokeReset" && p.Name != "InvokeClear"); XmlElement conquestNode = doc.CreateElement("Conquest"); conquestNode.SetAttribute("type", conquest.GetType().Name); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kv in pList.Where(kv => SimpleType.IsSimpleType(kv.Value)) ) { string flag; string value; if (SimpleType.IsSimpleType(kv.Value)) { SimpleType sType = SimpleType.FromObject(kv.Value); flag = sType.Flag.ToString(); value = sType.Value.ToString(); } else if (kv.Value is Type) { flag = "Type"; value = ((Type)kv.Value).Name; } else if (kv.Value is ITypeSelectProperty) { flag = "Type"; value = ((ITypeSelectProperty)kv.Value).TypeName ?? String.Empty; } else { continue; } XmlElement conquestPropNode = doc.CreateElement(kv.Key); conquestPropNode.SetAttribute("type", flag); conquestPropNode.SetAttribute("value", value); conquestNode.AppendChild(conquestPropNode); } root.AppendChild(conquestNode); } doc.AppendChild(root); return(true); }; ConquestRegistry.CopyTo(xml, true); xml.Export(); foreach (Exception e in xml.Errors) { e.ToConsole(); } } }
public ExternalGraphic(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:external-graphic"; }
public override FObj Make(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) { return(new ExternalGraphic(parent, propertyList)); }
public override FObj Make(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) { return(new Declarations(parent, propertyList)); }
public ListItemBody(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { }
public override FObj Make(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) { return(new RegionAfter(parent, propertyList)); }
/// <summary> /// 添加 Property 元素 /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">需要定义的属性</param> /// <param name="Value">属性的值</param> public void AddProperty(string Name, string Value) { Property property = new Property(Name, Value); PropertyList.Add(property); }
protected override IEnumerable <object> EnumerateReferences(PropertyList record) { yield return(record.PropertyListAssociations); yield return(record.ListIdentifier); }
public LengthBase(FObj parentFO, PropertyList plist, int iBaseType) { this.parentFO = parentFO; this.propertyList = plist; this.iBaseType = iBaseType; }
protected override Expression <Func <PropertyList, bool> > FindExisting(PropertyList record) => existing => existing.ListIdentifierId == record.ListIdentifierId;
public override FObj Make(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) { return(new MultiSwitch(parent, propertyList)); }
public PropertyInfo(PropertyMaker maker, PropertyList plist, FObj fo) { this.maker = maker; this.plist = plist; = fo; }
public void UpdateData(DataContent dc, PropertyList includeList, PropertyList excludeList, PropertyList ignoreIfEmptyList) { ArrayList theList = includeList == null?new ArrayList(comps.Keys) : new ArrayList(includeList.KeySet()); foreach (String k in theList) { Control textBox = (Control)comps[k]; bool doExcludeThis = false; if (excludeList != null && excludeList.ContainsProperty(textBox.Name)) { doExcludeThis = true; } if (!doExcludeThis) { try { Object o = GetFieldValue(k); if (!doExcludeThis && o == null) { if (ignoreIfEmptyList != null && ignoreIfEmptyList.ContainsProperty(textBox.Name)) { doExcludeThis = true; } } if (!doExcludeThis) { dc.SetProperty(k, o); } }catch (Exception exc) { if (textBox is TextBox) { textBox.Text = ""; textBox.Focus(); } throw exc; } } } }
public Wrapper(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:wrapper"; }
internal Type GetOrCreate(IEnumerable <string> properties, Func <IEnumerable <string>, Type> factory) { var key = new PropertyList(properties); return(GetOrCreate(key, x => factory(properties))); }
public override FObj Make(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) { return(new Wrapper(parent, propertyList)); }
public override FObj Make(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) { return(new RepeatablePageMasterReference(parent, propertyList)); }
protected Declarations(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:declarations"; }
protected Float(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:float"; }
protected MultiPropertySet(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { }
public override FObj Make(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) { return(new PageSequence(parent, propertyList)); }
