Esempio n. 1
        private static bool ParseCommandGroups <TOptions>(string[] args, ref TOptions options, TypeArgumentInfo arguments) where TOptions : new()
            if (arguments.ActionArgument == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot have groups unless Command argument has been specified");

            if (args.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Required parameters have not been specified");

            // parse based on the command passed in (the first arg).
            if (!arguments.ArgumentGroups.ContainsKey(args[0]))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown command [Cyan!{args[0]}]");

            // short circuit the request for help!
            if (args.Length == 2 && (args[1] == "/?" || args[1] == "-?"))
                HelpGenerator.DisplayHelpForCommmand(args[0], arguments.ArgumentGroups[args[0]]);

            options = InternalParse <TOptions>(args, 1, arguments.ArgumentGroups[args[0]]);
            arguments.ActionArgument.SetValue(options, PropertyHelpers.GetValueAsType(args[0], arguments.ActionArgument));