Esempio n. 1
        // Summary:
        //     Sorts the list based on a System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor and a
        //     System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.
        // Parameters:
        //   property:
        //     The System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor to sort by.
        //   direction:
        //     One of the System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection values.
        // Exceptions:
        //   System.NotSupportedException:
        //     System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SupportsSorting is false.
        public virtual void ApplySort(PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction)
            //Flip the properties if the parameters are the same
            if ((m_SortProperty == property) && (m_SortDirection == direction))
                direction = (direction == ListSortDirection.Ascending) ?
                            ListSortDirection.Descending : ListSortDirection.Ascending;

            // Apply and set the sort, if items to sort
            PropertyComparerHelper <T> pc = new PropertyComparerHelper <T>(property, direction);

            if (SortStarted != null)
                SortStarted(this, null);

                m_SortProperty  = property;
                m_SortDirection = direction;
                if (SortFinished != null)
                    SortFinished(this, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sorts implemented type by specified property
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyName"></param>
        /// <param name="ascending"></param>
        public void Sort(string propertyName, bool ascending)
            //Flip the properties if the parameters are the same
            if (_propertyName == propertyName && _ascending == ascending)
                _ascending = !ascending;
            else //Else, new properties are set with the new values
                _propertyName = propertyName;
                _ascending    = ascending;

            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties   = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
            PropertyDescriptor           propertyDesc = properties.Find(propertyName, true);

            // Apply and set the sort, if items to sort
            PropertyComparerHelper <T> pc =
                new PropertyComparerHelper <T>(propertyDesc,
                                               (_ascending) ? ListSortDirection.Ascending : ListSortDirection.Descending);
