Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a copy of Property from a Clipboard format in the specified EntityType and Position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">The entity to create the property in</param>
        /// <param name="clipboardProperty"></param>
        /// <param name="insertPosition">Information where the property should be inserted to. If the parameter is null, the property will be placed as the last property of the entity.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal CopyPropertyCommand(PropertyClipboardFormat clipboardProperty, EntityType entity, InsertPropertyPosition insertPosition)
            if (_insertPosition != null)
                    entity.EntityModel.IsCSDL, "You can only set insertPosition parameter if the EntityType is a ConceptualEntityType.");
                    insertPosition.InsertAtProperty != null && insertPosition.InsertAtProperty.EntityType == entity,
                    "Could not create complex property in the given insertPosition because insertPosition's Entity-Type is not the same as the entity-type which the property will be created in.");

            _clipboardProperty = clipboardProperty;
            _entityType        = entity;
            _insertPosition    = insertPosition;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates a copy of Property from a Clipboard format in the specified ComplexType
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parentComplexType"></param>
 /// <param name="clipboardProperty"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal CopyComplexTypePropertyCommand(PropertyClipboardFormat clipboardProperty, ComplexType parentComplexType)
     _clipboardProperty = clipboardProperty;
     _parentComplexType = parentComplexType;
Esempio n. 3
        public void Invoke()
            Debug.Assert(_association != null, "The Association reference is null");

            // if the association was deleted in this transaction, just return since we won't need to process it
            if (_association == null ||
                _association.XObject == null)

            // if foreign keys aren't supported in this EF version, then we skip all processing here.
            if (!EdmFeatureManager.GetForeignKeysInModelFeatureState(_association.Artifact.SchemaVersion).IsEnabled())

            Debug.Assert(_association.EntityModel.IsCSDL, "Creating foreign key properties isn't valid for SSDL associations");
                _association.AssociationEnds().Count == 2,
                "The association to be processed does not have 2 ends while trying to create foreign key properties");
                _association.AssociationSet != null,
                "The association being processed does not have a valid AssociationSet while trying to create foreign key properties");

            // remove any existing RC
            if (_association.ReferentialConstraint != null)
                DeleteEFElementCommand.DeleteInTransaction(_context, _association.ReferentialConstraint);

            // figure out the principal and dependent ends
            AssociationEnd principal = null;
            AssociationEnd dependent = null;

                _association, out principal, out dependent,

            if (principal != null &&
                principal.Type.Target != null &&
                dependent != null &&
                dependent.Type.Target != null)
                // many-to-many associations don't need foreign key properties
                if (principal.Multiplicity.Value == ModelConstants.Multiplicity_Many &&
                    dependent.Multiplicity.Value == ModelConstants.Multiplicity_Many)

                var principalPropertyRefs = new HashSet <Property>();
                var dependentPropertyRefs = new HashSet <Property>();

                // add properties to the dependent side

                IEnumerable <Property> pkeys;
                var cet = principal.Type.Target as ConceptualEntityType;
                if (cet != null)
                    // the principal is a c-side entity
                    pkeys = cet.ResolvableTopMostBaseType.ResolvableKeys;
                    // the principal is an s-side entity
                    pkeys = principal.Type.Target.ResolvableKeys;

                foreach (var pkey in pkeys)
                    // build up the foreign key name, add an '_' if the resulting name wouldn't be camel-case
                    // e.g.
                    //  Order and Id become "OrderId"
                    //  order and id become "order_id"
                    // get a unique name for this new property
                    var fkeyName = string.Format(
                        CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}{1}{2}",
                        (char.IsUpper(pkey.LocalName.Value, 0) ? "" : "_"),
                    fkeyName = ModelHelper.GetUniqueName(typeof(Property), dependent.Type.Target, fkeyName);

                    // tweak the properties; we are using the copy/paste process since we have to
                    // copy all facets of the pk and that code does this already
                    var pcf = new PropertyClipboardFormat(pkey);
                    pcf.PropertyName          = fkeyName;
                    pcf.IsKeyProperty         = false;
                    pcf.IsNullable            = (principal.Multiplicity.Value == ModelConstants.Multiplicity_ZeroOrOne ? true : false);
                    pcf.StoreGeneratedPattern = string.Empty;
                    pcf.GetterAccessModifier  = string.Empty;
                    pcf.SetterAccessModifier  = string.Empty;

                    // create the new property
                    var cmd = new CopyPropertyCommand(pcf, dependent.Type.Target);
                    CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(_context, cmd);
                    var fkey = cmd.Property;

                    // build up our list of keys
                    Debug.Assert(fkey != null, "CreateForeignKeyProperties was not able to create a foreign key");
                    if (fkey != null)

                // create the new RC
                    principalPropertyRefs.Count == dependentPropertyRefs.Count,
                    "List of keys are mismatched while trying to create a Ref Constraint");
                if (principalPropertyRefs.Count > 0 &&
                    dependentPropertyRefs.Count > 0 &&
                    principalPropertyRefs.Count == dependentPropertyRefs.Count)
                    var cmd = new CreateReferentialConstraintCommand(principal, dependent, principalPropertyRefs, dependentPropertyRefs);
                    CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(_context, cmd);
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates a copy of Property from a Clipboard format in the specified ComplexType
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="complexType"></param>
 /// <param name="clipboardProperty"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal CopyPropertyCommand(PropertyClipboardFormat clipboardProperty, ComplexType complexType)
     _clipboardProperty = clipboardProperty;
     _complexType       = complexType;
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates a copy of Property from a Clipboard format in the specified EntityType
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entityType"></param>
 /// <param name="clipboardProperty"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal CopyPropertyCommand(PropertyClipboardFormat clipboardProperty, EntityType entity)
     : this(clipboardProperty, entity, null)