protected RegionAfter(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { precedence ="precedence").GetEnum(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { throw new Exception("Usage: esp32.exe <esp-idf directory>"); } if (args[0] == "/periph") { ParsePeripheralRegisters(args[1]); return; } if (args[0] == "R") {// Only rename files RenameDublFiles(args[1]); return; } var bspBuilder = new ESP32BSPBuilder(new BSPDirectories(args[0], @"..\..\Output", @"..\..\rules")); PathTools.CopyDirectoryRecursive(@"..\..\bsp-template", bspBuilder.Directories.OutputDir); string registerSetFile = Path.Combine(bspBuilder.Directories.OutputDir, "registers.xml"); var registers = PeripheralRegisterParser.ParsePeripheralRegisters(Path.Combine(bspBuilder.Directories.InputDir, "esp-idf.orig")); XmlTools.SaveObject(new MCUDefinition { MCUName = "ESP32", RegisterSets = registers }, registerSetFile); var bsp = XmlTools.LoadObject <BoardSupportPackage>(Path.Combine(bspBuilder.BSPRoot, "bsp.xml")); var commonPseudofamily = new MCUFamilyBuilder(bspBuilder, XmlTools.LoadObject <FamilyDefinition>(bspBuilder.Directories.RulesDir + @"\CommonFiles.xml")); List <EmbeddedFramework> frameworks = new List <EmbeddedFramework>(bsp.Frameworks); frameworks.AddRange(commonPseudofamily.GenerateFrameworkDefinitions()); bsp.Frameworks = frameworks.ToArray(); List <string> projectFiles = new List <string>(); PropertyList unused = null; if (commonPseudofamily.Definition.CoreFramework != null) { foreach (var job in commonPseudofamily.Definition.CoreFramework.CopyJobs) { job.CopyAndBuildFlags(bspBuilder, projectFiles, null, ref unused); } } var mainFamily = bsp.MCUFamilies.First(); if (mainFamily.AdditionalSourceFiles != null || mainFamily.AdditionalHeaderFiles != null || bsp.FileConditions != null) { throw new Exception("TODO: merge lists"); } mainFamily.AdditionalSourceFiles = projectFiles.Where(f => !MCUFamilyBuilder.IsHeaderFile(f)).ToArray(); mainFamily.AdditionalHeaderFiles = projectFiles.Where(f => MCUFamilyBuilder.IsHeaderFile(f)).ToArray(); bsp.FileConditions = bspBuilder.MatchedFileConditions.ToArray(); foreach (var fn in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(bspBuilder.Directories.OutputDir, @"esp-idf\components\nghttp"), "*.?", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(fn).ToLower(); if (ext != ".c" && ext != ".h") { continue; } var lines = File.ReadAllLines(fn); bool changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { if (lines[i].Contains("<config.h>")) { lines[i] = lines[i].Replace("<config.h>", "<nghttp-config.h>"); changed = true; } } if (changed) { File.WriteAllLines(fn, lines); } } foreach (var mcu in bsp.SupportedMCUs) { mcu.MCUDefinitionFile = Path.GetFileName(registerSetFile); } File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(bspBuilder.Directories.OutputDir, @"esp-idf\components\nghttp\port\include\nghttp-config.h"), "#include \"config.h\"\n"); string linkerScript = Path.Combine(bspBuilder.Directories.OutputDir, @"esp-idf\components\esp32\ld\esp32.common.ld"); var lines2 = File.ReadAllLines(linkerScript).ToList(); Regex rgLibrary = new Regex(@"(.*)\*lib([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+).a:\(([^()]+)\)"); Regex rgFileInLibrary = new Regex(@"(.*)\*lib([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+).a:([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+\.o)\(([^()]+)\)"); for (int i = 0; i < lines2.Count; i++) { var m = rgLibrary.Match(lines2[i]); if (m.Success) { string dir = Path.Combine(bspBuilder.Directories.OutputDir, @"esp-idf\components\" + m.Groups[2].Value); if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { string[] fns = Directory.GetFiles(dir) .Select(f => Path.GetFileName(f)) .Where(f => f.EndsWith(".S", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || f.EndsWith(".c", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) .Select(f => Path.ChangeExtension(f, ".o")) .OrderBy(f => f) .ToArray(); int j = 0; foreach (var fn in fns) { lines2.Insert(i + ++j, $"{m.Groups[1].Value}*{fn}({m.Groups[3].Value}) /* => {lines2[i]}*/"); } lines2.RemoveAt(i--); i += j; continue; } } m = rgFileInLibrary.Match(lines2[i]); if (m.Success) { lines2[i] = $"{m.Groups[1].Value}*{m.Groups[3].Value}({m.Groups[4].Value}) /* => {lines2[i]} */"; } } File.WriteAllLines(linkerScript, lines2); XmlTools.SaveObject(bsp, Path.Combine(bspBuilder.BSPRoot, "BSP.XML")); RenameDublFiles(bspBuilder.BSPRoot); }
protected PageSequence(FObj parent, PropertyList propertyList) : base(parent, propertyList) { = "fo:page-sequence"; if (parent.GetName().Equals("fo:root")) { this.root = (Root)parent; } else { throw new FonetException("page-sequence must be child of root, not " + parent.GetName()); } layoutMasterSet = root.getLayoutMasterSet(); layoutMasterSet.checkRegionNames(); _flowMap = new Hashtable(); thisIsFirstPage = true; ipnValue ="initial-page-number").GetString(); if (ipnValue.Equals("auto")) { pageNumberType = AUTO; } else if (ipnValue.Equals("auto-even")) { pageNumberType = AUTO_EVEN; } else if (ipnValue.Equals("auto-odd")) { pageNumberType = AUTO_ODD; } else { pageNumberType = EXPLICIT; try { int pageStart = Int32.Parse(ipnValue); this.currentPageNumber = (pageStart > 0) ? pageStart - 1 : 0; } catch (FormatException) { throw new FonetException("\"" + ipnValue + "\" is not a valid value for initial-page-number"); } } masterName ="master-reference").GetString(); this.pageNumberGenerator = new PageNumberGenerator("format").GetString(),"grouping-separator").GetCharacter(),"grouping-size").GetNumber().IntValue(),"letter-value").GetEnum()); this.forcePageCount ="force-page-count").GetEnum(); }